# Todo ## Milestones * 0.3 - Hopefully done "soon", fixing the most pressing issues. * 0.4 - A nice minimal version of the language. Should be possible to use for somewhat realistic projects. * 1.0 - The completed version of the language with all planned features and extra nice ergonomics. ## Critical Bugs * [0.3] Instantiating generic struct with ref-type fails. * [0.3] Must handle deletion of temporary values used during initialization of global variables. * [0.3] When 'set!':ing a global variable, memory can leak. ## Big Language Features * [0.4] Doc strings. * [0.4] Kind-checking for types (make sure the type variables match, etc). * [1.0] Tagged unions (also known as "sum types" or "enums") * [1.0] Lambdas (anonymous functions) that compile on Windows and don't leak memory! ## Smaller Language Features ("niceties") * [0.3] Implement 'prn' that prints in a readable format, make 'str' print humanly. * [0.3] Make the type of 'set!' be (set! a a) instead of (set! &a a). * [0.3] Errors in macros should present the code location of both the macro and of the code that uses of it. * [0.3] If main returns the value of a function returning a generic type it will fail (because there is no constraint for "Int or ()") * [0.3] Optimization: Don't copy the whole array in Array.swap, Array.aupdate, etc. * [0.3] When registering with an interface, make sure the registered function actually *can* unify with it's signature. * [0.4] Reintroduce the p-string patch but with support for embedded string literals. * [0.4] Should be possible to read float literal without '.', eg. "3f" (because that's how they print sometimes) * [0.4] Defining a local variable messes up unqualified lookup of function with the same name, e.g. (let [words (words &s)] ...) * [0.4] The type error when setting a variable but missing the '&' is confusing: "Can't unify Int with &Int" * [0.4] Defining a function like 'add-ref' (see the numeric modules), refering to '+' does not resolve to '+' inside the module, which gives the function an overly generic type. * [1.0] A way to assert compiler errors in tests * [1.0] Rename type variables from t0, t1, t2 to a, b, c, etc. ## Macro System * [0.3] Some lists and similar things generated by built in dynamic functions like 'cons' etc don't create proper Info for their XObjs * [1.0] Quasiquote * [1.0] Splicing in macros * [1.0] Pattern matching on arguments in macros? ## Tooling * [0.3] Project setting for turning off bound checks and similar ("--optimize"). Should also run the C compiler at at least -O2. * [0.3] Errors in the parser or emitter don't stop evaluation, only errors during evaluation? * [0.3] Somehow make it possible to enter ":t foo" at the REPL (can't be done now because each atom is evaluated separately) * [0.3] The (project-set! ...) command should accept args of various types, not just String. * [0.3] When running :rb, shouldn't carp stop when :r returns an error, instead of building the wrong main.c? * [0.4] Print a warning when changing the type of a function (can create bugs by overriding earlier declarations with the same name) * [0.4] Hide instances of templates/generic functions when printing the environment (by default, allow it as a setting) * [0.4] Entering the name of a symbol at the REPL prints nothing. * [0.4] Show "call stack" when getting an error during concretization. * [1.0] Preserve whitespace to allow saving forms back to disk * [1.0] Refactorings at the REPL. Rename, extract function, add/remove parameter? ## Code generation * [1.X] LLVM backend * [?] Emit #LINE macros in the generated C code ## Ugliness * [1.0] Would be nice if Info from deftypes propagated to the templates for source location of their member functions. * [1.0] Remove unnecessary Array-functions and rewrite them in Carp? * [1.0] "Setting" of string literals? (let [x "a"] (set! x @"b")) ## Language Design Considerations * What's the correct type of the variable in a set!-form, i.e. (set! &x value) or (set! x value) * How should passing primitive types (that do not care about being referenced) as ref:ed parameters be handled? * How to handle heap allocated values? Box type with reference count? * Fixed-size stack allocated arrays would be useful (also as members of structs) * Macros in modules must be qualified right now, is that a good long-term solution or should there be a 'use' for dynamic code? * Allow use of 'the' as a wrapper when defining a variable or function, i.e. (the (Fn [Int] Int) (defn [x] x))? * Being able to use 'the' in function parameter declarations, i.e. (defn f [(the Int x)] x) to enforce a type? * Distinguish immutable/mutable refs? ## Notes * Should depsForCopyFunc and depsForDeleteFunc really be needed in Array templates, they *should* instantiate automatically when used?