### Installation Clone this repo, then use cmake to generate the project files that you desire. Either run it in the root of the Carp project, or from a sub directory that you create called 'build' or similar. Then build the project and make sure the resulting executable is put into the 'bin' directory (cmake should arrange that automatically). An example of how to do all of this for Xcode is in the file 'xcode.sh' in the root of the project. ```cmake .``` Add the 'bin' directory to your path to enable calling the ```carp``` command. To do this, add the following to your .bashrc / .zshrc / whatever: ```export PATH=$PATH:~/Carp/bin/``` Carp is currently only tested on OSX 10.10. More platforms are coming soon, both Linux and Windows are being worked on. There are a few dependencies that have to be installed: * libffi * glfw3 * rlwrap Tip: Build libffi with ```./configure --enable-static --disable-shared``` to avoid generating a dylib that might interfere with other installations of it (like one installed with brew). You will have to tell cmake the location of 'libffi' before it can build correctly. Try using their GUI application if you have trouble, it's pretty self explanatory (first press 'Configure', then set up the paths to 'libffi', and then press 'Generate'). To make cmake find libffi you might need to add it to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH: ``` export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=../libffi// ``` And to be able to run 'make' you might need to add libffi to your C_INCLUDE_PATH: ``` export C_INCLUDE_PATH=../libffi//include ``` Replace with the name of the architecture you built libffi for. If 'libffi' is installed with Brew, you can find the libraries at "/usr/local/Cellar/libffi/3.0.13/lib/pkgconfig/" and the include files at "/usr/local/opt/libffi/lib/libffi-3.0.13/include". Note: 'rlwrap' is not strictly needed but makes the REPL experience much nicer, modify the '/bin/carp' script if you don't want to use it.