2020-05-05 15:48:56 +02:00

175 lines
3.6 KiB

;; This file contains examples of unsolved bugs
(Project.config "print-ast" true)
;; This shouldn't compile:
;; (defn faulty-repeat [n inpt]
;; (let [str ""]
;; (do
;; (for [i 0 n]
;; (set! str &(append @str @inpt)))
;; @str)))
;; (defn main []
;; (let [strings (faulty-repeat 20 "x")]
;; (IO.println &strings)))
;; ;; Dangling reference to member variable.
;; (deftype S [f String])
;; (defn main []
;; (let [s (S.init @"hello")
;; r (S.f &s)
;; _ (S.set-f s @"bye")]
;; (IO.println r)))
;; ;; Dangling reference to variable.
;; (defn main []
;; (let [s @"hello"
;; r &s]
;; (do (String.delete s)
;; (IO.println r))))
;; ;; This crashes the compiler:
;; (defn x [a] (the Inthdfdf a))
;; ;; The error message for this is really bad:
;; (defn f []
;; (let [s @"hej"]
;; (do (delete s)
;; s)))
;; Setting ref to value in short-lived scope
;; (defn main []
;; (let-do [r &[1 2 3]]
;; (let [xs [4 5 6]]
;; (set! r &xs))
;; (println* r)))
;; Weird problem with memory management inside 'and':
;; (deftype Blah [])
;; (defmodule Blah
;; (defn = [a b]
;; true))
;; (defn bug []
;; (and (= &(Blah.init) &(Blah.init))
;; (= &(Blah.init) &(Blah.init))))
;; (defn main []
;; (assert (bug)))
;; Closures do not generate type definitions, issue #299
;; (defmodule Example
;; (defn parallel [resistances]
;; (Array.reduce (fn [x y] (+ x (/ 1.0 @y))) 0.0 resistances))
;; )
;; (deftype Hi [])
;; (defmodule Hi
;; (def GLOBALHI (Hi.init))
;; (defn set-hi [h]
;; (set! GLOBALHI h)))
;; (defn main []
;; (let [f (fn [x]
;; (let [xx x]
;; (fn [y]
;; (fn [z]
;; (+ xx (+ y z))))))]
;; (println* (((f 4) 40) 400))))
;; (defn mainold []
;; (let [f (fn [x]
;; ((fn [y] (+ x y)) 10))]
;; (IO.println &(str (f 20)))))
;; (defn call-with-1 [f]
;; (~f 1))
;; (defn call-me [f]
;; (Int.+ 2 (f 1)))
;; (defn wrapper1 [f]
;; (fn [x] (f x)))
;; (defn wrapper2 [f]
;; (fn [x] (~f x)))
;; (defn main []
;; (Int.+
;; ((wrapper1 3)
;; ((wrapper2 & 3)))
;; (defn foo [f]
;; (let [g f]
;; (fn [] (Int.+ (g 1) 12345))))
;; (defmodule T)
;; (defmacro test [x] x)
;; (test T) ; => T
;; (test T) ; => T
;; (defmacro test1 [adrd] adrd)
;; ;;(test1 T) ; fails, symbol not found
;; (expand '(test1 T)) ; => T
;; (defmodule T)
;; (test1 T) ; => T
;; (expand '(test1 T)) ; => hangs
;; Not sure what these tests are about? (lifetimes probably)
;; (defn main []
;; (let [ret false
;; f (fn []
;; (set! ret true))]
;; (do
;; (f)
;; (IO.println &(str ret)))))
;; (defn main []
;; (let [ret false
;; f (fn []
;; (let [x 10]
;; (set! x 11)))]
;; (do
;; (f)
;; (IO.println &(str ret)))))
;; (defn main2 []
;; (let [x 10]
;; (do
;; (set! x 11)
;; (println* x))))
;; The ref error is detected when the forms inside (= ...) are reversed.
;; Right now the lifetime (that is shared by both arguments to =) becomes
;; set to [111], which is alive for the rest of the scope.
;; So the memory error inside (let ...) doesn't get detected since the
;; lifetime is alive before, during, and after its scope.
;; (defn f []
;; (=
;; &[111]
;; (let [xs &[222]]
;; xs)
;; ))
;; Bug! (issue
(defn returning-refs-from-match []
(match (Maybe.Just 1)
(Maybe.Just _) &@"hej"))