open Cmdliner let repo_arg = let doc = "The GitHub repository to view in TUI." in Arg.(value & pos 0 string "NOT_SPECIFIED" & info [] ~docv:"OWNER/REPO" ~doc) let path_arg = let doc = "Path to a local directory of a GitHub repository" in Arg.( value & opt string "." & info [ "d"; "directory" ] ~docv:"DIRECTORY_PATH" ~doc) let gh_tui_t = Term.(const Tui.start $ repo_arg $ path_arg) let cmd = let doc = "TUI of a GitHub repository" in let man = [ `S Manpage.s_bugs; `P "Submit bug reports at:"; ] in let info = "gh-tui" ~version:"0.1.0" ~doc ~man in Cmd.v info gh_tui_t