Restore the ability to run doctests

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2021-03-23 21:07:04 +00:00
parent fd3a4889b8
commit 33a6c6de44

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@ -3,31 +3,51 @@
module Main where
import Build_doctests ( flags, pkgs, module_sources )
-- base
import Control.Exception ( bracket, throwIO )
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( unpack )
import Data.Foldable ( traverse_ )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( connectPostgreSQL, close, execute_ )
import Database.Postgres.Temp ( toConnectionString, with, withConfig, verboseConfig )
import System.Environment ( setEnv )
import System.Environment ( lookupEnv, setEnv )
-- base-compat
import System.Environment.Compat ( unsetEnv )
-- bytestring
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( unpack )
-- doctest
import Test.DocTest ( doctest )
-- hasql
import Hasql.Connection ( acquire, release )
import Hasql.Session ( run, sql )
-- rel8
import Build_doctests ( flags, module_sources, pkgs )
-- tmp-postgres
import Database.Postgres.Temp ( toConnectionString, verboseConfig, with, withConfig )
main :: IO ()
main = do
unsetEnv "GHC_ENVIRONMENT" -- see 'Notes'; you may not need this
nixGhcLibdir <- lookupEnv "NIX_GHC_LIBDIR"
either throwIO return =<< with \db -> do
setEnv "TEST_DATABASE_URL" (unpack (toConnectionString db))
bracket (connectPostgreSQL (toConnectionString db)) close \conn -> do
execute_ conn "create table author ( author_id serial primary key, name text not null, url text )"
execute_ conn "create table project ( author_id int not null references author (author_id), name text not null )"
bracket (either (error . show) return =<< acquire (toConnectionString db)) release \conn -> do
flip run conn do
sql "create table author ( author_id serial primary key, name text not null, url text )"
sql "create table project ( author_id int not null references author (author_id), name text not null )"
execute_ conn "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Ollie', '' )"
execute_ conn "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Bryan O''Sullivan', null )"
execute_ conn "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 1, 'rel8' )"
execute_ conn "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 2, 'aeson' )"
sql "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Ollie', '' )"
sql "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Bryan O''Sullivan', null )"
sql "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Emily Pillmore', '' )"
sql "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 1, 'rel8' )"
sql "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 2, 'aeson' )"
sql "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 2, 'text' )"
doctest (args nixGhcLibdir)
doctest args
args = flags ++ pkgs ++ module_sources
args nixGhcLibdir =
flags ++ pkgs ++ foldMap (\x -> ["-package-db" <> x <> "/package.conf.d"]) nixGhcLibdir ++ module_sources