
444 lines
21 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
-- | Defines data, errors, and functions for qualifying symbols in a given
-- context.
module Qualify
( QualificationError,
Qualified (..),
import Control.Monad (foldM, liftM)
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Either (fromRight)
import qualified Env as E
import Info
import qualified Map
import Obj
import qualified Set
import SymPath
import Util
-- Errors
-- | Error qualifying a symbol.
data QualificationError
= FailedToQualifyDeclarationName XObj
| FailedToQualifySymbols XObj
| FailedToQualifyPath SymPath
| NonVariableInMatch XObj
| NakedInitForUnnamedModule [String]
| QualifiedMulti SymPath
| LocalMulti SymPath [(Env, Binder)]
| FailedToFindSymbol XObj
instance Show QualificationError where
show (FailedToQualifyDeclarationName xobj) =
"Couldn't fully qualify the definition: " ++ pretty xobj
show (FailedToQualifySymbols xobj) =
"Couldn't fully qualify the symbols in the form: " ++ pretty xobj
show (FailedToQualifyPath spath) =
"Couldn't fully qualify the symbol: " ++ show spath
++ "in the given context."
show (NonVariableInMatch xobj) =
"Couldn't qualify the xobj: " ++ pretty xobj
++ "in a match expression."
show (NakedInitForUnnamedModule s) =
"Tried to emit a naked init for an unnamed module: " ++ (show s)
show (QualifiedMulti spath) =
"Tried to use a qualified symbol as a multi sym: " ++ (show spath)
show (LocalMulti spath binders) =
"Tried to use a symbol that has local bindings as a multi sym: " ++ show spath
++ show binders
show (FailedToFindSymbol xobj) =
"Couldn't find the xobj: " ++ pretty xobj
-- Data
-- | Denotes an XObj containing only symbols that *have been fully qualified*.
-- A fully qualified xobj **must not** be qualified further (e.g. using context
-- paths).
newtype Qualified = Qualified {unQualified :: XObj} deriving (Show)
-- | Denotes a symbol that has been fully qualified.
newtype QualifiedPath = QualifiedPath SymPath
deriving (Ord, Eq)
instance Show QualifiedPath where
show (QualifiedPath spath) = show spath
-- Path Qualification Functions
-- | Qualifies a symbol in a given Context.
qualifyPath :: Context -> SymPath -> QualifiedPath
qualifyPath ctx spath =
let qpath = consPath (contextPath ctx) spath
in (QualifiedPath qpath)
-- | Transforms a qualified path into an equivalent SymPath.
-- Used to cross the qualified/unqualified symbol boundary.
-- This is predominantly used for compatibility with other parts of the
-- codebase once qualification checks have been performed.
unqualify :: QualifiedPath -> SymPath
unqualify (QualifiedPath spath) = spath
-- | Marks a path as fully qualified without performing any transformations.
-- Used to indicate a "naked", unprocessed path should be treated qualified as
-- given. For example, `inc` in `(implements inc` should be
-- interpreted as fully qualified as typed and should not be qualified using
-- the overarching context.
markQualified :: SymPath -> QualifiedPath
markQualified = QualifiedPath
-- | Qualify a symbol contextually if it is not qualified, otherwise, mark it
-- qualified.
-- This should be used whenever a path entered with *any* initial
-- qualifications should be treated as an absolute reference while symbols
-- without qualifications should be treated as a relative reference.
-- For example, `` in `(implements inc` will be treated as an
-- absolute reference to ``, even in the context of `Foo` and will not
-- be qualified further. Contrarily, the second `inc` in `(implements inc inc)`
-- in the context of `Foo` would be further qualified to ``.
qualifyNull :: Context -> SymPath -> QualifiedPath
qualifyNull ctx spath@(SymPath [] _) = qualifyPath ctx spath
qualifyNull _ spath = markQualified spath
-- XObj Qualification Functions
-- | Gets the qualified path of a fully qualified XObj.
getQualifiedPath :: Qualified -> QualifiedPath
getQualifiedPath = QualifiedPath . getPath . unQualified
-- | Qualifies all symbols in an XObj in the given context.
qualify :: Context -> XObj -> Either QualificationError Qualified
qualify ctx xobj@(XObj obj info ty) =
-- TODO: Merge this with setFullyQualifiedSymbols
case obj of
Lst [defn, (XObj (Sym (SymPath _ name) mode) symi symt), args, body] ->
inner >>= \i -> setFullyQualifiedSymbols t g i (XObj (Lst [defn, (XObj (Sym (SymPath pathStrings name) mode) symi symt), args, body]) info ty)
Lst [def, XObj (Sym (SymPath _ name) mode) symi symt, expr] ->
inner >>= \i -> setFullyQualifiedSymbols t g i (XObj (Lst [def, (XObj (Sym (SymPath pathStrings name) mode) symi symt), expr]) info ty)
_ -> inner >>= \i -> setFullyQualifiedSymbols t g i xobj
pathStrings :: [String]
pathStrings = contextPath ctx
t :: TypeEnv
t = contextTypeEnv ctx
g :: Env
g = contextGlobalEnv ctx
inner :: Either QualificationError Env
inner = replaceLeft (FailedToQualifySymbols xobj) (E.getInnerEnv g pathStrings)
-- | Changes all symbols EXCEPT bound vars (defn names, variable names, etc) to their fully qualified paths.
-- | This must run after the 'setFullyQualifiedDefn' function has fixed the paths of all bindings in the environment.
-- | This function does NOT go into function-body scope environments and the like.
setFullyQualifiedSymbols :: TypeEnv -> Env -> Env -> XObj -> Either QualificationError Qualified
setFullyQualifiedSymbols t g e xobj =
case qualified of
Right qualifiedXObj -> Right $ Qualified $ qualifiedXObj
err -> fmap Qualified err
qualified :: Either QualificationError XObj
qualified =
fmap unQualified $
case xobjObj xobj of
Lst ((XObj (Defn _) _ _) : _) ->
qualifyFunctionDefinition t g e xobj
Lst ((XObj (Fn _ _) _ _) : _) ->
qualifyLambda t g e xobj
Lst ((XObj The _ _) : _) ->
qualifyThe t g e xobj
Lst ((XObj Def _ _) : _) ->
qualifyDef t g e xobj
Lst ((XObj Let _ _) : _) ->
qualifyLet t g e xobj
Lst ((XObj (Match _) _ _) : _) ->
qualifyMatch t g e xobj
Lst ((XObj With _ _) : _) ->
qualifyWith t g e xobj
Lst _ ->
qualifyLst t g e xobj
Sym _ _ ->
qualifySym t g e xobj
Arr _ ->
qualifyArr t g e xobj
StaticArr _ ->
qualifyStaticArr t g e xobj
_ -> Right $ Qualified $ xobj
-- | The type of functions that qualify XObjs (forms/s-expressions).
type Qualifier = TypeEnv -> Env -> Env -> XObj -> Either QualificationError Qualified
-- Note to maintainers: liftM unQualified is used extensively throughout to
-- turn a Qualified XObj back into an XObj for further nesting. Recall that:
-- foo <- liftM unQualified x === foo <- pure . unQualified =<< x
-- | Qualify the symbols in a Defn form's body.
qualifyFunctionDefinition :: Qualifier
qualifyFunctionDefinition typeEnv globalEnv env x@(XObj (Lst [defn@(XObj (Defn _) _ _), sym@(XObj (Sym (SymPath _ functionName) _) _ _), args@(XObj (Arr argsArr) _ _), body]) i t) =
-- For self-recursion, there must be a binding to the function in the inner env.
-- It is marked as RecursionEnv basically is the same thing as external to not mess up lookup.
-- Inside the recursion env is the function env that contains bindings for the arguments of the function.
-- Note: These inner envs is ephemeral since they are not stored in a module or global scope.
recursionEnv <- fixLeft (pure (E.recursive (Just env) (Just (functionName ++ "-recurse-env")) 0))
envWithSelf <- fixLeft (E.insertX recursionEnv (SymPath [] functionName) sym)
-- Copy the use modules from the local env to ensure they are available from the function env.
functionEnv <- fixLeft (pure ((E.nested (Just envWithSelf) (Just (functionName ++ "-function-env")) 0) {envUseModules = (envUseModules env)}))
envWithArgs <- fixLeft (foldM (\e arg@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _) -> E.insertX e path arg) functionEnv argsArr)
qualifiedBody <- liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv envWithArgs body)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst [defn, sym, args, qualifiedBody]) i t))
fixLeft = replaceLeft (FailedToQualifyDeclarationName x)
qualifyFunctionDefinition _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifyDeclarationName xobj
-- | Qualify the symbols in a lambda body.
qualifyLambda :: Qualifier
qualifyLambda typeEnv globalEnv env x@(XObj (Lst [fn@(XObj (Fn _ _) _ _), args@(XObj (Arr argsArr) _ _), body]) i t) =
let lvl = envFunctionNestingLevel env
functionEnv = Env Map.empty (Just env) Nothing Set.empty InternalEnv (lvl + 1)
in (replaceLeft (FailedToQualifySymbols x) (foldM (\e arg@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _) -> E.insertX e path arg) functionEnv argsArr))
>>= \envWithArgs ->
liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv envWithArgs body)
>>= \qualifiedBody -> pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst [fn, args, qualifiedBody]) i t))
qualifyLambda _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify the symbols in a The form's body.
qualifyThe :: Qualifier
qualifyThe typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (Lst [the@(XObj The _ _), typeX, value]) i t) =
qualifiedValue <- liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env value)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst [the, typeX, qualifiedValue]) i t))
qualifyThe _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify the symbols in a Def form's body.
qualifyDef :: Qualifier
qualifyDef typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (Lst [def@(XObj Def _ _), sym, expr]) i t) =
qualifiedExpr <- liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env expr)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst [def, sym, qualifiedExpr]) i t))
qualifyDef _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify the symbols in a Let form's bindings and body.
qualifyLet :: Qualifier
qualifyLet typeEnv globalEnv env x@(XObj (Lst [letExpr@(XObj Let _ _), bind@(XObj (Arr bindings) bindi bindt), body]) i t)
| odd (length bindings) = Right $ Qualified $ XObj (Lst [letExpr, bind, body]) i t -- Leave it untouched for the compiler to find the error.
| not (all isSym (evenIndices bindings)) = Right $ Qualified $ XObj (Lst [letExpr, bind, body]) i t -- Leave it untouched for the compiler to find the error.
| otherwise =
let Just ii = i
lvl = envFunctionNestingLevel env
innerEnv = Env Map.empty (Just env) (Just ("let-env-" ++ show (infoIdentifier ii))) Set.empty InternalEnv lvl
(innerEnv', qualifiedBindings) <- foldM qualifyBinding (innerEnv, []) (pairwise bindings)
qualifiedBody <- liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv innerEnv' body)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst [letExpr, XObj (Arr qualifiedBindings) bindi bindt, qualifiedBody]) i t))
qualifyBinding :: (Env, [XObj]) -> (XObj, XObj) -> Either QualificationError (Env, [XObj])
qualifyBinding (e, bs) (s@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _), o@(XObj (Lst [(XObj (Fn _ _) _ _), _, _]) _ _)) =
-- Let bindings to anonymous functions may recursively call themselves,
-- qualify the symbols appropriately by adding a recursion environment.
-- e.g. (let [f (fn [x] (if (= x 1) x (f (dec x))))])
-- Environment parenting is a bit nuanced here; the recursive reference
-- needs to be stored in a recursive env to mark the symbol correctly.
-- However, we also need to ensure captured variables are still marked
-- as such, which is based on env nesting level, and we need to ensure
-- the recursive reference isn't accidentally captured.
let Just origin = E.parent e
recursionEnv <- fixLeft (pure (E.recursive (Just e) (Just ("let-recurse-env")) 0))
envWithSelf <- fixLeft (E.insertX recursionEnv path s)
qualified <- liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv (E.setParent e (E.setParent origin envWithSelf)) o)
updated <- (replaceLeft (FailedToQualifySymbols x) (E.insertX e path s))
(pure (updated, bs ++ [s, qualified]))
fixLeft = replaceLeft (FailedToQualifyDeclarationName x)
qualifyBinding (e, bs) (s@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _), o) =
qualified <- liftM unQualified (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv e o)
updated <- (replaceLeft (FailedToQualifySymbols x) (E.insertX e path s))
(pure (updated, bs ++ [s, qualified]))
qualifyBinding _ _ = error "bad let binding"
qualifyLet _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify symbols in a Match form.
qualifyMatch :: Qualifier
qualifyMatch typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (Lst (matchExpr@(XObj (Match _) _ _) : expr : casesXObjs)) i t)
-- Leave it untouched for the compiler to find the error.
| odd (length casesXObjs) = pure $ Qualified $ XObj (Lst (matchExpr : expr : casesXObjs)) i t
| otherwise =
qualifiedExpr <- pure . unQualified =<< setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env expr
qualifiedCases <- pure . map (map unQualified) =<< mapM qualifyCases (pairwise casesXObjs)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst (matchExpr : qualifiedExpr : concat qualifiedCases)) i t))
Just ii = i
lvl = envFunctionNestingLevel env
-- Create an inner environment for each case.
innerEnv :: Env
innerEnv = E.nested (Just env) (Just ("case-env-" ++ show (infoIdentifier ii))) lvl
-- Qualify each case in the match form.
qualifyCases :: (XObj, XObj) -> Either QualificationError [Qualified]
qualifyCases (l@(XObj (Lst (_ : xs)) _ _), r) =
innerEnv' <- foldM foldVars innerEnv xs
qualifiedLHS <- setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv innerEnv' l
qualifiedRHS <- setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv innerEnv' r
Right [qualifiedLHS, qualifiedRHS]
qualifyCases (wild@(XObj (Sym (SymPath _ "_") _) _ _), r) =
qualifiedLHS <- foldVars env wild >>= \e -> setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv e wild
qualifiedRHS <- setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env r
Right [qualifiedLHS, qualifiedRHS]
qualifyCases (l, r) =
qualifiedLHS <- setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env l
qualifiedRHS <- setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env r
Right [qualifiedLHS, qualifiedRHS]
-- Add variables in a case to its environment
foldVars :: Env -> XObj -> Either QualificationError Env
foldVars env' v@(XObj (Sym path _) _ _) = (replaceLeft (FailedToQualifySymbols v) (E.insertX env' path v))
-- Nested sumtypes; fold recursively -- is there a more efficient way?
foldVars _ (XObj (Lst (_ : ys)) _ _) = foldM foldVars innerEnv ys
foldVars _ v = Left $ NonVariableInMatch v
qualifyMatch _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify symbols in a With form.
qualifyWith :: Qualifier
qualifyWith typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (Lst [XObj With _ _, XObj (Sym path _) _ _, expression]) _ _) =
let useThese = envUseModules env
env' = env {envUseModules = Set.insert path useThese}
in setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env' expression
qualifyWith _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify symbols in a generic Lst form.
qualifyLst :: Qualifier
qualifyLst typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (Lst xobjs) i t) =
-- TODO: Perhaps this general case can be sufficient? No need with all the cases above..?
qualifiedXObjs <- liftM (map unQualified) (mapM (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env) xobjs)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Lst qualifiedXObjs) i t))
qualifyLst _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify a single symbol.
qualifySym :: Qualifier
-- Unqualified path.
qualifySym typeEnv globalEnv localEnv xobj@(XObj (Sym path@(SymPath _ name) _) i t) =
( ( ( replaceLeft
(FailedToFindSymbol xobj)
-- TODO: Why do we need getValue here? We should be able to restrict this
-- search only to direct children of the type environment, but this causes
-- errors.
( fmap (\(e, b) -> ((E.prj typeEnv), (E.prj e, b))) (E.searchType typeEnv path)
<> fmap (localEnv,) (E.searchValue localEnv path)
<> fmap (globalEnv,) (E.searchValue globalEnv path)
>>= \(origin, (e, binder)) ->
resolve (E.prj origin) (E.prj e) (binderXObj binder)
>>= pure . Qualified
<> ((resolveMulti path (E.lookupInUsed localEnv globalEnv path)) >>= pure . Qualified)
<> ((replaceLeft (FailedToFindSymbol xobj) (E.lookupContextually globalEnv path)) >>= (resolveMulti path) >>= pure . Qualified)
<> ((resolveMulti path (E.lookupEverywhere globalEnv name)) >>= pure . Qualified)
<> pure (Qualified xobj)
resolve :: Env -> Env -> XObj -> Either QualificationError XObj
resolve _ _ (XObj (Lst (XObj (Interface _ _) _ _ : _)) _ _) =
-- Before we return an interface, double check that it isn't shadowed by a local let-binding.
case (E.searchValue localEnv path) of
Right (e, Binder _ _) ->
case envMode e of
InternalEnv -> pure (XObj (Sym (getPath xobj) (LookupLocal (captureOrNot e localEnv))) i t)
_ -> pure (XObj (InterfaceSym name) i t)
_ -> pure (XObj (InterfaceSym name) i t)
resolve _ _ x@(XObj (Lst (XObj (External (Just overrideName)) _ _ : _)) _ _) =
pure (XObj (Sym (getPath x) (LookupGlobalOverride overrideName)) i t)
resolve _ _ (XObj (Mod modenv _) _ _) =
nakedInit modenv
resolve origin found xobj' =
if (isTypeDef xobj')
( (replaceLeft (FailedToFindSymbol xobj') (fmap (globalEnv,) (E.searchValue globalEnv path)))
>>= \(origin', (e', binder)) -> resolve (E.prj origin') (E.prj e') (binderXObj binder)
else case envMode (E.prj found) of
RecursionEnv -> pure (XObj (Sym (getPath xobj') LookupRecursive) i t)
InternalEnv -> pure (XObj (Sym (getPath xobj') (LookupLocal (captureOrNot found origin))) i t)
ExternalEnv -> pure (XObj (Sym (getPath xobj') (LookupGlobal (if isExternalFunction xobj' then ExternalCode else CarpLand) (definitionMode xobj'))) i t)
resolveMulti :: (Show e, E.Environment e) => SymPath -> [(e, Binder)] -> Either QualificationError XObj
resolveMulti _ [] =
Left (FailedToFindSymbol xobj)
resolveMulti _ [(e, b)] =
resolve (E.prj e) (E.prj e) (binderXObj b)
resolveMulti spath xs =
let localOnly = remove (E.envIsExternal . fst) xs
paths = map (getModuleSym . (second binderXObj)) xs
in case localOnly of
[] -> case spath of
(SymPath [] _) ->
Right $ XObj (MultiSym name paths) i t
_ -> Left (QualifiedMulti spath)
ys -> Left (LocalMulti spath (map (first E.prj) ys))
nakedInit :: Env -> Either QualificationError XObj
nakedInit e =
(Left (NakedInitForUnnamedModule (pathToEnv e)))
(Right . id)
( envModuleName e
>>= \name' ->
pure (XObj (Sym (SymPath ((init (pathToEnv e)) ++ [name']) "init") (LookupGlobal CarpLand AFunction)) i t)
getModuleSym (_, x) =
case x of
XObj (Mod ev _) _ _ ->
(SymPath (init (pathToEnv ev)) name)
( (replaceLeft (FailedToFindSymbol x) (E.searchType globalEnv (SymPath (init (pathToEnv ev)) name)))
>> (fmap getPath (nakedInit ev))
_ -> (getPath x)
qualifySym _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Determine whether or not this symbol is captured in a local environment (closures).
captureOrNot :: Env -> Env -> CaptureMode
captureOrNot foundEnv localEnv =
if envFunctionNestingLevel foundEnv < envFunctionNestingLevel localEnv
then Capture (envFunctionNestingLevel localEnv - envFunctionNestingLevel foundEnv)
else NoCapture
-- | Qualify an Arr form.
qualifyArr :: Qualifier
qualifyArr typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (Arr array) i t) =
qualifiedArr <- liftM (map unQualified) (mapM (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env) array)
pure (Qualified (XObj (Arr qualifiedArr) i t))
qualifyArr _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj
-- | Qualify a StaticArr form.
qualifyStaticArr :: Qualifier
qualifyStaticArr typeEnv globalEnv env (XObj (StaticArr array) i t) =
qualifiedArr <- liftM (map unQualified) (mapM (setFullyQualifiedSymbols typeEnv globalEnv env) array)
pure (Qualified (XObj (StaticArr qualifiedArr) i t))
qualifyStaticArr _ _ _ xobj = Left $ FailedToQualifySymbols xobj