2024-02-04 14:26:18 +00:00

34 lines
741 B

type tree =
| File of string
| Dir of string * tree array
let file_name = function
| File path -> path
| Dir (path, _) -> path
type cursor =
pos: int;
files: tree array;
type zipper =
parents: cursor list;
current: cursor;
let go_down zipper =
let cursor = zipper.current in
let len = Array.length cursor.files in
let new_pos = (cursor.pos + 1) mod len in
let new_cursor = { cursor with pos = new_pos } in
{ zipper with current = new_cursor }
let go_up zipper =
let cursor = zipper.current in
let len = Array.length cursor.files in
let new_pos = (cursor.pos + len - 1) mod len in
let new_cursor = { cursor with pos = new_pos } in
{ zipper with current = new_cursor }