2018-03-26 09:29:29 +02:00

58 lines
1.3 KiB

;; This file contains examples of unsolved bugs
(Project.config "print-ast" true)
;; This shouldn't compile:
;; (defn faulty-repeat [n inpt]
;; (let [str ""]
;; (do
;; (for [i 0 n]
;; (set! str &(append @str @inpt)))
;; @str)))
;; (defn main []
;; (let [strings (faulty-repeat 20 "x")]
;; (IO.println &strings)))
;; ;; Dangling reference to member variable.
;; (deftype S [f String])
;; (defn main []
;; (let [s (S.init @"hello")
;; r (S.f &s)
;; _ (S.set-f s @"bye")]
;; (IO.println r)))
;; ;; Dangling reference to variable.
;; (defn main []
;; (let [s @"hello"
;; r &s]
;; (do (String.delete s)
;; (IO.println r))))
;; ;; This crashes the compiler:
;; (defn x [a] (the Inthdfdf a))
;; ;; The error message for this is really bad:
;; (defn f []
;; (let [s @"hej"]
;; (do (delete s)
;; s)))
;; Setting ref to value in short-lived scope
;; (defn main []
;; (let-do [r &[1 2 3]]
;; (let [xs [4 5 6]]
;; (set! r &xs))
;; (println* r)))
;; Qualified referral to registered function inside a module doesn't work...
(relative-include "banana.h")
(defmodule Banana
(register magic (Fn [] Int) "magic")
(defn g [] (magic))
(defn f [] (Banana.magic)))
(defn main []
(println* (Banana.f)))