Scott Olsen 3148703a22
feat: add (#1382)
* feat: add

Adds a new dynamic function that converts a string to an array of
strings, one for each character in the string. In other words, it's the
same as but the result is an array structure
instead of a list.

It's also significantly faster than to-list on large inputs. The current
implementation of takes long to process large
inputs, presumably because of its recursive behavior and multiple calls
to cons (I'm currently investigating this) (e.g. use read-file then try
calling to-list, you may need to wait a while). Contrarily, to-array is
nearly instantaneous even when the input string is large. This is
because it leverages Haskell's `splitOn` directly, which, when given an
empty delimiter, (which is the case for the empty string), splits the
entire input sequence. Because "" is the empty list for a string in
Haskell's representation, calling split-on with "" results in the
splitting behavior. The output also includes the delimiting case, so we
drop it using cdr.

* test: add test for
2022-02-14 09:31:13 +01:00

526 lines
15 KiB

(system-include "carp_string.h")
(system-include "ctype.h")
(defmodule Byte
(hidden tolower-) ; helper func for String.ascii-to-lower
(register tolower- (Fn [Byte] Byte) "tolower")
(hidden toupper-) ; helper func for String.ascii-to-upper
(register toupper- (Fn [Byte] Byte) "toupper")
(doc String "is the string data type for representing text.")
(defmodule String
(register = (Fn [&String &String] Bool))
(register > (Fn [&String &String] Bool))
(register < (Fn [&String &String] Bool))
(register append (Fn [&String &String] String))
(register delete (Fn [String] ()))
(register copy (Fn [&String] String))
(register length (Fn [&String] Int))
(register cstr (Fn [&String] (Ptr CChar)))
(register from-cstr (Fn [(Ptr CChar)] String))
(register str (Fn [&String] String))
(register prn (Fn [&String] String))
(register index-of (Fn [&String Char] Int))
(register index-of-from (Fn [&String Char Int] Int))
(register char-at (Fn [&String Int] Char))
(register chars (Fn [&String] (Array Char)))
(register from-chars (Fn [&(Array Char)] String))
(register tail (λ [(Ref String)] String))
(register format (Fn [&String &String] String))
(implements format String.format)
(register string-set! (Fn [&String Int Char] ()))
(register string-set-at! (Fn [&String Int &String] ()))
(register allocate (Fn [Int Char] String))
(doc allocated? "checks if a String returned by String.allocate is not NULL. This is a safeguard against out-of-memory conditions.")
(defn allocated? [s]
(not (null? (cstr s))) )
(register from-bytes (Fn [&(Array Byte)] String))
(register to-bytes (Fn [&String] (Array Byte)))
(implements < String.<)
(implements > String.>)
(implements = String.=)
(implements copy String.copy)
(implements prn String.prn)
(implements str String.str)
(implements delete String.delete)
(doc head "Returns the character at start of string.")
(defn head [s]
(char-at s 0))
(doc repeat "Returns a new string which is `inpt` repeated `n` times.")
(defn repeat [n inpt]
(let [l (length inpt)
str (String.allocate (* n l) \0)]
(for [i 0 n]
(string-set-at! &str (* i l) inpt))
(doc pad-left "Pads the left of a string with len bytes using the padding pad.")
(defn pad-left [len pad s]
(let [x (max 0 (- len (length s)))]
(append &(from-chars &(Array.replicate x &pad)) s)))
(doc pad-right "Pads the right of a string with len bytes using the padding pad.")
(defn pad-right [len pad s]
(let [x (max 0 (- len (length s)))]
(append s &(from-chars &(Array.replicate x &pad)))))
(doc count-char "Returns the number of occurrences of `c` in the string `s`.")
(defn count-char [s c]
(let-do [n 0]
(for [i 0 (length s)]
(when (= c (char-at s i))
(set! n ( n))))
(doc reverse "Produce a new string which is `s` reversed.")
(defn reverse [s]
(from-chars &(Array.reverse (chars s))))
(doc empty? "Check if the string is the empty string.")
(defn empty? [s]
(Int.= (length s) 0))
(implements empty? String.empty?)
(doc slice "Return part of a string, beginning at index `a` and ending at index `b`.")
(defn slice [s a b]
(from-chars &(Array.slice &(chars s) a b)))
(implements slice String.slice)
(doc prefix "Return the first `a` characters of the string `s`.")
(defn prefix [s a]
(from-chars &(Array.prefix &(chars s) a)))
(doc suffix "Returns the suffix string starting at the `b`th character.")
(defn suffix [s b]
(from-chars &(Array.suffix &(chars s) b)))
(doc starts-with? "Check if the string `s` begins with the string `sub`.")
(defn starts-with? [s sub]
(let [ls (length sub)]
(and (>= (length s) ls) (= sub &(prefix s ls)))))
(doc ends-with? "Check if the string `s` ends with the string `sub`.")
(defn ends-with? [s sub]
(let [ls (length s)
lsub (length sub)]
(and (>= ls lsub) (= sub &(suffix s (- ls lsub))))))
(doc zero "The empty string.")
(defn zero [] @"")
(implements zero
(doc sum-length "Returns the sum of lengths from an array of Strings.")
(defn sum-length [strings]
(let-do [sum 0
lstrings (Array.length strings)]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(set! sum (+ sum (String.length (Array.unsafe-nth strings i)))))
(doc concat "Returns a new string which is the concatenation of the provided `strings`.")
(defn concat [strings]
;; This is using a StringBuilder pattern to only perform one allocation and
;; to only copy each of the incoming strings once.
;; This currently performs wasted String.length calls, as we call it for each
;; string once here and once in sum-length.
(let-do [j 0
lstrings (Array.length strings)
result (String.allocate (sum-length strings) \ )]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(let-do [str (Array.unsafe-nth strings i)
len (String.length str)]
(string-set-at! &result j str)
(set! j (+ j len))))
(doc join "Returns a new string which is the concatenation of the provided `strings` separated by string `sep`.")
(defn join [sep strings]
(let-do [j 0
lstrings (Array.length strings)
num-seps (max 0 (- lstrings 1))
sep-length (String.length sep)
seps-size (* num-seps sep-length)
result (String.allocate (+ seps-size (sum-length strings)) \ )]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(let-do [str (Array.unsafe-nth strings i)
len (String.length str)]
(when (> i 0)
(string-set-at! &result j sep)
(set! j (+ j sep-length))))
(string-set-at! &result j str)
(set! j (+ j len))))
(doc join-with-char "Returns a new string which is the concatenation of the provided `strings` separated by char `sep`.")
(defn join-with-char [sep strings]
;; (= (join-with-char \ ["Hello" "world"]) (join " " ["Hello" "world"]))
(let-do [j 0
lstrings (Array.length strings)
sep-length (max 0 (- lstrings 1))
result (String.allocate (+ sep-length (sum-length strings)) \ )]
(for [i 0 lstrings]
(let-do [str (Array.unsafe-nth strings i)
len (String.length str)]
(when (> i 0)
(string-set! &result j sep)
(set! j (+ j 1))))
(string-set-at! &result j str)
(set! j (+ j len))))
(doc contains? "Checks whether the string `s` contains the character `c`.")
(defn contains? [s c] (> (index-of s c) -1))
(doc ascii-to-lower "converts each character in this string to lower case using tolower() from standard C library. Note: this will only work for ASCII characters.")
(defn ascii-to-lower [s]
(String.from-bytes &(Array.endo-map &(fn [c] (Byte.tolower- c)) ( s))) )
(doc ascii-to-upper "converts each character in this string to upper case using toupper() from standard C library. Note: this will only work for ASCII characters.")
(defn ascii-to-upper [s]
(String.from-bytes &(Array.endo-map &(fn [c] (Byte.toupper- c)) ( s))) )
(defmodule StringCopy
(defn str [s] (the String s))
(defn = [a b]
(String.= &a &b))
(implements = StringCopy.=)
(defn < [a b]
(String.< &a &b))
(implements < StringCopy.<)
(defn > [a b]
(String.> &a &b))
(implements > StringCopy.>)
(defn prn [s]
(prn &(the String s)))
(implements prn StringCopy.prn)
(defn str [s]
(str &(the String s)))
(implements str StringCopy.str)
(defmodule Bool
(register str (Fn [Bool] String))
(implements str Bool.str)
(register format (Fn [&String Bool] String))
(implements format Bool.format)
(defmodule Int
(register str (Fn [Int] String))
(implements str Int.str)
(register format (Fn [&String Int] String))
(implements format Int.format)
(private from-string-internal)
(hidden from-string-internal)
(register from-string-internal (λ [&String &Int] Bool))
(defn from-string [s]
(let [res 0]
(if (from-string-internal s &res)
(Maybe.Just res)
(implements from-string Int.from-string)
(defmodule Byte
(register str (Fn [Byte] String))
(implements str Byte.str)
(register format (Fn [&String Byte] String))
(implements format Byte.format)
(private from-string-internal)
(hidden from-string-internal)
(register from-string-internal (λ [&String &Byte] Bool))
(defn from-string [s]
(let [res 0b]
(if (from-string-internal s &res)
(Maybe.Just res)
(implements from-string Byte.from-string)
(defmodule Float
(register str (Fn [Float] String))
(implements str Float.str)
(register format (Fn [&String Float] String))
(implements format Float.format)
(private from-string-internal)
(hidden from-string-internal)
(register from-string-internal (λ [&String &Float] Bool))
(defn from-string [s]
(let [res 0.0f]
(if (from-string-internal s &res)
(Maybe.Just res)
(implements from-string Float.from-string)
(defmodule Long
(register str (Fn [Long] String))
(implements str Long.str)
(register format (Fn [&String Long] String))
(implements format Long.format)
(private from-string-internal)
(hidden from-string-internal)
(register from-string-internal (λ [&String &Long] Bool))
(defn from-string [s]
(let [res 0l]
(if (from-string-internal s &res)
(Maybe.Just res)
(implements from-string Long.from-string)
(defmodule Double
(register str (Fn [Double] String))
(implements str Double.str)
(register format (Fn [&String Double] String))
(implements format Double.format)
(private from-string-internal)
(hidden from-string-internal)
(register from-string-internal (λ [&String &Double] Bool))
(defn from-string [s]
(let [res 0.0]
(if (from-string-internal s &res)
(Maybe.Just res)
(implements from-string Double.from-string)
(defmodule Char
(register str (Fn [Char] String))
(implements str Char.str)
(register prn (Fn [Char] String))
(implements prn Char.prn)
(register format (Fn [&String Char] String))
(implements format Char.format)
(defmodule Int (defn prn [x] (Int.str x)) (implements prn Int.prn))
(defmodule IntRef
(defn prn [x] (Int.str @x))
(implements prn IntRef.prn)
(defn str [x] (Int.str @x))
(implements str IntRef.str)
(defn format [s x] (Int.format s @x))
(implements format IntRef.format)
(defmodule Bool (defn prn [x] (Bool.str x)) (implements prn Bool.prn))
(defmodule BoolRef
(defn prn [x] (Bool.str @x))
(implements prn BoolRef.prn)
(defn str [x] (Bool.str @x))
(implements str BoolRef.str)
(defn format [s x] (Bool.format s @x))
(implements format BoolRef.format)
(defmodule Byte (defn prn [x] (Byte.str x)) (implements prn Byte.prn))
(defmodule ByteRef
(defn prn [x] (Byte.str @x))
(implements prn ByteRef.prn)
(defn str [x] (Byte.str @x))
(implements str ByteRef.str)
(defn format [s x] (Byte.format s @x))
(implements format ByteRef.format)
(defmodule Long (defn prn [x] (Long.str x)) (implements prn Long.prn))
(defmodule LongRef
(defn prn [x] (Long.str @x))
(implements prn LongRef.prn)
(defn str [x] (Long.str @x))
(implements str LongRef.str)
(defn format [s x] (Long.format s @x))
(implements format LongRef.format)
(defmodule Float (defn prn [x] (Float.str x)) (implements prn Float.prn))
(defmodule FloatRef
(defn prn [x] (Float.str @x))
(implements prn FloatRef.prn)
(defn str [x] (Float.str @x))
(implements str FloatRef.str)
(defn format [s x] (Float.format s @x))
(implements format FloatRef.format)
(defmodule Double (defn prn [x] (Double.str x)) (implements prn Double.prn))
(defmodule DoubleRef
(defn prn [x] (Double.str @x))
(implements prn DoubleRef.prn)
(defn str [x] (Double.str @x))
(implements str DoubleRef.str)
(defn format [s x] (Double.format s @x))
(implements format DoubleRef.format)
(defmodule Array (defn prn [x] (Array.str x)) (implements prn Array.prn))
(defmodule Int8
(register str (λ [Int8] String))
(implements str Int8.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int8.str a))
(implements prn Int8.prn)
(defmodule Int8Extra
(defn str [a] (Int8.str @a))
(implements str Int8Extra.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int8.prn @a))
(implements prn Int8Extra.prn)
(defmodule Int16
(register str (λ [Int16] String))
(implements str Int16.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int16.str a))
(implements prn Int16.prn)
(defmodule Int16Extra
(defn prn [a] (Int16.prn @a))
(implements prn Int16Extra.prn)
(defn str [a] (Int16.str @a))
(implements str Int16Extra.str)
(defmodule Int32
(register str (λ [Int32] String))
(implements str Int32.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int32.str a))
(implements prn Int32.prn)
(defmodule Int32Extra
(defn str [a] (Int32.str @a))
(implements str Int32Extra.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int32.prn @a))
(implements prn Int32Extra.prn)
(defmodule Int64
(register str (λ [Int64] String))
(implements str Int64.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int64.str a))
(implements prn Int64.prn)
(defmodule Int64Extra
(defn str [a] (Int64.str @a))
(implements str Int64Extra.str)
(defn prn [a] (Int64.prn @a))
(implements prn Int64Extra.prn)
(defmodule Uint8
(register str (λ [Uint8] String))
(implements str Uint8.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint8.str a))
(implements prn Uint8.prn)
(defmodule Uint8Extra
(defn str [a] (Uint8.str @a))
(implements str Uint8Extra.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint8.prn @a))
(implements prn Uint8Extra.prn)
(defmodule Uint16
(register str (λ [Uint16] String))
(implements str Uint16.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint16.str a))
(implements prn Uint16.prn)
(defmodule Uint16Extra
(defn prn [a] (Uint16.prn @a))
(implements prn Uint16Extra.prn)
(defn str [a] (Uint16.str @a))
(implements str Uint16Extra.str)
(defmodule Uint32
(register str (λ [Uint32] String))
(implements str Uint32.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint32.str a))
(implements prn Uint32.prn)
(defmodule Uint32Extra
(defn str [a] (Uint32.str @a))
(implements str Uint32Extra.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint32.prn @a))
(implements prn Uint32Extra.prn)
(defmodule Uint64
(register str (λ [Uint64] String))
(implements str Uint64.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint64.str a))
(implements prn Uint64.prn)
(defmodule Uint64Extra
(defn str [a] (Uint64.str @a))
(implements str Uint64Extra.str)
(defn prn [a] (Uint64.prn @a))
(implements prn Uint64Extra.prn)
(defmodule Pointer
(register strp (Fn [(Ptr a)] String) "Pointer_strp")
(defn str [a] (Pointer.strp a))
(implements str Pointer.str)
(defn prn [a] (Pointer.strp a))
(implements prn Pointer.prn)
(defndynamic build-str* [forms]
(if (= (length forms) 0)
(if (= (length forms) 1)
`&(str %(car forms))
`&(String.append &(str %(car forms)) %(build-str* (cdr forms))))))
(defmacro str* [:rest forms]
`(copy %(build-str* forms)))
(defmodule Dynamic
(defmodule String
(defndynamic empty? [s]
(= (String.length s) 0))
(defndynamic to-list [s]
(if (String.empty? s)
(cons (String.head s) ( (String.tail s)))))
(doc to-array
"Converts a string to an array of strings of each of its characters.")
(defndynamic to-array [s]
(cdr (String.split-on "" s)))