2021-04-01 09:42:42 +02:00

114 lines
4.2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Project where
import Data.Hashable
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Info
import Util
data Target = Native | Target String
instance Show Target where
show Native = "native"
show (Target x) = x
-- | Project (represents a lot of useful information for working at the REPL and building executables)
data Project = Project
{ projectTitle :: String,
projectIncludes :: [Includer],
projectPreproc :: [String],
projectCFlags :: [String],
projectLibFlags :: [String],
projectPkgConfigFlags :: [String],
projectFiles :: [(FilePath, ReloadMode)],
projectAlreadyLoaded :: [FilePath],
projectEchoC :: Bool,
projectLibDir :: FilePath,
projectCarpDir :: FilePath,
projectOutDir :: FilePath,
projectDocsDir :: FilePath,
projectDocsLogo :: FilePath,
projectDocsPrelude :: String,
projectDocsURL :: String,
projectDocsGenerateIndex :: Bool,
projectDocsStyling :: String,
projectPrompt :: String,
projectCarpSearchPaths :: [FilePath],
projectPrintTypedAST :: Bool,
projectCompiler :: String,
projectTarget :: Target,
projectCore :: Bool,
projectEchoCompilationCommand :: Bool,
projectCanExecute :: Bool,
projectFilePathPrintLength :: FilePathPrintLength,
projectGenerateOnly :: Bool,
projectBalanceHints :: Bool,
projectForceReload :: Bool, -- Setting this to true will make the `load-once` command work just like `load`.
projectCModules :: [FilePath],
projectLoadStack :: [FilePath]
projectFlags :: Project -> String
projectFlags proj = joinWithSpace (projectCFlags proj ++ projectLibFlags proj)
instance Show Project where
show Project {..} =
[ "Title: " ++ projectTitle,
"Compiler: " ++ projectCompiler,
"Target: " ++ show projectTarget,
"Includes:\n " ++ joinIndented (map show projectIncludes),
"Preprocessor directives:\n " ++ joinIndented (map show projectPreproc),
"Cflags:\n " ++ joinIndented projectCFlags,
"Library flags:\n " ++ joinIndented projectLibFlags,
"Flags for pkg-config:\n " ++ joinIndented projectPkgConfigFlags,
"Carp source files:\n " ++ joinIndented (map showLoader projectFiles),
"Already loaded:\n " ++ joinIndented projectAlreadyLoaded,
"Echo C: " ++ showB projectEchoC,
"Echo compilation command: " ++ showB projectEchoCompilationCommand,
"Can execute: " ++ showB projectCanExecute,
"Output directory: " ++ projectOutDir,
"Docs directory: " ++ projectDocsDir,
"Docs logo: " ++ projectDocsLogo,
"Docs prelude: " ++ projectDocsPrelude,
"Docs Project URL: " ++ projectDocsURL,
"Docs generate index: " ++ showB projectDocsGenerateIndex,
"Docs CSS URL: " ++ projectDocsStyling,
"Library directory: " ++ projectLibDir,
"CARP_DIR: " ++ projectCarpDir,
"Prompt: " ++ projectPrompt,
"Using Core: " ++ showB projectCore,
"Search paths for 'load' command:\n " ++ joinIndented projectCarpSearchPaths,
"Print AST (with 'info' command): " ++ showB projectPrintTypedAST,
"File path print length (when using --check): " ++ show projectFilePathPrintLength,
"Generate Only: " ++ showB projectGenerateOnly,
"Balance Hints: " ++ showB projectBalanceHints,
"Force Reload: " ++ showB projectForceReload,
"C modules:\n " ++ joinIndented projectCModules,
"Load stack:\n " ++ joinIndented projectLoadStack
showB b = if b then "true" else "false"
joinIndented = joinWith "\n "
-- | Represent the inclusion of a C header file, either like <string.h> or "string.h"
data Includer
= SystemInclude String
| RelativeInclude String
deriving (Eq, Generic)
instance Hashable Includer
instance Show Includer where
show (SystemInclude file) = "<" ++ file ++ ">"
show (RelativeInclude file) = "\"" ++ file ++ "\""
-- | This flag is used on Carp source files to decide wether to reload them or not when calling `(reload)` / `:r`
data ReloadMode = DoesReload | Frozen deriving (Show)
showLoader :: (FilePath, ReloadMode) -> String
showLoader (fp, DoesReload) = fp
showLoader (fp, Frozen) = fp ++ " (frozen)"