Make Infer take Label concrete type

This commit is contained in:
Chris Done 2017-12-18 16:09:59 +00:00
parent c8aa9a29ff
commit f0c34347d0
7 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions

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@ -79,13 +79,13 @@ import Duet.Types
-- Throws 'InferException' in case of a type error.
typeCheckModule ::
(MonadThrow m, Show l, Data l)
=> Map Name (Class Type Name l) -- ^ Set of defined type-classes.
(MonadThrow m)
=> Map Name (Class Type Name Label) -- ^ Set of defined type-classes.
-> [(TypeSignature Type Name Name)] -- ^ Pre-defined type signatures e.g. for built-ins or FFI.
-> SpecialTypes Name -- ^ Special types that Haskell uses for pattern matching and literals.
-> [Binding Type Name l] -- ^ Bindings in the module.
-> m ( [BindGroup Type Name (TypeSignature Type Name l)]
, Map Name (Class Type Name (TypeSignature Type Name l)))
-> [Binding Type Name Label] -- ^ Bindings in the module.
-> m ( [BindGroup Type Name (TypeSignature Type Name Label)]
, Map Name (Class Type Name (TypeSignature Type Name Label)))
typeCheckModule ce as specialTypes bgs0 = do
(bgs, classes) <- runTypeChecker (dependencyAnalysis bgs0)
pure (bgs, classes)

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@ -200,6 +200,19 @@ data StepException
deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Exception StepException
data Label = Label
{ labelUUID :: UUID
} deriving (Generic, Show, Data, Typeable, Eq, Ord)
instance NFData Label
instance FromJSON Label
instance ToJSON Label
newtype UUID = UUID String
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Generic, Data, Typeable)
instance NFData UUID
instance FromJSON UUID
instance ToJSON UUID
instance NFData (RenamerException)
instance ToJSON (RenamerException)
instance FromJSON (RenamerException)

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@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ initExpression :: forall (t :: * -> *) i. Expression t i Label
initExpression =
(ConstantExpression (Label {labelUUID = starterExprUUID}) (Identifier "_"))
starterExprUUID :: Flux.Persist.UUID
starterExprUUID = Flux.Persist.UUID "STARTER-EXPR"
starterExprUUID :: UUID
makeState :: String -> Expression UnkindedType Identifier Label -> State
makeState ident expr =
@ -55,18 +55,18 @@ makeState ident expr =
, stateTypeCheck = Right ()
, stateAST =
(Label (Flux.Persist.UUID "STARTER-MODULE"))
[ BindDecl
(Label {labelUUID = uuidD})
{ implicitlyTypedBindingLabel =
Label (Flux.Persist.UUID "STARTER-BINDING")
, implicitlyTypedBindingId = (Identifier ident, Label uuidI)
, implicitlyTypedBindingAlternatives =
[ Alternative
{ alternativeLabel =
Label (Flux.Persist.UUID "STARTER-ALT")
, alternativePatterns = []
, alternativeExpression = expr
@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ makeState ident expr =
uuidD = Flux.Persist.UUID "STARTER-DECL"
uuidI = Flux.Persist.UUID "STARTER-BINDING-ID"
-- Model
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ createContext decls = do
do builtins <-
setupEnv mempty [] >>=
(const (pure (Label {labelUUID = Flux.Persist.UUID "<GENERATED>"})))
(const (pure (Label {labelUUID = UUID "<GENERATED>"})))
let specials = builtinsSpecials builtins
(do (typeClasses, signatures, renamedBindings, scope, dataTypes) <-

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@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ newParens = do
uuid <- Flux.Persist.generateUUID
ParensExpression (Label {labelUUID = uuid}) <$> newExpression
newBindDecl :: IO (Flux.Persist.UUID,Decl UnkindedType Identifier Label)
newBindDecl :: IO (UUID,Decl UnkindedType Identifier Label)
newBindDecl = do
bgd <- fmap Label Flux.Persist.generateUUID
implicitBinding <- fmap Label Flux.Persist.generateUUID

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import Data.Maybe
import Duet.IDE.Constructors
import Duet.IDE.Types
import Duet.Types
import React.Flux.Persist (UUID)
interpretAction :: Action -> StateT State IO ()
interpretAction =

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@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ import Data.Aeson
import Data.Data
import Duet.Types
import GHC.Generics
import React.Flux.Persist (UUID)
data State = State
{ stateCursor :: !Cursor
@ -53,10 +52,6 @@ data Action
| InsertChar !Char
deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON)
data Label = Label
{ labelUUID :: UUID
} deriving (Generic, NFData, Show, FromJSON, ToJSON, Data, Typeable)
data Keydown
= BackspaceKey
| TabKey

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@ -9,15 +9,11 @@
module React.Flux.Persist where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types
import Data.Data
import Data.JSString
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Generics
import GHCJS.Foreign.Callback
import Duet.Types (UUID(..))
import GHCJS.Marshal (FromJSVal(..), ToJSVal(..), toJSVal_aeson)
import GHCJS.Types (JSVal, JSString)
@ -64,8 +60,5 @@ foreign import javascript unsafe "window['resetUUID']()"
resetUUID :: IO ()
resetUUID = js_resetUUID
newtype UUID = UUID String
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, NFData, FromJSON, ToJSON, Generic, Data, Typeable)
generateUUID :: IO UUID
generateUUID = UUID . unpack <$> js_generateUUID