2024-06-22 12:53:19 +01:00

33 lines
952 B

(** Formatting of a string. *)
type styles = list
(** A part of a line with the formatting added to it. *)
type chunk = {
styles : styles;
string : string;
(** [replicate_chunk n s] creates a [chunk] without formatting of [n] repeated strings [s]. *)
val replicate_chunk : int -> string -> chunk
(** A type defining a single line of text with different parts ("chunks") having
potentially different formatting. *)
type t
(** Returns the length of a string as in the number of graphemes (before
formatting applied). *)
val length : t -> int
(** Smart constructor for a line from a list of chunks to calculate the final
[length] automatically as well. *)
val of_chunks : chunk list -> t
(** Add a chunk to the beginning of a line. *)
val prepend_chunk : chunk -> t -> t
(** Append two lines into a single line. *)
val append : t -> t -> t
(** Format a single line as string, applying formatting. *)
val fmt : t -> string