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// Package filter provides a fuzzy searching text input to allow filtering a
// list of options to select one option.
// By default it will list all the files (recursively) in the current directory
// for the user to choose one, but the script (or user) can provide different
// new-line separated options to choose from.
// I.e. let's pick from a list of gum flavors:
// $ cat flavors.text | gum filter
package filter
import (
tea ""
type model struct {
textinput textinput.Model
choices []string
matches []fuzzy.Match
selected int
indicator string
height int
quitting bool
matchStyle lipgloss.Style
textStyle lipgloss.Style
indicatorStyle lipgloss.Style
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd { return nil }
func (m model) View() string {
if m.quitting {
return ""
var s strings.Builder
// Since there are matches, display them so that the user can see, in real
// time, what they are searching for.
for i, match := range m.matches {
// If this is the current selected index, we add a small indicator to
// represent it. Otherwise, simply pad the string.
if i == m.selected {
s.WriteString(m.indicatorStyle.Render(m.indicator) + " ")
} else {
s.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", runewidth.StringWidth(m.indicator)) + " ")
// For this match, there are a certain number of characters that have
// caused the match. i.e. fuzzy matching.
// We should indicate to the users which characters are being matched.
var mi = 0
for ci, c := range match.Str {
// Check if the current character index matches the current matched
// index. If so, color the character to indicate a match.
if mi < len(match.MatchedIndexes) && ci == match.MatchedIndexes[mi] {
// We have matched this character, so we never have to check it
// again. Move on to the next match.
} else {
// Not a match, simply show the character, unstyled.
// We have finished displaying the match with all of it's matched
// characters highlighted and the rest filled in.
// Move on to the next match.
tv := m.textinput.View()
results := lipgloss.NewStyle().MaxHeight(m.height - lipgloss.Height(tv)).Render(s.String())
// View the input and the filtered choices
return tv + "\n" + results
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
var cmd tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.height = msg.Height
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "ctrl+c", "esc", "enter":
m.quitting = true
return m, tea.Quit
2022-07-08 20:29:56 +03:00
case "ctrl+n", "down":
m.selected = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.selected+1)
2022-07-08 20:29:56 +03:00
case "ctrl+p", "up":
m.selected = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.selected-1)
m.textinput, cmd = m.textinput.Update(msg)
// A character was entered, this likely means that the text input
// has changed. This suggests that the matches are outdated, so
// update them, with a fuzzy finding algorithm provided by
m.matches = fuzzy.Find(m.textinput.Value(), m.choices)
// If the search field is empty, let's not display the matches
// (none), but rather display all possible choices.
if m.textinput.Value() == "" {
m.matches = matchAll(m.choices)
// It's possible that filtering items have caused fewer matches. So, ensure
// that the selected index is within the bounds of the number of matches.
m.selected = clamp(0, len(m.matches)-1, m.selected)
return m, cmd
func matchAll(options []string) []fuzzy.Match {
var matches []fuzzy.Match
for _, option := range options {
matches = append(matches, fuzzy.Match{Str: option})
return matches
func clamp(min, max, val int) int {
if val < min {
return min
if val > max {
return max
return val