Erik Svedäng 3b429541a3
refactor: Clean up memory management functions (#1240)
* refactor: Mid-refactor save point.

* feat: Code compiles

* refactor: Remove unused imports

* refactor: Move functions out of massive `manageMemory` block

* refactor: Move out even more functions from `manageMemory`

* refactor: Made most patterns match on "head form" of each s-expression

e.g. (if a b c) matches on 'if', 'a', 'b' and 'c'

* refactor: Use the pattern synonyms in Memory

* refactor: Remove a little cruft

* refactor: whenOK function

* refactor: Use 'whenRight' functions to avoid directly matching on Either

* docs: Comment the 'getConcretizedPath' function

* refactor: Move functionFinding-functions into Polymorphism module
2021-06-16 21:41:58 +02:00

140 lines
3.9 KiB

module Util where
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Map
import qualified Set
import System.Info (os)
joinWith :: String -> [String] -> String
joinWith = intercalate
joinLines :: [String] -> String
joinLines = joinWith "\n"
joinWithSpace :: [String] -> String
joinWithSpace = unwords
joinWithComma :: [String] -> String
joinWithComma = intercalate ", "
joinWithUnderscore :: [String] -> String
joinWithUnderscore = intercalate "_"
joinWithPeriod :: [String] -> String
joinWithPeriod = intercalate "."
pairwise :: Show a => [a] -> [(a, a)]
pairwise [] = []
pairwise (x : y : xs) = (x, y) : pairwise xs
pairwise leftover = error ("An uneven number of forms sent to pairwise: " ++ show leftover)
compilerError :: String -> a
compilerError msg = error ("Internal compiler error: " ++ msg)
-- | Unwraps a Maybe value a to Right a, or returns a default value (Left b) if it was Nothing.
toEither :: Maybe a -> b -> Either b a
toEither a b = case a of
Just ok -> Right ok
Nothing -> Left b
replaceChars :: Map.Map Char String -> String -> String
replaceChars dict = concatMap replacer
replacer c = fromMaybe [c] (Map.lookup c dict)
replaceStrings :: Map.Map String String -> String -> String
replaceStrings dict s = fromMaybe s (Map.lookup s dict)
addIfNotPresent :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
addIfNotPresent x xs =
if x `elem` xs
then xs
else xs ++ [x]
remove :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
remove f = filter (not . f)
enumerate :: Int -> String
enumerate 0 = "first"
enumerate 1 = "second"
enumerate 2 = "third"
enumerate 3 = "fourth"
enumerate 4 = "fifth"
enumerate 5 = "sixth"
enumerate 6 = "seventh"
enumerate n = show n ++ ":th"
data Platform = Linux | MacOS | Windows | FreeBSD | NetBSD deriving (Show, Eq)
platform :: Platform
platform =
case os of
"linux" -> Linux
"darwin" -> MacOS
"mingw32" -> Windows
"freebsd" -> FreeBSD
"netbsd" -> NetBSD
p -> error ("Unknown platform: " ++ p)
unionOfSetsInList :: Ord a => [Set.Set a] -> Set.Set a
unionOfSetsInList (x : xs) =
foldl' Set.union x xs
unionOfSetsInList [] =
intersectionOfSetsInList :: Ord a => [Set.Set a] -> Set.Set a
intersectionOfSetsInList (x : xs) =
foldl' Set.intersection x xs
intersectionOfSetsInList [] =
evenIndices :: [a] -> [a]
evenIndices = map snd . filter (even . fst) . zip ([0 ..] :: [Int])
-- 'Naked' Lmabdas declared at the top level have their own s-expression forms
-- as names, e.g. (fn <> [] ()). This can result in invalid c code. This
-- function checks a lambda's nesting level. If the lambda is declared at the
-- top level it returns a constant string, otherwise it returns the provided
-- name (usually the name of the function in which the lambda is defined).
lambdaToCName :: String -> Int -> String
lambdaToCName name nestLevel =
if nestLevel > 0
then name
-- Given an integer, create a dummy argument name for it.
-- Called by XObj producing functions such as addCommand.
intToArgName :: Int -> String
intToArgName 1 = "x"
intToArgName 2 = "y"
intToArgName 3 = "z"
intToArgName 4 = "w"
intToArgName 5 = "v"
intToArgName 6 = "u"
intToArgName 7 = "t"
intToArgName 8 = "s"
intToArgName 9 = "r"
intToArgName n = intToArgName 1 ++ intToArgName (n `div` 10)
replaceLeft :: b -> Either a c -> Either b c
replaceLeft x e = first (const x) e
unwrapErr :: Show e => Either e a -> Either String a
unwrapErr = first show
toMaybe :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Maybe c
toMaybe f e = either (const Nothing) (Just . f) e
maybeId :: Either a b -> Maybe b
maybeId = toMaybe id
whenRight :: Applicative f => Either a b -> f (Either a c) -> f (Either a c)
whenRight (Right _) cont = cont
whenRight (Left err) _ = pure (Left err)
whenRightReturn :: Applicative f => Either a b -> Either a c -> f (Either a c)
whenRightReturn (Right _) cont = pure cont
whenRightReturn (Left err) _ = pure (Left err)