This commit is contained in:
Chris Done 2017-05-01 13:33:42 +01:00
parent 60600261e3
commit 2d0731647f
3 changed files with 270 additions and 110 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Main where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch.Pure
import Control.Monad.Fix
@ -11,6 +13,7 @@ import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Typeable
@ -36,38 +39,41 @@ main = do
(pure 500)
(pure 250)
(pure defaultSource)
let result =
let process src =
case parseText "<input box>" (T.pack src) of
Left e -> Left (show e)
Right bindings ->
case runCatch
(do (specialSigs, specialTypes, bindGroups, signatures) <-
runTypeChecker bindings
e0 <- lookupNameByString "main" bindGroups
(\loop e xs -> do
e' <-
expandDeepSeq specialSigs signatures e bindGroups
if e' /= e && length xs < 100
then loop e' (e : xs)
else pure (reverse (e : xs)))
[]) of
Left e -> Left (displayException e)
Right v -> Right v
processedSource =
(\source ->
case parseText "<input box>" (T.pack source) of
Left e -> Left (show e)
Right bindings ->
case runCatch
(do (specialSigs, specialTypes, bindGroups) <-
runTypeChecker bindings
e0 <- lookupNameByString "main" bindGroups
(\loop e xs -> do
e' <- expand specialSigs e bindGroups
if e' /= e && length xs < 100
then loop e' (e : xs)
else pure (reverse (e : xs)))
[]) of
Left e -> Left (displayException e)
Right v -> Right v)
(Snappy.eventToDynamic defaultSource (Snappy.textboxChange source))
(pure 20)
(pure 290)
(pure 300)
(pure 500)
(pure 250)
Left err -> err
Right steps -> unlines (map (printExpression (const Nothing)) steps))
Right steps ->
unlines (map (printExpression (const Nothing)) steps))
pure ()
@ -76,12 +82,23 @@ main = do
data CheckerException
= RenamerException (SpecialTypes Name) RenamerException
| InferException (SpecialTypes Name) InferException
| StepException StepException
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Exception CheckerException where
displayException =
RenamerException specialTypes e -> displayRenamerException specialTypes e
InferException specialTypes e -> displayInferException specialTypes e
StepException s -> displayStepperException () s
displayStepperException :: a -> StepException -> String
displayStepperException _ =
CouldntFindName n -> "Not in scope: " ++ curlyQuotes (printit n)
CouldntFindNameByString n ->
"The starter variable isn't defined: " ++
curlyQuotes n ++
"\nPlease define a variable called " ++ curlyQuotes n
displayInferException :: SpecialTypes Name -> InferException -> [Char]
displayInferException specialTypes =
@ -112,66 +129,88 @@ displayInferException specialTypes =
displayRenamerException :: SpecialTypes Name -> RenamerException -> [Char]
displayRenamerException _specialTypes =
IdentifierNotInScope scope name ->
"Not in scope " ++ curlyQuotes (printit name) ++ "\n" ++
"Current scope:\n\n" ++ unlines (map printit (M.keys scope))
IdentifierNotInVarScope scope name ->
"Not in variable scope " ++ curlyQuotes (printit name) ++ "\n" ++
"Current scope:\n\n" ++ unlines (map printit (M.elems scope))
IdentifierNotInConScope scope name ->
"Not in constructors scope " ++ curlyQuotes (printit name) ++ "\n" ++
"Current scope:\n\n" ++ unlines (map printit (M.elems scope))
:: (MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m)
=> [BindGroup Identifier l]
-> m (SpecialSigs Name, SpecialTypes Name, [BindGroup Name (TypeSignature Name l)])
runTypeChecker bindings =
(do specialTypes <- defaultSpecialTypes
theShow <- supplyTypeName "Show"
(specialSigs, signatures) <- builtInSignatures theShow specialTypes
let signatureSubs =
(\(TypeSignature name@(ValueName _ ident) _) ->
(Identifier ident, name))
(renamedBindings, _) <-
(renameBindGroups signatureSubs bindings)
(\e ->
throwM (RenamerException specialTypes e))
env <- setupEnv theShow specialTypes mempty
bindGroups <-
(typeCheckModule env signatures specialTypes renamedBindings)
=> [Decl FieldType Identifier l]
-> m (SpecialSigs Name, SpecialTypes Name, [BindGroup Name (TypeSignature Name l)], [TypeSignature Name Name])
runTypeChecker decls =
let bindings =
BindGroupDecl d -> Just d
_ -> Nothing)
types =
DataDecl d -> Just d
_ -> Nothing)
in evalSupplyT
(do specialTypes <- defaultSpecialTypes
theShow <- supplyTypeName "Show"
(specialSigs, signatures0) <- builtInSignatures theShow specialTypes
sigs' <-
renameDataTypes specialTypes types >>=
mapM (dataTypeSignatures specialTypes)
let signatures = signatures0 ++ concat sigs'
(mapM_ (putStrLn . printTypeSignature specialTypes) (concat sigs'))-}
let signatureSubs =
(\(TypeSignature name _) ->
case name of
ValueName _ ident -> (Identifier ident, name)
ConstructorName _ ident -> (Identifier ident, name))
(renamedBindings, _) <-
(renameBindGroups signatureSubs bindings)
(\e ->
throwM (InferException specialTypes e)))
return (specialSigs, specialTypes, bindGroups))
[0 ..]
throwM (RenamerException specialTypes e))
env <- setupEnv theShow specialTypes mempty
bindGroups <-
(typeCheckModule env signatures specialTypes renamedBindings)
(throwM . InferException specialTypes))
return (specialSigs, specialTypes, bindGroups, signatures))
[0 ..]
-- Default environment
defaultSource :: String
defaultSource =
[ "compose = \\f g x -> f (g x)"
, "id = \\x -> x"
, "and = \\x y -> if x\n\
\ then if y\n\
\ then True\n\
\ else False\n\
\ else False"
, "main = id (if and True False"
, " then \"Yay!\""
, " else id id \"Nay!\")"
"data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a)\n\
\id = \\x -> x\n\
\not = \\p -> if p\n\
\ then False\n\
\ else True\n\
\map = \\f l ->\n\
\ case l of\n\
\ Nil -> Nil\n\
\ Cons a xs -> Cons (f a) (map f xs)\n\
\main = map not (Cons True (Cons False Nil))"
-- | Built-in pre-defined functions.
:: Monad m
:: MonadThrow m
=> Name -> SpecialTypes Name -> SupplyT Int m (SpecialSigs Name, [TypeSignature Name Name])
builtInSignatures theShow specialTypes = do
the_show <- supplyValueName "show"
the_True <- supplyValueName "True"
the_False <- supplyValueName "False"
sigs <- dataTypeSignatures specialTypes (specialTypesBool specialTypes)
the_True <- getSig "True" sigs
the_False <- getSig "False" sigs
( SpecialSigs {specialSigsTrue = the_True, specialSigsFalse = the_False}
, [ TypeSignature
@ -181,18 +220,65 @@ builtInSignatures theShow specialTypes = do
[IsIn theShow [(GenericType 0)]]
(GenericType 0 --> specialTypesString specialTypes)))
, TypeSignature
(Forall [] (Qualified [] (specialTypesBool specialTypes)))
, TypeSignature
(Forall [] (Qualified [] (specialTypesBool specialTypes)))
] ++
getSig ident sigs =
case listToMaybe
(TypeSignature n@(ValueName _ i) _)
| i == ident -> Just n
(TypeSignature n@(ConstructorName _ i) _)
| i == ident -> Just n
_ -> Nothing)
sigs) of
Nothing -> throwM (BuiltinNotDefined ident)
Just sig -> pure sig
(-->) :: Type Name -> Type Name -> Type Name
a --> b =
ApplicationType (ApplicationType (specialTypesFunction specialTypes) a) b
:: Monad m
=> SpecialTypes Name -> DataType Type Name -> m [TypeSignature Name Name]
dataTypeSignatures specialTypes dt@(DataType _ vs cs) = mapM construct cs
construct (DataTypeConstructor cname fs) =
(let varsGens = map (second GenericType) (zip vs [0 ..])
in Forall
(map typeVariableKind vs)
(dataTypeConstructor dt)
(map snd varsGens))
(map (varsToGens varsGens) fs)))))
varsToGens :: [(TypeVariable Name, Type Name)] -> Type Name -> Type Name
varsToGens varsGens = go
go =
v@(VariableType tyvar) ->
case lookup tyvar varsGens of
Just gen -> gen
Nothing -> v
ApplicationType t1 t2 -> ApplicationType (go t1) (go t2)
g@GenericType {} -> g
c@ConstructorType {} -> c
makeArrow :: Type Name -> Type Name -> Type Name
a `makeArrow` b =
(ApplicationType (specialTypesFunction specialTypes) a)
-- | Setup the class environment.
:: MonadThrow m
@ -211,10 +297,21 @@ setupEnv theShow specialTypes env =
addInstance [] (IsIn theShow [specialTypesInteger specialTypes])
lift (update env)
-- Built-in types
-- | Special types that Haskell uses for pattern matching and literals.
defaultSpecialTypes :: Monad m => SupplyT Int m (SpecialTypes Name)
defaultSpecialTypes = do
theBool <- supplyTypeName "Bool"
boolDataType <-
do name <- supplyTypeName "Bool"
true <- supplyConstructorName "True"
false <- supplyConstructorName "False"
[DataTypeConstructor true [], DataTypeConstructor false []])
theArrow <- supplyTypeName "(->)"
theChar <- supplyTypeName "Char"
theString <- supplyTypeName "String"
@ -223,7 +320,7 @@ defaultSpecialTypes = do
theFractional <- supplyTypeName "Fractional"
{ specialTypesBool = ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theBool StarKind)
{ specialTypesBool = boolDataType
, specialTypesChar = ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theChar StarKind)
, specialTypesString = ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theString StarKind)
, specialTypesFunction =

View File

@ -416,6 +416,15 @@ transform a (Matrix m) = do
newtype Textbox = Textbox JSVal
class Removable a where
remove :: a -> IO ()
instance Removable Textbox where
remove (Textbox j) = js_remove j
instance Removable Text where
remove (Text j) = js_remove j
-- | Create a text box for the user to write into.
textbox :: Snap -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO Textbox
textbox (Snap _ e) x y w h t = do
@ -460,13 +469,13 @@ change (Textbox j) cont = do
js_change j callback
setAttrInt :: Textbox -> String -> Double -> IO ()
setAttrInt (Textbox j) key val = do
setAttrInt (Textbox j) key val' = do
k' <- toJSVal key
js_setAttrInt j k' val
js_setAttrInt j k' val'
setAttrStr :: Textbox -> String -> IO ()
setAttrStr (Textbox j) val = do
val' <- toJSVal val
setAttrStr (Textbox j) val0 = do
val' <- toJSVal val0
js_setAttrStr j val'
#ifdef __GHCJS__
@ -478,6 +487,15 @@ js_textbox :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_textbox = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_remove :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_remove :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_remove = undefined
-- Generalized constrained heterogeneity

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ module Snappy where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple
import qualified Snap
import System.IO.Unsafe
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ import System.IO.Unsafe
data Event a = forall origin s. Event
{ eventSubscribers :: IORef [origin -> IO ()]
, eventFromOrigin :: s -> origin -> (Maybe a,s)
, eventFromOrigin :: s -> origin -> ([a],s)
, eventState :: s
@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ zipEvents f e1 e2 =
(do subscribersRef <- newIORef mempty
tvar1 <- newEmptyMVar
tvar2 <- newEmptyMVar
let !ev = Event subscribersRef (\s (a, b) -> (Just (f a b), s)) ()
let !ev = Event subscribersRef (\s (a, b) -> (pure (f a b), s)) ()
let listen e us them pair =
@ -65,18 +67,33 @@ scanEvent f nil (Event subscribers fromOrigin oldState) =
(\s origin ->
let (a, _) = fromOrigin oldState origin
s' = fmap (f s) a
in (s', fromMaybe s s'))
in swap
(\s0 a0 ->
let r = f s0 a0
in (r, r))
{-# INLINE scanEvent #-}
explodeEvent :: Event [a] -> Event a
explodeEvent (Event subscribers fromOrigin oldState) =
(\s origin ->
let (a, s') = fromOrigin s origin
in (concat a, s'))
{-# INLINE explodeEvent #-}
mapMaybeEvent :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Event a -> Event b
mapMaybeEvent f (Event subscribers fromOrigin oldState) =
(\s origin ->
let (a, s') = fromOrigin s origin
in (a >>= f, s'))
in (mapMaybe f a, s'))
{-# INLINE mapMaybeEvent #-}
@ -87,6 +104,7 @@ filterEvent p =
if p a
then Just a
else Nothing)
{-# INLINE filterEvent #-}
bindEvent :: Event a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
bindEvent Event {..} m = do
@ -96,9 +114,7 @@ bindEvent Event {..} m = do
(++ [ \v -> do
s <- readIORef stateRef
let (v', s') = eventFromOrigin s v
case v' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just v'' -> m v''
mapM_ m v'
writeIORef stateRef s'
@ -110,6 +126,9 @@ data Dynamic a = Dynamic
, dynEvent :: Maybe (Event a)
instance IsString str => IsString (Dynamic str) where
fromString = pure . fromString
instance Functor Dynamic where
fmap f (Dynamic def event) =
Dynamic (f def) (fmap (fmap f) event)
@ -152,7 +171,11 @@ scanDynamic f nil e =
,dynEvent = Just (scanEvent f nil e)}
bindDynamic :: Dynamic a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
bindDynamic (Dynamic _ event) m =
bindDynamic (Dynamic val event) m = do
(do yield
m val))
(return ())
(\e ->
@ -168,6 +191,26 @@ dynamicDef (Dynamic def _) = def
eventToDynamic :: a -> Event a -> Dynamic a
eventToDynamic d e = Dynamic {dynDefault = d, dynEvent = Just e}
-- Removable elements
class Removable (elem :: * -> *) where
remove :: elem a -> IO ()
:: forall void elem.
Removable elem
=> (forall t. IO (elem t, Event void)) -> IO ()
removable create = do
(v, end) <- create
bindEvent end (\_ -> remove v)
-- List of elements
list :: Event (IO a) -> IO ()
list d = bindEvent d (\m -> void m)
-- Drag event
@ -208,7 +251,7 @@ dragEvent d = do
{ eventSubscribers = subscribersRef
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (Just origin, s)
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (pure origin, s)
, eventState = st
@ -217,26 +260,23 @@ changeEvent d = do
subscribersRef <- newIORef mempty
(\text -> do
(\text' -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber text) subscribers)
threadRef <- newIORef Nothing
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber text') subscribers)
goahead <- newMVar ()
(\k text -> do
mthreadId <- readIORef threadRef
maybe (return ()) killThread mthreadId
threadId <-
(do threadDelay (1000 * 50)
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber (T.unpack text)) subscribers)
atomicWriteIORef threadRef (Just threadId))
(\_k text' -> do
() <- takeMVar goahead
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber (T.unpack text')) subscribers
void (forkIO (do threadDelay (1000 * 50)
putMVar goahead ())))
st <- newIORef ()
{ eventSubscribers = subscribersRef
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (Just origin, s)
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (pure origin, s)
, eventState = st
@ -279,7 +319,7 @@ clickEvent d = do
{ eventSubscribers = subscribersRef
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (Just origin, s)
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (pure origin, s)
, eventState = st
@ -350,12 +390,15 @@ rect snap xdynamic ydynamic wdynamic hdynamic fdynamic = do
-- Text object
data Text = Text
data Text t = Text
{ textObject :: Snap.Text
, textClicked :: Event ClickEvent
text :: Snap.Snap -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic String -> IO Text
instance Removable Text where
remove (Text s _) = Snap.remove s
text :: Snap.Snap -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic String -> IO (Text t)
text snap xdynamic ydynamic tdynamic = do
let x = dynamicDef xdynamic
y = dynamicDef ydynamic
@ -384,11 +427,14 @@ text snap xdynamic ydynamic tdynamic = do
-- Textbox object
data Textbox = Textbox
data Textbox t = Textbox
{ textboxObject :: Snap.Textbox
, textboxChange :: Event String
instance Removable Textbox where
remove (Textbox s _) = Snap.remove s
:: Snap.Snap
-> Dynamic Double
@ -396,14 +442,13 @@ textbox
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic String
-> IO Textbox
-> IO (Textbox t)
textbox snap xdynamic ydynamic wdynamic hdynamic tdynamic = do
let x = dynamicDef xdynamic
y = dynamicDef ydynamic
w = dynamicDef wdynamic
h = dynamicDef hdynamic
c <- Snap.textbox snap x y w h (dynamicDef tdynamic)
t <- Snap.newMatrix
(\x' -> Snap.setAttrInt c "left" x')