Document more of EitherTable

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Ollie Charles 2021-06-18 11:23:04 +01:00
parent 4b50256af0
commit 4ec1182dc3
2 changed files with 20 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -27,18 +27,24 @@ import Rel8.Table.Either
import Rel8.Table.Maybe ( MaybeTable( MaybeTable ), isJustTable )
-- | Filter 'EitherTable's, keeping only 'leftTable's.
keepLeftTable :: EitherTable a b -> Query a
keepLeftTable e@(EitherTable _ a _) = do
where_ $ isLeftTable e
pure a
-- | Filter 'EitherTable's, keeping only 'rightTable's.
keepRightTable :: EitherTable a b -> Query b
keepRightTable e@(EitherTable _ _ b) = do
where_ $ isRightTable e
pure b
-- | Extend an 'EitherTable' with a 'Query' if it's a 'rightTable'. If the
-- @EitherTable@ is a 'leftTable', the original value is preserved.
-- This is like the '>>=' implementation for @ExceptT@.
bindEitherTable :: (Table Expr a, Functor m)
=> (i -> m (EitherTable a b)) -> EitherTable a i -> m (EitherTable a b)
bindEitherTable query e@(EitherTable input a i) = do
@ -46,6 +52,8 @@ bindEitherTable query e@(EitherTable input a i) = do
EitherTable (input <> output) (bool a a' (isRightTable e)) b
-- | Extend an 'EitherTable' with queries for both 'leftTable' and
-- 'rightTable'.
bitraverseEitherTable :: ()
=> (a -> Query c)
-> (b -> Query d)

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@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>) )
import Data.Functor.Bind ( Bind, (>>-) )
-- | An @EitherTable a b@ is a Rel8 table that contains either the table @a@ or
-- the table @b@. You can construct an @EitherTable@ using 'leftTable' and
-- 'rightTable', and eliminate/pattern match using 'eitherTable'.
-- An @EitherTable@ is operationally the same as Haskell's 'Either' type, but
-- adapted to work with Rel8.
type EitherTable :: Type -> Type -> Type
data EitherTable a b = EitherTable
{ tag :: Tag "isRight" EitherTag
@ -149,24 +155,30 @@ instance (ToExprs exprs1 a, ToExprs exprs2 b, x ~ EitherTable exprs1 exprs2) =>
bimap (toResult @exprs1) (toResult @exprs2)
-- | Test if an 'EitherTable' is a 'leftTable'.
isLeftTable :: EitherTable a b -> Expr Bool
isLeftTable = isLeft . expr . tag
-- | Test if an 'EitherTable' is a 'rightTable'.
isRightTable :: EitherTable a b -> Expr Bool
isRightTable = isRight . expr . tag
-- | Pattern match/eliminate an 'EitherTable', by providing mappings from a
-- 'leftTable' and 'rightTable'.
eitherTable :: Table Expr c
=> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> EitherTable a b -> c
eitherTable f g EitherTable {tag, left, right} =
bool (f left) (g right) (isRight (expr tag))
-- | Construct a left 'EitherTable'. Like 'Left'.
leftTable :: Table Expr b => a -> EitherTable a b
leftTable a = EitherTable (fromExpr (litExpr IsLeft)) a undefined
-- | Construct a right 'EitherTable'. Like 'Right'.
rightTable :: Table Expr a => b -> EitherTable a b
rightTable = rightTableWith undefined