Added DIYfetch to examples/

This commit is contained in:
NNB 2022-09-28 16:45:25 +07:00 committed by Maas Lalani
parent a0f2a0b096
commit 25b5ebff5e

examples/diyfetch Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# ____ _____ ____ _ _
# | _ \_ _\ \ / / _| ___| |_ ___| |__
# | | | | | \ V / |_ / _ \ __/ __| '_ \
# | |_| | | | || _| __/ || (__| | | |
# |____/___| |_||_| \___|\__\___|_| |_|
# About:
# DIYfetch it the shell script template for writing fetch tool
# utilizing `gum join` command (
# This script is written in POSIX-shell for portability
# feel free to switch it to any scripting language that you prefer.
# Note:
# When copy ANSI string from random script make sure to replace "\033" and "\e" to ""
# or wrap it in `$(printf '%b' "<ansi_string>")`.
# URL:
# Prepare ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# You can lookup the color codes on
# You can add some eye candy icons with Emoji of use Nerd Fonts (
info=$(gum style "[1;38;5;${main_color}m${USER}@[1;38;5;${main_color}m$(hostname)
[1;38;5;${main_color}mOS: <your_os>
[1;38;5;${main_color}mKERNEL: $(uname -sr)
[1;38;5;${main_color}mUPTIME: $(uptime -p | cut -c 4-)
[1;38;5;${main_color}mSHELL: $(basename "${SHELL}")
[1;38;5;${main_color}mEDITOR: $(basename "${EDITOR:-<your_editor>}")
[1;38;5;${main_color}mDE: <your_de>
[1;38;5;${main_color}mWM: <your_wm>
[1;38;5;${main_color}mTERMINAL: <your_terminal>")
# You can get OS arts on
# copy the raw data of the .ansi file then paste it down below.
art=$(gum style ' ___
(.. |
(<> |
/ __ \
( / \/ |
_/\ __)/_)
# You can generate colorstrip using
color=$(gum style '████████████████████████
# Display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The code in this section is to display the fetch adaptively to the terminal's size.
# If you just want a static fetch display, you can just use something like this:
# group_info_color=$(gum join --vertical "${info}" '' "${color}")
# gum join --horizontal --align center ' ' "${art}" ' ' "${group_info_color}"
terminal_size=$(stty size)
terminal_height=${terminal_size% *}
terminal_width=${terminal_size#* }
# Acknowledge of how high the shell prompt is so the prompt don't push the fetch out.
print_test() {
no_color=$(printf '%b' "${1}" | sed -e 's/\x1B\[[0-9;]*[JKmsu]//g')
[ "$(printf '%s' "${no_color}" | wc --lines)" -gt $(( terminal_height - prompt_height )) ] && return 1
[ "$(printf '%s' "${no_color}" | wc --max-line-length)" -gt "${terminal_width}" ] && return 1
gum style --align center --width="${terminal_width}" "${1}" ''
printf '%b' "\033[A"
exit 0
# Paper layout
print_test "$(gum join --vertical --align center "${art}" '' "${info}" '' "${color}")"
# Classic layout
group_info_color=$(gum join --vertical "${info}" '' "${color}")
print_test "$(gum join --horizontal --align center "${art}" ' ' "${group_info_color}")"
# Hybrid layout
group_art_info=$(gum join --horizontal --align center "${art}" ' ' "${info}")
print_test "$(gum join --vertical --align center "${group_art_info}" '' "${color}")"
# Other layout
print_test "$(gum join --vertical --align center "${art}" '' "${info}")"
print_test "${group_art_info}"
print_test "${group_info_color}"
print_test "${info}"
exit 1