Type checker for web UI

This commit is contained in:
Chris Done 2017-04-27 16:51:36 +01:00
parent 8d1bd335e3
commit cad8fb8579

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@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Catch.Pure
import Control.Monad.Supply
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Duet.Parser as Duet
import qualified Duet.Types as Duet
import Data.Typeable
import Duet.Infer
import Duet.Parser
import Duet.Printer
import Duet.Renamer
import Duet.Stepper
import Duet.Tokenizer
import Duet.Types
import qualified Snap
import qualified Snappy
@ -23,7 +36,16 @@ main = do
(pure defaultSource)
let result =
(Duet.parseText "<input box>" . T.pack)
(\source ->
case parseText "<input box>" (T.pack source) of
Left e -> Left (show e)
Right bindings ->
case runCatch
(do (specialSigs, specialTypes, bindGroups) <-
runTypeChecker bindings
pure ()) of
Left e -> Left (displayException e)
Right v -> Right v)
(Snappy.eventToDynamic defaultSource (Snappy.textboxChange source))
@ -33,11 +55,72 @@ main = do
(pure 250)
Left err -> show err
Right ast -> show ast)
Left err -> err
Right r -> show r)
pure ()
-- Renamer and inferer
data CheckerException
= RenamerException (SpecialTypes Name) RenamerException
| InferException (SpecialTypes Name) InferException
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Exception CheckerException where
displayException =
RenamerException specialTypes e -> displayRenamerException specialTypes e
InferException specialTypes e -> displayInferException specialTypes e
displayInferException :: SpecialTypes Name -> InferException -> [Char]
displayInferException specialTypes =
NotInScope scope name ->
"Not in scope " ++ curlyQuotes (printit name) ++ "\n" ++
"Current scope:\n\n" ++ unlines (map (printTypeSignature specialTypes) scope)
e -> show e
displayRenamerException :: SpecialTypes Name -> RenamerException -> [Char]
displayRenamerException _specialTypes =
IdentifierNotInScope scope name ->
"Not in scope " ++ curlyQuotes (printit name) ++ "\n" ++
"Current scope:\n\n" ++ unlines (map printit (M.keys scope))
:: (MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m)
=> [BindGroup Identifier l]
-> m (SpecialSigs Name, SpecialTypes Name, [BindGroup Name (TypeSignature Name l)])
runTypeChecker bindings =
(do specialTypes <- defaultSpecialTypes
theShow <- supplyName "Show"
(specialSigs, signatures) <- builtInSignatures theShow specialTypes
let signatureSubs =
(\(TypeSignature name@(NameFromSource _ ident) _) ->
(Identifier ident, name))
(renamedBindings, _) <-
(renameBindGroups signatureSubs bindings)
(\e ->
throwM (RenamerException specialTypes e))
env <- setupEnv theShow specialTypes mempty
bindGroups <-
(typeCheckModule env signatures specialTypes renamedBindings)
(\e ->
throwM (InferException specialTypes e)))
return (specialSigs, specialTypes, bindGroups))
[0 ..]
-- Default environment
defaultSource :: String
defaultSource =
@ -47,3 +130,76 @@ defaultSource =
, " then \"Yay!\""
, " else id id \"Nay!\")"
-- | Built-in pre-defined functions.
:: Monad m
=> Name -> SpecialTypes Name -> SupplyT Int m (SpecialSigs Name, [TypeSignature Name Name])
builtInSignatures theShow specialTypes = do
the_show <- supplyName "show"
the_True <- supplyName "True"
the_False <- supplyName "False"
( SpecialSigs {specialSigsTrue = the_True, specialSigsFalse = the_False}
, [ TypeSignature
[IsIn theShow [(GenericType 0)]]
(GenericType 0 --> specialTypesString specialTypes)))
, TypeSignature
(Forall [] (Qualified [] (specialTypesBool specialTypes)))
, TypeSignature
(Forall [] (Qualified [] (specialTypesBool specialTypes)))
(-->) :: Type Name -> Type Name -> Type Name
a --> b =
ApplicationType (ApplicationType (specialTypesFunction specialTypes) a) b
-- | Setup the class environment.
:: MonadThrow m
=> Name
-> SpecialTypes Name
-> ClassEnvironment Name
-> SupplyT Int m (ClassEnvironment Name)
setupEnv theShow specialTypes env =
do theNum <- supplyName "Num"
num_a <- supplyName "a"
show_a <- supplyName "a"
let update = addClass theNum [TypeVariable num_a StarKind] [] >=>
addInstance [] (IsIn theNum [specialTypesInteger specialTypes]) >=>
addClass theShow [TypeVariable show_a StarKind] [] >=>
addInstance [] (IsIn theShow [specialTypesChar specialTypes]) >=>
addInstance [] (IsIn theShow [specialTypesInteger specialTypes])
lift (update env)
-- | Special types that Haskell uses for pattern matching and literals.
defaultSpecialTypes :: Monad m => SupplyT Int m (SpecialTypes Name)
defaultSpecialTypes = do
theBool <- supplyName "Bool"
theArrow <- supplyName "(->)"
theChar <- supplyName "Char"
theString <- supplyName "String"
theInteger <- supplyName "Integer"
theNum <- supplyName "Num"
theFractional <- supplyName "Fractional"
{ specialTypesBool = ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theBool StarKind)
, specialTypesChar = ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theChar StarKind)
, specialTypesString = ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theString StarKind)
, specialTypesFunction =
(FunctionKind StarKind (FunctionKind StarKind StarKind)))
, specialTypesInteger =
ConstructorType (TypeConstructor theInteger StarKind)
, specialTypesNum = theNum
, specialTypesFractional = theFractional