; Abstract heap with user-supplied ordering function ; an ordering function is a binary relation ; `<` will create a MinHeap, `>` will create a MaxHeap ; ; for any two items `a` and `b`, ; `a` will be higher in the Heap then `b` if `(ord a b)` (defmodule Heap (hidden lchild) (defn lchild [i] (+ 1 (* 2 i))) (hidden rchild) (defn rchild [i] (+ 2 (* 2 i))) (hidden parent) (defn parent [i] (/ (- i 1) 2)) (hidden max-of-three-until) (doc max-of-three-until! "Get the index for the largest (by ord) of an element and its two children.") (defn max-of-three-until! [heap i len ord] (let-do [lchild-i (lchild i) rchild-i (rchild i)] (when (and (< lchild-i len) (ord (Array.nth heap lchild-i) (Array.nth heap i))) (set! i lchild-i)) (when (and (< rchild-i len) (ord (Array.nth heap rchild-i) (Array.nth heap i))) (set! i rchild-i)) i)) ; push-down-until!, push-down!, and push-up! are intended for use only by ; those performing internal mutation to the heap who want to restore order. (defn push-down-until! [heap i len ord] (while true (let [challenger (max-of-three-until! heap i len @ord)] (if (= challenger i) (break) (do (Array.swap! heap i challenger) (set! i challenger)))))) (defn push-down! [heap i ord] (push-down-until! heap i (Array.length heap) ord)) (defn push-up! [heap i ord] (while (/= i 0) (let [elem (Array.nth heap i) parent-i (Heap.parent i) parent-elem (Array.nth heap parent-i)] (if (not (ord elem parent-elem)) (break) (do (Array.swap! heap i parent-i) (set! i parent-i)))))) (doc peek "Returns first item on heap.") (defn peek [heap] (Array.first heap)) (doc heapify! "Convert array to a heap in place") (defn heapify! [arr ord] (let [len (Array.length arr)] (for [i 1 len] (push-up! arr i @ord)))) (doc push! "Insert a new item onto the heap.") (defn push! [heap item ord] (do (Array.push-back! heap item) (push-up! heap (- (Array.length heap) 1) ord))) (doc pop! "Remove and return the first item in the heap.") (defn pop! [heap ord] (do ; swap 0 with tail (Array.swap! heap 0 (- (Array.length heap) 1)) ; restore heap excluding tail (push-down-until! heap 0 (- (Array.length heap) 1) ord) ; pop off tail, returning it (Array.pop-back! heap))) ) (defmodule MinHeap (hidden ord) (defn ord [a b] (< a b)) (defn push-down! [heap i] (Heap.push-down! heap i &ord)) (defn push-down-until! [heap i len] (Heap.push-down-until! heap i len &ord)) (defn push-up! [heap i] (Heap.push-up! heap i ord)) (doc peek "Returns minimum item on min-heap.") (defn peek [heap] (Array.first heap)) (doc heapify! "Convert array to a min-heap in place") (defn heapify! [arr] (Heap.heapify! arr &ord)) (doc push! "Insert a new element onto the min-heap.") (defn push! [heap item] (Heap.push! heap item ord)) (doc pop! "Remove and return the first item in the min-heap.") (defn pop! [heap] (Heap.pop! heap &ord)) ) (defmodule MaxHeap (hidden ord) (defn ord [a b] (> a b)) (defn push-down! [heap i] (Heap.push-down! heap i &ord)) (defn push-down-until! [heap i len] (Heap.push-down-until! heap i len &ord)) (defn push-up! [heap i] (Heap.push-up! heap i ord)) (doc peek "Returns maximum first item on max-heap.") (defn peek [heap] (Array.first heap)) (doc heapify! "Convert array to a max-heap in place") (defn heapify! [arr] (Heap.heapify! arr &ord)) (doc push! "Insert a new element onto the max-heap.") (defn push! [heap item] (Heap.push! heap item ord)) (doc pop! "Remove and return the first item in the max-heap.") (defn pop! [heap] (Heap.pop! heap &ord)) ) (defmodule HeapSort (hidden ord) (defn ord [a b] (> a b)) (doc sort-by! "Perform an in-place heapsort of a given array with a comparison function.") (defn sort-by! [arr f] (do (Heap.heapify! arr f) ; now we walk through the array, at all times 0..tail is a max heap ; and tail..len is the sorted output ; we slowly grow the tail while shrinking the head ; once tail == 0, then we have finished sorting (let [tail (- (Array.length arr) 1)] (while (> tail 0) (do ; swap values of [0] and [tail] ; this makes our heap temporarily invalid (Array.swap! arr 0 tail) ; keep pushing down 0 until heap property is satisfied (Heap.push-down-until! arr 0 tail f) ; grow our tail, shrinking our head (set! tail (- tail 1))))))) (doc sorted-by "Perform a heapsort in a new copy of given array with comparison function.") (defn sorted-by [arr f] (let-do [narr (Array.copy arr)] (sort-by! &narr f) narr)) (doc sort-by "Perform an in-place heapsort of a given owned array with comparison function.") (defn sort-by [arr f] (do (sort-by! &arr f) arr)) (doc sort! "Perform an in-place heapsort of a given array.") (defn sort! [arr] (sort-by! arr &ord)) (doc sorted "Perform a heapsort in a new copy of given array.") (defn sorted [arr] (sorted-by arr &ord)) (doc sort "Perform an in-place heapsort of a given owned array.") (defn sort [arr] (sort-by arr &ord)) )