Add builtins to renamer

This commit is contained in:
Chris Done 2017-07-13 12:21:50 +01:00
parent 780d34f071
commit db904e7e6f
3 changed files with 140 additions and 90 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,9 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Typeable
import Duet.Context
import Duet.Errors
import Duet.Infer
import Duet.Parser
import Duet.Printer
@ -37,60 +39,86 @@ main = do
case args of
(file:is) -> do
text <- T.readFile file
(\_ level -> level >= LevelInfo)
(do (binds, context) <- createContext "<interactive>" text
maybe (return ()) (runStepper context binds) (listToMaybe is))
[1 ..]))
catch (runStdoutLoggingT
(\_ level -> level >= LevelInfo)
(do (binds, context) <- createContext file text
maybe (return ()) (runStepper context binds) (listToMaybe is))
[1 ..])))
(putStrLn . (displayException :: ContextException -> String))
_ -> error "usage: duet <file>"
-- Context setup
data ContextException = ContextException (SpecialTypes Name) SomeException
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ContextException where
displayException (ContextException specialTypes (SomeException se)) =
(displayException se)
(displayRenamerException specialTypes)
(cast se))
(displayInferException specialTypes)
(cast se))
(displayStepperException specialTypes)
(cast se))
(displayResolveException specialTypes)
(cast se))
(cast se)
-- | Create a context of all renamed, checked and resolved code.
:: (MonadSupply Int m, MonadThrow m, MonadLogger m)
:: (MonadSupply Int m, MonadThrow m, MonadCatch m)
=> String
-> Text
-> m ([BindGroup Type Name (TypeSignature Type Name Location)], Context Type Name Location)
createContext file text = do
do decls <- parseText file text
builtins <- setupEnv mempty
do builtins <- setupEnv mempty
let specials = builtinsSpecials builtins
-- Renaming
(typeClasses, signatures, renamedBindings, scope, dataTypes) <-
renameEverything decls specials builtins
-- Type class definition
addedTypeClasses <- addClasses builtins typeClasses
-- Type checking
(bindGroups, typeCheckedClasses) <-
(builtinsSpecialTypes builtins)
printDebugTypeChecked builtins bindGroups
-- Type class resolution
resolvedTypeClasses <-
resolveTypeClasses typeCheckedClasses (builtinsSpecialTypes builtins)
resolvedBindGroups <-
(resolveBindGroup resolvedTypeClasses (builtinsSpecialTypes builtins))
printDebugDicts builtins resolvedBindGroups
-- Create a context of everything
let context =
{ contextSpecialSigs = builtinsSpecialSigs builtins
, contextSpecialTypes = builtinsSpecialTypes builtins
, contextSignatures = signatures
, contextScope = scope
, contextTypeClasses = resolvedTypeClasses
, contextDataTypes = dataTypes
pure (resolvedBindGroups, context)
(do decls <- parseText file text
(typeClasses, signatures, renamedBindings, scope, dataTypes) <-
renameEverything decls specials builtins
-- Type class definition
addedTypeClasses <- addClasses builtins typeClasses
-- Type checking
(bindGroups, typeCheckedClasses) <-
(builtinsSpecialTypes builtins)
-- Type class resolution
resolvedTypeClasses <-
(builtinsSpecialTypes builtins)
resolvedBindGroups <-
(builtinsSpecialTypes builtins))
-- Create a context of everything
let context =
{ contextSpecialSigs = builtinsSpecialSigs builtins
, contextSpecialTypes = builtinsSpecialTypes builtins
, contextSignatures = signatures
, contextScope = scope
, contextTypeClasses = resolvedTypeClasses
, contextDataTypes = dataTypes
pure (resolvedBindGroups, context))
(throwM . ContextException (builtinsSpecialTypes builtins))
-- Debug info

examples/builtins.duet Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
data X = X Integer Char Rational String
class Show a where show :: a -> String
instance Show Integer where show = \_ -> "a"
foo :: X -> Integer
foo = \x -> 123

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Maybe
import Duet.Infer
import Duet.Printer
import Duet.Supply
@ -120,30 +121,49 @@ renameField specials typeConstructors vars name fe = do
case find ((\(j, _, _, _) -> j == i)) typeConstructors of
Just (_, name', vs, _) -> pure (name', vs)
Nothing ->
case specialTypesBool (specialsTypes specials) of
DataType n@(TypeName _ i') vars _
| Identifier i' == i ->
( n
, map
(TypeVariable n@(TypeName _ i) k) ->
(Identifier i, TypeVariable n k))
case specialTypesFunction (specialsTypes specials) of
TypeConstructor n@(TypeName _ i') _
| Identifier i' == i -> do
fvars <-
(\vari ->
(vari, ) <$>
(\varn -> TypeVariable varn StarKind)
(supplyTypeVariableName vari))
(map Identifier ["a", "b"])
pure (n, fvars)
_ ->
case specialTypesFunction (specialsTypes specials) of
TypeConstructor n@(TypeName _ i') _
| Identifier i' == i -> do
vars <-
(\i ->
(i, ) <$>
(\n -> TypeVariable n StarKind)
(supplyTypeVariableName i))
(map Identifier ["a", "b"])
pure (n, vars)
case listToMaybe (mapMaybe (matches i) builtinStarTypes) of
Just ty -> pure ty
Nothing ->
case find
TypeName _ tyi -> Identifier tyi == i
_ -> False)
[ specialTypesChar (specialsTypes specials)
, specialTypesInteger (specialsTypes specials)
, specialTypesRational (specialsTypes specials)
, specialTypesString (specialsTypes specials)
]) of
Just ty -> pure (ty, [])
_ -> throwM (TypeNotInScope [] i)
matches i t =
case t of
DataType n@(TypeName _ i') vs _
| Identifier i' == i ->
( n
, mapMaybe
(TypeVariable n'@(TypeName _ tyi) k) ->
Just (Identifier tyi, TypeVariable n' k)
_ -> Nothing)
_ -> Nothing
builtinStarTypes = [specialTypesBool (specialsTypes specials)]
-- Class renaming
@ -172,8 +192,8 @@ renameClass specials subs types cls = do
(\(name, (Forall vars (Qualified preds ty))) -> do
name' <- supplyMethodName name
(\(mname, (Forall vars (Qualified preds ty))) -> do
name' <- supplyMethodName mname
methodVars <- mapM (renameMethodTyVar classVars) vars
let classAndMethodVars = nub (classVars ++ methodVars)
ty' <- renameType specials classAndMethodVars types ty
@ -255,16 +275,16 @@ renameInstance' specials subs types _tyVars (Instance (Forall vars (Qualified pr
(case ty of
IsIn _ t -> t))
else vars)
vars <-
vars'' <-
(\(TypeVariable i k) -> do
n <- supplyTypeName i
pure (i, TypeVariable n k))
preds' <- mapM (renamePredicate specials subs vars types) preds
ty' <- renamePredicate specials subs vars types ty
preds' <- mapM (renamePredicate specials subs vars'' types) preds
ty' <- renamePredicate specials subs vars'' types ty
dict' <- renameDict specials subs types dict ty'
pure (Instance (Forall (map snd vars) (Qualified preds' ty')) dict')
pure (Instance (Forall (map snd vars'') (Qualified preds' ty')) dict')
collectTypeVariables :: UnkindedType i -> [TypeVariable i]
collectTypeVariables =
@ -297,8 +317,8 @@ renameDict specials subs types (Dictionary _ methods) predicate = do
pure (Dictionary name' methods')
predicateToDict :: Specials Name -> ((Predicate Type Name)) -> String
predicateToDict specials pred =
"$dict" ++ map normalize (printPredicate defaultPrint (specialsTypes specials) pred)
predicateToDict specials p =
"$dict" ++ map normalize (printPredicate defaultPrint (specialsTypes specials) p)
normalize c
| isDigit c || isLetter c = c
@ -313,15 +333,15 @@ renamePredicate
-> [DataType Type Name]
-> Predicate t i
-> m (Predicate Type Name)
renamePredicate specials subs tyVars types (IsIn className types0) =
do className' <- substituteClass subs className
renamePredicate specials subs tyVars types (IsIn className' types0) =
do subbedClassName <- substituteClass subs className'
types' <- mapM (renameType specials tyVars types -- >=> forceStarKind
) types0
pure (IsIn className' types')
pure (IsIn subbedClassName types')
-- | Force that the type has kind *.
forceStarKind :: MonadThrow m => Type Name -> m (Type Name)
forceStarKind ty =
_forceStarKind :: MonadThrow m => Type Name -> m (Type Name)
_forceStarKind ty =
case typeKind ty of
StarKind -> pure ty
_ -> throwM (MustBeStarKind ty (typeKind ty))
@ -341,8 +361,8 @@ renameScheme specials subs types (Forall tyvars (Qualified ps ty)) = do
case nonrenamableName i of
Just k -> pure k
Nothing -> do
i <- identifyType i
supplyTypeName i
i' <- identifyType i
supplyTypeName i'
ident <- identifyType n
(ident, ) <$> (TypeVariable <$> pure n <*> pure kind))
@ -373,7 +393,7 @@ renameType specials tyVars types t = either go pure (isType t)
(map dataTypeToConstructor (map snd ms))
Just t -> pure (ConstructorType t)
Just t' -> pure (ConstructorType t')
Just dty -> pure (dataTypeConstructor dty)
UnkindedTypeVariable i -> do
case lookup i tyVars of
@ -393,6 +413,10 @@ renameType specials tyVars types t = either go pure (isType t)
throwM (KindTooManyArgs f' (typeKind f') a')
specials' =
[ setup (specialTypesFunction . specialsTypes)
, setup (specialTypesInteger . specialsTypes)
, setup (specialTypesChar . specialsTypes)
, setup (specialTypesRational . specialsTypes)
, setup (specialTypesString . specialsTypes)
, setup (dataTypeToConstructor . specialTypesBool . specialsTypes)
@ -560,7 +584,7 @@ renameExpression specials subs types = go
InfixExpression l x (orig, VariableExpression l0 i) y -> do
i' <-
case nonrenamableName i of
Just x -> pure x
Just nr -> pure nr
Nothing -> do
ident <- identifyValue i
case lookup ident operatorTable of
@ -615,14 +639,6 @@ substituteClass subs i0 =
_ -> do s <- identifyValue i
throwM (IdentifierNotInClassScope subs s)
substituteType :: (Ord i, Identifiable i, MonadThrow m) => Map Identifier Name -> i -> m Name
substituteType subs i0 =
do i <- identifyType i0
case M.lookup i subs of
Just name@TypeName{} -> pure name
_ -> do s <- identifyType i
throwM (IdentifierNotInTypeScope subs s)
substituteCons :: (Ord i, Identifiable i, MonadThrow m) => Map Identifier Name -> i -> m Name
substituteCons subs i0 =
do i <- identifyValue i0
@ -630,6 +646,7 @@ substituteCons subs i0 =
Just name@ConstructorName{} -> pure name
_ -> do throwM (IdentifierNotInConScope subs i)
operatorTable :: [(Identifier, SpecialSigs i -> i)]
operatorTable =
(first Identifier)