2018-06-13 11:59:13 +02:00

238 lines
6.0 KiB

(use Int)
(use Double)
(use Float)
(use Array)
(use IO)
(defn fib [n]
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (dec (dec n)))
(fib (dec n)))))
(defmodule Things
(defn inside [s]
(let [msg (StringCopy.append s (String.copy "!"))]
(println (ref msg))))
(defn call []
(inside (String.copy "Hello"))))
(defn use-doubles []
(println (ref (str ( (Double.+ 2.0 3.0))))))
(deftype Person
[name String
age Int])
(defn use-person []
(let [me (Person.init (String.copy "Erik") 30)]
(println ( (ref me)))))
;; (defn heap-allocations []
;; (let [friend ( (String.copy "Oscar") 30)]
;; ()))
(defn refer-up []
(let [a 10
b (+ a 5)
c (* a b)]
(deftype Thing
[val Int])
(defn set-stuff-in-array []
(let [xs [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]]
(aset! &xs 4 666)
(println (ref (str (ref xs)))))))
(defn more-array []
(let [xs [1 2 3 4]
xs2 (pop-back xs)]
(println (refstr &(push-back xs2 500))))))
(defn using-the-form-to-specialize [x y]
(+ x (the Double y)))
(defn flip []
(random-between 0 2))
(defn macrooo []
(let [msg "Print!"]
(< 10 1) (println "Don't print!")
(> 10 1) (println msg)
(println "Don't print!"))))
(defn macrooo2 []
(for [x 1 3]
(for [y 10 100 20]
(println (ref (str (* x y)))))))
(deftype A [s String])
(use A)
(deftype Peep [x Int
y String
z A])
(use Peep)
(defn calling-delete []
(let [plupp (Peep.init 10 (String.copy "PLUPP") (A.init (String.copy "w00t")))
poop [(Peep.init 10 (String.copy "hej") (A.init (String.copy "aha")))]
strings [(String.copy "a") (String.copy "b") (String.copy "c")]]
(delete plupp)
(delete poop)
(Array.delete strings))))
(defn updating []
(let [p1 (Peep.init 9999 (String.copy "jaha") (A.init (String.copy "mmm")))
p2 (Peep.update-x p1 inc)]
(println (ref (str @(Peep.x (ref p2)))))))
(defn character []
(println (ref (Char.str \#))))
(defn negative-numbers []
(let [x -10.0 y -20.0f z -30]
(* (* (to-int x) (to-int y)) z)))
(defn square [x]
(Int.* x x))
(defn endofunctor-mapping []
(let [stuff [1 2 3 4 5]
after (endo-map square stuff)]
(println (refstr &after))))
(defn even? [x]
(= (Int.mod @x 2) 0))
(defn add-with-refs [x y]
(Int.+ @x @y))
(defn square-reffed [x]
(Int.* @x @x))
(defn map-filter-reduce-stuff []
(let [stuff [3 5 8 9 10]
after (reduce add-with-refs 0 &(copy-map square-reffed &(filter even? stuff)))]
(print "ANSWER: ")
(println (refstr after)))))
(defn get-last-string [xs] ;; Should be generic preferably...
(let [i (dec (Array.length &xs))]
(String.copy (Array.nth &xs i))))
(defn print-last-string []
(println &(get-last-string [(String.copy "NO") (String.copy "NO") (String.copy "YES")])))
(defn exclaim [x] (StringCopy.append x @"!"))
(deftype Simple [])
(deftype Complex [x Int f Float d Double s String c Char])
(defn print-structs []
(let [s (Simple.init)
c (Complex.init 12345 3.14f 99.99 @"yo" \x)]
(println (ref (Simple.str &s)))
(println (ref (Complex.str &c))))))
(deftype Inner [])
(deftype Outer [as (Array Inner)])
(defn convert-struct-with-array-member-to-string []
(let [b (Outer.init [(Inner.init) (Inner.init) (Inner.init)])]
(println (ref (Outer.str &b)))))
(defn random-float []
(Float.random-between 10.0f 20.0f))
(defn print-random-floats []
(do (Random.seed 0.2)
(let [rands (Array.repeat 10 random-float)]
(println (ref (Array.str &rands))))))
(deftype Age [x Int])
(defn multiple-stringification-of-arrays []
(let-do [ints [10 3 75 40]
ages [(Age.init 10) (Age.init 3) (Age.init 75) (Age.init 40)]]
(IO.println &(str &ints))
(IO.println &(str &ages)) ;; this used to be a problem
(defn threading []
(print "(==> 8 inc inc (Int./ 100) dec) = ")
(println (refstr (==> 8 inc inc (Int./ 100) dec)))
(print "(=> 8 inc inc (Int./ 2) dec) = ")
(println (refstr (=> 8 inc inc (Int./ 2) dec)))
(print "(==> 5 (Int.- 2)) = ")
(println (refstr (==> 5 (Int.- 2))))
(print "(=> 5 (Int.- 2)) = ")
(println (refstr (=> 5 (Int.- 2))))
;; This used to be a bug becuase of multisym:s getting the same type variables:
(defn two-lengths-in-same-func []
(let [a [[1]]
b [1 2 3]
c1 (length &a)
c2 (length &b)]
(println* &(str (+ c1 c2)))))
(defn changing-target-of-ref []
(let [s1 @"hello"
s2 @"goodbye"
r &s1]
(do (set! r &s2)
(IO.println r))))
(defn resolve-correctly []
(let [words (words "a bb ccc dddd eeeee")]
(println* (nth &words 2))))
(defn main []
; here we always use the same seed for determinism, for simple random
; numbers that change you can for instance use (System.time)
(do (Random.seed 0.1)
(println (ref (str (fib 10))))
(println (ref (str (refer-up))))
(println (ref (str (ref [10 20 30 40 50]))))
;;(println (ref (str (ref (endo-map Thing.val [(Thing.init 100) (Thing.init 200)])))))
(println (ref (str (Int.mod 30 7))))
;;(println (ref (str (ref (repeat 10 flip))))) <- BUGGY see github issue #227
(println (ref (str (negative-numbers))))
(let [stuff (replicate 3 "Yo")]
(println &(Array.str &(endo-map exclaim stuff))))
;;(print-random-floats) <- BUGGY see github issue #227
;;(turn-any-array-into-string) <- BUGGY FOR NOW!