2024-02-02 19:04:43 -05:00

522 lines
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package table
import (
// StyleFunc is the style function that determines the style of a Cell.
// It takes the row and column of the cell as an input and determines the
// lipgloss Style to use for that cell position.
// Example:
// t := table.New().
// Headers("Name", "Age").
// Row("Kini", 4).
// Row("Eli", 1).
// Row("Iris", 102).
// StyleFunc(func(row, col int) lipgloss.Style {
// switch {
// case row == 0:
// return HeaderStyle
// case row%2 == 0:
// return EvenRowStyle
// default:
// return OddRowStyle
// }
// })
type StyleFunc func(row, col int) lipgloss.Style
// DefaultStyles is a TableStyleFunc that returns a new Style with no attributes.
func DefaultStyles(_, _ int) lipgloss.Style {
return lipgloss.NewStyle()
// Table is a type for rendering tables.
type Table struct {
styleFunc StyleFunc
border lipgloss.Border
borderTop bool
borderBottom bool
borderLeft bool
borderRight bool
borderHeader bool
borderColumn bool
borderRow bool
borderStyle lipgloss.Style
headers []string
data Data
width int
height int
offset int
// widths tracks the width of each column.
widths []int
// heights tracks the height of each row.
heights []int
// New returns a new Table that can be modified through different
// attributes.
// By default, a table has no border, no styling, and no rows.
func New() *Table {
return &Table{
styleFunc: DefaultStyles,
border: lipgloss.RoundedBorder(),
borderBottom: true,
borderColumn: true,
borderHeader: true,
borderLeft: true,
borderRight: true,
borderTop: true,
data: NewStringData(),
// ClearRows clears the table rows.
func (t *Table) ClearRows() *Table { = nil
return t
// StyleFunc sets the style for a cell based on it's position (row, column).
func (t *Table) StyleFunc(style StyleFunc) *Table {
t.styleFunc = style
return t
// style returns the style for a cell based on it's position (row, column).
func (t *Table) style(row, col int) lipgloss.Style {
if t.styleFunc == nil {
return lipgloss.NewStyle()
return t.styleFunc(row, col)
// Data sets the table data.
func (t *Table) Data(data Data) *Table { = data
return t
// Rows appends rows to the table data.
func (t *Table) Rows(rows ...[]string) *Table {
for _, row := range rows {
switch {
case *StringData:*StringData).Append(row)
return t
// Row appends a row to the table data.
func (t *Table) Row(row ...string) *Table {
switch {
case *StringData:*StringData).Append(row)
return t
// Headers sets the table headers.
func (t *Table) Headers(headers ...string) *Table {
t.headers = headers
return t
// Border sets the table border.
func (t *Table) Border(border lipgloss.Border) *Table {
t.border = border
return t
// BorderTop sets the top border.
func (t *Table) BorderTop(v bool) *Table {
t.borderTop = v
return t
// BorderBottom sets the bottom border.
func (t *Table) BorderBottom(v bool) *Table {
t.borderBottom = v
return t
// BorderLeft sets the left border.
func (t *Table) BorderLeft(v bool) *Table {
t.borderLeft = v
return t
// BorderRight sets the right border.
func (t *Table) BorderRight(v bool) *Table {
t.borderRight = v
return t
// BorderHeader sets the header separator border.
func (t *Table) BorderHeader(v bool) *Table {
t.borderHeader = v
return t
// BorderColumn sets the column border separator.
func (t *Table) BorderColumn(v bool) *Table {
t.borderColumn = v
return t
// BorderRow sets the row border separator.
func (t *Table) BorderRow(v bool) *Table {
t.borderRow = v
return t
// BorderStyle sets the style for the table border.
func (t *Table) BorderStyle(style lipgloss.Style) *Table {
t.borderStyle = style
return t
// Width sets the table width, this auto-sizes the columns to fit the width by
// either expanding or contracting the widths of each column as a best effort
// approach.
func (t *Table) Width(w int) *Table {
t.width = w
return t
// Height sets the table height.
func (t *Table) Height(h int) *Table {
t.height = h
return t
// Offset sets the table rendering offset.
func (t *Table) Offset(o int) *Table {
t.offset = o
return t
// String returns the table as a string.
func (t *Table) String() string {
hasHeaders := t.headers != nil && len(t.headers) > 0
hasRows := != nil && > 0
if !hasHeaders && !hasRows {
return ""
var s strings.Builder
// Add empty cells to the headers, until it's the same length as the longest
// row (only if there are at headers in the first place).
if hasHeaders {
for i := len(t.headers); i <; i++ {
t.headers = append(t.headers, "")
// Initialize the widths.
t.widths = make([]int, max(len(t.headers),
t.heights = make([]int, btoi(hasHeaders)
// The style function may affect width of the table. It's possible to set
// the StyleFunc after the headers and rows. Update the widths for a final
// time.
for i, cell := range t.headers {
t.widths[i] = max(t.widths[i], lipgloss.Width(, i).Render(cell)))
t.heights[0] = max(t.heights[0], lipgloss.Height(, i).Render(cell)))
for r := 0; r <; r++ {
for i := 0; i <; i++ {
cell :=, i)
rendered :=, i).Render(cell)
t.heights[r+btoi(hasHeaders)] = max(t.heights[r+btoi(hasHeaders)], lipgloss.Height(rendered))
t.widths[i] = max(t.widths[i], lipgloss.Width(rendered))
// Table Resizing Logic.
// Given a user defined table width, we must ensure the table is exactly that
// width. This must account for all borders, column, separators, and column
// data.
// In the case where the table is narrower than the specified table width,
// we simply expand the columns evenly to fit the width.
// For example, a table with 3 columns takes up 50 characters total, and the
// width specified is 80, we expand each column by 10 characters, adding 30
// to the total width.
// In the case where the table is wider than the specified table width, we
// _could_ simply shrink the columns evenly but this would result in data
// being truncated (perhaps unnecessarily). The naive approach could result
// in very poor cropping of the table data. So, instead of shrinking columns
// evenly, we calculate the median non-whitespace length of each column, and
// shrink the columns based on the largest median.
// For example,
// ┌──────┬───────────────┬──────────┐
// │ Name │ Age of Person │ Location │
// ├──────┼───────────────┼──────────┤
// │ Kini │ 40 │ New York │
// │ Eli │ 30 │ London │
// │ Iris │ 20 │ Paris │
// └──────┴───────────────┴──────────┘
// Median non-whitespace length vs column width of each column:
// Name: 4 / 5
// Age of Person: 2 / 15
// Location: 6 / 10
// The biggest difference is 15 - 2, so we can shrink the 2nd column by 13.
width := t.computeWidth()
if width < t.width && t.width > 0 {
// Table is too narrow, expand the columns evenly until it reaches the
// desired width.
var i int
for width < t.width {
i = (i + 1) % len(t.widths)
} else if width > t.width && t.width > 0 {
// Table is too wide, calculate the median non-whitespace length of each
// column, and shrink the columns based on the largest difference.
columnMedians := make([]int, len(t.widths))
for c := range t.widths {
trimmedWidth := make([]int,
for r := 0; r <; r++ {
renderedCell :=, c).Render(, c))
nonWhitespaceChars := lipgloss.Width(strings.TrimRight(renderedCell, " "))
trimmedWidth[r] = nonWhitespaceChars + 1
columnMedians[c] = median(trimmedWidth)
// Find the biggest differences between the median and the column width.
// Shrink the columns based on the largest difference.
differences := make([]int, len(t.widths))
for i := range t.widths {
differences[i] = t.widths[i] - columnMedians[i]
for width > t.width {
index, _ := largest(differences)
if differences[index] < 1 {
shrink := min(differences[index], width-t.width)
t.widths[index] -= shrink
width -= shrink
differences[index] = 0
// Table is still too wide, begin shrinking the columns based on the
// largest column.
for width > t.width {
index, _ := largest(t.widths)
if t.widths[index] < 1 {
if t.borderTop {
if hasHeaders {
for r := t.offset; r <; r++ {
if t.borderBottom {
return lipgloss.NewStyle().
// computeWidth computes the width of the table in it's current configuration.
func (t *Table) computeWidth() int {
width := sum(t.widths) + btoi(t.borderLeft) + btoi(t.borderRight)
if t.borderColumn {
width += len(t.widths) - 1
return width
// computeHeight computes the height of the table in it's current configuration.
func (t *Table) computeHeight() int {
hasHeaders := t.headers != nil && len(t.headers) > 0
return sum(t.heights) - 1 + btoi(hasHeaders) +
btoi(t.borderTop) + btoi(t.borderBottom) +
btoi(t.borderHeader) +*btoi(t.borderRow)
// Render returns the table as a string.
func (t *Table) Render() string {
return t.String()
// constructTopBorder constructs the top border for the table given it's current
// border configuration and data.
func (t *Table) constructTopBorder() string {
var s strings.Builder
if t.borderLeft {
for i := 0; i < len(t.widths); i++ {
s.WriteString(t.borderStyle.Render(strings.Repeat(t.border.Top, t.widths[i])))
if i < len(t.widths)-1 && t.borderColumn {
if t.borderRight {
return s.String()
// constructBottomBorder constructs the bottom border for the table given it's current
// border configuration and data.
func (t *Table) constructBottomBorder() string {
var s strings.Builder
if t.borderLeft {
for i := 0; i < len(t.widths); i++ {
s.WriteString(t.borderStyle.Render(strings.Repeat(t.border.Bottom, t.widths[i])))
if i < len(t.widths)-1 && t.borderColumn {
if t.borderRight {
return s.String()
// constructHeaders constructs the headers for the table given it's current
// header configuration and data.
func (t *Table) constructHeaders() string {
var s strings.Builder
if t.borderLeft {
for i, header := range t.headers {
s.WriteString(, i).
Render(truncate.StringWithTail(header, uint(t.widths[i]), "…")))
if i < len(t.headers)-1 && t.borderColumn {
if t.borderHeader {
if t.borderRight {
if t.borderLeft {
for i := 0; i < len(t.headers); i++ {
s.WriteString(t.borderStyle.Render(strings.Repeat(t.border.Top, t.widths[i])))
if i < len(t.headers)-1 && t.borderColumn {
if t.borderRight {
if t.borderRight && !t.borderHeader {
return s.String()
// constructRow constructs the row for the table given an index and row data
// based on the current configuration.
func (t *Table) constructRow(index int) string {
var s strings.Builder
hasHeaders := t.headers != nil && len(t.headers) > 0
height := t.heights[index+btoi(hasHeaders)]
var cells []string
left := strings.Repeat(t.borderStyle.Render(t.border.Left)+"\n", height)
if t.borderLeft {
cells = append(cells, left)
for c := 0; c <; c++ {
cell :=, c)
cells = append(cells,, c).
Render(truncate.StringWithTail(cell, uint(t.widths[c]*height), "…")))
if c < && t.borderColumn {
cells = append(cells, left)
if t.borderRight {
right := strings.Repeat(t.borderStyle.Render(t.border.Right)+"\n", height)
cells = append(cells, right)
for i, cell := range cells {
cells[i] = strings.TrimRight(cell, "\n")
s.WriteString(lipgloss.JoinHorizontal(lipgloss.Top, cells...) + "\n")
if t.borderRow && index < {
for i := 0; i < len(t.widths); i++ {
s.WriteString(t.borderStyle.Render(strings.Repeat(t.border.Bottom, t.widths[i])))
if i < len(t.widths)-1 && t.borderColumn {
s.WriteString(t.borderStyle.Render(t.border.MiddleRight) + "\n")
return s.String()