
250 lines
12 KiB

module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.Console.Haskeline ( getInputLine
, InputT
, runInputT
, Settings(..)
, Completion
, simpleCompletion
, completeWordWithPrev
import System.Directory (getHomeDirectory)
import qualified System.Environment as SystemEnvironment
import System.IO (stdout)
import System.Info (os)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import ColorText
import Obj
import Types
import Commands
import Template
import ArrayTemplates
import Parsing
import Eval
defaultProject :: Project
defaultProject = Project { projectTitle = "Untitled"
, projectIncludes = [SystemInclude "core.h"]
, projectCFlags = ["-fPIC"]
, projectLibFlags = ["-lm"]
, projectFiles = []
, projectEchoC = False
, projectCarpDir = "./"
, projectOutDir = "./out/"
, projectPrompt = if os == "darwin" then "" else "> "
, projectCarpSearchPaths = []
, projectPrintTypedAST = False
completeKeywords :: Monad m => String -> String -> m [Completion]
completeKeywords _ word = return $ findKeywords word keywords []
findKeywords match [] res = res
findKeywords match (x : xs) res =
if isPrefixOf match x
then findKeywords match xs (res ++ [simpleCompletion x])
else findKeywords match xs res
keywords = [ "Int" -- we should probably have a list of those somewhere
, "Float"
, "Double"
, "Bool"
, "String"
, "Char"
, "Array"
, "Fn"
, "def"
, "defn"
, "let"
, "do"
, "if"
, "while"
, "ref"
, "address"
, "set!"
, "the"
, "defmacro"
, "dynamic"
, "quote"
, "car"
, "cdr"
, "cons"
, "list"
, "array"
, "expand"
, "deftype"
, "register"
, "true"
, "false"
readlineSettings :: Monad m => IO (Settings m)
readlineSettings = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
return $ Settings {
complete = completeWordWithPrev Nothing ['(', ')', '[', ']', ' ', '\t', '\n'] completeKeywords,
historyFile = Just $ home ++ "/.carp_history",
autoAddHistory = True
repl :: Context -> String -> InputT IO ()
repl context readSoFar =
do let prompt = strWithColor Yellow (if null readSoFar then (projectPrompt (contextProj context)) else " ") -- 鲤 / 鲮
input <- (getInputLine prompt)
case input of
Nothing -> return ()
Just i -> do
let concat = readSoFar ++ i ++ "\n"
case balance concat of
0 -> do let input' = if concat == "\n" then contextLastInput context else concat
context' <- liftIO $ executeString context input' "REPL"
repl (context' { contextLastInput = input' }) ""
_ -> repl context concat
arrayModule :: Env
arrayModule = Env { envBindings = bindings, envParent = Nothing, envModuleName = Just "Array", envUseModules = [], envMode = ExternalEnv }
where bindings = Map.fromList [ templateNth
, templateReplicate
, templateRepeat
, templateCopyingMap
, templateEMap
, templateFilter
--, templateReduce
, templateRange
, templateRaw
, templateAset
, templateAsetBang
, templateCount
, templatePushBack
, templatePopBack
, templateDeleteArray
, templateCopyArray
, templateStrArray
, templateSort
, templateIndexOf
, templateElemCount
startingGlobalEnv :: Bool -> Env
startingGlobalEnv noArray =
Env { envBindings = bindings,
envParent = Nothing,
envModuleName = Nothing,
envUseModules = [(SymPath [] "String")],
envMode = ExternalEnv
where bindings = Map.fromList $ [ register "and" (FuncTy [BoolTy, BoolTy] BoolTy)
, register "or" (FuncTy [BoolTy, BoolTy] BoolTy)
, register "not" (FuncTy [BoolTy] BoolTy)
, register "NULL" (VarTy "a")
, addCommand "quit" (CommandFunction commandQuit)
, addCommand "cat" (CommandFunction commandCat)
, addCommand "run" (CommandFunction commandRunExe)
, addCommand "build" (CommandFunction commandBuild)
, addCommand "reload" (CommandFunction commandReload)
, addCommand "env" (CommandFunction commandListBindings)
, addCommand "help" (CommandFunction commandHelp)
, addCommand "project" (CommandFunction commandProject)
, addCommand "load" (CommandFunction commandLoad)
, addCommand "macro-log" (CommandFunction commandPrint)
, addCommand "expand" (CommandFunction commandExpand) -- not autoquoting it's arg for now
, addCommand "project-set!" (CommandFunction commandProjectSet)
, addCommand "os" (CommandFunction commandOS)
, addCommand "system-include" (CommandFunction commandAddSystemInclude)
, addCommand "local-include" (CommandFunction commandAddLocalInclude)
] ++ (if noArray then [] else [("Array", Binder (XObj (Mod arrayModule) Nothing Nothing))])
startingTypeEnv :: Env
startingTypeEnv = Env { envBindings = bindings
, envParent = Nothing
, envModuleName = Nothing
, envUseModules = []
, envMode = ExternalEnv
where bindings = Map.fromList
$ [ interfaceBinder "copy" (FuncTy [(RefTy (VarTy "a"))] (VarTy "a")) [SymPath ["Array"] "copy"] builtInSymbolInfo
, interfaceBinder "str" (FuncTy [(VarTy "a")] StringTy) [SymPath ["Array"] "str"] builtInSymbolInfo
-- TODO: Implement! ("=", Binder (defineInterface "=" (FuncTy [(VarTy "a"), (VarTy "a")] BoolTy)))
builtInSymbolInfo = Info (-1) (-1) "Built-in." Set.empty (-1)
interfaceBinder :: String -> Ty -> [SymPath] -> Info -> (String, Binder)
interfaceBinder name t paths i = (name, Binder (defineInterface name t paths (Just i)))
coreModules :: String -> [String]
coreModules carpDir = map (\s -> carpDir ++ "/core/" ++ s ++ ".carp") [ "Interfaces"
, "Macros"
, "Dynamic"
, "Int"
, "Long"
, "Double"
, "Float"
, "Array"
, "String"
, "Char"
, "Bool"
, "IO"
, "System"
-- | Other options for how to run the compiler
data OtherOptions = NoCore | LogMemory deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Parse the arguments sent to the compiler from the terminal
parseArgs :: [String] -> ([FilePath], ExecutionMode, [OtherOptions])
parseArgs args = parseArgsInternal [] Repl [] args
where parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode otherOptions [] =
(filesToLoad, execMode, otherOptions)
parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode otherOptions (arg:restArgs) =
case arg of
"-b" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad Build otherOptions restArgs
"-x" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad BuildAndRun otherOptions restArgs
"--no-core" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (NoCore : otherOptions) restArgs
"--log-memory" -> parseArgsInternal filesToLoad execMode (LogMemory : otherOptions) restArgs
file -> parseArgsInternal (filesToLoad ++ [file]) execMode otherOptions restArgs
main :: IO ()
main = do args <- SystemEnvironment.getArgs
sysEnv <- SystemEnvironment.getEnvironment
let (argFilesToLoad, execMode, otherOptions) = parseArgs args
logMemory = LogMemory `elem` otherOptions
projectWithFiles = defaultProject { projectFiles = argFilesToLoad
, projectCFlags = (if logMemory then ["-D LOG_MEMORY"] else []) ++
(projectCFlags defaultProject)
noCore = NoCore `elem` otherOptions
noArray = False
coreModulesToLoad = if noCore then [] else (coreModules (projectCarpDir projectWithCarpDir))
projectWithCarpDir = case lookup "CARP_DIR" sysEnv of
Just carpDir -> projectWithFiles { projectCarpDir = carpDir }
Nothing -> projectWithFiles
startingContext = (Context
(startingGlobalEnv noArray)
(TypeEnv startingTypeEnv)
context <- loadFiles startingContext coreModulesToLoad
context' <- loadFiles context argFilesToLoad
settings <- readlineSettings
case execMode of
Repl -> do putStrLn "Welcome to Carp 0.2.0"
putStrLn "This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."
putStrLn "Evaluate (help) for more information."
runInputT settings (repl context' "")
Build -> do _ <- executeString context' ":b" "Compiler (Build)"
return ()
BuildAndRun -> do _ <- executeString context' ":bx" "Compiler (Build & Run)"
-- TODO: Handle the return value from executeString and return that one to the shell
return ()