Veit Heller e42922e96e
feat: add Introspect.arguments (#1163)
* feat: add Introspect.arguments

* fix: fix struct case of Introspect.arguments
2021-02-01 17:03:38 +01:00

199 lines
6.6 KiB

(doc Introspect
"Dynamic functions that return information about the s-expressions associated
to a binding.")
(defmodule Introspect
(doc module?
"Is this binding a module?")
(defndynamic module? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "defmodule") (car s)))))
(doc function?
"Is this binding a function?")
(defndynamic function? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "defn") (car s)))))
(doc command?
"Is this binding a command?")
(defndynamic command? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "command") (car s)))))
(doc primitive?
"Is this binding a primitive?")
(defndynamic primitive? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "primitive") (car s)))))
(doc external?
"Is this binding external?")
(defndynamic external? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "external") (car s)))))
(doc variable?
"Is this binding a variable?")
(defndynamic variable? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "def") (car s)))))
(doc type?
"Is this binding a type?")
(defndynamic type? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "deftype") (car s)))))
(doc struct?
"Is this binding a struct?")
(defndynamic struct? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (or (empty? s) (< (length s) 3))
(array? (caddr s)))))
(doc sumtype?
"Is this binding a sumtype?")
(defndynamic sumtype? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (or (empty? s) (< (length s) 3))
(list? (caddr s)))))
(doc implements? "Does `function` implement `interface`?")
(defmacro implements? [interface function]
(eval (list 'any?
(list 'fn (array 'x) (list '= 'x interface))
(list 'meta function "implements"))))
(doc arity
"What's the arity of this binding?
- When `binding` is a function, returns the number of arguments.
- When `binding` is a command, returns the number of arguments.
- When `binding` is a primitive, returns the number of arguments.
- When `binding` is an interface, returns the number of arguments.
- When `binding` is a struct, returns the number of fields.
- When `binding` is a sumtype, returns a list of the number of type
arguments of each constructor.
- Otherwise it returns 0.")
(defndynamic arity [binding]
(let [args (arguments binding)]
(if (Introspect.sumtype? binding)
(map length args)
(length args))))
(doc arguments
"What are the arguments to this binding?
- When `binding` is a function, returns the argument array.
- When `binding` is a command, returns the argument array.
- When `binding` is a primitive, returns the argument array.
- When `binding` is an interface, returns the argument array.
- When `binding` is a struct, returns the fields.
- When `binding` is a sumtype, returns a list of the type arguments of each
- Otherwise it returns an empty list.")
(defndynamic arguments [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Introspect.external? binding)
(if (list? (caddr s))
(car (cdaddr s))
(Introspect.command? binding) (caddr s)
(Introspect.primitive? binding) (caddr s)
(Introspect.interface? binding) (car (cdaddr s))
(Introspect.function? binding) (caddr s)
(Introspect.struct? binding) (map car (List.pairs (caddr s)))
(Introspect.sumtype? binding) (map (fn [arr]
(cadr arr)) (cddr s))
(doc macro?
"Is this binding a macro?")
(defndynamic macro? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "defmacro") (car s)))))
(doc dynamic?
"Is this binding a dynamic binding?")
(defndynamic dynamic? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(or (Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "defdynamic") (car s))
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "dynamic") (car s))))))
(doc interface?
"Is this binding an interface?")
(defndynamic interface? [binding]
(let [s (s-expr binding)]
(if (empty? s)
(Dynamic.= (Symbol.from "definterface") (car s)))))
(doc with-copy
"Returns a reference to an anonymous 'proxied' variant of `function` in
which the argument in position `arg` (indexed from 0) is *copied* from a
reference before being passed to `function`:
;; Array.reduce expects a function that takes a *ref* in its second argument:
;; (Fn [a (Ref b c)] ...)
;; so we can't use a function like `+` directly; enter proxy
(reduce (with-copy + 2) 0 &[1 2 3])
=> 6
;; compare this with an inline anonymous function that achieves the same thing:
(reduce &(fn [x y] (+ x @y)) 0 &[1 2 3]) === (reduce (with-copy + 2) 0 &[1 2 3])
This is useful when using higher-order functions that operate over structures that
return *references* to their inhabitants, such as arrays or structs. It allows
you to use a function over values without writing a custom anonymous function
to handle copying.
Furthermore, one can define bespoke variants for working with particular
higher-order functions. For instace, `reduce` always expacts a reference in the
second positon:
(defmacro reducer [function]
(eval (list with-copy function 2)))
(reduce (reducer +) 0 &[1 2 3])
=> 6
(defmacro with-copy [function arg]
;; The calls to `eval` around `function` are necessary to ensure we can execute arity.
(let [arg-arr (Dynamic.unreduce inc 0 (Introspect.arity (eval function)) (array))
;; increment arg by 1 to simulate indexing from 0--since the
;; functions we rely on here return counts
pos (+ arg 1)
local-names (list-to-array-internal (map gensym-local (map Symbol.from arg-arr)) [])
target (gensym-local (Symbol.from pos))
prox (list 'copy target)
call (cons function (map (fn [x] (if (= target x) prox x)) local-names))]
(if (> pos (Introspect.arity (eval function)))
(macro-error "with-copy error: the specified argument position is greater than the given function's arity.")
(list 'ref (list 'fn local-names call)))))