2020-03-23 10:31:58 +01:00

55 lines
2.3 KiB

(system-include "carp_system.h")
(system-include "errno.h")
(defmodule System
(doc carp-init-globals "Initializes all global variables (in correct order, based on interdependencies). Called automatically by `main` if the project is compiled as an executable. Client code needs to call this function manually when using a library written in Carp.")
(register carp-init-globals (Fn [Int Int] ()) "carp_init_globals")
(doc free "Frees an object. Should not be called except in direst circumstances.")
(register free (Fn [t] ()))
(doc time "Gets the current system time as an integer.")
(register time (Fn [] Int))
(doc nanotime "Gets the current system time in nanoseconds as a long.")
(register nanotime (Fn [] Long))
(doc sleep-seconds "Sleeps for a specified number of seconds.")
(register sleep-seconds (Fn [Int] ()))
(doc sleep-seconds "Sleeps for a specified number of microseconds.")
(register sleep-micros (Fn [Int] ()))
(doc system "Performs a system command.")
(register system (Fn [&String] ()))
(doc get-arg "Gets the command line argument at a specified index.")
(register get-arg (Fn [Int] (Ref String)))
(doc get-args-len "Gets the number of command line arguments.")
(register get-args-len (Fn [] Int))
(register fork (Fn [] Int) "fork")
(register wait (Fn [(Ptr Int)] Int) "wait")
(register get-exit-status (Fn [Int] Int) "WEXITSTATUS")
(register signal (Fn [Int (Fn [Int] ())] ()) "signal")
(register signal-abort Int "SIGABRT")
(register signal-fpe Int "SIGFPE")
(register signal-ill Int "SIGILL")
(register signal-int Int "SIGINT")
(register signal-segv Int "SIGSEGV")
(register signal-term Int "SIGTERM")
(register abort (Fn [] ()) "abort")
(register errno Int "errno")
(register EACCES Int "EACCES")
(register EEXIST Int "EEXIST")
(register EINVAL Int "EINVAL")
(register EIO Int "EIO")
(register EISDIR Int "EISDIR")
(register ELOOP Int "ELOOP")
(register EMFILE Int "EMFILE")
(register ENOENT Int "ENOENT")
(register ENOMEM Int "EINVAL")
(register ENOSPC Int "ENOSPC")
(register ENOSR Int "ENOSR")
(register ENOTDIR Int "ENOTDIR")
(register ENXIO Int "ENXIO")
(register EROFS Int "EROFS")
(register EINTR Int "EINTR")