Overhaul aggregations

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Shane 2021-03-03 10:42:25 +00:00
parent 8f79711783
commit 07701436b5
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: C1D5BF1DE4F6D319

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@ -110,13 +110,19 @@ module Rel8
, noTable
, catMaybeTable
-- ** Aggregation
-- * Aggregates
, Aggregate
, Foldability (Semifold, Fold)
, aggregate
, AggregateTable(..)
-- ** Array aggregation
, Array
, aggregate1
, arrayAgg
, arrayAgg1
, groupBy
, DBMax (max)
-- * Compound aggregates
, ListTable, many
, NonEmptyTable, some
-- ** Ordering
, orderBy
@ -155,24 +161,25 @@ import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON, ToJSON, Value, parseJSON, toJSON )
import Data.Aeson.Types ( parseEither )
-- base
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( ZipList(..), liftA2, (<|>) )
import Control.Applicative ( ZipList(..), liftA2 )
import qualified Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Data.Foldable ( Foldable(toList, foldl'), fold )
import Data.Foldable ( Foldable( toList, foldl' ) )
import Data.Foldable ( fold )
import Data.Functor ( (<&>) )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(..) )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity( runIdentity ) )
import Data.Int ( Int32, Int64 )
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.Monoid ( Sum( Sum ), getSum )
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty, nonEmpty )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy( Proxy ) )
import Data.String ( IsString(..) )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import GHC.Generics ( (:*:)(..), Generic, K1(..), M1(..), Rep, from, to )
import Numeric.Natural ( Natural )
import Prelude hiding ( filter )
import Prelude hiding ( filter, max )
import Text.Read ( readEither )
-- bytestring
@ -182,9 +189,6 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
-- case-insensitive
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
-- containers
import Data.Sequence ( Seq, fromList )
-- opaleye
import qualified Opaleye ( Delete(..), Insert(..), OnConflict(..), Update(..), runDelete_, runInsert_, runUpdate_, valuesExplicit )
import qualified Opaleye.Aggregate as Opaleye
@ -225,7 +229,6 @@ import Opaleye.PGTypes
, pgNumeric
, pgStrictByteString
, pgStrictText
, pgString
, pgTimeOfDay
, pgUTCTime
, pgUUID
@ -248,7 +251,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, fieldWith )
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow as Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types ( PGArray( PGArray ) )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types ( PGArray( PGArray, fromPGArray ) )
-- rel8
import qualified Rel8.Optimize
@ -258,6 +261,7 @@ import Data.Scientific ( Scientific )
-- text
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy
-- time
@ -330,10 +334,22 @@ newtype ReadShow a = ReadShow { fromReadShow :: a }
{-| Anything that has an instance of 'DBType' is an 'Expr'. This class packages that knowledge up. -}
class (ExprType a ~ Expr a, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)) => AnExpr (a :: Type)
( ExprType a ~ Expr a
, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a
, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)
, ExprType [a] ~ Expr [a]
, ExprType (NonEmpty a) ~ Expr (NonEmpty a)
) => AnExpr (a :: Type)
instance (ExprType a ~ Expr a, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)) => AnExpr a
( ExprType a ~ Expr a
, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a
, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)
, ExprType [a] ~ Expr [a]
, ExprType (NonEmpty a) ~ Expr (NonEmpty a)
) => AnExpr a
{-| A @DatabaseType@ describes how to encode and decode a Haskell type to and
@ -980,22 +996,28 @@ class (Table Expr expr, expr ~ ExprType haskell, haskell ~ ResultType expr) => S
-- | Compute the corresponding expression type for a Haskell response type.
type family ExprType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ExprType (Seq a) = Array (ExprType a)
ExprType (a, b) = (ExprType a, ExprType b)
ExprType (t Identity) = t Expr
ExprType (Maybe (t Identity)) = MaybeTable (t Expr)
ExprType (Maybe (a, b)) = MaybeTable (ExprType (a, b))
ExprType (Maybe a) = Expr (Maybe a)
ExprType [t Identity] = ListTable Expr (t Expr)
ExprType [(a, b)] = ListTable Expr (ExprType (a, b))
ExprType [a] = Expr [a]
ExprType (NonEmpty (t Identity)) = NonEmptyTable Expr (t Expr)
ExprType (NonEmpty (a, b)) = NonEmptyTable Expr (ExprType (a, b))
ExprType (NonEmpty a) = Expr (NonEmpty a)
ExprType a = Expr a
-- | Compute the corresponding expression type for a SQL response type.
type family ResultType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ResultType (Array a) = Seq (ResultType a)
ResultType (a, b) = (ResultType a, ResultType b)
ResultType (t Expr) = t Identity
ResultType (Expr a) = a
ResultType (MaybeTable a) = Maybe (ResultType a)
ResultType (ListTable Expr a) = [ResultType a]
ResultType (NonEmptyTable Expr a) = NonEmpty (ResultType a)
-- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to
@ -1171,11 +1193,6 @@ instance DBType Data.Text.Lazy.Text where
typeInformation = fromOpaleye pgLazyText
-- | Corresponds to the @text@ PostgreSQL type.
instance DBType String where
typeInformation = fromOpaleye pgString
-- | Extends any @DBType@ with the value @null@. Note that you cannot "stack"
-- @Maybe@s, as SQL doesn't distinguish @Just Nothing@ from @Nothing@.
instance DBType a => DBType ( Maybe a ) where
@ -1237,6 +1254,23 @@ instance DBType (CI Data.Text.Lazy.Text) where
typeInformation = fromOpaleye pgCiLazyText
instance DBType a => DBType [a] where
typeInformation = DatabaseType
{ encode = Opaleye.ArrayExpr . map encode
, decode = fmap (fmap fromPGArray) <$> pgArrayFieldParser decode
, typeName = typeName <> "[]"
DatabaseType{ encode, decode, typeName } = typeInformation
instance DBType a => DBType (NonEmpty a) where
typeInformation = parseDatabaseType nonEmptyEither toList typeInformation
nonEmptyEither =
maybe (Left "DBType.NonEmpty.decode: empty list") Right . nonEmpty
case_ :: forall a. Table Expr a => [ ( Expr Bool, a ) ] -> a -> a
case_ alts def =
fromColumns $ htabulate @(Columns a) \x -> MkC $ fromPrimExpr $
@ -1245,7 +1279,7 @@ case_ alts def =
( toPrimExpr $ toColumn $ hfield (toColumns def) x )
retype :: Expr a -> Expr b
retype :: forall b a. Expr a -> Expr b
retype = fromPrimExpr . toPrimExpr
@ -1264,7 +1298,7 @@ data Color = Red | Green | Blue
instance (Read a, Show a, Typeable a) => DBType (ReadShow a) where
typeInformation =
parseDatabaseType (fmap ReadShow . readEither) (show . fromReadShow) typeInformation
parseDatabaseType (fmap ReadShow . readEither . Text.unpack) (Text.pack . show . fromReadShow) typeInformation
@ -1307,9 +1341,6 @@ traversePrimExpr f =
fmap fromPrimExpr . f . toPrimExpr
instance DBEq String
instance DBEq Int32
@ -1336,13 +1367,15 @@ newtype Query a = Query (Opaleye.Query a)
liftOpaleye :: Opaleye.Query a -> Query a
liftOpaleye =
liftOpaleye = Query
toOpaleye :: Query a -> Opaleye.Query a
toOpaleye ( Query q ) =
toOpaleye (Query q) = q
mapOpaleye :: (Opaleye.Query a -> Opaleye.Query b) -> Query a -> Query b
mapOpaleye f = liftOpaleye . f . toOpaleye
instance Monad Query where
@ -1612,8 +1645,8 @@ data Update target returning where
-- @exists q@ is the same as the SQL expression @EXISTS ( q )@
exists :: Query a -> Query (Expr Bool)
exists query = maybeTable (lit False) (const (lit True)) <$> optional do
liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.restrictExists (toOpaleye query)
exists = fmap (maybeTable (lit False) (const (lit True))) .
optional . mapOpaleye Opaleye.restrictExists
-- | Select each row from a table definition.
@ -1641,7 +1674,7 @@ each_forAll schema = liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.selectTableExplicit unpackspec (toOpa
-- @leftJoin t p@ is equivalent to @LEFT JOIN t ON p@.
optional :: Query a -> Query (MaybeTable a)
optional = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.laterally (Opaleye.QueryArr . go) . toOpaleye
optional = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.laterally (Opaleye.QueryArr . go)
go query (i, left, tag) = (MaybeTable t' a, join, Opaleye.next tag')
@ -1677,7 +1710,7 @@ distinct = distinct_forAll
distinct_forAll :: forall a. Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a
distinct_forAll query = liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec (toOpaleye query)
distinct_forAll = mapOpaleye (Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec)
distinctspec :: Opaleye.Distinctspec a a
distinctspec =
@ -1689,14 +1722,14 @@ distinct_forAll query = liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec (toO
-- @limit n@ is equivalent to the SQL @LIMIT n@.
limit :: Natural -> Query a -> Query a
limit n query = liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.limit (fromIntegral n) (toOpaleye query)
limit n = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.limit (fromIntegral n)
-- | @offset n@ drops the first @n@ rows from a query.
-- @offset n@ is equivalent to the SQL @OFFSET n@.
offset :: Natural -> Query a -> Query a
offset n query = liftOpaleye $ Opaleye.offset (fromIntegral n) (toOpaleye query)
offset n = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.offset (fromIntegral n)
-- | Drop any rows that don't match a predicate.
@ -1838,124 +1871,237 @@ data Dict c a where
Dict :: c a => Dict c a
-- | Aggregate all rows in a 'Query'.
-- This function is like 'Data.Foldable.fold', in that the rows in the 'Query'
-- will be combined according to their 'AggregateTable' instance (which in turn
-- is like 'Monoid').
aggregate :: AggregateTable a => Query a -> Query a
aggregate = fmap (maybeTable aggUnit id) . optional . liftOpaleye . Opaleye.laterally (Opaleye.aggregate aggregator) . toOpaleye
-- | Like 'aggregate', but also lets you supply a transformation function from
-- @a@ into an 'AggregateTable'. This is function is no more than just
-- @aggregate . fmap f@, but we provide this function for similarity with
-- 'Data.Foldable.foldMap'.
aggregateMap :: AggregateTable b => (a -> b) -> Query a -> Query b
aggregateMap f = aggregate . fmap f
-- | Convert a query to a 'String' containing the query as a @SELECT@
-- statement.
showQuery :: Table Expr a => Query a -> String
showQuery = fold . selectQuery
class Table Expr a => AggregateTable a where
aggregator :: Opaleye.Aggregator a a
aggUnit :: a
data Aggregator a =
(Maybe (Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct))
instance Table f a => Table f (Sum a) where
type Columns (Sum a) = Columns a
toColumns = toColumns . getSum
fromColumns = Sum . fromColumns
data Foldability = 'Semifold | 'Fold
class DBType a => DBSum a where
sumAggregator :: Opaleye.Aggregator (Expr a) (Expr a)
sumAggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f (Expr primExpr) ->
Expr <$> f (Just (Opaleye.AggrSum, [], Opaleye.AggrAll), primExpr)
data Aggregate (foldability :: Foldability) a where
Aggregate :: Expr a -> Aggregator a -> Aggregate foldability a
Aggregate1 :: Aggregator a -> Aggregate 'Semifold a
instance DBSum Int32
-- | Compute the corresponding expression type for an aggregation type.
type family UnAggrType (a :: Type) :: Type where
UnAggrType (a, b) = (UnAggrType a, UnAggrType b)
UnAggrType (t (Aggregate _)) = t Expr
UnAggrType (Aggregate _ a) = Expr a
UnAggrType (ListTable (Aggregate _) a) = ListTable Expr a
UnAggrType (NonEmptyTable (Aggregate _) a) = NonEmptyTable Expr a
instance (Table Expr a, HConstrainTable (Columns a) DBSum) => AggregateTable (Sum a) where
aggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap go
getAggregator :: Aggregate foldability a -> Aggregator a
getAggregator (Aggregate _ aggregator) = aggregator
getAggregator (Aggregate1 aggregator) = aggregator
groupBy :: Expr a -> Aggregate 'Semifold a
groupBy (Expr a) = Aggregate1 (Aggregator Nothing a)
arrayAgg :: DBType a => Expr a -> Aggregate foldability [a]
arrayAgg (Expr a) = Aggregate (lit []) (Aggregator (Just (Opaleye.AggrArr, [], Opaleye.AggrAll)) a)
arrayAgg1 :: Expr a -> Aggregate 'Semifold (NonEmpty a)
arrayAgg1 (Expr a) = Aggregate1 (Aggregator (Just (Opaleye.AggrArr, [], Opaleye.AggrAll)) a)
class DBType a => DBMax foldability a where
max :: Expr a -> Aggregate foldability a
default max :: (foldability ~ 'Semifold) => Expr a -> Aggregate foldability a
max (Expr a) = Aggregate1 $ Aggregator (Just (Opaleye.AggrMax, [], Opaleye.AggrAll)) a
instance DBMax 'Semifold Int64
instance DBMax 'Semifold Double
instance DBMax 'Semifold Int32
instance DBMax 'Semifold Scientific
instance DBMax 'Semifold Float
instance DBMax 'Semifold Text
instance DBMax 'Semifold a => DBMax foldability (Maybe a) where
max expr = case getAggregator (max @'Semifold (retype @a expr)) of
Aggregator a e -> Aggregate (lit Nothing) (Aggregator a e)
aggregate1 ::
( Table (Aggregate semifold) aggregates
, Table Expr exprs
, Columns aggregates ~ Columns exprs
, exprs ~ UnAggrType aggregates
=> Query aggregates -> Query exprs
aggregate1 = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.aggregate $ Opaleye.Aggregator $
Opaleye.PackMap $ \f ->
traverseTable $ \(MkC (getAggregator -> Aggregator a e)) -> MkC . Expr <$> f (a, e)
aggregate ::
( Table (Aggregate 'Fold) aggregates
, Table Expr exprs
, Columns aggregates ~ Columns exprs
, exprs ~ UnAggrType aggregates
=> Query aggregates -> Query exprs
aggregate aggregates = fmap (maybeTable defaults id) $ optional $ aggregate1 aggregates
defaults = runIdentity $ traverseTable go $ unquery aggregates
go (MkC (Aggregate a _)) = pure (MkC a)
-- HACK: this is very unsafe
unquery (Query query) = case Opaleye.runSimpleQueryArrStart query () of
(a, _, _) -> a
newtype ComposeColumn f g a = ComposeColumn (Column f (g a))
traverseComposeColumn :: forall f g t m x. Applicative m => (forall a. C f a -> m (C g a)) -> C (ComposeColumn f t) x -> m (C (ComposeColumn g t) x)
traverseComposeColumn f (MkC (ComposeColumn a)) = f (MkC @f @(t x) a) <&> \case
MkC b -> MkC (ComposeColumn b)
class c (f a) => ComposeConstraint f c a
instance c (f a) => ComposeConstraint f c a
data HComposeField f t a where
HComposeField :: HField t a -> HComposeField f t (f a)
newtype HComposeTable g t f = HComposeTable (t (ComposeColumn f g))
instance (HConstrainTable t (ComposeConstraint f DBType), HigherKindedTable t) => HigherKindedTable (HComposeTable f t) where
type HField (HComposeTable f t) = HComposeField f t
type HConstrainTable (HComposeTable f t) c = HConstrainTable t (ComposeConstraint f c)
hfield (HComposeTable columns) (HComposeField field) = case hfield columns field of
MkC (ComposeColumn a) -> MkC a
htabulate f = HComposeTable (htabulate (\field -> MkC (ComposeColumn (toColumn (f (HComposeField field))))))
htraverse f (HComposeTable t) = fmap HComposeTable $ htraverse (traverseComposeColumn f) t
hdicts :: forall c. HConstrainTable t (ComposeConstraint f c) => HComposeTable f t (Dict c)
hdicts = HComposeTable $ runIdentity $ htraverse (\(MkC Dict) -> pure (MkC (ComposeColumn Dict))) (hdicts @t @(ComposeConstraint f c))
newtype ListTable f a = ListTable (Columns a (ComposeColumn f []))
instance (HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint [] DBType), Table Expr a) => Table f (ListTable f a) where
type Columns (ListTable f a) = HComposeTable [] (Columns a)
toColumns (ListTable a) = HComposeTable a
fromColumns (HComposeTable a) = ListTable a
( expr ~ Expr
, ExprType [b] ~ ListTable expr a
, Serializable a b
, HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint [] DBType)
) => Serializable (ListTable expr a) [b]
rowParser inject = fmap getZipList . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
Compose . fmap pgArrayToZipList <$> inject (pgArrayFieldParser fieldParser) x y
go :: forall f. Applicative f => (((Maybe (Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct), Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> f Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> Sum a -> f (Sum a))
go f a = fromColumns <$> htraverse sequenceC (htabulate mkColumn)
mkColumn :: forall y. HField (Columns (Sum a)) y -> C (Compose f Expr) y
mkColumn i = case (hfield (hdicts @(Columns (Sum a)) @DBSum) i, hfield (toColumns a) i) of
(MkC Dict, MkC expr) ->
case sumAggregator of
Opaleye.Aggregator (Opaleye.PackMap g) ->
MkC $ g f expr
-- | An @Array a@ is an array expression of zero or more @a@s. Note that this
-- is distinct from a @Query a@, which is zero or more /rows/ of @a@s.
-- Construct @Array@s with 'arrayAgg'.
newtype Array a = Array a
-- | Inject a single element into an 'Array'.
arrayAgg :: a -> Array a
arrayAgg = Array
instance Table f a => Table f (Array a) where
type Columns (Array a) = Columns a
toColumns (Array a) = toColumns a
fromColumns = Array . fromColumns
instance Serializable a b => Serializable (Array a) (Seq b) where
rowParser inject = fmap (fromList . getZipList) . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
Compose . fmap pgArrayToZipList <$> inject (arrayOrElement fieldParser) x y
pgArrayToZipList :: forall x. PGArray x -> ZipList x
pgArrayToZipList (PGArray a) = ZipList a
-- An Array will only be selected as an array type if it's been passed
-- through aggregate. We don't guarantee that - for example, we want to
-- allow `select c $ pure $ arrayAgg x`. In this case, we allow parsing
-- as a single element and lift that back into 'PGArray'.
arrayOrElement :: forall x. Typeable x => FieldParser x -> FieldParser (PGArray x)
arrayOrElement fieldParser x y = PGArray . pure <$> fieldParser x y <|> pgArrayFieldParser fieldParser x y
lit xs = Array $ fromColumns $ htabulate f
lit (map lit -> xs) = ListTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield dbtypes field of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeColumn $ listOf $
map (\x -> toColumn (hfield (toColumns x) field)) xs
exprs :: [Columns a Expr]
exprs = toList $ toColumns . lit <$> xs
dbtypes :: Columns a (Dict DBType)
dbtypes = hdicts
f :: forall x. HField (Columns a) x -> C Expr x
f i = case hfield (hdicts @(Columns a) @DBType) i of
MkC Dict ->
MkC $ fromPrimExpr $
Opaleye.CastExpr arrayTy $
Opaleye.ArrayExpr $ toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip hfield i <$> exprs
arrayTy = typeName (typeInformation @x) <> "[]"
-- | Aggregate multiple @a@s into a arrays. This aggregation thus allows you to
-- associate one row with multiple other rows.
instance (Table Expr a, Serializable a (ResultType a)) => AggregateTable (Array a) where
aggUnit = lit mempty
aggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap go
go :: forall f. Applicative f => (((Maybe (Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct), Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> f Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> Array a -> f (Array a))
go f a = fromColumns <$> htraverse sequenceC (htabulate mkColumn)
listOf :: forall x. DBType x => [Expr x] -> Expr [x]
listOf as = fromPrimExpr $
Opaleye.CastExpr array $
Opaleye.ArrayExpr (map toPrimExpr as)
mkColumn :: forall y. HField (Columns (Array a)) y -> C (Compose f Expr) y
mkColumn i = case hfield (toColumns a) i of
MkC (Expr primExpr) ->
MkC $ Expr <$> f (Just (Opaleye.AggrArr, [], Opaleye.AggrAll), primExpr)
array = typeName (typeInformation @[x])
many :: forall exprs foldability. Table Expr exprs => exprs -> ListTable (Aggregate foldability) exprs
many exprs = ListTable $ htabulate $ \field -> case hfield constraints field of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeColumn $ case hfield (toColumns exprs) field of
MkC a -> arrayAgg a
constraints :: Columns exprs (Dict DBType)
constraints = hdicts
newtype NonEmptyTable f a = NonEmptyTable (Columns a (ComposeColumn f NonEmpty))
instance (HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint NonEmpty DBType), Table Expr a) => Table f (NonEmptyTable f a) where
type Columns (NonEmptyTable f a) = HComposeTable NonEmpty (Columns a)
toColumns (NonEmptyTable a) = HComposeTable a
fromColumns (HComposeTable a) = NonEmptyTable a
( expr ~ Expr
, ExprType (NonEmpty b) ~ NonEmptyTable expr a
, Serializable a b
, HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint NonEmpty DBType)
) => Serializable (NonEmptyTable expr a) (NonEmpty b)
rowParser inject = fmap (NonEmpty.fromList . getZipList) . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
Compose . fmap pgArrayToZipList <$> inject (pgNonEmptyFieldParser fieldParser) x y
pgArrayToZipList :: forall x. PGArray x -> ZipList x
pgArrayToZipList (PGArray a) = ZipList a
pgNonEmptyFieldParser parser x y = do
list <- pgArrayFieldParser parser x y
case list of
PGArray [] -> returnError Incompatible x "Serializable.NonEmptyTable.rowParser: empty list"
_ -> pure list
lit (fmap lit -> xs) = NonEmptyTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield dbtypes field of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeColumn $ nonEmptyOf $
fmap (\x -> toColumn (hfield (toColumns x) field)) xs
dbtypes :: Columns a (Dict DBType)
dbtypes = hdicts
nonEmptyOf :: forall x. DBType x => NonEmpty (Expr x) -> Expr (NonEmpty x)
nonEmptyOf as = fromPrimExpr $
Opaleye.CastExpr array $
Opaleye.ArrayExpr (map toPrimExpr (toList as))
array = typeName (typeInformation @(NonEmpty x))
some :: Table Expr exprs => exprs -> NonEmptyTable (Aggregate 'Semifold) exprs
some exprs = NonEmptyTable $ runIdentity $ traverseTable go exprs
go (MkC a) = pure (MkC (ComposeColumn (arrayAgg1 a)))
{-| An ordering expression for @a@. Primitive orderings are defined with 'asc'