Scott Olsen 6f120b0e75
fix: mangle field names in setter templates (#1379)
* fix: mangle field names in setter templates

This fixes a regression whereby the names of struct fields weren't
mangled in calls to setters/mutators, resulting in invalid C code if the
user happened to use reserved words in their struct field names such as
"short" or a disallowed character like a dash.

* test: check struct field name mangle regression

This test ensures struct field names are mangled correctly in C output.
2022-01-24 13:06:32 +01:00

176 lines
5.1 KiB

(relative-include "fixture_foo.h")
(load "Test.carp")
(load "Vector.carp")
; void definitions should get elided (issue #1296)
(def is-void ())
; this is a test-only module to test module resolution (see #288)
(defmodule Foo
(register init (Fn [] Int) "fooInit")
; test whether sumtypes with single cases get classified correctly
(deftype (SumT x)
(SingleC [x]))
; make sure nested lambdas don't break again (issue #342)
(defn nested-lambdas []
(let [f (fn [x] ((fn [y] (+ x y))
(f 1)))
; make sure let bindings get updated in the right scope
(defmacro let-and-set []
(let-do [x 1]
(let [] (set! x 2))
(= x 2)))
; make sure that match-ref doesn't delete references (issue #843)
(deftype StrangeThings
(Piff [String])
(Puff [String]))
; set! works on arguments (issue #1144)
(defndynamic set-args [i]
(do (set! i (+ i 2)) i))
(defmacro call-set-args [] (set-args 2))
(defn match-ref-1 []
(let [xs [(StrangeThings.Puff @"ABCD")]]
(match-ref (Array.unsafe-nth &xs 0)
(StrangeThings.Piff x) false
_ true)))
; quoted macros do not get evaluated if not called
(defmacro invalid []
'(cond x 1))
(use-all Test Vector2 Foo)
(defn test-unreachable []
(match (the (Maybe Int) (Maybe.Nothing))
(Maybe.Nothing) true
_ (unreachable "test unreachable")))
;; defining function with def (not defn)
(defn duplicate-arg [f]
(fn [x] (f x x)))
(def double (duplicate-arg +))
(defn defining-function-with-def []
(double 3))
;; using special symbol as binder name (issue #659)
(defndynamic special-symbol-as-binder []
(let [c (car (list 1 2 3))]
(list c)))
;; dynamic closure referring to itself (issue #1133)
(defmacro dynamic-closure-referring-to-itself []
(let [f (fn [x]
(if (= x 1)
(f (dec x))))]
(f 10)))
(defn dynamic-closure-referring-to-itself-test []
;; avoid unification failure (issue #521)
(deftype (HitRecord a) [t a])
(deftype (CurrentHit a) [hr (Maybe (HitRecord a))])
;; create dependencies (deleters) for Map when only referring to it with 'the' (issue 1261)
(deftype AType [s String])
(defn weird [m]
(the (Map String AType) m))
;; nested polymorphic types are resolved and emitted (#1293)
(defmodule Bar
(deftype (Baz a) [it a])
(deftype (Qux a) [it (Bar.Baz a)])
(deftype (PolyNest a) [it (Bar.Baz a)])
(defn poly-nest-one [x] (Bar.Baz x))
(defn poly-nest-two [x] (Bar.Qux.init (Bar.Baz x)))
(defn poly-nest-three [x] (PolyNest (Bar.Baz x)))
;; struct field names are mangled correctly (#1378)
(deftype Mangled
[short Int ;; c reserved word
default-value String ;; invalid var name symbol (-)
(deftest test
(assert-equal test
"test that the right module gets resolved")
(assert-equal test
(String.char-at "\\" 0)
"test that strings get escaped correctly")
(assert-equal test
"test that the address of Int.MAX can be taken")
(assert-equal test
&(Result.Error (System.strerror System.ENOENT))
&(>EOF "foobar")
"test that reading from a non existing file fails")
(assert-equal test
"(SingleC 1)"
&(str &(SumT.SingleC 1))
"test that sumtypes with single cases work")
(assert-equal test
"test that nested lambdas can use captured values")
(assert-equal test
"test that set! works on dynamic function arguments")
(assert-true test
"test that nested let bindings and set! interplay nicely")
(assert-true test
"test that match-ref doesn't delete references")
(assert-true test
"test that unreachable works (as best possible)")
(assert-equal test
"test that defining function with def works")
(assert-equal test
"test that dynamic closure can refer to itself")
(assert-equal test
@( &(poly-nest-one 2))
"test that polymorphic types in modules are emitted")
(assert-equal test
@( ( &(poly-nest-two 2)))
"test that polymorphic types in modules are emitted and can
refer to each other")
(assert-equal test
@( ( &(poly-nest-three 2)))
"test that polymorphic types in modules can be referred to using
other types outside the module")
(assert-equal test
(Mangled.default-value &(Mangled.set-default-value (Mangled.init 0 @"foo")
"struct field names are mangled correctly")