Maas Lalani 1afeca0d80
Tree API Changes (#307)
* refactor: clean tree_test.go

* refactor: remove subtests

* refactor: rename `Data` to `Items` for `Lists` and `Children` for `Trees`

* chore: support only NodeData

* fix: enumerations -> enumerators for consistency

* fix: item -> children

* fix: use l for List, rather than n

* fix: move list Enumerator definition to enumerator.go

* fix: list enumerator comments

* docs: add package documentation

* fix: examples

* feat: split enumerator and indenters

* docs: add comments

* refactor: package comment

* docs: use more tree terminology

* docs: refactor indentor comments

* fix: lint
2024-05-30 17:11:28 -04:00

321 lines
7.4 KiB

// Package tree allows you to build trees, as simple or complicated as you need.
// Define a tree with a root node, and children, set rendering properties (such
// as style, enumerators, etc...), and print it.
// t := tree.New().
// Child(
// ".git",
// tree.Root("examples/").
// Child(
// tree.Root("list/").
// Child("main.go").
// tree.Root("table/").
// Child("main.go").
// ).
// tree.Root("list/").
// Child("list.go", "list_test.go").
// tree.New().
// Root("table/").
// Child("table.go", "table_test.go").
// "align.go",
// "align_test.go",
// "join.go",
// "join_test.go",
// )
package tree
import (
// Node defines a node in a tree.
type Node interface {
Value() string
Children() Children
Hidden() bool
// Leaf is a node without children.
type Leaf struct {
value string
hidden bool
// Children of a Leaf node are always empty.
func (Leaf) Children() Children {
return NodeChildren(nil)
// Value of a leaf node returns its value.
func (s Leaf) Value() string {
return s.value
// Hidden returns whether a Leaf node is hidden.
func (s Leaf) Hidden() bool {
return s.hidden
// String returns the string representation of a Leaf node.
func (s Leaf) String() string {
return s.Value()
// Tree implements a Node.
type Tree struct { //nolint:revive
value string
hidden bool
offset [2]int
children Children
r *renderer
ronce sync.Once
// Hidden returns whether this node is hidden.
func (t *Tree) Hidden() bool {
return t.hidden
// Hide sets whether to hide the tree node.
func (t *Tree) Hide(hide bool) *Tree {
t.hidden = hide
return t
// Offset sets the tree children offsets.
func (t *Tree) Offset(start, end int) *Tree {
if start > end {
_start := start
start = end
end = _start
if start < 0 {
start = 0
if end < 0 || end > t.children.Length() {
end = t.children.Length()
t.offset[0] = start
t.offset[1] = end
return t
// Value returns the root name of this node.
func (t *Tree) Value() string {
return t.value
// String returns the string representation of the tree node.
func (t *Tree) String() string {
return t.ensureRenderer().render(t, true, "")
// Child adds a child to this tree.
// If a Child Tree is passed without a root, it will be parented to it's sibling
// child (auto-nesting).
// tree.Root("Foo").Child("Bar", tree.New().Child("Baz"), "Qux")
// tree.Root("Foo").Child(tree.Root("Bar").Child("Baz"), "Qux")
// ├── Foo
// ├── Bar
// │ └── Baz
// └── Qux
func (t *Tree) Child(children ...any) *Tree {
for _, child := range children {
switch item := child.(type) {
case *Tree:
newItem, rm := ensureParent(t.children, item)
if rm >= 0 {
t.children = t.children.(NodeChildren).Remove(rm)
t.children = t.children.(NodeChildren).Append(newItem)
case Children:
for i := 0; i < item.Length(); i++ {
t.children = t.children.(NodeChildren).Append(item.At(i))
case Node:
t.children = t.children.(NodeChildren).Append(item)
case fmt.Stringer:
s := Leaf{value: item.String()}
t.children = t.children.(NodeChildren).Append(s)
case string:
s := Leaf{value: item}
t.children = t.children.(NodeChildren).Append(&s)
case []any:
return t.Child(item...)
case []string:
ss := make([]any, 0, len(item))
for _, s := range item {
ss = append(ss, s)
return t.Child(ss...)
case nil:
return t.Child(fmt.Sprintf("%v", item))
return t
func ensureParent(nodes Children, item *Tree) (*Tree, int) {
if item.Value() != "" || nodes.Length() == 0 {
return item, -1
j := nodes.Length() - 1
parent := nodes.At(j)
switch parent := parent.(type) {
case *Tree:
for i := 0; i < item.Children().Length(); i++ {
return parent, j
case Leaf:
item.value = parent.Value()
return item, j
case *Leaf:
item.value = parent.Value()
return item, j
return item, -1
func (t *Tree) ensureRenderer() *renderer {
t.ronce.Do(func() { t.r = newRenderer() })
return t.r
// EnumeratorStyle sets a static style for all enumerators.
// Use EnumeratorStyleFunc to conditionally set styles based on the tree node.
func (t *Tree) EnumeratorStyle(style lipgloss.Style) *Tree {
t.ensureRenderer().style.enumeratorFunc = func(Children, int) lipgloss.Style {
return style
return t
// EnumeratorStyleFunc sets the enumeration style function. Use this function
// for conditional styling.
// t := tree.New().
// EnumeratorStyleFunc(func(_ tree.Children, i int) lipgloss.Style {
// if selected == i {
// return lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(hightlightColor)
// }
// return lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(dimColor)
// })
func (t *Tree) EnumeratorStyleFunc(fn StyleFunc) *Tree {
if fn == nil {
fn = func(Children, int) lipgloss.Style { return lipgloss.NewStyle() }
t.ensureRenderer().style.enumeratorFunc = fn
return t
// ItemStyle sets a static style for all items.
// Use ItemStyleFunc to conditionally set styles based on the tree node.
func (t *Tree) ItemStyle(style lipgloss.Style) *Tree {
t.ensureRenderer().style.itemFunc = func(Children, int) lipgloss.Style { return style }
return t
// ItemStyleFunc sets the item style function. Use this for conditional styling.
// For example:
// t := tree.New().
// ItemStyleFunc(func(_ tree.Data, i int) lipgloss.Style {
// if selected == i {
// return lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(hightlightColor)
// }
// return lipgloss.NewStyle().Foreground(dimColor)
// })
func (t *Tree) ItemStyleFunc(fn StyleFunc) *Tree {
if fn == nil {
fn = func(Children, int) lipgloss.Style { return lipgloss.NewStyle() }
t.ensureRenderer().style.itemFunc = fn
return t
// Enumerator sets the enumerator implementation. This can be used to change the way the branches indicators look.
// Lipgloss includes predefined enumerators including bullets, roman numerals, and more. For
// example, you can have a numbered list:
// tree.New().
// Enumerator(Arabic)
func (t *Tree) Enumerator(enum Enumerator) *Tree {
t.ensureRenderer().enumerator = enum
return t
// Indenter sets the indenter implementation. This is used to change the way
// the tree is indented. The default indentor places a border connecting sibling
// elements and no border for the last child.
// └── Foo
// └── Bar
// └── Baz
// └── Qux
// └── Quux
// You can define your own indenter.
// func ArrowIndenter(children tree.Children, index int) string {
// return "→ "
// }
// → Foo
// → → Bar
// → → → Baz
// → → → → Qux
// → → → → → Quux
func (t *Tree) Indenter(indenter Indenter) *Tree {
t.ensureRenderer().indenter = indenter
return t
// Children returns the children of a node.
func (t *Tree) Children() Children {
var data []Node
for i := t.offset[0]; i < t.children.Length()-t.offset[1]; i++ {
data = append(data, t.children.At(i))
return NodeChildren(data)
// Root returns a new tree with the root set.
// tree.Root(root)
// It is a shorthand for:
// tree.New().Root(root)
func Root(root string) *Tree {
return New().Root(root)
// Root sets the root value of this tree.
func (t *Tree) Root(root string) *Tree {
t.value = root
return t
// New returns a new tree.
func New() *Tree {
return &Tree{
children: NodeChildren(nil),