Scott Olsen 0c512c5eaf Use append in apply
No need for extra functions :)
2020-04-19 12:04:26 -04:00

530 lines
16 KiB

;; Defining the meta data macros early so that they can be used by all the other code.
(meta-set! doc "doc" "Set documentation for a binding.")
(defmacro doc [name string]
(eval (list 'meta-set! name "doc" string)))
(doc print-doc "Print the documentation for a binding.")
(defmacro print-doc [name]
(eval (list 'macro-log (list 'meta name "doc"))))
(doc sig "Annotate a binding with the desired signature.")
(defmacro sig [name signature]
(eval (list 'meta-set! name "sig" signature)))
(doc print-sig "Print the annotated signature for a binding.")
(defmacro print-sig [name]
(eval (list 'macro-log (list 'meta name "sig"))))
(doc hide "Mark a binding as hidden, this will make it not print with the 'info' command.")
(defmacro hidden [name]
(eval (list 'meta-set! name "hidden" true)))
(doc private "Mark a binding as private, this will make it inaccessible from other modules.")
(defmacro private [name]
(eval (list 'meta-set! name "private" true)))
(doc todo "sets the todo property for a binding.")
(defmacro todo [name value]
(eval (list 'meta-set! name "todo" value)))
(doc private? "Is this binding private?")
(defmacro private? [name]
(eval (list 'not (list 'list? (meta name "private")))))
(doc hidden? "Is this binding hidden?")
(defmacro hidden? [name]
(eval (list 'not (list 'list? (meta name "hidden")))))
(defndynamic annotate-helper [name annotation]
(cons annotation (meta name "annotations")))
(doc annotate "Add an annotation to this binding.")
(defmacro annotate [name annotation]
(eval (list 'meta-set! name "annotations" (annotate-helper name annotation))))
(defmodule Dynamic
(defndynamic caar [pair] (car (car pair)))
(defndynamic cadr [pair] (car (cdr pair)))
(defndynamic cdar [pair] (cdr (car pair)))
(defndynamic cddr [pair] (cdr (cdr pair)))
(defndynamic caaar [pair] (car (car (car pair))))
(defndynamic caadr [pair] (car (car (cdr pair))))
(defndynamic cadar [pair] (car (cdr (car pair))))
(defndynamic cdaar [pair] (cdr (car (car pair))))
(defndynamic caddr [pair] (car (cdr (cdr pair))))
(defndynamic cdadr [pair] (cdr (car (cdr pair))))
(defndynamic cddar [pair] (cdr (cdr (car pair))))
(defndynamic cdddr [pair] (cdr (cdr (cdr pair))))
(defndynamic caaaar [pair] (car (car (car (car pair)))))
(defndynamic caaadr [pair] (car (car (car (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic caadar [pair] (car (car (cdr (car pair)))))
(defndynamic caaddr [pair] (car (car (cdr (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic cadaar [pair] (car (cdr (car (car pair)))))
(defndynamic cadadr [pair] (car (cdr (car (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic caddar [pair] (car (cdr (cdr (car pair)))))
(defndynamic cadddr [pair] (car (cdr (cdr (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic cdaaar [pair] (cdr (car (car (car pair)))))
(defndynamic cdaadr [pair] (cdr (car (car (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic cdadar [pair] (cdr (car (cdr (car pair)))))
(defndynamic cdaddr [pair] (cdr (car (cdr (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic cddaar [pair] (cdr (cdr (car (car pair)))))
(defndynamic cddadr [pair] (cdr (cdr (car (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic cdddar [pair] (cdr (cdr (cdr (car pair)))))
(defndynamic cddddr [pair] (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr pair)))))
(defndynamic cxr [x pair]
(if (= (length x) 0)
(list 'quote pair)
(if (= 'a (cadr x))
(if (= 'd (cadr x))
(macro-error "`cxr` expects either `a` or `d` symbols, got " (cadr x))))
(if (= 1 (car x))
(cxr (cddr x) pair)
(cxr (cons (- (car x) 1) (cdr x)) pair)))))
(defndynamic nthcdr [n pair]
(cxr (list (+ n 1) 'd) pair))
(defndynamic nthcar [n pair]
(cxr (list 1 'a n 'd) pair))
(defndynamic eval-internal [form]
(list 'do
(list 'defn 'main [] (list 'IO.println* form))
(list 'build)
(list 'run)))
(defmacro evaluate [form]
(eval-internal form))
(defmacro e [form]
(eval-internal form))
(defndynamic list-to-array-internal [xs acc]
(if (= 0 (length xs))
(list-to-array-internal (cdr xs) (append acc (array (car xs))))))
(defndynamic collect-into-internal [xs acc f]
(if (= 0 (length xs))
(collect-into-internal (cdr xs) (append acc (f (car xs))) f)))
(doc collect-into
"Transforms a dynamic data literal into another, preserving order")
(defndynamic collect-into [xs f]
(list 'quote
(collect-into-internal xs (f) f)))
(doc empty?
"Returns true if the provided data literal is empty, false otherwise.")
(defndynamic empty? [xs]
(if (= 0 (length xs))
(doc flip
"Flips the arguments of a function `f`.
For example,
((flip Symbol.prefix) 'Bar 'Foo)
=> ;; (Foo.Bar)
(defndynamic flip [f]
(fn [x y]
(f y x)))
;; Dynamic.or already exists, but since it's a special form, it can't be passed
;; to higher order functions like reduce. So, we define an alternative here.
(defndynamic or-internal [x y]
(if x true y))
(doc curry
"Returns a curried function accepting a single argument, that applies f to x
and then to the following argument.
For example,
(map (curry Symbol.prefix 'Foo) '(bar baz))
;; => ( Foo.baz)
(defndynamic curry [f x]
(fn [y]
(f x y)))
(doc reduce
"Reduces or 'folds' a data literal, such as a list or array, into a single
value through successive applications of `f`.")
(defndynamic reduce [f x xs]
(if (empty? xs)
(reduce f (f x (car xs)) (cdr xs))))
(doc apply
"Applies the function `f` to the provided argument list, passing each value
in the list as an argument to the function.")
(defndynamic apply [f argument-list]
;; The let clause here is a tad mysterious at first glance. When passed a
;; standalone function name (i.e. not an application (f x), carp evaluates
;; it into the function's defining form, e.g. foo becomes (defn foo [x] x),
;; commands such as + become (command +) etc. ;; The binding here accounts
;; for that case, allowing users to pass the function name to apply
;; unquoted.
;; This is necessary for parity across map-internal, zip, and apply.
;; Since map calls its function directly, it takes it as is. Apply, on the
;; other hand, would have to take the quoted form, since it builds a list
;; that serves as the actual application.
;; This is problematic for the user facing map function, since it makes
;; calls to map or zip (which uses apply) as appropriate--unless we support
;; the quoted function name argument in map-internal or the unquoted one in
;; apply, we can't use zip and map-internal in map.
(let [function-name (list (cadr f))]
(append function-name argument-list)))
(hidden map-internal)
(defndynamic map-internal [f xs acc]
(if (empty? xs)
(map-internal f (cdr xs) (cons-last (f (car xs)) acc))))
(hidden zip-internal)
(defndynamic zip-internal [f forms acc]
(if (reduce or-internal false (map-internal empty? forms (list)))
(map-internal cdr forms (list))
(let [result (list (apply f (map-internal car forms (list))))]
(append acc result)))))
(doc zip
"Returns the *form* that results from applying a function `f` to each of
the values supplied in `forms`.
If the members of a single form are exhuasted, the result of the
applications thus far is returned, and any remaining members in the other
forms are ignored.
For example,
(zip + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
;; => ((+ 1 4) (+ 2 5) (+ 3 6))
It's important to note that zip operates on forms, and that the form
returned by zip may not be evaluable by itself. For instance, to actually
transform the result in the example above into something Carp can
evaluate, we need to wrap each member of the list in a `do`:
(append (list 'do) (zip + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
;; => (do (+ 1 4) (+ 2 5) (+ 3 6))
(eval (append (list 'do) (zip + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))))
;; => 9 ;; do returns the value of the last form in its body
(defndynamic zip [f :rest forms]
(zip-internal f forms (list)))
(doc map
"Applies a function `f` to `forms` and returns a list dynamic data literal
containing the result of the function applications. If a single form is
provided, the function is applied to each member of the form. If multiple
forms are provided, the function is applied to the members of each form in
succession. If the members of a single form are exhuasted, the result of the
applications thus far is returned, and any remaining members in the other
forms are ignored.
For example:
'(map symbol? '(a b c))
=> (true true true)
'(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
=> ((+ 1 4) (2 5) (6 3))
'(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7))
=> ((+ 1 4 7))
(defndynamic map [f :rest forms]
(if (= 1 (length forms))
(map-internal f (car forms) (list))
(zip-internal f forms (list))))
(defndynamic cond-internal [xs]
(if (= (length xs) 0)
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(macro-error "cond has even number of branches; add an else branch")
(if (= (length xs) 1)
(car xs)
(car xs)
(cadr xs)
(cond-internal (cddr xs)))))))
(defmacro cond [:rest xs]
(cond-internal xs))
(defmacro for [settings :rest body] ;; settings = variable, from, to, <step>
(if (> (length body) 1)
(macro-error "Warning: the body of the 'for' loop can only contain one expression")
(let [variable (car settings)
from (cadr settings)
to (caddr settings)
step (if (> (length settings) 3) (cadddr settings) 1)
comp (if (> (length settings) 4)
(cadddr (cdr settings))
(if (< step (- step step)) '> '<))
'let (array variable from)
'while (list comp variable to)
(if (= (length body) 0)
(if (list? body)
(car body)
'set! variable
(list '+ variable step))))))))
(defmacro refstr [x]
(list 'ref
(list 'str x)))
(defmacro doall [f xs]
(list 'for ['i 0 (list 'Array.length (list 'ref xs))]
(list f (list 'Array.unsafe-nth (list 'ref xs) 'i))))
(defndynamic foreach-internal [var xs expr]
(let [xsym (gensym-with 'xs)
len (gensym-with 'len)
i (gensym-with 'i)]
(list 'let [xsym xs
len (list 'Array.length xsym)]
(list 'for [i 0 len]
(list 'let [var (list 'Array.unsafe-nth xsym i)]
(defmacro foreach [binding expr]
(if (array? binding)
(foreach-internal (car binding) (cadr binding) expr)
(macro-error "Binding has to be an array.")))
(defndynamic thread-first-internal [xs]
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(if (list? (last xs))
(cons (caadr xs)
(cons (car xs)
(cdadr xs)))
(list (cadr xs) (car xs)))
(if (list? (last xs))
(car (last xs))
(thread-first-internal (all-but-last xs)))
(cdr (last xs)))
(list (last xs) (thread-first-internal (all-but-last xs))))))
(defndynamic thread-last-internal [xs]
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(if (list? (last xs))
(cons-last (car xs) (last xs))
(list (cadr xs) (car xs)))
(if (list? (last xs))
(cons-last (thread-last-internal (all-but-last xs)) (last xs))
(list (last xs) (thread-last-internal (all-but-last xs))))))
(defmacro => [:rest forms]
(thread-first-internal forms))
(defmacro ==> [:rest forms]
(thread-last-internal forms))
(defmacro swap! [x y]
(list 'let (array 'tmp y) (list 'do (list 'set! y x) (list 'set! x 'tmp))))
(defmacro update! [x f]
(list 'set! x (list f x)))
(defmacro mac-only [:rest forms]
(if (= "darwin" (os))
(eval (cons (quote do) forms))
(defmacro linux-only [:rest forms]
(if (= "linux" (os))
(eval (cons (quote do) forms))
(defmacro windows-only [:rest forms]
(if (Dynamic.or (= "windows" (os)) (= "mingw32" (os)))
(eval (cons (quote do) forms))
(defmacro not-on-windows [:rest forms]
(if (not (Dynamic.or (= "windows" (os)) (= "mingw32" (os))))
(eval (cons (quote do) forms))
(defndynamic use-all-fn [names]
(if (= (length names) 0)
(macro-error "Trying to call use-all without arguments")
(eval (list 'use (car names)))
(if (= (length names) 1)
(use-all-fn (cdr names))))))
(defmacro use-all [:rest names]
(use-all-fn names))
(defmacro load-and-use [name]
(eval (list 'load (str name ".carp")))
(eval (list 'use name))))
(defmacro when [condition form]
(list 'if condition form (list)))
(defmacro unless [condition form]
(list 'if condition (list) form))
(defmacro let-do [bindings :rest forms]
(list 'let bindings
(cons 'do forms)))
(defmacro while-do [condition :rest forms]
(list 'while condition
(cons 'do forms)))
(defmacro defn-do [name arguments :rest body]
(eval (list 'defn name arguments (cons 'do body))))
(defmacro comment [:rest forms]
(defmacro forever-do [:rest forms]
(list 'while true (cons 'do forms)))
(defndynamic case-internal [name xs]
(if (= (length xs) 0)
(if (= (length xs) 2)
(macro-error "case has even number of branches; add an else branch")
(if (= (length xs) 1)
(car xs)
(list 'if
(list '= name (car xs))
(cadr xs)
(case-internal name (cddr xs)))))))
(defmacro case [name :rest forms]
(case-internal name forms))
(defmacro and [x y]
(list 'if x y false))
(defmacro or [x y]
(list 'if x true y))
(defndynamic build-vararg [func forms]
(if (= (length forms) 0)
(macro-error "vararg macro needs at least one argument")
(if (= (length forms) 1)
(car forms)
(list func (car forms) (build-vararg func (cdr forms))))))
(defmacro and* [:rest forms]
(build-vararg 'and forms))
(defmacro or* [:rest forms]
(build-vararg 'or forms))
(defndynamic build-str* [forms]
(if (= (length forms) 0)
(list "")
(if (= (length forms) 1)
(list 'ref (list 'str (car forms)))
(list 'ref (list 'String.append (list 'ref (list 'str (car forms))) (build-str* (cdr forms)))))))
(defmacro str* [:rest forms]
(list 'copy (build-str* forms)))
(defmacro println* [:rest forms]
(list 'IO.println (build-str* forms)))
(defmacro print* [:rest forms]
(list 'IO.print (build-str* forms)))
(defmacro ignore [form]
(list 'let (array '_ form) (list)))
(defmacro save-docs [:rest modules]
;; A trick to be able to send unquoted symbols to 'save-docs'
(eval (list 'save-docs-internal (list 'quote modules))))
(defndynamic project-config [bindings]
(if (< (length bindings) 2)
(cons-last (project-config (cdr (cdr bindings))) (list 'do (list 'Project.config
(car bindings) (car (cdr bindings)))))))
(doc defproject "Define a project configuration.")
(defmacro defproject [:rest bindings]
(project-config bindings))
(doc const-assert "asserts that the expression `expr` is true at compile time.
Otherwise it will fail with the message `msg`.
The expression must be evaluable at compile time.")
(defndynamic const-assert [expr msg]
(if expr () (macro-error msg)))
(doc *gensym-counter* "is a helper counter for `gensym`.")
(defdynamic *gensym-counter* 1000)
(doc gensym-with "generates symbols dynamically, based on a symbol name.")
(defndynamic gensym-with [x]
(set! *gensym-counter* (inc *gensym-counter*))
(Symbol.join [x (Symbol.from *gensym-counter*)])))
(doc gensym "generates symbols dynamically as needed.")
(defndynamic gensym []
(gensym-with 'gensym-generated))
(doc until "executes `body` until the condition `cnd` is true.")
(defmacro until [cnd body]
(list 'while (list 'not cnd)
(doc defdynamic-once "creates a dynamic variable and sets its value if it's not already defined.")
(defmacro defdynamic-once [var expr]
(list 'if (list 'defined? var)
(list 'defdynamic var expr)))
(defndynamic comp-internal [sym fns]
(if (= (length fns) 0)
(list (car fns) (comp-internal sym (cdr fns)))))
(doc comp "composes the functions `fns` into one `fn`.")
(defmacro comp [:rest fns]
(let [x (gensym)]
(list 'fn [x] (comp-internal x fns))))