Add ghcjs to build

This commit is contained in:
Chris Done 2017-04-27 15:38:27 +01:00
parent 59f0b2623e
commit 357ae94690
7 changed files with 1257 additions and 0 deletions

1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
stack build --stack-yaml stack-ghcjs.yaml && cp static/index.html .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal-

View File

@ -32,6 +32,10 @@ library
executable duet
if impl(ghcjs)
buildable: False
buildable: True
@ -46,3 +50,25 @@ executable duet
executable duet-web
if impl(ghcjs)
buildable: True
buildable: False

stack-ghcjs.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
resolver: lts-7.19
compiler: ghcjs-
compiler-check: match-exact
sha1: d2cfc25f9cda32a25a87d9af68891b2186ee52f9

static/index.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Snappy demonstration</title>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
This app demonstrations dragging a circle around and updating a
text element to reflect the circle's X, Y position
automatically. You can also select an area of the canvas which
shows a kind of selection square. Source code
here: <a href=""></a>
<svg id="app" width="800" height="500"></svg>
<script language="javascript" src="all.js"></script>

web/Main.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
module Main where
import qualified Snap
import qualified Snappy
main :: IO ()
main = do
element <- Snap.getElementById "app"
snap <- element
rec c <-
(Snappy.draggable c 50 Snappy.dragDX)
(Snappy.draggable c 45 Snappy.dragDY)
(pure 20)
_ <-
(pure 10)
(pure 20)
(\x y -> "(x,y) = " ++ show (x,y))
(Snappy.circleX c)
(Snappy.circleY c))
pure ()

web/Snap.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,766 @@
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | Snap SVG bindings.
module Snap
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..), (.:), Value(..))
import Data.Aeson.Types (parseMaybe)
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.Text as T
#ifdef __GHCJS__
import GHCJS.Types (JSVal)
import GHCJS.Marshal (FromJSVal(..), ToJSVal(..), toJSVal_aeson, toJSValListOf)
import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback
-- App
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_getElementById :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
getElementById :: String -> IO JSVal
getElementById str = do v <- toJSVal str
js_getElementById v
getElementById :: String -> IO JSVal
getElementById = undefined
-- Snap object
-- | A Snap object.
data Snap = Snap JSVal JSVal
-- | Create a new Snap object.
new :: ToJSVal a => a -> IO Snap
new e = do
j_e <- toJSVal e
fmap (`Snap` j_e) (js_newSnap j_e)
-- | Clear the canvas.
clear :: Snap -> IO ()
clear (Snap s e) = do
js_clear s
js_clear_el e
setDimensions :: Snap -> (Double,Double) -> IO ()
setDimensions (Snap _ e) (x,y) =
js_snap_set_svg_dimensions e x y
-- Circles
-- | A circle object.
newtype Circle = Circle JSVal
deriving (ToJSVal)
instance HasBBox Circle
instance HasAttr Circle
instance HasDrag Circle
instance HasClick Circle
instance HasTransform Circle
instance HasPosition Circle
instance HasGrouping Circle
instance HasHover Circle
-- | Make a new circle on the snap canvas.
circle :: Snap -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Circle
circle (Snap snap _) circleX circleY circleRadius =
fmap Circle (js_circle snap circleX circleY circleRadius)
-- Rects
-- | A rect object.
newtype Rect = Rect JSVal
deriving (ToJSVal)
instance HasBBox Rect
instance HasHover Rect
instance HasAttr Rect
instance HasClick Rect
instance HasDrag Rect
instance HasTransform Rect
instance HasPosition Rect
instance HasGrouping Rect
-- | Make a new rect on the snap canvas.
rect :: Snap -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Rect
rect (Snap snap _) rectX rectY width height rx ry =
fmap Rect (js_rect snap rectX rectY width height rx ry)
-- Text
-- | A text object.
newtype Text = Text JSVal
deriving (ToJSVal)
instance HasClick Text
instance HasBBox Text
instance HasAttr Text
instance HasDrag Text
instance HasTransform Text
instance HasPosition Text
instance HasGrouping Text
-- | Make a new text on the snap canvas.
text :: Snap -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO Text
text (Snap snap _) textX textY t = do
t_j <- toJSVal t
fmap Text (js_text snap textX textY t_j)
-- Paths
-- | A path object.
newtype Path = Path JSVal
deriving (ToJSVal)
instance HasBBox Path
instance HasClick Path
instance HasHover Path
instance HasAttr Path
instance HasPosition Path
instance HasGrouping Path
data Point = Point
{ pointX :: !Double
, pointY :: !Double
} deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON Point where
parseJSON j = do
o <- parseJSON j
Point <$> o .: "x" <*> o .: "y"
-- | Make a new path on the snap canvas.
path :: Snap -> String -> IO Path
path (Snap snap _) t = do
t_j <- toJSVal t
fmap Path (js_path snap t_j)
getTotalLength :: Path -> IO Double
getTotalLength (Path j) = js_getTotalLength j
getPointAtLength :: Path -> Double -> IO Point
getPointAtLength (Path j) p = do
o <- js_getPointAtLength j p
value <- fromJSVal o
result <- evaluate (value >>= parseMaybe parseJSON)
case result of
Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse client rect!"
Just r -> return r
line :: Snap -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO Path
line snap x1 y1 x2 y2 =
Snap.path snap (unwords ["M", show x1, show y1, "L", show x2, show y2])
-- Bounding box
-- | A path object.
data BBox = BBox
{ bboxWidth :: !Double
, bboxHeight :: !Double
, bboxLeft :: !Double
, bboxTop :: !Double
, bboxRight :: !Double
, bboxBottom :: !Double
} deriving (Show)
instance FromJSON BBox where
parseJSON j = do
o <- parseJSON j
BBox <$> o .: "width" <*> o .: "height" <*> o .: "x" <*> o .: "y" <*>
o .: "x2" <*>
o .: "y2"
class ToJSVal a => HasBBox a
-- | Make a new getBBox on the snap canvas.
getBBox :: HasBBox object => object -> IO BBox
getBBox t = do
t_j <- toJSVal t
o <- js_getBBox t_j
value <- fromJSVal o
result <- evaluate (value >>= parseMaybe parseJSON)
case result of
Nothing -> error "Couldn't parse client rect!"
Just r -> return r
-- Attributes (font, fill, stroke, etc.)
class ToJSVal a => HasAttr a
-- | Apply attributes to the object.
attr :: HasAttr object => object -> Value -> IO ()
attr o attrs = do
o_j <- toJSVal o
v <- toJSVal_aeson attrs
js_attr o_j v
-- | Apply one dataibute to the object.
setData :: (HasAttr object,ToJSVal v) => object -> String -> v -> IO ()
setData o key val' = do
o_j <- toJSVal o
k <- toJSVal key
v <- toJSVal val'
js_setData o_j k v
-- | Apply one attribute to the object.
setAttr :: (HasAttr object,ToJSVal v) => object -> String -> v -> IO ()
setAttr o key val' = do
o_j <- toJSVal o
k <- toJSVal key
v <- toJSVal val'
js_setAttr o_j k v
-- Positioning
class ToJSVal a => HasPosition a
-- | Reposition something after something else.
after :: (HasPosition a,HasPosition b) => a -> b -> IO ()
after this that = do
a <- toJSVal this
b <- toJSVal that
js_after a b
-- Grouping
class ToJSVal a => HasGrouping a
newtype Group = Group JSVal
deriving (ToJSVal)
instance HasGrouping Group
instance HasDrag Group
instance HasBBox Group
instance HasClick Group
instance HasTransform Group
instance HasHover Group
instance HasAttr Group
group :: Snap -> [Some HasGrouping] -> IO Group
group (Snap snap _) xs = do
xs' <- mapM (\(Some x) -> toJSVal x) xs >>= toJSVal
fmap Group (js_group snap xs')
-- Dragging
class ToJSVal a => HasDrag a
:: HasDrag a
=> a -- ^ Draggable thing.
-> (Double -> Double -> IO ()) -- ^ During drag.
-> (Double -> Double -> IO ()) -- ^ Start drag.
-> (Bool -> IO ()) -- ^ End drag.
-> IO ()
drag d during start end = do
duringCallback <-
(\x y -> do
Just x' <- fromJSVal x
Just y' <- fromJSVal y
during x' y')
startCallback <-
(\x y -> do
Just x' <- fromJSVal x
Just y' <- fromJSVal y
start x' y')
endCallback <-
(\dragged -> do
Just v <- fromJSVal dragged
end v)
d_j <- toJSVal d
js_drag d_j duringCallback startCallback endCallback
-- Hover
class ToJSVal a => HasHover a
hover :: HasHover a => a -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
hover o on off = do
j <- toJSVal o
onx <- asyncCallback on
offx <- asyncCallback off
js_hover j onx offx
-- Click
class ToJSVal a => HasClick a
newtype Event = Event
{ eventEvent :: JSVal
stopPropagation :: Event -> IO ()
stopPropagation (Event e) = js_stopPropagation e
data Modifier
= AltKey
| NoModifier
deriving (Show)
-- | Handle the click event, if another click comes in under 500ms,
-- then trigger a double-click instead.
:: HasClick a
=> a
-> (Event -> Modifier -> Double -> Double -> IO ()) -- Click
-> IO ()
singleClick o onClick = do
j <- toJSVal o
onx <-
(\e xy' alt' -> do
Just [x, y] <- fromJSVal xy'
Just alt <- fromJSVal alt'
(Event e)
(if alt
then AltKey
else NoModifier)
js_click j onx
-- | Handle the click event, if another click comes in under 500ms,
-- then trigger a double-click instead.
:: HasClick a
=> a
-> (Event -> Modifier -> Double -> Double -> IO ()) -- Click
-> (Event -> Modifier -> Double -> Double -> IO ()) -- Double click
-> IO ()
bothClicks o onClick onDblClick = do
j <- toJSVal o
clicks <- newIORef (0 :: Int)
mtid <- newIORef Nothing
onx <-
(\e xy' alt' -> do
modifyIORef' clicks (+ 1)
clickCount <- readIORef clicks
Just [x, y] <- fromJSVal xy'
Just alt <- fromJSVal alt'
if clickCount > 1
then do
readIORef mtid >>= maybe (return ()) killThread
writeIORef clicks 0
(Event e)
(if alt
then AltKey
else NoModifier)
else do
tid <-
(do threadDelay (1000 * 200)
writeIORef clicks 0
(Event e)
(if alt
then AltKey
else NoModifier)
writeIORef mtid (Just tid))
js_click j onx
-- Matrix transforms
newtype Matrix = Matrix JSVal
class ToJSVal a => HasTransform a
newMatrix :: IO Matrix
newMatrix = fmap Matrix js_newMatrix
translate :: Matrix -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
translate (Matrix m) x y = js_translate m x y
transform :: HasTransform a => a -> Matrix -> IO ()
transform a (Matrix m) = do
j <- toJSVal a
js_transform j m
-- Text boxes
newtype Textbox = Textbox JSVal
-- | Create a text box for the user to write into.
textbox :: Snap -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> String -> IO Textbox
textbox (Snap _ e) x y w h t = do
t_j <- toJSVal t
fmap Textbox (js_textbox e x y w h t_j)
val :: Textbox -> IO T.Text
val (Textbox j) = do
r <- js_val j
t <- fromJSVal r
case t of
Nothing -> return ""
Just x -> return x
keydown :: Textbox -> (Int -> T.Text -> IO ()) -> IO ()
keydown (Textbox j) cont = do
callback <-
(\key val' -> do
Just v <- fromJSVal val'
Just k <- fromJSVal key
cont k (T.pack v))
js_keydown j callback
change :: Textbox -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
change (Textbox j) cont = do
callback <-
(\val' -> do
Just v <- fromJSVal val'
cont v)
js_change j callback
setAttrInt :: Textbox -> String -> Double -> IO ()
setAttrInt (Textbox j) key val = do
k' <- toJSVal key
js_setAttrInt j k' val
setAttrStr :: Textbox -> String -> IO ()
setAttrStr (Textbox j) val = do
val' <- toJSVal val
js_setAttrStr j val'
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"snap_textbox($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)"
js_textbox :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_textbox :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_textbox = undefined
-- Generalized constrained heterogeneity
data Some ctx = forall a. ctx a => Some a
-- Foreign imports
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"$($1).attr({ width: $2, height: $3 })"
js_snap_set_svg_dimensions :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
js_snap_set_svg_dimensions :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
js_snap_set_svg_dimensions = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_newSnap :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_newSnap :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_newSnap = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_stopPropagation :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_stopPropagation :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_stopPropagation = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_clear :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_clear :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_clear = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_clear_el :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_clear_el :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_clear_el = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1).circle($2, $3, $4)"
js_circle :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO JSVal
js_circle :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO JSVal
js_circle = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1).rect($2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7)"
js_rect :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO JSVal
js_rect :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> Double -> IO JSVal
js_rect = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1).text($2, $3, $4)"
js_text :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_text :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_text = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_path :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_path :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_path = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_getBBox :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_getBBox :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_getBBox = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_attr :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_attr :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_attr = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"var attrs = {}; attrs[$2] = $3; ($1).attr(attrs)"
js_setAttr :: JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_setAttr :: JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_setAttr = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"var attrs = {}; attrs[$2] = $3; $($1).attr(attrs)"
js_setAttrInt :: JSVal -> JSVal -> Double -> IO ()
js_setAttrInt :: JSVal -> JSVal -> Double -> IO ()
js_setAttrInt = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_setAttrStr :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_setAttrStr :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_setAttrStr = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1).data($2, $3)"
js_setData :: JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_setData :: JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_setData = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_after :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_after :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_after = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"(function(){ return ($1).group.apply($1,$2); })()"
js_group :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_group :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_group = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"(function(){ var dragged = false; ($1).drag(function(x,y){ ($2)(x,y); dragged = true},function(x,y,e){$3(e.offsetX,e.offsetY)},function(){ ($4)(dragged) }); })()"
js_drag :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> Callback (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_drag :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> Callback (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_drag = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"new Snap.Matrix()"
js_newMatrix :: IO JSVal
js_newMatrix :: IO JSVal
js_newMatrix = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_translate :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
js_translate :: JSVal -> Double -> Double -> IO ()
js_translate = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_transform :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_transform :: JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()
js_transform = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1).hover($2, $3)"
js_hover :: JSVal -> Callback (IO ()) -> Callback (IO ()) -> IO ()
js_hover :: JSVal -> Callback (IO ()) -> Callback (IO ()) -> IO ()
js_hover = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_getPointAtLength :: JSVal -> Double -> IO JSVal
js_getPointAtLength :: JSVal -> Double -> IO JSVal
js_getPointAtLength = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_getTotalLength :: JSVal -> IO Double
js_getTotalLength :: JSVal -> IO Double
js_getTotalLength = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_val :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_val :: JSVal -> IO JSVal
js_val = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"$1.keydown(function(e){ $2(e.which, $1.val()); })"
js_keydown :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_keydown :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_keydown = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"$1.change(function(e){ $2($1.val()); })"
js_change :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_change :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_change = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
"($1).click(function(e){ $2(e, [e.offsetX, e.offsetY], e.altKey); })"
js_click :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_click :: JSVal -> Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
js_click = undefined
#ifdef __GHCJS__
foreign import javascript unsafe
js_console_log :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_console_log :: JSVal -> IO ()
js_console_log = undefined
-- GHCJS compat
#ifndef __GHCJS__
class ToJSVal a where toJSVal :: a -> IO JSVal
instance ToJSVal JSVal where toJSVal = undefined
instance ToJSVal Char where toJSVal = undefined
instance ToJSVal Int where toJSVal = undefined
instance ToJSVal Double where toJSVal = undefined
instance (ToJSVal a) => ToJSVal [a] where toJSVal = undefined
class FromJSVal a where fromJSVal :: JSVal -> IO a
instance FromJSVal String where fromJSVal = undefined
instance FromJSVal Int where fromJSVal = undefined
instance FromJSVal Bool where fromJSVal = undefined
instance FromJSVal (Maybe a) where fromJSVal = undefined
toJSVal_aeson :: ToJSON a => a -> IO JSVal
toJSVal_aeson = undefined
data JSVal
data Callback a
asyncCallback :: (IO ()) -> IO (Callback (IO ()))
asyncCallback = undefined
asyncCallback2 :: (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO (Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()))
asyncCallback2 = undefined
asyncCallback3 :: (JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO (Callback (JSVal -> JSVal -> JSVal -> IO ()))
asyncCallback3 = undefined
asyncCallback1 :: (JSVal -> IO ()) -> IO (Callback (JSVal -> IO ()))
asyncCallback1 = undefined

web/Snappy.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- | A reactive Snap SVG interface.
module Snappy where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Snap
import System.IO.Unsafe
-- Event type
data Event a = forall origin s. Event
{ eventSubscribers :: IORef [origin -> IO ()]
, eventFromOrigin :: s -> origin -> (Maybe a,s)
, eventState :: s
instance Functor Event where
fmap f (Event subscribers fromOrigin state) =
(\s origin ->
let (a', s') = fromOrigin s origin
in (fmap f a', s'))
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
-- | Zip events that occur in tandem within the given time frame.
zipEvents :: (a -> b -> c) -> Event a -> Event b -> Event c
zipEvents f e1 e2 =
(do subscribersRef <- newIORef mempty
tvar1 <- newEmptyMVar
tvar2 <- newEmptyMVar
let !ev = Event subscribersRef (\s (a, b) -> (Just (f a b), s)) ()
let listen e us them pair =
(\a -> do
result <- tryTakeMVar them
case result of
Nothing -> putMVar us a
Just b -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ ($ (pair a b)) subscribers)
listen e1 tvar1 tvar2 (\a b -> (a, b))
listen e2 tvar2 tvar1 (\a b -> (b, a))
pure ev)
{-# NOINLINE zipEvents #-}
scanEvent :: (s -> a -> s) -> s -> Event a -> Event s
scanEvent f nil (Event subscribers fromOrigin oldState) =
(\s origin ->
let (a, _) = fromOrigin oldState origin
s' = fmap (f s) a
in (s', fromMaybe s s'))
{-# INLINE scanEvent #-}
mapMaybeEvent :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Event a -> Event b
mapMaybeEvent f (Event subscribers fromOrigin oldState) =
(\s origin ->
let (a, s') = fromOrigin s origin
in (a >>= f, s'))
{-# INLINE mapMaybeEvent #-}
filterEvent :: (a -> Bool) -> Event a -> Event a
filterEvent p =
(\a ->
if p a
then Just a
else Nothing)
bindEvent :: Event a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
bindEvent Event {..} m = do
do stateRef <- newIORef eventState
(++ [ \v -> do
s <- readIORef stateRef
let (v', s') = eventFromOrigin s v
case v' of
Nothing -> return ()
Just v'' -> m v''
writeIORef stateRef s'
-- Dynamic type
data Dynamic a = Dynamic
{ dynDefault :: a
, dynEvent :: Maybe (Event a)
instance Functor Dynamic where
fmap f (Dynamic def event) =
Dynamic (f def) (fmap (fmap f) event)
{-# INLINE fmap #-}
instance Applicative Dynamic where
pure a = Dynamic {dynDefault = a, dynEvent = Nothing}
{-# INLINE pure #-}
f <*> a =
{ dynDefault = dynDefault f (dynDefault a)
, dynEvent =
case (dynEvent f, dynEvent a) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just fevent, Nothing) -> Just (fmap ($ dynDefault a) fevent)
(Nothing, Just aevent) -> Just (fmap (dynDefault f) aevent)
(Just fevent, Just aevent) -> Just (zipEvents ($) fevent aevent)
{-# INLINE (<*>) #-}
:: (a -> b -> c)
-> Dynamic a
-> Dynamic b
-> Dynamic c
zipDynamics f d1 d2 =
{ dynDefault = f (dynDefault d1) (dynDefault d2)
, dynEvent =
case (dynEvent d1, dynEvent d2) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just d1event, Nothing) -> Just (fmap (\a -> f a (dynDefault d2)) d1event)
(Nothing, Just d2event) -> Just (fmap (\a -> f (dynDefault d1) a) d2event)
(Just d1event, Just d2event) -> Just (zipEvents f d1event d2event)
scanDynamic :: (s -> a -> s) -> s -> Event a -> Dynamic s
scanDynamic f nil e =
Dynamic {dynDefault = nil
,dynEvent = Just (scanEvent f nil e)}
bindDynamic :: Dynamic a -> (a -> IO ()) -> IO ()
bindDynamic (Dynamic _ event) m =
(return ())
(\e ->
(do yield
bindEvent e m)))
dynamicDef :: Dynamic a -> a
dynamicDef (Dynamic def _) = def
eventToDynamic :: a -> Event a -> Dynamic a
eventToDynamic d e = Dynamic {dynDefault = d, dynEvent = Just e}
-- Drag event
data DragEvent = DragStart Pos | Dragging Drag | DragStop
data Pos = Pos
{ posX :: Double
, posY :: Double
data Drag = Drag
{ dragDX :: Double
, dragDY :: Double
data Rec = Rec
{ recX :: Double
, recY :: Double
, recW :: Double
, recH :: Double
dragEvent :: Snap.HasDrag d => d -> IO (Event DragEvent)
dragEvent d = do
subscribersRef <- newIORef mempty
(\dx dy -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> do subscriber (Dragging (Drag dx dy))) subscribers)
(\x y -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber (DragStart (Pos x y))) subscribers)
(\_ -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber DragStop) subscribers)
st <- newIORef ()
{ eventSubscribers = subscribersRef
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (Just origin, s)
, eventState = st
changeEvent :: Snap.Textbox -> IO (Event String)
changeEvent d = do
subscribersRef <- newIORef mempty
(\text -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber text) subscribers)
st <- newIORef ()
{ eventSubscribers = subscribersRef
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (Just origin, s)
, eventState = st
-- | A dynamic which makes a draggable thing move around upon drag at
-- the given axis.
:: Circle
-> Double
-> (Drag -> Double)
-> Dynamic Double
draggable c initial get =
(\(origin, new) event ->
case event of
Dragging pos -> (origin, origin + get pos)
_ -> (new, new))
(initial, initial)
(circleDrag c))
-- Click event
data ClickEvent = ClickEvent
{ clickX :: !Double
, clickY :: !Double
, clickModifier :: !Snap.Modifier
} deriving (Show)
clickEvent :: Snap.HasClick d => d -> IO (Event ClickEvent)
clickEvent d = do
subscribersRef <- newIORef mempty
(\_event modifier x y -> do
subscribers <- readIORef subscribersRef
mapM_ (\subscriber -> subscriber (ClickEvent x y modifier)) subscribers)
st <- newIORef ()
{ eventSubscribers = subscribersRef
, eventFromOrigin = \s origin -> (Just origin, s)
, eventState = st
-- Circle object
data Circle = Circle
{ circleObject :: Snap.Circle
, circleDrag :: Event DragEvent
, circleX :: Dynamic Double
, circleY :: Dynamic Double
circle :: Snap.Snap -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic Double -> IO Circle
circle snap xdynamic ydynamic rdynamic = do
let x = dynamicDef xdynamic
y = dynamicDef ydynamic
c <- snap x y (dynamicDef rdynamic)
drag <- dragEvent c
t <- Snap.newMatrix
xLast <- newIORef 0
(\x' -> do
undo <- readIORef xLast
Snap.translate t (-undo + (x' - x)) 0
Snap.transform c t
writeIORef xLast (x' - x))
yLast <- newIORef 0
(\y' -> do
undo <- readIORef yLast
Snap.translate t 0 (-undo + (y' - y))
Snap.transform c t
writeIORef yLast (y' - y))
pure (Circle c drag xdynamic ydynamic)
-- Rect object
data Rect = Rect
{ rectObject :: Snap.Rect
, rectDrag :: Event DragEvent
:: Snap.Snap
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic String
-> IO Rect
rect snap xdynamic ydynamic wdynamic hdynamic fdynamic = do
let x = dynamicDef xdynamic
y = dynamicDef ydynamic
c <- Snap.rect snap x y (dynamicDef wdynamic) (dynamicDef hdynamic) 0 0
Snap.setAttr c "fill" (dynamicDef fdynamic)
drag <- dragEvent c
bindDynamic xdynamic (\x' -> Snap.setAttr c "x" x')
bindDynamic ydynamic (\y' -> Snap.setAttr c "y" y')
bindDynamic wdynamic (\w' -> Snap.setAttr c "width" w')
bindDynamic hdynamic (\h' -> Snap.setAttr c "height" h')
bindDynamic fdynamic (\f' -> Snap.setAttr c "fill" f')
pure (Rect c drag)
-- Text object
data Text = Text
{ textObject :: Snap.Text
, textClicked :: Event ClickEvent
text :: Snap.Snap -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic Double -> Dynamic String -> IO Text
text snap xdynamic ydynamic tdynamic = do
let x = dynamicDef xdynamic
y = dynamicDef ydynamic
c <- Snap.text snap x y (dynamicDef tdynamic)
t <- Snap.newMatrix
xLast <- newIORef 0
(\x' -> do
undo <- readIORef xLast
Snap.translate t (-undo + (x' - x)) 0
Snap.transform c t
writeIORef xLast (x' - x))
yLast <- newIORef 0
(\y' -> do
undo <- readIORef yLast
Snap.translate t 0 (-undo + (y' - y))
Snap.transform c t
writeIORef yLast (y' - y))
bindDynamic tdynamic (\t' -> Snap.setAttr c "#text" t')
clickev <- clickEvent c
pure (Text c clickev)
-- Textbox object
data Textbox = Textbox
{ textboxObject :: Snap.Textbox
, textboxChange :: Event String
:: Snap.Snap
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic Double
-> Dynamic String
-> IO Textbox
textbox snap xdynamic ydynamic wdynamic hdynamic tdynamic = do
let x = dynamicDef xdynamic
y = dynamicDef ydynamic
w = dynamicDef wdynamic
h = dynamicDef hdynamic
c <- Snap.textbox snap x y w h (dynamicDef tdynamic)
t <- Snap.newMatrix
(\x' -> Snap.setAttrInt c "left" x')
(\x' -> Snap.setAttrInt c "top" x')
(\x' -> Snap.setAttrInt c "width" x')
(\x' -> Snap.setAttrInt c "height" x')
bindDynamic tdynamic (\t' -> Snap.setAttrStr c t')
ch <- changeEvent c
pure (Textbox c ch)