Scott Olsen bf6df6405c
feat: add IO.fgetc (#1405)
* feat: add feof and ferror

These are C stdio functions that enable programmers to determine if a
file read resulted in an error or EOF encounter.

We can use these to power a definition of IO.fgetc, which is currently
not defined.

* feat: implement missing IO.fgetc

IO defined a function, fgetc (distinct from IO.Raw.fgetc) which actually
produced invalid code, since the name was not overridden and C does not
define IO_fgetc.

There was also a TODO to handle EOF conditions; so, I've implemented the
function, checking for EOF and error conditions using the Raw stdio
wrappers. IO.fgetc returns a Char in Success on success and an error
string on failure.

* refactor: distinguish EOF from errors in IO.fgetc

We now report whether or not the error encountered in fgetc was EOF.
Note that we don't yet report on the contents of other errors.
2022-03-28 10:16:51 +02:00

179 lines
10 KiB

(system-include "carp_io.h")
(register-type FILE)
(doc IO "is a module for performing I/O operations. Most functions found in this
module are wrappers around the C standard library.")
(defmodule IO
(doc Raw "wrappers for functions from the C standard library. Consider using a more carpesque function from IO when it exists. For detailed documentation please consult the documentation of your system (e.g. under Linux try man fprint).")
(defmodule Raw
(doc stdin "the standard input file (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register stdin (Ptr FILE) "stdin")
(doc stdout "the standard output file (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register stdout (Ptr FILE) "stdout")
(doc stderr "the standard error file (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register stderr (Ptr FILE) "stderr")
(doc get-char "gets a character from stdin (thin wrapper for getchar() from C standard library).")
(register get-char (Fn [] Int) "getchar")
(doc fgetc "gets a character from file (thin wrapper for the from C standard library).")
(register fgetc (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Int) "fgetc")
(doc EOF "the End-Of-File character as a literal (thin wrapper for the C standard library)")
(register EOF Int "EOF")
(private fopen-)
(hidden fopen-)
(register fopen- (Fn [(Ptr CChar) (Ptr CChar)] (Ptr FILE)) "fopen" )
(doc fopen "opens a file for input/output/appending (thin wrapper for the C standard library). Consider using the function instead.")
(defn fopen [pathname mode]
(fopen- (String.cstr pathname) (String.cstr mode)) )
(doc fclose "closes a file pointer (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register fclose (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Int) "fclose")
(doc fclose! "same as (fclose) but to be used as a side effect.")
(defn fclose! [file]
(ignore (fclose file)) )
(private fwrite-)
(hidden fwrite-)
(register fwrite- (Fn [(Ptr CChar) Int Int (Ptr FILE)] Int) "fwrite")
(doc fwrite "writes a C-string to a file and returns the number of written items (thin wrapper for the C standard library). Consider using [`write-file`](#write-file) instead.")
(defn fwrite [data item-size items-count file]
(fwrite- (String.cstr data) item-size items-count file) )
(doc fwrite! "like fwrite but returns no indicator whether writing to file succeeded. Consider using fwrite instead.")
(defn fwrite! [data item-size items-count file]
(ignore (fwrite data item-size items-count file)) )
(private fread-)
(hidden fread-)
(register fread- (Fn [a Int Int (Ptr FILE)] Int) "fread")
(doc fread "reads from a file into C-String (thin wrapper for fread(cstr, item-size, items-count, file) from C standard library). Consider using [`read-file`](#read-file) or [`unsafe-read-file`](#unsafe-read-file) instead.")
(defn fread [file-name item-size items-count file]
(fread- (String.cstr file-name) item-size items-count file) )
(doc fflush "flushes a file pointer, i.e. commits every write (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register fflush (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Int) "fflush")
(doc fflush! "same as (fflush) but to be used as a side effect.")
(defn fflush! [file]
(ignore (fflush file)) )
(doc rewind "rewinds a file pointer, i.e. puts input and output stream to beginning (thin wrapper for the C standard library). If you want to verify, that this succeeded, use (fseek stream 0, SEEK_SET) instead. ")
(register rewind (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] ()) "rewind")
(private unlink-)
(hidden unlink-)
(register unlink- (Fn [(Ptr CChar)] Int) "unlink")
; override unlink for windows
(register unlink- (Fn [(Ptr CChar)] Int) "_unlink"))
(doc unlink "unlinks a file, i.e. deletes it (thin wrapper for POSIX api in <unistd.h>).")
(defn unlink [file-name]
(unlink- (String.cstr file-name)) )
(doc unlink! "same as (unlink) but to be used as a side effect.")
(defn unlink! [file-name]
(ignore (unlink file-name)) )
(doc fseek "sets the position indicator of a file (thin wrapper for fseek(file, offset, whence) from C standard library).")
(register fseek (Fn [(Ptr FILE) Int Int] Int) "fseek")
(doc fseek! "same as (fseek) but to be used as a side effect.")
(register fseek! (Fn [(Ptr FILE) Int Int] ()) "fseek") ; note: (ignore (ffseek ...)) would also work
(doc SEEK-SET "to be used with fseek (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register SEEK-SET Int "SEEK_SET")
(doc SEEK-CUR "to be used with fseek (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register SEEK-CUR Int "SEEK_CUR")
(doc SEEK-END "to be used with fseek (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register SEEK-END Int "SEEK_END")
(doc ftell "gets the position indicator of a file (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(register ftell (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Int) "ftell")
(register feof (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Bool) "feof")
(register ferror (Fn [(Ptr FILE)] Bool) "ferror")
(doc println "prints a string ref to stdout, appends a newline.")
(register println (Fn [(Ref String)] ()))
(doc print "prints a string ref to stdout, does not append a newline.")
(register print (Fn [(Ref String)] ()))
(doc errorln "prints a string ref to stderr, appends a newline.")
(register errorln (Fn [(Ref String)] ()))
(doc error "prints a string ref to stderr, does not append a newline.")
(register error (Fn [(Ref String)] ()))
(doc get-line "gets a line from stdin.")
(register get-line (Fn [] String))
(doc fgetc "gets a character from a file pointer (thin wrapper for the C standard library).")
(defn fgetc [file]
(let [char (IO.Raw.fgetc file)]
(if (IO.Raw.feof file)
(Result.Error @"couldn't read char from file, EOF reached")
(if (IO.Raw.ferror file)
(Result.Error @"error while reading char from file")
(Result.Success (Char.from-int char))))))
(doc open-file "opens a file by name using a mode (e.g. [r]ead, [w]rite, [a]ppend), [rb] read binary...). See fopen() in the C standard library for a detailed description of valid parameters.")
(defn open-file [filename mode]
(let [ptr (IO.Raw.fopen filename mode)]
(if (null? ptr)
(Result.Error (System.error-text))
(Result.Success ptr) )))
(doc read->EOF "reads a file given by name until the End-Of-File character is reached. Please consider using read-file instead, even though this works fine for UTF-8 encoded input files.")
(defn read->EOF [filename]
(let [file? ( filename "rb")]
(match file?
(Result.Error x) (Result.Error x)
(Result.Success f) (let [c (zero)
r []]
(while (do
(set! c (IO.Raw.fgetc f))
(/= c IO.Raw.EOF))
(set! r (Array.push-back r (Byte.from-int c))))
(IO.Raw.fclose! f)
(Result.Success (String.from-bytes &r)))))))
(doc unsafe-read-file "returns the contents of a file passed as argument as a string. Note: there is no way to distinguish the output for an empty file and a missing file!")
(register unsafe-read-file (Fn [&String] String))
(doc read-file "Reads the content of a file into a (Result String String).\nIt is intended for text files, since the way to determine the length of a String is to use strlen() which probably will be inaccurate for binaries.")
(defn read-file [filename]
(let [ finput? (open-file filename "rb") ]
(if (Result.error? &finput?)
(Result.Error (fmt "Failed to open file='%s', error='%s'" filename &(Result.unsafe-from-error finput?) ))
(let [ finput (Result.unsafe-from-success finput?)
length (do
(IO.Raw.fseek! finput 0 IO.Raw.SEEK-END)
(let-do [flength (IO.Raw.ftell finput)]
(IO.Raw.rewind finput)
flength ))
buffer (String.allocate length \0 ) ]
(if (not (String.allocated? &buffer))
(IO.Raw.fclose! finput)
(Result.Error (fmt "Failed to open buffer with size=%d from file='%s'" length filename)) )
(let [ bytes-read (IO.Raw.fread &buffer 1 length finput)
nop1 (IO.Raw.fclose! finput) ]
(if (not (Int.= bytes-read length))
(Result.Error (fmt "Error: file='%s' has length=%d but bytes-read=%d" filename length bytes-read))
(Result.Success buffer) )))))))
(doc write-file "Writes a string into a (text) file, overwriting it if it already exists.")
(defn write-file [content file-name]
(let [ fOut? (open-file file-name "wb") ; open as binary so line breaks don't multiply on Windows
bytes2write (String.length content) ]
(if (Result.error? &fOut?)
(Result.Error (fmt "error='%s' opening file='%s'" &(Result.unsafe-from-error fOut?) file-name))
(let-do [ fOut (Result.unsafe-from-success fOut?)
bytes-written (IO.Raw.fwrite content 1 bytes2write fOut) ]
(IO.Raw.fclose! fOut)
(if (Int.= bytes-written bytes2write)
(Result.Success true)
(Result.Error (fmt "only %d of %d bytes were written" bytes-written bytes2write)) )))))
(private getenv-)
(hidden getenv-)
(doc getenv- "gets the value of an environment variable (thin wrapper for the C standard library)")
(register getenv- (Fn [(Ptr CChar)] (Ptr CChar)) "getenv")
(doc getenv "gets the value of an environment variable (Carp-style wrapper for the C standard library)")
(defn getenv [s]
(let [e (getenv- (String.cstr s))]
(if (null? e)
(Maybe.Just (from-cstr e)))))
; TODO: document this cool stuff, possibly even include an example!
(defmacro println* [:rest forms]
`(IO.println %(build-str* forms)))
(defmacro print* [:rest forms]
`(IO.print %(build-str* forms)))