extern crate tempdir; extern crate brev; use tempdir::TempDir; use super::std::process::Command; fn integration_test( name: &str, args: &[&str], justfile: &str, expected_status: i32, expected_stdout: &str, expected_stderr: &str, ) { let tmp = TempDir::new(name) .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("tmpdir: failed to create temporary directory: {}", err)); let mut path = tmp.path().to_path_buf(); path.push("justfile"); brev::dump(path, justfile); let mut binary = super::std::env::current_dir().unwrap(); binary.push("./target/debug/j"); let output = Command::new(binary) .current_dir(tmp.path()) .args(args) .output() .expect("j invocation failed"); let mut failure = false; let status = output.status.code().unwrap(); if status != expected_status { println!("bad status: {} != {}", status, expected_status); failure = true; } let stdout = super::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout).unwrap(); if stdout != expected_stdout { println!("bad stdout:\ngot:\n{}\n\nexpected:\n{}", stdout, expected_stdout); failure = true; } let stderr = super::std::str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap(); if stderr != expected_stderr { println!("bad stderr:\ngot:\n{}\n\nexpected:\n{}", stderr, expected_stderr); failure = true; } if failure { panic!("test failed"); } } #[test] fn default() { integration_test( "default", &[], "default:\n echo hello\nother: \n echo bar", 0, "hello\n", "echo hello\n", ) } #[test] fn quiet() { integration_test( "quiet", &[], "default:\n @echo hello", 0, "hello\n", "", ) } #[test] fn order() { let text = " b: a echo b @mv a b a: echo a @touch F @touch a d: c echo d @rm c c: b echo c @mv b c"; integration_test( "order", &["a", "d"], text, 0, "a\nb\nc\nd\n", "echo a\necho b\necho c\necho d\n", ); } #[test] fn list() { let text = "b: a a: d: c c: b"; integration_test( "list", &["--list"], text, 0, "a b c d\n", "", ); } #[test] fn select() { let text = "b: @echo b a: @echo a d: @echo d c: @echo c"; integration_test( "select", &["d", "c"], text, 0, "d\nc\n", "", ); } #[test] fn print() { let text = "b: echo b a: echo a d: echo d c: echo c"; integration_test( "select", &["d", "c"], text, 0, "d\nc\n", "echo d\necho c\n", ); } #[test] fn show() { let text = r#"hello = "foo" bar = hello + hello recipe: echo {{hello + "bar" + bar}}"#; integration_test( "show", &["--show", "recipe"], text, 0, r#"recipe: echo {{hello + "bar" + bar}} "#, "", ); } /* #[test] fn debug() { let text = r#"hello = "foo" bar = hello + hello recipe: echo {{hello + "bar" + bar}}"#; integration_test( "debug", &["--debug"], text, 0, r#"bar = hello + hello # "foofoo" hello = "foo" # "foo" recipe: echo {{hello + "bar" + bar # "foobarfoofoo"}} "#, "", ); } */ #[test] fn status() { let text = " recipe: @function f { return 100; }; f"; integration_test( "status", &[], text, 100, "", "Recipe \"recipe\" failed with exit code 100\n", ); } #[test] fn error() { integration_test( "error", &[], "bar:\nhello:\nfoo: bar baaaaaaaz hello", 255, "", "error: recipe `foo` has unknown dependency `baaaaaaaz` | 3 | foo: bar baaaaaaaz hello | ^^^^^^^^^ ", ); } #[test] fn backtick_success() { integration_test( "backtick_success", &[], "a = `printf Hello,`\nbar:\n printf '{{a + `printf ' world!'`}}'", 0, "Hello, world!", "printf 'Hello, world!'\n", ); } #[test] fn backtick_trimming() { integration_test( "backtick_trimming", &[], "a = `echo Hello,`\nbar:\n echo '{{a + `echo ' world!'`}}'", 0, "Hello, world!\n", "echo 'Hello, world!'\n", ); }