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(definterface hash (Fn [(Ref a)] Int))
(defmodule String
(defn rehash [k l]
(let-do [a 31415
b 27183
vh 0]
(for [x 0 (length k)]
(set! vh (+ (* a (* vh l)) ( (char-at k x))))
(set! a (* a b))
(set! x ( x))))
(Int.abs vh)))
(defn hash [k]
(rehash k 1))
(defmodule Int
(defn hash [k] (the Int @k))
(defmodule Long
(defn hash [k] (to-int (the Long @k)))
(defmodule Bool
(defn hash [k] (if (the Bool @k) 1 0))
(defmodule Char
(defn hash [k] (to-int (the Char @k)))
(defmodule Float
(defn hash [k] (to-bytes @k))
(defmodule Double
(defn hash [k] ( (to-bytes @k)))
(deftype (Entry a b) [key a value b])
(deftype (Bucket a b) [entries (Array (Entry a b))])
(defmodule Bucket
(defn empty []
(Bucket.init []))
(defn grow [b e]
(set-entries @b (Array.push-back @(entries b) e)))
(defn get [b k]
(let-do [e &(zero)
l (Array.length (Bucket.entries b))
es (entries b)]
(for [i 0 l]
(when (= (Entry.key (Array.nth es i)) k)
(set! e (Entry.value (Array.nth es i)))
(defn contains? [b k]
(let-do [e false
l (Array.length (Bucket.entries b))
es (entries b)]
(for [i 0 l]
(when (= (Entry.key (Array.nth es i)) k)
(set! e true)
(defn remove [entries k]
(let-do [nentries (the (Array (Entry a b)) [])]
(for [i 0 (Array.length entries)]
(let [e (Array.nth entries i)]
(unless (= (Entry.key e) k)
(set! nentries (Array.push-back nentries @e)))))
(defn shrink [b k]
(if (contains? b k)
(set-entries @b (remove (entries b) k))
(deftype (Map a b) [n-buckets Int buckets (Array (Bucket a b))])
(defmodule Map
(hidden dflt-len)
(def dflt-len 256)
(doc create "Create an empty hashmap.")
(defn create []
(init dflt-len (Array.repeat dflt-len Bucket.empty)))
(doc create-with-len "Create an empty hashmap with a given minimum size.")
(defn create-with-len [len]
(init len (Array.repeat len Bucket.empty)))
(doc put "Put a a value v into map m, using the key k.")
(defn put [m k v]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets m))
b (buckets m)]
(set-buckets @m (Array.aset @b
(Bucket.grow (Array.nth b idx) (Entry.init @k @v))))))
(doc get "Get the value for the key k from map m. If it isnt found, a zero element is returned.")
(defn get [m k]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets m))]
(Bucket.get (Array.nth (buckets m) idx) k)))
(doc length "Get the length of the map m.")
(defn length [m]
(let-do [c 0]
(for [i 0 @(n-buckets m)]
(set! c (+ c (Array.length (Bucket.entries (Array.nth (buckets m) i))))))
(doc length "Check whether the map m is empty.")
(defn empty? [m]
(= (length m) 0))
(doc contains? "Check whether the map m contains the key k.")
(defn contains? [m k]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets m))]
(Bucket.contains? (Array.nth (buckets m) idx) k)))
(doc remove "Remove the value under the key k from the map m.")
(defn remove [m k]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets &m))
b (buckets &m)]
(set-buckets m (Array.aset @b
(Bucket.shrink (Array.nth b idx) k)))))
(doc for-each "Execute the binary function f for all keys and value in map m.")
(defn for-each [m f]
(for [i 0 @(n-buckets m)]
(let [bucket (Array.nth (buckets m) i)
len (Array.length (Bucket.entries bucket))
entries (Bucket.entries bucket)]
(for [j 0 len]
(let [e (Array.nth entries j)]
(f (Entry.key e) (Entry.value e)))))))
(doc from-array "Create a map from the array a containing key-value pairs.")
(defn from-array [a]
(let-do [m (create)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(let [e (Array.nth a i)
k (Pair.a e)
v (Pair.b e)]
(set! m (put &m k v))))
(defn str [m]
(let-do [res @"{"]
(for [i 0 @(n-buckets m)]
(let [bucket (Array.nth (buckets m) i)
len (Array.length (Bucket.entries bucket))
entries (Bucket.entries bucket)]
(for [j 0 len]
(let [e (Array.nth entries j)]
(set! res (String.join @"" &[res @" " (str @(Entry.key e)) @" " (str (Entry.value e))]))))))
(String.append &res " }")))
(deftype (Set a) [n-buckets Int buckets (Array (Bucket a Bool))])
(defmodule Set
(def dflt-len 256)
(doc create "Create an empty hashset.")
(defn create []
(init dflt-len (Array.repeat dflt-len Bucket.empty)))
(doc create-with-len "Create an empty hashset with a given minimum size.")
(defn create-with-len [len]
(init len (Array.repeat len Bucket.empty)))
(doc put "Put a a value v into set m, using the key k.")
(defn put [m k]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets &m))
b (buckets &m)]
(set-buckets m (Array.aset @b
(Bucket.grow (Array.nth b idx) (Entry.init @k true))))))
(doc length "Get the length of set m.")
(defn length [m]
(let-do [c 0]
(for [i 0 @(n-buckets m)]
(set! c (+ c (Array.length (Bucket.entries (Array.nth (buckets m) i))))))
(doc empty? "Check whether the set m is empty.")
(defn empty? [m]
(= (length m) 0))
(doc contains? "Check whether the set m contains a value associated with key k.")
(defn contains? [m k]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets m))]
(Bucket.contains? (Array.nth (buckets m) idx) k)))
(doc remove "Remove the value associated with key k from set m.")
(defn remove [m k]
(let [idx (Int.mod (hash k) @(n-buckets &m))
b (buckets &m)]
(set-buckets m (Array.aset @b
(Bucket.shrink (Array.nth b idx) k)))))
(doc for-each "Execute the unary function f for each element in set m.")
(defn for-each [m f]
(for [i 0 @(n-buckets m)]
(let [bucket (Array.nth (buckets m) i)
len (Array.length (Bucket.entries bucket))
entries (Bucket.entries bucket)]
(for [j 0 len]
(let [e (Array.nth entries j)]
(f (Entry.key e)))))))
(doc from-array "Create a set from the values in array a.")
(defn from-array [a]
(let-do [m (create)]
(for [i 0 (Array.length a)]
(let [e (Array.nth a i)]
(set! m (put m e))))