Bring back Applicative Aggregate

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2021-03-04 09:34:03 +00:00 committed by Ollie Charles
parent 61c0ce2c96
commit 0deacafaac

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@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ module Rel8
-- * Aggregates
, Aggregate
, AggregateTable
, aggregate
, listAgg
, nonEmptyAgg
@ -250,9 +249,6 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, fieldWith )
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow as Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types ( PGArray( PGArray, fromPGArray ) )
-- product-profunctors
import Data.Profunctor.Product ( (***!) )
-- rel8
import qualified Rel8.Optimize
@ -273,6 +269,7 @@ import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant)
import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible (Divisible, Decidable)
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(Const), getConst)
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.Monoid (getAny, Any(Any))
{-| Haskell types that can be represented as expressions in a database. There
@ -1003,8 +1000,8 @@ type family ExprType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ExprType (Maybe (t Identity)) = MaybeTable (t Expr)
ExprType (Maybe (a, b)) = MaybeTable (ExprType (a, b))
ExprType (Maybe a) = Expr (Maybe a)
ExprType [a] = ListTable Expr (ExprType a)
ExprType (NonEmpty a) = NonEmptyTable Expr (ExprType a)
ExprType [a] = ListTable (ExprType a)
ExprType (NonEmpty a) = NonEmptyTable (ExprType a)
ExprType a = Expr a
@ -1014,8 +1011,8 @@ type family ResultType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ResultType (t Expr) = t Identity
ResultType (Expr a) = a
ResultType (MaybeTable a) = Maybe (ResultType a)
ResultType (ListTable Expr a) = [ResultType a]
ResultType (NonEmptyTable Expr a) = NonEmpty (ResultType a)
ResultType (ListTable a) = [ResultType a]
ResultType (NonEmptyTable a) = NonEmpty (ResultType a)
-- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to
@ -1874,92 +1871,38 @@ showQuery :: Table Expr a => Query a -> String
showQuery = fold . selectQuery
data Aggregate a = Aggregate
(Maybe (Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct))
newtype Aggregate a = Aggregate a
makeAggregator :: ()
=> (forall f. Applicative f => (forall x. Aggregate x -> f (Expr x)) -> a -> f b)
-> Opaleye.Aggregator a b
makeAggregator make =
Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap $ \f -> make (\(Aggregate a e) -> fromPrimExpr <$> f (a, e))
instance Functor Aggregate where
fmap f (Aggregate a) = Aggregate $ f a
instance Applicative Aggregate where
pure = Aggregate
Aggregate f <*> Aggregate a = Aggregate $ f a
instance (DBType a, aggregate ~ Aggregate) => Table aggregate (Aggregate a) where
type Columns (Aggregate a) = HIdentity a
toColumns = HIdentity
fromColumns = unHIdentity
groupBy :: a -> Aggregate a
groupBy = pure
class AggregateTable aggregates exprs | aggregates -> exprs, exprs -> aggregates where
aggregators :: Opaleye.Aggregator aggregates exprs
groupBy :: exprs -> aggregates
default aggregators ::
( Table Aggregate aggregates
, Table Expr exprs
, Congruent exprs aggregates
=> Opaleye.Aggregator aggregates exprs
aggregators = makeAggregator \f -> traverseTable (traverseC f)
default groupBy ::
( Table Aggregate aggregates
, Table Expr exprs
, Congruent exprs aggregates
=> exprs -> aggregates
groupBy = mapTable (mapC groupBy)
( AggregateTable aggregates1 exprs1
, AggregateTable aggregates2 exprs2
=> AggregateTable (aggregates1, aggregates2) (exprs1, exprs2)
aggregators = aggregators ***! aggregators
groupBy = groupBy ***! groupBy
instance HigherKindedTable t => AggregateTable (t Aggregate) (t Expr)
instance AggregateTable (Aggregate a) (Expr a) where
aggregators = makeAggregator id
groupBy = Aggregate Nothing . toPrimExpr
instance Table Expr a => AggregateTable (ListTable Aggregate a) (ListTable Expr a) where
aggregators = makeAggregator \f (ListTable as) ->
ListTable <$> htraverse (traverseComposeInner (traverseC f)) as
groupBy (ListTable a) = ListTable (hmap (mapComposeInner (mapC groupBy)) a)
instance Table Expr a => AggregateTable (NonEmptyTable Aggregate a) (NonEmptyTable Expr a) where
aggregators = makeAggregator \f (NonEmptyTable as) ->
NonEmptyTable <$> htraverse (traverseComposeInner (traverseC f)) as
groupBy (NonEmptyTable a) = NonEmptyTable (hmap (mapComposeInner (mapC groupBy)) a)
listAgg :: Table Expr exprs => exprs -> ListTable Aggregate exprs
listAgg = ListTable . mapTable (mapC (ComposeInner . go))
listAgg :: Table Expr exprs => exprs -> Aggregate (ListTable exprs)
listAgg = Aggregate . ListTable . mapTable (mapC (ComposeInner . go))
go :: Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
go (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just (Opaleye.AggrArr, [], Opaleye.AggrAll)) a
go :: Expr a -> Expr [a]
go (Expr a) = Expr $ Opaleye.AggrExpr Opaleye.AggrAll Opaleye.AggrArr a []
nonEmptyAgg :: Table Expr exprs => exprs -> NonEmptyTable Aggregate exprs
nonEmptyAgg = NonEmptyTable . mapTable (mapC (ComposeInner . go))
nonEmptyAgg :: Table Expr exprs => exprs -> Aggregate (NonEmptyTable exprs)
nonEmptyAgg = Aggregate . NonEmptyTable . mapTable (mapC (ComposeInner . go))
go :: Expr a -> Aggregate (NonEmpty a)
go (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just (Opaleye.AggrArr, [], Opaleye.AggrAll)) a
go :: Expr a -> Expr (NonEmpty a)
go (Expr a) = Expr $ Opaleye.AggrExpr Opaleye.AggrAll Opaleye.AggrArr a []
class DBMax a where
max :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
max (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just (Opaleye.AggrMax, [], Opaleye.AggrAll)) a
max :: Expr a -> Aggregate (Expr a)
max (Expr a) = Aggregate $ Expr $ Opaleye.AggrExpr Opaleye.AggrAll Opaleye.AggrMax a []
instance DBMax Int64
@ -1971,29 +1914,92 @@ instance DBMax Text
instance DBMax a => DBMax (Maybe a) where
max expr = case max (retype @a expr) of
Aggregate a e -> Aggregate a e
max expr = retype <$> max (retype @a expr)
aggregate :: AggregateTable aggregates exprs => Query aggregates -> Query exprs
aggregate = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.aggregate aggregators
aggregate :: forall a. Table Expr a => Query (Aggregate a) -> Query a
aggregate = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.aggregate aggregator
aggregator :: Opaleye.Aggregator (Aggregate a) a
aggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f (Aggregate x) ->
fromColumns <$> htraverse (g f) (toColumns x)
g :: forall m x. Applicative m => ((Maybe (Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct), Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> m Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> C Expr x -> m (C Expr x)
g f (MkC (Expr x)) | hasAggrExpr x = MkC . Expr <$> traverseAggrExpr f' x
| otherwise = MkC . Expr <$> f (Nothing, x)
where f' (a, b, c, d) = f (Just (a, b, c), d)
newtype ListTable f a = ListTable (Columns a (ComposeInner f []))
hasAggrExpr :: Opaleye.PrimExpr -> Bool
hasAggrExpr = getAny . getConst . traverseAggrExpr (\_ -> Const (Any True))
instance (HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint DBType []), Table Expr a) => Table f (ListTable f a) where
type Columns (ListTable f a) = HComposeTable [] (Columns a)
traverseAggrExpr :: Applicative f => ((Opaleye.AggrOp, [Opaleye.OrderExpr], Opaleye.AggrDistinct, Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> f Opaleye.PrimExpr) -> Opaleye.PrimExpr -> f Opaleye.PrimExpr
traverseAggrExpr f = \case
Opaleye.AggrExpr a b c d ->
f (b, d, a, c)
Opaleye.CompositeExpr primExpr x ->
Opaleye.CompositeExpr <$> traverseAggrExpr f primExpr <*> pure x
Opaleye.BinExpr x primExpr1 primExpr2 ->
Opaleye.BinExpr x <$> traverseAggrExpr f primExpr1 <*> traverseAggrExpr f primExpr2
Opaleye.UnExpr x primExpr ->
Opaleye.UnExpr x <$> traverseAggrExpr f primExpr
Opaleye.CaseExpr cases def ->
Opaleye.CaseExpr <$> traverse (traverseBoth (traverseAggrExpr f)) cases <*> traverseAggrExpr f def
where traverseBoth g (x, y) = (,) <$> g x <*> g y
Opaleye.ListExpr elems ->
Opaleye.ListExpr <$> traverse (traverseAggrExpr f) elems
Opaleye.ParamExpr p primExpr ->
Opaleye.ParamExpr p <$> traverseAggrExpr f primExpr
Opaleye.FunExpr name params ->
Opaleye.FunExpr name <$> traverse (traverseAggrExpr f) params
Opaleye.CastExpr t primExpr ->
Opaleye.CastExpr t <$> traverseAggrExpr f primExpr
Opaleye.AttrExpr attr ->
pure $ Opaleye.AttrExpr attr
Opaleye.ArrayExpr elems ->
Opaleye.ArrayExpr <$> traverse (traverseAggrExpr f) elems
Opaleye.RangeExpr a b c ->
Opaleye.RangeExpr a <$> traverseBoundExpr (traverseAggrExpr f) b <*> traverseBoundExpr (traverseAggrExpr f) c
traverseBoundExpr g = \case
Opaleye.Inclusive primExpr -> Opaleye.Inclusive <$> g primExpr
Opaleye.Exclusive primExpr -> Opaleye.Exclusive <$> g primExpr
other -> pure other
Opaleye.ArrayIndex x i ->
Opaleye.ArrayIndex <$> traverseAggrExpr f x <*> traverseAggrExpr f i
other ->
-- All other constructors that don't contain any PrimExpr's.
pure other
newtype ListTable a = ListTable (Columns a (ComposeInner Expr []))
instance (f ~ Expr, HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint DBType []), Table Expr a) => Table f (ListTable a) where
type Columns (ListTable a) = HComposeTable [] (Columns a)
toColumns (ListTable a) = HComposeTable a
fromColumns (HComposeTable a) = ListTable a
( expr ~ Expr
, Serializable a b
( Serializable a b
, HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint DBType [])
) => Serializable (ListTable expr a) [b]
) => Serializable (ListTable a) [b]
rowParser inject = fmap getZipList . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
@ -2019,37 +2025,36 @@ instance
array = typeName (typeInformation @[x])
instance (expr ~ Expr, Table expr a) => Semigroup (ListTable expr a) where
instance Table Expr a => Semigroup (ListTable a) where
ListTable a <> ListTable b =
ListTable (hzipWith (zipComposeInnerWith (zipCWith (binaryOperator "||"))) a b)
instance (expr ~ Expr, Table expr a) => Monoid (ListTable expr a) where
instance Table Expr a => Monoid (ListTable a) where
mempty = ListTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield (hdicts @_ @DBType) field of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeInner $ monolit []
many :: (Table Expr exprs, Table Expr (ListTable Expr exprs))
=> Query exprs -> Query (ListTable Expr exprs)
many :: (Table Expr exprs, Table Expr (ListTable exprs))
=> Query exprs -> Query (ListTable exprs)
many = fmap (maybeTable mempty id) . optional . aggregate . fmap listAgg
newtype NonEmptyTable f a = NonEmptyTable (Columns a (ComposeInner f NonEmpty))
newtype NonEmptyTable a = NonEmptyTable (Columns a (ComposeInner Expr NonEmpty))
instance (HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint DBType NonEmpty), Table Expr a) => Table f (NonEmptyTable f a) where
type Columns (NonEmptyTable f a) = HComposeTable NonEmpty (Columns a)
instance (f ~ Expr, HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint DBType NonEmpty), Table Expr a) => Table f (NonEmptyTable a) where
type Columns (NonEmptyTable a) = HComposeTable NonEmpty (Columns a)
toColumns (NonEmptyTable a) = HComposeTable a
fromColumns (HComposeTable a) = NonEmptyTable a
( expr ~ Expr
, Serializable a b
( Serializable a b
, HConstrainTable (Columns a) (ComposeConstraint DBType NonEmpty)
) => Serializable (NonEmptyTable expr a) (NonEmpty b)
) => Serializable (NonEmptyTable a) (NonEmpty b)
rowParser inject = fmap (NonEmpty.fromList . getZipList) . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
@ -2080,12 +2085,12 @@ instance
array = typeName (typeInformation @(NonEmpty x))
instance (expr ~ Expr, Table expr a) => Semigroup (NonEmptyTable expr a) where
instance Table Expr a => Semigroup (NonEmptyTable a) where
NonEmptyTable a <> NonEmptyTable b =
NonEmptyTable (hzipWith (zipComposeInnerWith (zipCWith (binaryOperator "||"))) a b)
some :: Table Expr exprs => Query exprs -> Query (NonEmptyTable Expr exprs)
some :: (Table Expr exprs, Table Expr (NonEmptyTable exprs)) => Query exprs -> Query (NonEmptyTable exprs)
some = aggregate . fmap nonEmptyAgg