Tim Dévé da25a255e9
feat: Adds flag to always output C id with headerparse (#1353)
Adds -c|--emitcname flag to headerparse to always emit the C identifier
in `register` definitions (useful when the register will be in a

Fixes a bug where the kebab case flag would not output C identifiers
making the emitted C identifiers not match with the ones in the headers.

Adds docs entry about headerparse in CInterop doc.

Makes headerparse emit `CChar` instead of `Char` when encountering a
signature containing `char`.
2021-11-03 09:09:26 +01:00

238 lines
7.4 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
module Main where
import Data.Char (isUpper, toLower)
import Obj
import Options.Applicative hiding ((<|>))
import Path
import Reify
import Text.Parsec ((<|>))
import qualified Text.Parsec as Parsec
import Types
import Util
data Args = Args
{ prefixToRemove :: String,
kebabCase :: Bool,
emitCName :: Bool,
sourcePath :: String
deriving (Show)
parseArgs :: Parser Args
parseArgs =
<$> strOption (long "prefixtoremove" <> short 'p' <> metavar "ITEM" <> value "")
<*> switch (long "kebabcase" <> short 'f')
<*> switch (long "emitcname" <> short 'c')
<*> argument str (metavar "FILE")
main = do
parsedArgs <- execParser $ (parseArgs <**> helper) fullDesc
let path = sourcePath parsedArgs
if path /= ""
then do
source <- slurp path
( joinWith
( map
( parseHeaderFile
(prefixToRemove parsedArgs)
(kebabCase parsedArgs)
(emitCName parsedArgs)
else print parsedArgs
parseHeaderFile :: FilePath -> String -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> [XObj]
parseHeaderFile path src prefix kebab cName =
case Parsec.runParser cSyntax () path src of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right ok -> concat ok
cSyntax :: Parsec.Parsec String () [[XObj]]
cSyntax = Parsec.sepBy line (Parsec.char '\n')
line :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
line =
Parsec.try prefixedFunctionPrototype
<|> Parsec.try functionPrototype
<|> Parsec.try define
<|> discarded
define :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
define = do
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
Parsec.string "#define"
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
name <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
argList <- Parsec.optionMaybe argList
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
_ <- defineBody
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
-- OBS! Never kebab
case argList of
Nothing ->
let tyXObj =
XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "a") Symbol) Nothing Nothing
in pure (createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix False cName)
Just args ->
let argsTy = genTypes (length args)
tyXObj = toFnTypeXObj argsTy ("a", 0)
in pure (createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix False cName)
argList = do
_ <- Parsec.char '('
args <-
( Parsec.many spaceOrTab
>> Parsec.many1 identifierChar
(Parsec.char ',')
_ <- Parsec.char ')'
pure args
genTypes 0 = []
genTypes n = (("a" ++ show n), 0) : genTypes (n - 1)
defineBody :: Parsec.Parsec String () ()
defineBody = do
s <- Parsec.many (Parsec.noneOf "\\\n")
ending <- Parsec.optionMaybe (Parsec.string "\\\n")
case ending of
Nothing ->
c <- Parsec.optionMaybe (Parsec.noneOf "\n")
case c of
Just _ -> defineBody
Nothing -> pure ()
Just _ -> defineBody
prefixedFunctionPrototype :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
prefixedFunctionPrototype = do
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
_ <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
functionPrototype :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
functionPrototype = do
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
returnTypeString <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
stars1 <- stars
Parsec.many1 spaceOrTab
stars2 <- stars
name <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
argTypeStrings <-
Parsec.try voidArg
<|> argList
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
Parsec.char ';'
Parsec.many (Parsec.noneOf "\n")
let tyXObj = toFnTypeXObj argTypeStrings (returnTypeString, length stars1 + length stars2)
pure (createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix kebab cName)
voidArg :: Parsec.Parsec String () [(String, Int)]
voidArg = do
_ <- Parsec.string "(void)"
pure []
argList :: Parsec.Parsec String () [(String, Int)]
argList = do
Parsec.char '('
args <- Parsec.sepBy arg (Parsec.char ',')
Parsec.char ')'
pure args
arg :: Parsec.Parsec String () (String, Int)
arg = do
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
_ <- Parsec.option "" $ do
Parsec.string "const"
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
argTypeAsString <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
stars1 <- stars
Parsec.many1 spaceOrTab
stars2 <- stars
_ <- Parsec.many1 identifierChar
Parsec.many spaceOrTab
pure (argTypeAsString, length stars1 + length stars2)
stars :: Parsec.Parsec String () String
stars = Parsec.many (Parsec.char '*')
spaceOrTab :: Parsec.Parsec String () Char
spaceOrTab = Parsec.choice [Parsec.char ' ', Parsec.char '\t']
discarded :: Parsec.Parsec String () [XObj]
discarded = do
discardedLine <- Parsec.many (Parsec.noneOf "\n")
pure []
--pure [(XObj (Str ("DISCARDED: " ++ discardedLine)) Nothing Nothing)]
createRegisterForm :: String -> XObj -> String -> Bool -> Bool -> [XObj]
createRegisterForm name tyXObj prefix kebab cName =
let carpName =
(if kebab then (toKebab . lowerFirst) else id)
(if prefix == "" then name else removePrefix prefix name)
emitName = name
in [ XObj
( Lst
( [ (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "register") Symbol) Nothing Nothing),
(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] carpName) Symbol) Nothing Nothing),
++ if (prefix /= "") || kebab || cName
then [(XObj (Str emitName) Nothing Nothing)]
else []
toFnTypeXObj :: [(String, Int)] -> (String, Int) -> XObj
toFnTypeXObj argTypeStrings returnTypeString =
( XObj
( Lst
[ (XObj (Sym (SymPath [] "λ") Symbol) Nothing Nothing),
(XObj (Arr (map (reify . cTypeToCarpType) argTypeStrings)) Nothing Nothing),
(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] (show (cTypeToCarpType returnTypeString))) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
toTypeXObj :: (String, Int) -> XObj
toTypeXObj typeString =
(XObj (Sym (SymPath [] (show (cTypeToCarpType typeString))) Symbol) Nothing Nothing)
cTypeToCarpType :: (String, Int) -> Ty
cTypeToCarpType ("char", 0) = CCharTy
cTypeToCarpType ("int", 0) = IntTy
cTypeToCarpType ("bool", 0) = BoolTy
cTypeToCarpType ("long", 0) = LongTy
cTypeToCarpType ("double", 0) = DoubleTy
cTypeToCarpType ("float", 0) = FloatTy
cTypeToCarpType ("void", 0) = UnitTy
cTypeToCarpType (s, 0) = (StructTy (ConcreteNameTy (SymPath [] s)) [])
cTypeToCarpType (x, stars) = (PointerTy (cTypeToCarpType (x, stars - 1)))
identifierChar :: Parsec.Parsec String () Char
identifierChar = Parsec.choice [Parsec.letter, Parsec.digit, Parsec.char '_']
removePrefix :: String -> String -> String
removePrefix prefix s =
case Parsec.runParser match () "" s of
Left err -> s
Right ok -> ok
match =
_ <- Parsec.string prefix
Parsec.many1 identifierChar
lowerFirst :: String -> String
lowerFirst (c : cs) = toLower c : cs
toKebab :: String -> String
toKebab [] = []
toKebab (c : cs) = (if isUpper c then ['-', toLower c] else [c]) ++ toKebab cs