
433 lines
9.7 KiB

package lipgloss
import (
// ANSI reset sequence.
const resetSeq = termenv.CSI + termenv.ResetSeq + "m"
// Style contains formatting instructions for a given string.
type Style struct {
bold *bool
italic *bool
underline *bool
strikethrough *bool
reverse *bool
blink *bool
faint *bool
foreground *ColorType
background *ColorType
// If the string contains multiple lines, they'll wrap at this value.
// Lines will also be padded with spaces so they'll all be the same width.
width *int
// Text alignment.
align *Align
// Padding. This will be colored according to the Background value if
// colorWhitespace is true.
leftPadding *int
rightPadding *int
topPadding *int
bottomPadding *int
// Whether or not to apply a background color to the whitespace surrounding
// text blocks. Most notably, this determines whether or not the indent
// background color will be styled.
colorWhitespace *bool
// Margins. These will never be colored.
leftMargin *int
rightMargin *int
topMargin *int
bottomMargin *int
// When set, render as a single line.
inline *bool
// If set, we truncate lines at this value after all other style has been
// applied. That is to say, the physical width of strings will not exceed
// this value, so this can be handy when building user interfaces.
maxWidth *int
// Whether or not to remove trailing spaces with no background color. By
// default we leave them in.
drawClearTrailingSpaces *bool
// Whether to apply underlines and strikes to whitespace like padding. We
// don't do this by default as it's likely not what people usually want,
// but it can can turned it on for certain graphic effects.
underlineWhitespace *bool
strikethroughWhitespace *bool
// NewStyle returns a new, empty Style. It's syntatic sugar for the literal
// Style{}.
func NewStyle() Style {
return Style{}
// Inherit creates a new style using a given style as the starting point. It's
// syntatic sugar for Style{}.Inherit().
func Inherit(s Style) Style {
return s
// Inherit takes values from another style and applies them to this style. Only
// values explicitly set on the style in argument will be applied. Values on
// the style of parent of this method will be overwritten.
func (o Style) Inherit(i Style) Style {
// We could use reflection here, but it's slow, so we're doing things the
// long way.
// Inline
if i.bold != nil {
o.bold = i.bold
if i.italic != nil {
o.italic = i.italic
if i.underline != nil {
o.underline = i.underline
if i.strikethrough != nil {
o.strikethrough = i.strikethrough
if i.reverse != nil {
o.reverse = i.reverse
if i.blink != nil {
o.blink = i.blink
if i.faint != nil {
o.faint = i.faint
// Colors
if i.foreground != nil {
o.foreground = i.foreground
if i.background != nil {
o.background = i.background
// Width
if i.width != nil {
o.width = i.width
// Alignment
if i.align != nil {
o.align = i.align
// Padding
if i.leftPadding != nil {
o.leftPadding = i.leftPadding
if i.rightPadding != nil {
o.rightPadding = i.rightPadding
if i.topPadding != nil {
o.rightPadding = i.topPadding
if i.bottomPadding != nil {
o.bottomPadding = i.bottomPadding
if i.colorWhitespace != nil {
o.colorWhitespace = i.colorWhitespace
// Margins
if i.leftMargin != nil {
o.leftMargin = i.leftMargin
if i.rightMargin != nil {
o.rightMargin = i.rightMargin
if i.topMargin != nil {
o.topMargin = i.topMargin
if i.bottomMargin != nil {
o.bottomMargin = i.bottomMargin
// Etc
if i.maxWidth != nil {
o.maxWidth = i.maxWidth
if i.inline != nil {
o.inline = i.inline
if i.drawClearTrailingSpaces != nil {
o.drawClearTrailingSpaces = i.drawClearTrailingSpaces
if i.underlineWhitespace != nil {
o.underlineWhitespace = i.underlineWhitespace
if i.strikethroughWhitespace != nil {
o.strikethroughWhitespace = i.strikethroughWhitespace
return o
// Render applies formatting to a given string.
func (s Style) Render(str string) string {
var (
singleLine = s.inline != nil && *s.inline
styler termenv.Style
whitespaceStyler termenv.Style // won't always be applicable
// Is a background color set?
var hasBackgroundColor bool
if s.background != nil {
_, ok := (*s.background).(noColor)
hasBackgroundColor = !ok
// By default, we color padding and space around paragraphs by default if
// a background color is set.
colorWhitespace := hasBackgroundColor && (s.colorWhitespace == nil || *s.colorWhitespace)
// Helper conditions. Niladic types make our conditions rather long and
// convoluted.
underline := s.underline != nil && *s.underline
underlineWhitespace := s.underlineWhitespace != nil && *s.underlineWhitespace
strike := s.strikethrough != nil && *s.strikethrough
strikeWhitespace := s.strikethroughWhitespace != nil && *s.strikethroughWhitespace
// Whether or not to apply foreground styling to whitespace for things like
// strikethroughs and underlines.
styleWhitespace := underlineWhitespace || strikeWhitespace
if s.bold != nil && *s.bold {
styler = styler.Bold()
if s.italic != nil && *s.italic {
styler = styler.Italic()
if s.reverse != nil && *s.reverse {
styler = styler.Reverse()
if s.blink != nil && *s.blink {
styler = styler.Blink()
if s.faint != nil && *s.faint {
styler = styler.Faint()
if s.foreground != nil {
switch c := (*s.foreground).(type) {
case Color, AdaptiveColor:
styler = styler.Foreground(color(c.value()))
if styleWhitespace {
whitespaceStyler = whitespaceStyler.Foreground(color(c.value()))
if s.background != nil {
switch c := (*s.background).(type) {
case Color, AdaptiveColor:
styler = styler.Background(color(c.value()))
if colorWhitespace {
whitespaceStyler = whitespaceStyler.Background(color(c.value()))
if underlineWhitespace {
whitespaceStyler = whitespaceStyler.Underline()
if strikeWhitespace {
whitespaceStyler = whitespaceStyler.CrossOut()
if underline {
styler = styler.Underline()
if strike {
styler = styler.CrossOut()
// Strip newlines in single line mode
if singleLine {
str = strings.Replace(str, "\n", "", -1)
// Word wrap
if !singleLine && s.width != nil && *s.width > 0 {
var leftPadding, rightPadding int
if s.leftPadding != nil {
leftPadding = *s.leftPadding
if s.rightPadding != nil {
rightPadding = *s.rightPadding
str = wordwrap.String(str, *s.width-leftPadding-rightPadding)
// We draw clear trailing spaces by default
drawClearTrailingSpaces := s.drawClearTrailingSpaces == nil || *s.drawClearTrailingSpaces
// Render core text
var b strings.Builder
l := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for i := range l {
if i != len(l)-1 {
str = b.String()
// Left/right padding
if s.leftPadding != nil {
var st *termenv.Style
if colorWhitespace || styleWhitespace {
st = &whitespaceStyler
str = padLeft(str, *s.leftPadding, st)
if (colorWhitespace || drawClearTrailingSpaces) && s.rightPadding != nil {
var st *termenv.Style
if colorWhitespace || styleWhitespace {
st = &whitespaceStyler
str = padRight(str, *s.rightPadding, st)
// Top/bottom padding
if s.topPadding != nil && *s.topPadding > 0 && !singleLine {
str = strings.Repeat("\n", *s.topPadding) + str
if s.bottomPadding != nil && *s.bottomPadding > 0 && !singleLine {
str += strings.Repeat("\n", *s.bottomPadding)
// Set alignment. This will also pad short lines with spaces so that all
// lines are the same length, so we run it under a few different conditions
// beyond alignment.
numLines := strings.Count(str, "\n")
align := AlignLeft
if s.align != nil {
align = *s.align
if numLines > 0 && (align != AlignLeft || drawClearTrailingSpaces || colorWhitespace) {
var st *termenv.Style
if colorWhitespace || styleWhitespace {
st = &whitespaceStyler
str = alignText(str, align, st)
// Add left margin
if s.leftMargin != nil {
str = padLeft(str, *s.leftMargin, nil)
// Add right margin
if s.rightMargin != nil {
str = padRight(str, *s.rightMargin, nil)
// Top/bottom margin
if !singleLine {
var maybeSpaces string
if drawClearTrailingSpaces {
_, width := getLines(str)
maybeSpaces = strings.Repeat(" ", width)
if s.topMargin != nil && *s.topMargin > 0 {
str = strings.Repeat(maybeSpaces+"\n", *s.topMargin) + str
if s.bottomMargin != nil && *s.bottomMargin > 0 {
str += strings.Repeat("\n"+maybeSpaces, *s.bottomMargin) + "\n"
// Truncate accoridng to MaxWidth
if s.maxWidth != nil && *s.maxWidth > 0 {
lines := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for i := range lines {
lines[i] = truncate.String(lines[i], uint(*s.maxWidth))
str = strings.Join(lines, "\n")
return str
// Apply left padding.
func padLeft(str string, n int, style *termenv.Style) string {
if n == 0 {
return str
sp := strings.Repeat(" ", n)
if style != nil {
sp = style.Styled(sp)
b := strings.Builder{}
l := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for i := range l {
if i != len(l)-1 {
//return indent.String(str, uint(n))
return b.String()
// Apply right right padding.
func padRight(str string, n int, style *termenv.Style) string {
if n == 0 || str == "" {
return str
sp := strings.Repeat(" ", n)
if style != nil {
sp = style.Styled(sp)
b := strings.Builder{}
l := strings.Split(str, "\n")
for i := range l {
if i != len(l)-1 {
return b.String()