Scott Olsen 380945bf32
feat: add box type (#1358)
* feat: add box templates and box type

This commit adds an implementation of Boxes, memory manged heap
allocated values.

Boxes are implemented as C pointers, with no additional structure but
are treated as structs in Carp. To facilitate this, we need to add them
as a clause to our special type emissions (TypesToC) as they'd otherwise
be emitted like other struct types.

Co-authored-by: Veit Heller <>

* fix: slight memory management fix for Box

Make sure we free the box!

* test: add tests for box (including memory checks)

* Revert "fix: Ignore clang nitpick"

This reverts commit 70ec6d46d4.

* fix: update example/functor.carp

Now that a builtin type named Box exists, the definitions in this file
cause a conflict. I've renamed the "Box" type in the functor example to
remove the conflict.

* feat: add Box.peek

Box.peek allows users to transform a reference to a box into a a
reference to the box's contained value. The returned reference will have
the same lifetime as the box. This function allows callers to manipulate
the value in a box without re-allocation, for example:

(deftype Num [val Int])

(let-do [box (Box.init (Num.init 0))]
  (Num.set-val! (Box.peek &box) 1)
  @(Num.val (Box.peek &box)))

This commit also includes tests for Box.peek.

Co-authored-by: TimDeve <>

Co-authored-by: Veit Heller <>
Co-authored-by: Erik Svedäng <>
Co-authored-by: TimDeve <>
2021-11-30 10:35:22 +01:00

572 lines
14 KiB

(load "Test.carp")
(use Array)
(use IO)
(use Int)
(use Float)
(use Double)
(use Array)
(use System)
(use Char)
(use Test)
(defn assert-no-leak [state f descr]
(assert-equal state 0l (Debug.memory-balance) descr)))
(defn scope-1 []
(let [s @""]
(defn scope-2 []
(let [s @""]
(print &s)))
(defn scope-3 []
(let [s @""]
(do (print "")
(defn f []
(defn call-1 []
(let [s (f)]
(defn g [s]
(defn call-2 []
(let [s (g @"")]
(defn id [x]
(defn call-3 []
(let [s (id (f))]
(defn de-ref [x]
(defn call-4 []
(let [s (de-ref "")]
(deftype A [s String])
(defn struct-1 []
(let [a (A.init @"")]
(deftype B [a A])
(defn struct-2 []
(let [a (A.init @"")
b (B.init a)]
(defn struct-3 []
(let [a (A.init @"")
b (B.init a)
c (B.set-a b (A.init @""))]
(defn h [a]
(A.set-s a @""))
(defn struct-4 []
(let [a (A.init @"")
b (B.init a)
c (B.update-a b &h)]
(defn struct-5 []
(let [a (A.init @"")
b (B.init a)
c (B.a &b)
d (A.s c)]
(defn setting-1 []
(let [s @""]
(do (set! s @"")
(defn setting-2 []
(let [s @""]
(do (set! s s)
(defn setting-3 []
(let [s @""]
(do (set! s @&s)
(defn setting-4 []
(let [s @""
t @""
r &s]
(do (set! r &t) ;; Here the set variable is a ref.
(defn set-me [s]
(do (for [i 0 10]
(set! s @"other"))
(defn setting-5 []
(let [s @""]
(assert (= @"other" (set-me s)))))
(def g1 @"Hello")
(defn global-1 []
(set! g1 @"Bye"))
(def g2 @"Hello")
(defn-do global-2 []
(set! g2 @"How are you?")
(set! g2 @"Bye"))
;; Free the argument 's' in the branch where it's not deleted manually.
(defn branch-with-arg [b s]
(if b
(String.delete s)
(defn if-1 []
(branch-with-arg true @""))
(defn if-2 []
(branch-with-arg false @""))
;; The branch that creates a new value must also delete it.
(defn do-nothing-with-ref [r]
(let [_ (the (Ref a) r)]
(defn create-in-branch [b]
(if b
(do-nothing-with-ref &@"")))
(defn if-3 []
(create-in-branch true))
(defn if-4 []
(create-in-branch false))
;; Free the variable 's' in the branch where it's not deleted manually.
(defn branch-in-let [b]
(let [pre-existing @""]
(if b
(String.delete pre-existing))))
(defn if-5 []
(branch-in-let true))
(defn if-6 []
(branch-in-let false))
(defn string-slice []
(let [s1 @"abcde"
s2 (String.slice &s1 0 3)]
(assert (= "abc" &s2))))
(defn array-aset []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]]
(do (aset! &xs 0 @"q")
(assert (= &[@"q" @"b" @"c"] &xs)))))
(defn append-ref [a b]
(String.append &a b))
(defn array-reduce []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]
result (Array.reduce &append-ref @"" &xs)]
(assert (= @"abc" result))))
(defn array-endo-filter []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c" @"b" @"a" @"c"]
result (Array.endo-filter &(fn [x] (= x "b")) xs)]
(assert (= &[@"b" @"b"] &result))))
(defn array-copy-filter []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c" @"a" @"c"]
result (Array.copy-filter &(fn [x] (= x "b")) &xs)]
(assert (= &[@"b"] &result))))
(defn array-first []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]
result @(Array.unsafe-first &xs)]
(assert (= @"a" result))))
(defn array-last []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]
result @(Array.unsafe-last &xs)]
(assert (= @"c" result))))
(defn array-eq-1 []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]
ys [@"x" @"y" @"z"]]
(assert (not (= &xs &ys)))))
(defn array-eq-2 []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]
ys [@"a" @"b" @"c"]]
(assert (= &xs &ys))))
(defn array-maximum []
(let [xs [1 7 2 9 3 8 4 6 5]]
(assert (= &(Maybe.Just 9) &(maximum &xs)))))
(defn array-minimum []
(let [xs [8 4 6 5 1 7 2 9 3]]
(assert (= &(Maybe.Just 1) &(minimum &xs)))))
(defn array-sum []
(let [xs [10 20 30 40 50]]
(assert (= 150 (sum &xs)))))
(defn array-slice []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c" @"d" @"e"]]
(assert (= &[@"c" @"d"] &(Array.slice &xs 2 4)))))
(defn array-reverse-1 []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c" @"d" @"e"]]
(assert (= &[@"e" @"d" @"c" @"b" @"a"]
&(Array.reverse xs)))))
(defn array-index-of []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c" @"d" @"e"]]
(assert (= &(Maybe.Just 2) &(Array.index-of &xs "c")))))
(defn array-element-count []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"a" @"a" @"b"]]
(assert (= 3 (Array.element-count &xs "a")))))
(defn first-letter [s]
(String.slice &s 0 1))
(defn array-aupdate []
(let [xs [@"abc" @"xyz"]
ys (Array.aupdate xs 1 &first-letter)]
(assert (= &[@"abc" @"x"] &ys))))
(defn array-aupdate! []
(let [xs [@"abc" @"xyz"]]
(Array.aupdate! &xs 1 &first-letter)
(assert (= &[@"abc" @"x"] &xs)))))
(defn array-swap []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]
ys (Array.swap xs 0 2)]
(assert (= &[@"c" @"b" @"a"] &ys))))
(defn array-swap! []
(let [xs [@"a" @"b" @"c"]]
(Array.swap! &xs 0 2)
(assert (= &[@"c" @"b" @"a"] &xs)))))
(defn array-range []
(let [xs (Array.range-or-default 0 5 1)]
(assert (= &[0 1 2 3 4 5] &xs))))
(defmodule ArrayCompareExtension
(defn < [a b]
(< (Array.length a)
(Array.length b)))
(implements < ArrayCompareExtension.<)
(defn > [a b]
(> (Array.length a)
(Array.length b))))
(implements > ArrayCompareExtension.>)
(defn array-sort-1 []
(let [xs [[0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0 0] [0]]
ys (Array.sort xs)]
(assert (= &[[0] [0 0] [0 0 0] [0 0 0 0]] &ys))))
(defn array-sort-2 []
(let [xs [5 2 4 3 1]
ys (Array.sort xs)]
(assert (= &[1 2 3 4 5] &ys))))
(defn f [] @"Hello")
(defn array-repeat []
(let [xs (Array.repeat 4 &f)]
(assert (= &[@"Hello" @"Hello" @"Hello" @"Hello"] &xs))))
(defn array-replicate []
(let [xs (Array.replicate 4 "Hello")]
(assert (= &[@"Hello" @"Hello" @"Hello" @"Hello"] &xs))))
(defn array-copy-map-1 []
(let [xs [@"a" @"bb" @"ccc"]
ys (Array.copy-map &String.length &xs)]
(assert (= &[1 2 3] &ys))))
(defn str-ref [r]
(Int.str @r))
(defn array-copy-map-2 []
(let [xs [1 2 3 4]
ys (Array.copy-map &str-ref &xs)]
(assert (= &[@"1" @"2" @"3" @"4"] &ys))))
(defn array-map-reduce []
(let [r (map-reduce &(fn [acc x] (Pair.init (append acc x) (append "-" x))) @"" &[@"1" @"2" @"3"])]
(assert (= &r &(Pair.init @"123" [@"-1" @"-2" @"-3"])))))
(defn static-array-aupdate! []
(let [xs $[@"abc" @"xyz"]]
(StaticArray.aupdate! xs 1 &first-letter)
(assert (= $[@"abc" @"x"] xs)))))
(defn string-append-leak-test []
(let [a "abcdef"
b "ghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
(let [result (String.append a b)]
(assert (StringCopy.= result @"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")))))
(defn lambda-1 []
(let [s @"X"
f (fn [] @&s)] ;; each call needs to produce a new copy of the string
(assert (= @"X" (f)))
(assert (= @"X" (f)))
(assert (= @"X" (f))))))
(defn lambda-2 []
(let [xs [10 20 30]
f (fn [ys] (Array.concat &[@&xs ys]))]
(assert (= &[10 20 30 40 50] &(f [40 50])))))
(defn lambda-3 []
(let-do [stuff [100 200 300]
f (fn [n] (copy (unsafe-nth &stuff n)))]
(assert (= 100 (f 0)))
(assert (= 200 (f 1)))
(assert (= 300 (f 2)))))
(defn lambda-4 []
(let-do [stuff [@"A" @"B" @"C"]]
(assert (= &[@"X" @"X" @"X"] &(copy-map &(fn [c] @"X") &stuff)))))
(defn lambda-5 []
(let-do [stuff [@"A" @"B" @"C"]]
(assert (= &[@"X" @"X" @"X"] &(endo-map &(fn [c] @"X") stuff)))))
(defn lambda-6 []
(let [v 1
adder (fn [x] (+ v x))
f @&adder
(assert (= 11 (f 10)))))
(deftype StrangeThings
(Piff [String String])
(Puff [String String]))
(defn sumtype-1 []
(let [thing (StrangeThings.Piff @"A" @"B")]
(= @"B"
(match thing
(StrangeThings.Piff a b) b
(StrangeThings.Puff c d) d)))))
(defn sumtype-2 []
(let [thing (StrangeThings.Puff @"A" @"B")]
(= @"A"
(match thing
(StrangeThings.Piff a b) b
(StrangeThings.Puff a b) a)))))
(defn sumtype-3 []
(let [thing (StrangeThings.Piff @"A" @"B")
another-thing @"blah"]
(= @"A"
(match thing
(StrangeThings.Piff a b) a
(StrangeThings.Puff c d) another-thing)))))
(defn sumtype-4 []
(let [m (Maybe.Just @"Yo")]
(= @"Yo"
(match m
(Maybe.Just x) x
(Maybe.Nothing) @"Nope")))))
(defn sumtype-5 []
(let [m (Maybe.Nothing)]
(= @"Nope"
(match m
(Maybe.Just x) x
(Maybe.Nothing) @"Nope")))))
(deftype Name
(Simple [String String])
(Fancy [String String String]))
(defn sumtype-6 []
(let [m (Name.Simple @"Mrs" @"Robinson")]
(= 1
(match m
(Name.Simple _ _) 1
(Name.Fancy _ _ _) 2)))))
(defn sumtype-7 []
(let [m (Name.Fancy @"Mr" @"von" @"Plutt")]
(= 1
(match m
_ 1)))))
(deftype Example
(Two [String]))
(defn sumtype-8 []
(let-do [ex [(Example.Two @"OKOK")]]
(match-ref (Array.unsafe-nth &ex 0)
(Example.Two s) (println* s)
_ ())))
(deftype Sum One Two)
(defn sumtype-9 []
(let [state @"Ok" sumt &(Sum.One)]
(match-ref sumt
Sum.One (println* &@&state)
Sum.Two ())))
(defn sumtype-10 []
(let [state 0]
(match-ref &(Sum.One)
Sum.One (println* ((fn [] @&state)))
Sum.Two ())))
(deftype ExampleA
(Two [(Array String)]))
(defn sumtype-11 []
(match-ref &(Just (ExampleA.Two [@"OKOK"]))
(Just s) ()
_ ())
(defn sumtype-12 []
(match (Just (ExampleA.Two [@"OKOK"]))
(Just s) ()
_ ())
(defn box-1 []
(do (ignore (Box.unbox (Box.init 2)))))
(defn box-2 []
(let-do [box (Box.init @"foo")
crate @&box]
(ignore (Box.unbox box))))
(deftest test
(assert-no-leak test scope-1 "scope-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test scope-2 "scope-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test scope-3 "scope-3 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test call-1 "call-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test call-2 "call-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test call-3 "call-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test call-4 "call-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test struct-1 "struct-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test struct-2 "struct-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test struct-3 "struct-3 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test struct-4 "struct-4 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test struct-5 "struct-5 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test setting-1 "setting-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test setting-2 "setting-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test setting-3 "setting-3 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test setting-4 "setting-4 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test setting-5 "setting-5 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test global-1 "global-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test global-2 "global-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test if-1 "if-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test if-2 "if-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test if-3 "if-3 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test if-4 "if-4 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test if-5 "if-5 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test if-6 "if-6 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test string-slice "string-slice does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-aset "array-aset does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-reduce "array-reduce does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-endo-filter "array-endo-filter does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-copy-filter "array-copy-filter does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-first "array-first does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-last "array-last does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-eq-1 "array-eq-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-eq-2 "array-eq-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-maximum "array-maximum does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-minimum "array-minimum does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-sum "array-sum does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-slice "array-slice does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-reverse-1 "array-reverse-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-index-of "array-index-of does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-element-count "array-element-count does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-aupdate "array-aupdate does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-aupdate! "array-aupdate! does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-swap "array-swap does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-swap! "array-swap! does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-range "array-range does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-sort-1 "array-sort-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-sort-2 "array-sort-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-repeat "array-repeat does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-replicate "array-replicate does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-copy-map-1 "array-copy-map-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-copy-map-2 "array-copy-map-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test array-map-reduce "array-map-reduce does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test static-array-aupdate! "static-array-aupdate! does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test string-append-leak-test "String.append does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test lambda-1 "lambda-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test lambda-2 "lambda-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test lambda-3 "lambda-3 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test lambda-4 "lambda-4 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test lambda-5 "lambda-5 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test lambda-6 "lambda-6 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-1 "sumtype-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-2 "sumtype-2 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-3 "sumtype-3 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-4 "sumtype-4 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-5 "sumtype-5 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-6 "sumtype-6 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-7 "sumtype-7 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-8 "sumtype-8 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-9 "sumtype-9 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-10 "sumtype-10 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-11 "sumtype-11 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test sumtype-12 "sumtype-12 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test box-1 "box-1 does not leak")
(assert-no-leak test box-2 "box-2 does not leak")