(system-include "carp_long.h") (defmodule Long (register MAX Long "LONG_MAX") (register MIN Long "LONG_MIN") (register + (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register - (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register * (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register / (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register < (λ [Long Long] Bool)) (register > (λ [Long Long] Bool)) (register = (λ [Long Long] Bool)) (register neg (λ [Long] Long)) (register mod (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register seed (λ [Long] ())) (register bit-shift-left (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register bit-shift-right (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register bit-and (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register bit-or (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register bit-xor (λ [Long Long] Long)) (register bit-not (λ [Long] Long)) (register inc (λ [Long] Long)) (register dec (λ [Long] Long)) (register to-int (λ [Long] Int)) (register from-int (λ [Int] Long)) (todo copy "Should not be needed when refs to value types are auto-converted to non-refs.") (register copy (λ [&Long] Long)) (implements + Long.+) (implements - Long.-) (implements * Long.*) (implements / Long./) (implements < Long.<) (implements > Long.>) (implements = Long.=) (implements copy Long.copy) (implements inc Long.inc) (implements dec Long.dec) (implements neg Long.neg) (implements mod Long.mod) (implements to-int Long.to-int) (implements from-int Long.from-int) (implements bit-shift-left Long.bit-shift-left) (implements bit-shift-right Long.bit-shift-right) (implements bit-and Long.bit-and) (implements bit-or Long.bit-or) (implements bit-xor Long.bit-xor) (implements bit-not Long.bit-not) (posix-only ; this seems to generate invalid code on some windows machines (register safe-add (λ [Long Long (Ref Long)] Bool)) (register safe-sub (λ [Long Long (Ref Long)] Bool)) (register safe-mul (λ [Long Long (Ref Long)] Bool)) ) (register abs (λ [Long] Long)) (defn even? [a] (= (mod a 2l) 0l)) (defn odd? [a] (not (even? a))) (defn zero [] 0l) (implements abs Long.abs) (implements zero Long.zero) ) (defmodule LongRef (defn = [a b] (Long.= @a @b)) (implements = LongRef.=) (defn < [a b] (Long.< @a @b)) (implements < LongRef.<) (defn > [a b] (Long.> @a @b)) (implements > LongRef.>) )