package lipgloss import ( "strings" "unicode" "" "" "" ) // Property for a key. type propKey int // Available properties. const ( boldKey propKey = iota italicKey underlineKey strikethroughKey reverseKey blinkKey faintKey foregroundKey backgroundKey widthKey heightKey alignKey paddingTopKey paddingRightKey paddingBottomKey paddingLeftKey colorWhitespaceKey marginTopKey marginRightKey marginBottomKey marginLeftKey borderKey borderStyleKey borderTopKey borderRightKey borderBottomKey borderLeftKey borderTopFGColorKey borderRightFGColorKey borderBottomFGColorKey borderLeftFGColorKey borderTopBGColorKey borderRightBGColorKey borderBottomBGColorKey borderLeftBGColorKey inlineKey maxWidthKey maxHeightKey underlineSpacesKey strikethroughSpacesKey ) // A set of properties. type rules map[propKey]interface{} // NewStyle returns a new, empty Style. While it's syntactic sugar for the // Style{} primitive, it's recommended to use this function for creating styles // incase the underlying implementation changes. func NewStyle() Style { return Style{} } // Style contains a set of rules that comprise a style as a whole. type Style struct { rules map[propKey]interface{} value string } // SetString sets the underlying string value for this style. To render once // the underlying string is set, use the Style.String. This method is // a convenience for cases when having a stringer implementation is handy, such // as when using fmt.Sprintf. You can also simply define a style and render out // strings directly with Style.Render. func (s Style) SetString(str string) Style { s.value = str return s } // String implements stringer for a Style, returning the rendered result based // on the rules in this style. An underlying string value must be set with // Style.SetString prior to using this method. func (s Style) String() string { return s.Render(s.value) } // Copy returns a copy of this style, including any underlying string values. func (s Style) Copy() Style { o := NewStyle() o.rules = make(rules) for k, v := range s.rules { o.rules[k] = v } o.value = s.value return o } // Inherit takes values from the style in the argument applies them to this // style, overwriting existing definitions. Only values explicitly set on the // style in argument will be applied. // // Margins, padding, and underlying string values are not inherited. func (o Style) Inherit(i Style) { for k, v := range i.rules { switch k { case marginTopKey, marginRightKey, marginBottomKey, marginLeftKey: // Margins are not inherited continue case paddingTopKey, paddingRightKey, paddingBottomKey, paddingLeftKey: // Padding is not inherited continue } if _, exists := o.rules[k]; exists { continue } o.rules[k] = v } } // Render applies the defined style formatting to a given string. func (s Style) Render(str string) string { var ( te termenv.Style teSpace termenv.Style teWhitespace termenv.Style bold = s.getAsBool(boldKey, false) italic = s.getAsBool(italicKey, false) underline = s.getAsBool(underlineKey, false) strikethrough = s.getAsBool(strikethroughKey, false) reverse = s.getAsBool(reverseKey, false) blink = s.getAsBool(blinkKey, false) faint = s.getAsBool(faintKey, false) fg = s.getAsColor(foregroundKey) bg = s.getAsColor(backgroundKey) width = s.getAsInt(widthKey) height = s.getAsInt(heightKey) align = s.getAsAlign(alignKey) topPadding = s.getAsInt(paddingTopKey) rightPadding = s.getAsInt(paddingRightKey) bottomPadding = s.getAsInt(paddingBottomKey) leftPadding = s.getAsInt(paddingLeftKey) topMargin = s.getAsInt(marginTopKey) rightMargin = s.getAsInt(marginRightKey) bottomMargin = s.getAsInt(marginBottomKey) leftMargin = s.getAsInt(marginLeftKey) colorWhitespace = s.getAsBool(colorWhitespaceKey, true) inline = s.getAsBool(inlineKey, false) maxWidth = s.getAsInt(maxWidthKey) maxHeight = s.getAsInt(maxHeightKey) underlineSpaces = underline && s.getAsBool(underlineSpacesKey, true) strikethroughSpaces = strikethrough && s.getAsBool(strikethroughSpacesKey, true) // Do we need to style whitespace (padding and space outsode // paragraphs) separately? styleWhitespace = reverse // Do we need to style spaces separately? useSpaceStyler = underlineSpaces || strikethroughSpaces ) if bold { te = te.Bold() } if italic { te = te.Italic() } if underline { te = te.Underline() } if reverse { if reverse { teWhitespace = teWhitespace.Reverse() } te = te.Reverse() } if blink { te = te.Blink() } if faint { te = te.Faint() } if fg != noColor { fgc := color(fg.value()) te = te.Foreground(fgc) te.Foreground(fgc) if styleWhitespace { teWhitespace = teWhitespace.Foreground(fgc) } if useSpaceStyler { teSpace = teSpace.Foreground(fgc) } } if bg != noColor { bgc := color(bg.value()) te = te.Background(bgc) if colorWhitespace { teWhitespace = teWhitespace.Background(bgc) } if useSpaceStyler { teSpace = teSpace.Background(bgc) } } if underline { te = te.Underline() } if strikethrough { te = te.CrossOut() } if underlineSpaces { teSpace = teSpace.Underline() } if strikethroughSpaces { teSpace = teSpace.CrossOut() } // Strip newlines in single line mode if inline { str = strings.Replace(str, "\n", "", -1) } // Word wrap if !inline && width > 0 { str = wordwrap.String(str, width-leftPadding-rightPadding) } // Render core text { var b strings.Builder l := strings.Split(str, "\n") for i := range l { if useSpaceStyler { // Look for spaces and apply a different styler for _, r := range l[i] { if unicode.IsSpace(r) { b.WriteString(teSpace.Styled(string(r))) continue } b.WriteString(te.Styled(string(r))) } } else { b.WriteString(te.Styled(l[i])) } if i != len(l)-1 { b.WriteRune('\n') } } str = b.String() } // Left/right padding if leftPadding > 0 { var st *termenv.Style if colorWhitespace || styleWhitespace { st = &teWhitespace } str = padLeft(str, leftPadding, st) } if rightPadding > 0 { var st *termenv.Style if colorWhitespace || styleWhitespace { st = &teWhitespace } str = padRight(str, rightPadding, st) } // Top/bottom padding if topPadding > 0 && !inline { str = strings.Repeat("\n", topPadding) + str } if bottomPadding > 0 && !inline { str += strings.Repeat("\n", bottomPadding) } // Height if height > 0 { h := strings.Count(str, "\n") if height > h { str += strings.Repeat("\n", height-h) } } // Set alignment. This will also pad short lines with spaces so that all // lines are the same length, so we run it under a few different conditions // beyond alignment. { numLines := strings.Count(str, "\n") if !(numLines == 0 && width == 0) { var st *termenv.Style if colorWhitespace || styleWhitespace { st = &teWhitespace } str = alignText(str, align, width, st) } } // Add left and right margin str = padLeft(str, leftMargin, nil) str = padRight(str, rightMargin, nil) // Top/bottom margin if !inline { _, width := getLines(str) spaces := strings.Repeat(" ", width) if topMargin > 0 { str = strings.Repeat(spaces+"\n", topMargin) + str } if bottomMargin > 0 { str += strings.Repeat("\n"+spaces, bottomMargin) } } str = s.applyBorder(str) // Truncate according to MaxWidth if maxWidth > 0 { lines := strings.Split(str, "\n") for i := range lines { lines[i] = truncate.String(lines[i], uint(maxWidth)) } str = strings.Join(lines, "\n") } // Truncate according to MaxHeight if maxHeight > 0 { lines := strings.Split(str, "\n") str = strings.Join(lines[:min(maxHeight, len(lines))], "\n") } return str } // Apply left padding. func padLeft(str string, n int, style *termenv.Style) string { if n == 0 { return str } sp := strings.Repeat(" ", n) if style != nil { sp = style.Styled(sp) } b := strings.Builder{} l := strings.Split(str, "\n") for i := range l { b.WriteString(sp) b.WriteString(l[i]) if i != len(l)-1 { b.WriteRune('\n') } } return b.String() } // Apply right right padding. func padRight(str string, n int, style *termenv.Style) string { if n == 0 || str == "" { return str } sp := strings.Repeat(" ", n) if style != nil { sp = style.Styled(sp) } b := strings.Builder{} l := strings.Split(str, "\n") for i := range l { b.WriteString(l[i]) b.WriteString(sp) if i != len(l)-1 { b.WriteRune('\n') } } return b.String() } func max(a, b int) int { if a > b { return a } return b } func min(a, b int) int { if a < b { return a } return b }