New 'Recontextualise' approach

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2020-01-24 10:28:07 +00:00
parent ff7c4f4d0e
commit 064001d67b
8 changed files with 376 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ import Rel8.DBEq
import Rel8.EqTable
import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.FromRow
import Rel8.HigherKindedTable
import Rel8.MaybeTable
import Rel8.MonadQuery
import Rel8.Query

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Rel8.Aggregate
( aggregateExpr
@ -30,10 +31,12 @@ import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PackMap as Opaleye
import Rel8.Column
import Rel8.EqTable
import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.HigherKindedTable
import Rel8.MonadQuery
import Rel8.Nest
import Rel8.SimpleConstraints
import Rel8.Table
import Rel8.Unconstrained
{-| @groupAndAggregate@ is the fundamental aggregation operator in Rel8. Like
@ -85,6 +88,11 @@ groupAndAggregate
, EqTable k
, Promote m k' k
, Promote m v' v
, MapContext Demote k ~ k'
, MapContext Demote v ~ v'
, Recontextualise k Demote
, Recontextualise v Demote
, Recontextualise k Id
=> ( a -> GroupBy k v ) -> Nest m a -> m ( k', v' )
groupAndAggregate = groupAndAggregate_forAll
@ -94,13 +102,17 @@ groupAndAggregate_forAll
:: forall a k k' v v' m
. ( MonadQuery m
, MonoidTable v
, Recontextualise k Demote
, Recontextualise v Demote
, EqTable k
, Context k ~ Expr ( Nest m )
, MapContext Demote k ~ k'
, MapContext Demote v ~ v'
, Context k' ~ Context v'
, Context v ~ Expr ( Nest m )
, Context v' ~ Expr m
, CompatibleTables k' k
, CompatibleTables v' v
, Table k
, Recontextualise k Id
=> ( a -> GroupBy k v ) -> Nest m a -> m ( k', v' )
groupAndAggregate_forAll f query =
@ -122,10 +134,12 @@ groupAndAggregate_forAll f query =
-- where there is only one group.
:: ( MonadQuery m
, MapContext Demote b ~ b'
, MonoidTable b
, Table b
, Recontextualise b Demote
, Context b ~ Expr ( Nest m )
, Context b' ~ Expr m
, Context b ~ Expr ( Nest m)
, CompatibleTables b' b
=> ( a -> b ) -> Nest m a -> m b'
aggregate = aggregate_forAll
@ -134,10 +148,11 @@ aggregate = aggregate_forAll
:: forall a b b' m
. ( MonadQuery m
, MapContext Demote b ~ b'
, MonoidTable b
, Recontextualise b Demote
, Context b' ~ Expr m
, Context b ~ Expr ( Nest m )
, CompatibleTables b' b
=> ( a -> b ) -> Nest m a -> m b'
aggregate_forAll f =
@ -147,22 +162,23 @@ aggregate_forAll f =
to :: b -> b'
to =
mapTable ( mapC demote )
mapTable @Demote ( mapC demote )
-- | The class of tables that can be aggregated. This is like Haskell's 'Monoid'
-- type.
class MonoidTable a where
class Table a => MonoidTable a where
-- | How to aggregate an entire table.
aggregator :: Opaleye.Aggregator a a
-- | Higher-kinded records can be used a monoidal aggregations if all fields
-- are instances of 'DBMonoid'.
instance ConstrainedTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) DBMonoid => MonoidTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) where
instance ( HConstrainTable t ( Expr m ) Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t, ConstrainTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) DBMonoid ) => MonoidTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) where
aggregator =
Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
( traverseCC @DBMonoid ( Opaleye.runAggregator aggregateExpr f ) )
@ -229,13 +245,12 @@ instance ( Table k, Table v, Context k ~ Context v ) => Table ( GroupBy k v ) wh
<*> tabulateMCP proxy ( f . ValueFields )
instance ( Compatible k f k' g, Compatible v f v' g, Context k ~ Context v, Context k' ~ Context v' ) => Compatible ( GroupBy k v ) f ( GroupBy k' v' ) g where
transferField = \case
KeyFields i -> KeyFields ( transferField i )
ValueFields i -> ValueFields ( transferField i )
instance ( Context v ~ Expr m, Context k ~ Context v, Context ( MapContext f k ) ~ Context ( MapContext f v ), Recontextualise k f, Recontextualise v f ) => Recontextualise ( GroupBy k v ) f where
type MapContext f ( GroupBy k v ) =
GroupBy ( MapContext f k ) ( MapContext f v )
instance ( ConstrainedTable k Unconstrained, Context k ~ Expr m, MonoidTable v ) => MonoidTable ( GroupBy k v ) where
instance ( Recontextualise k Id, Context v ~ Expr m, Table k, Context k ~ Expr m, MonoidTable v ) => MonoidTable ( GroupBy k v ) where
aggregator =
<$> lmap key group
@ -246,4 +261,4 @@ instance ( ConstrainedTable k Unconstrained, Context k ~ Expr m, MonoidTable v )
group :: Opaleye.Aggregator k k
group =
Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
traverseTable ( traverseC \x -> fromPrimExpr <$> f ( Nothing, toPrimExpr x ) )
traverseTable @Id ( traverseC \x -> fromPrimExpr <$> f ( Nothing, toPrimExpr x ) )

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@ -16,6 +16,12 @@ module Rel8.Column
, zipCWithM
, zipCWithMC
, Null
, Id
, Select
, From
, Demote
, Structure
, Lit
) where
import Data.Functor.Identity
@ -25,6 +31,24 @@ import Data.Kind
data Null ( f :: * -> * ) a
data Id ( f :: * -> * ) a
data From ( m :: * -> * ) ( f :: * -> * ) a
data Select ( f :: * -> * ) a
data Demote ( f :: * -> * ) a
data Structure ( f :: * -> * ) a
data Lit ( f :: * -> * ) a
{-| The @Column@ type family should be used to indicate which fields of your
data types are single columns in queries. This type family has special
support when a query is executed, allowing you to use a single data type for
@ -57,12 +81,17 @@ In @rel8@ we try hard to always know roughly what @f@ is, which means typed
holes should mention precise types, rather than the @Column@ type family. You
should only need to be aware of the type family when defining your table types.
type family Column ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( a :: Type ) :: Type where
Column ( Null f ) a = Column f ( Maybe a )
type family Column ( context :: Type -> Type ) ( a :: Type ) :: Type where
Column ( Null f ) a = Column f ( Maybe ( DropMaybe a ) )
Column Identity a = a
Column f a = f a
type family DropMaybe ( a :: Type ) :: Type where
DropMaybe ( Maybe a ) = DropMaybe a
DropMaybe a = a
-- | The @C@ newtype simply wraps 'Column', but this allows us to work
-- injectivity problems of functions that return type family applications
-- (for example, 'Rel8.HigherKinded.zipRecord').

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@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ import Control.Applicative
import Rel8.Column
import Rel8.DBEq
import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.HigherKindedTable
import Rel8.Table
import Rel8.Unconstrained
-- | The class of database tables (containing one or more columns) that can be
@ -44,7 +46,7 @@ instance DBEq a => EqTable ( Expr m a ) where
-- | Higher-kinded records can be compared for equality. Two records are equal
-- if all of their fields are equal.
instance ConstrainedTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) DBEq => EqTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) where
instance ( HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t ( Expr m ) Unconstrained, ConstrainTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) DBEq ) => EqTable ( t ( Expr m ) ) where
l ==. r =
( getConst

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@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ import Rel8.Nest
import Rel8.Table
instance ContextMap Null ( Expr m ) where
recontextualiseColumn ( MkC ( Expr x ) ) =
MkC ( Expr x )
-- | Typed SQL expressions
newtype Expr ( m :: Type -> Type ) ( a :: Type ) =
Expr { toPrimExpr :: Opaleye.PrimExpr }
@ -109,12 +114,14 @@ class DBType ( a :: Type ) where
:: ( Compatible b ( Expr m ) a Identity
, ConstrainedTable a DBType
, ConstrainedTable b DBType
) => a -> b
:: ( ConstrainTable ( MapContext Lit a ) DBType
, Recontextualise a Lit
, Context ( MapContext Lit a ) ~ Expr m
, Context a ~ Identity
=> a -> MapContext Lit a
litTable =
mapTableC @DBType ( mapCC @DBType lit )
mapTableC @DBType @Lit ( mapCC @DBType lit )
-- | Corresponds to the @bool@ PostgreSQL type.
@ -286,9 +293,10 @@ instance Table ( Expr m a ) where
toColumn <$> f ExprField
instance ( a ~ b, Expr m ~ m', Expr n ~ n' ) => Compatible ( Expr m a ) m' ( Expr n b ) n' where
transferField ExprField =
instance Recontextualise ( Expr m a ) Id where
type MapContext Id ( Expr m a ) = Expr m a
fieldMapping ExprField = ExprField
reverseFieldMapping ExprField = ExprField
binExpr :: Opaleye.BinOp -> Expr m a -> Expr m a -> Expr m b

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@ -9,14 +9,16 @@
module Rel8.FromRow where
import Data.Int
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Int
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField ( FromField )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, field )
import Rel8.Column
import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.HigherKindedTable
import Rel8.Query
import Rel8.Table ( Context, Table, ConstrainedTable, traverseTableC )
import Rel8.Table hiding ( field )
import Rel8.Unconstrained
-- | @FromRow@ witnesses the one-to-one correspondence between the type @sql@,
@ -26,16 +28,11 @@ class ( Context sql ~ Expr Query, Table sql ) => FromRow sql haskell | sql -> ha
rowParser :: sql -> RowParser haskell
instance ( Context ( sqlA, sqlB ) ~ Expr Query, FromRow sqlA haskellA, FromRow sqlB haskellB ) => FromRow ( sqlA, sqlB ) ( haskellA, haskellB ) where
rowParser ( a, b ) =
(,) <$> rowParser a <*> rowParser b
-- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to
-- decode all of the records constituent part's.
instance ( ConstrainedTable ( t identity ) FromField, Table ( t expr ), expr ~ Expr Query, identity ~ Identity ) => FromRow ( t expr ) ( t identity ) where
instance ( HConstrainTable t Identity FromField, HConstrainTable t Identity Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t, Table ( t expr ), expr ~ Expr Query, identity ~ Identity ) => FromRow ( t expr ) ( t identity ) where
rowParser =
traverseTableC @FromField ( traverseCC @FromField \_ -> field )
traverseTableC @Select @FromField ( traverseCC @FromField \_ -> field )
instance m ~ Query => FromRow ( Expr m Int32 ) Int32 where

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@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language KindSignatures #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# language TypeOperators #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# options -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Rel8.HigherKindedTable where
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Kind
import GHC.Generics hiding ( C )
import Rel8.Column
import Rel8.ColumnSchema
import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.Nest
import Rel8.Query
import Rel8.Table
import Rel8.Unconstrained
{-| Higher-kinded data types.
Higher-kinded data types are data types of the pattern:
data MyType f =
MyType { field1 :: Column f T1 OR HK1 f
, field2 :: Column f T2 OR HK2 f
, ...
, fieldN :: Column f Tn OR HKn f
where @Tn@ is any Haskell type, and @HKn@ is any higher-kinded type.
That is, higher-kinded data are records where all fields in the record
are all either of the type @Column f T@ (for any @T@), or are themselves
higher-kinded data:
data Nested f =
Nested { nested1 :: MyType f
, nested2 :: MyType f
The @HigherKindedTable@ type class is used to give us a special mapping
operation that lets us change the type parameter @f@.
[Supplying @HigherKindedTable@ instances]
This type class should be derived generically for all table types in your
project. To do this, enable the @DeriveAnyType@ and @DeriveGeneric@ language
\{\-\# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DeriveGeneric #-\}
import qualified GHC.Generics
data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T }
deriving ( GHC.Generics.Generic, HigherKindedTable )
class HigherKindedTable ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) where
-- | Like 'Field', but for higher-kinded tables.
type HField t = ( field :: Type -> Type ) | field -> t
type HField t =
GenericField t
-- | Like 'Constraintable', but for higher-kinded tables.
type HConstrainTable t ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
type HConstrainTable t f c =
GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t Spine ) ) c
-- | Like 'field', but for higher-kinded tables.
hfield :: t f -> HField t x -> C f x
default hfield
:: forall f x
. ( Generic ( t f )
, HField t ~ GenericField t
, GHigherKindedTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) t f ( Rep ( t Spine ) )
=> t f -> HField t x -> C f x
hfield x ( GenericField i ) =
ghfield @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t Spine ) ) ( from x ) i
-- | Like 'tabulateMCP', but for higher-kinded tables.
:: ( Applicative m, HConstrainTable t f c )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m ( t f )
default htabulate
:: forall f m c proxy
. ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t Spine ) ) c, Generic ( t f )
, GHigherKindedTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) t f ( Rep ( t Spine ) )
, HField t ~ GenericField t
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m ( t f )
htabulate proxy f =
fmap to ( ghtabulate @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t Spine ) ) proxy ( f . GenericField ) )
data TableHField t ( f :: Type -> Type ) x where
F :: HField t x -> TableHField t f x
-- | Any 'HigherKindedTable' is also a 'Table'.
instance ( ConstrainTable ( t f ) Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t ) => Table ( t f ) where
type Field ( t f ) =
TableHField t f
type Context ( t f ) =
type ConstrainTable ( t f ) c =
HConstrainTable t f c
tabulateMCP proxy f =
htabulate proxy \x -> f ( F x )
field x ( F i ) =
hfield x i
instance ( HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t f Unconstrained ) => Recontextualise ( t f ) Id where
type MapContext Id ( t f ) = t f
fieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
reverseFieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
instance ( HConstrainTable t ColumnSchema Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t ( Expr m ) Unconstrained ) => Recontextualise ( t ColumnSchema ) ( From m ) where
type MapContext ( From m ) ( t ColumnSchema ) = t ( Expr m )
fieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
reverseFieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
instance ( HConstrainTable t ( Null ( Expr m ) ) Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t ( Expr m ) Unconstrained ) => Recontextualise ( t ( Expr m ) ) Null where
type MapContext Null ( t ( Expr m ) ) = t ( Null ( Expr m ) )
fieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
reverseFieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
instance ( HConstrainTable t ( Expr ( Nest m ) ) Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t ( Expr m ) Unconstrained ) => Recontextualise ( t ( Expr ( Nest m ) ) ) Demote where
type MapContext Demote ( t ( Expr ( Nest m ) ) ) = t ( Expr m )
fieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
reverseFieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
instance ( HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t f Unconstrained, HConstrainTable t Spine Unconstrained ) => Recontextualise ( t f ) Structure where
type MapContext Structure ( t f ) = t Spine
fieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
reverseFieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
instance ( HConstrainTable t Identity Unconstrained, HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t ( Expr Query ) Unconstrained, HConstrainTable t ( Expr Query ) Unconstrained ) => Recontextualise ( t ( Expr Query) ) Select where
type MapContext Select ( t ( Expr Query ) ) = t Identity
fieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
reverseFieldMapping ( F i ) = F i
data GenericField t a where
GenericField :: GHField t ( Rep ( t Spine ) ) a -> GenericField t a
class GHigherKindedTable ( rep :: Type -> Type ) ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( repIdentity :: Type -> Type ) where
data GHField t repIdentity :: Type -> Type
type GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
ghfield :: rep a -> GHField t repIdentity x -> C f x
:: ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity c )
=> proxy c
-> ( forall x. c x => GHField t repIdentity x -> m ( C f x ) )
-> m ( rep a )
instance GHigherKindedTable x t f x' => GHigherKindedTable ( M1 i c x ) t f ( M1 i' c' x' ) where
data GHField t ( M1 i' c' x' ) a where
M1Field :: GHField t x' a -> GHField t ( M1 i' c' x' ) a
type GHConstrainTable ( M1 i c x ) ( M1 i' c' x' ) constraint =
GHConstrainTable x x' constraint
ghfield ( M1 a ) ( M1Field i ) =
ghfield a i
ghtabulate proxy f =
M1 <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . M1Field )
instance ( GHigherKindedTable x t f x', GHigherKindedTable y t f y' ) => GHigherKindedTable ( x :*: y ) t f ( x' :*: y' ) where
data GHField t ( x' :*: y' ) a where
FieldL :: GHField t x' a -> GHField t ( x' :*: y' ) a
FieldR :: GHField t y' a -> GHField t ( x' :*: y' ) a
type GHConstrainTable ( x :*: y ) ( x' :*: y' ) constraint =
( GHConstrainTable x x' constraint, GHConstrainTable y y' constraint )
ghfield ( x :*: y ) = \case
FieldL i -> ghfield x i
FieldR i -> ghfield y i
ghtabulate proxy f =
(:*:) <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . FieldL )
<*> ghtabulate @y @t @f @y' proxy ( f . FieldR )
type family IsColumnApplication ( a :: Type ) :: Bool where
IsColumnApplication ( Spine a ) = 'True
IsColumnApplication _ = 'False
instance DispatchK1 ( IsColumnApplication c' ) f c c' => GHigherKindedTable ( K1 i c ) t f ( K1 i' c' ) where
data GHField t ( K1 i' c' ) a where
K1Field :: K1Field ( IsColumnApplication c' ) c' x -> GHField t ( K1 i' c' ) x
type GHConstrainTable ( K1 i c ) ( K1 i' c' ) constraint =
ConstrainK1 ( IsColumnApplication c' ) c c' constraint
ghfield ( K1 a ) ( K1Field i ) =
k1field @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' a i
ghtabulate proxy f =
K1 <$> k1tabulate @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' proxy ( f . K1Field )
class DispatchK1 ( isSpine :: Bool ) f a a' where
data K1Field isSpine a' :: Type -> Type
type ConstrainK1 isSpine a a' ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
k1field :: a -> K1Field isSpine a' x -> C f x
:: ( ConstrainK1 isSpine a a' c, Applicative m )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => K1Field isSpine a' x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m a
instance a ~ Column f b => DispatchK1 'True f a ( Spine b ) where
data K1Field 'True ( Spine b ) x where
K1True :: K1Field 'True ( Spine b ) b
type ConstrainK1 'True a ( Spine b ) c =
c b
k1field a K1True =
MkC a
k1tabulate _ f =
toColumn <$> f @b K1True
instance ( Context a ~ f, Table a, Field a' ~ Field ( MapContext Structure a ), Recontextualise a Structure ) => DispatchK1 'False f a a' where
data K1Field 'False a' x where
K1False :: Field a' x -> K1Field 'False a' x
type ConstrainK1 'False a a' c =
ConstrainTable a c
k1field a ( K1False i ) =
field a ( fieldMapping @_ @Structure i )
k1tabulate proxy f =
tabulateMCP proxy ( f . K1False . reverseFieldMapping @_ @Structure )
data Spine a

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
module Rel8.MonadQuery where
import Control.Applicative ( Const(..), liftA2 )
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Numeric.Natural
import Rel8.Column
import Rel8.ColumnSchema
@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ import Rel8.Nest
import Rel8.SimpleConstraints
import Rel8.Table
import Rel8.TableSchema
import Rel8.Unconstrained
import qualified Opaleye.Binary as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Distinct as Opaleye