Switch to higgledy

This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-04-15 10:51:12 +01:00
parent 7515d31c31
commit 82e16d52b0
7 changed files with 56 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -2,3 +2,9 @@
-- will interpret them as local packages, and try to build them when we cabal
-- build. The only reason we have to specify these is for Haskell.nix to know to
-- override these packages by fetching them rather than using Hackage.
type: git
location: git://github.com/jcpetruzza/barbies
tag: f99b05454874192e3511bd133555dfb6cc6a6ecb
--sha256: 0yy2i2jbllwavv5d2176rf8lmm4l1ws90lxkmdlfgvfzqxidx0gi

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ let
nixpkgsArgs = haskellNix.nixpkgsArgs;
compiler-nix-name = "ghc901";
compiler-nix-name = "ghc8104";
pkgs = import nixpkgsSrc nixpkgsArgs;

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ library
, casing
, contravariant
, hasql ^>=
, higgledy
, opaleye ^>=
, profunctors
, scientific

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@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ module Rel8.Aggregate
( Aggregate(..), foldInputs, mapInputs
, Aggregator(..), unsafeMakeAggregate
, Aggregates
, Col( Aggregation )
, Col( Aggregation, unAggregation )
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ newtype Aggregate a = Aggregate (Opaleye.Aggregator () a)
instance Interpretation Aggregate where
data Col Aggregate _spec where
Aggregation :: ()
=> Aggregate (Expr a)
=> { unAggregation :: Aggregate (Expr a) }
-> Col Aggregate ('Spec labels necessity a)

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
module Rel8.Schema.Context
( Interpretation(..), Col( Result )
( Interpretation(..), Col( Result, unResult )
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ class Interpretation context where
instance Interpretation Identity where
data Col Identity _spec where
Result :: a -> Col Identity ('Spec labels necessity a)
Result :: { unResult :: a } -> Col Identity ('Spec labels necessity a)

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
@ -22,13 +23,18 @@ module Rel8.Schema.Field
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( Const( Const ), getConst )
import Data.Bifunctor ( Bifunctor, bimap )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose( Compose ), getCompose )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity, runIdentity )
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.List.NonEmpty ( NonEmpty )
import GHC.Generics
import Prelude
-- higgledy
import Data.Generic.HKD ( Construct, HKD( HKD ), GHKD_, construct, deconstruct, runHKD )
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr, Col(..) )
@ -137,12 +143,12 @@ type family HThese context where
type Lift :: K.Context -> Type -> Type
type family Lift context a where
Lift (Reify context) a = ALift context a
Lift Aggregate a = GHKD (Rep a) (Col Aggregate)
Lift Expr a = GHKD (Rep a) (Col Expr)
Lift Aggregate a = HKD a (Compose Aggregate Expr)
Lift Expr a = HKD a Expr
Lift Identity a = a
Lift Insert a = GHKD (Rep a) (Col Insert)
Lift Name a = GHKD (Rep a) (Col Name)
Lift f a = GHKD (Rep a) (Col f)
Lift Insert a = HKD a Expr
Lift Name a = HKD a (Const String)
Lift f a = HKD a f
type AField :: K.Context -> Necessity -> Type -> Type
@ -318,10 +324,10 @@ instance
type ALift :: K.Context -> Type -> Type
newtype ALift context a = ALift (Lift context a)
newtype ALift context a = ALift { runALift :: Lift context a }
instance (Reifiable context, HTable (GHKD (Rep a)), Generic a, GHKDC (Rep a))
instance (Reifiable context, HTable (GHKD (Rep a)), Generic a, GHKDC (Rep a), Construct Identity a)
=> Table (Reify context) (ALift context a)
type Context (ALift context a) = Reify context
@ -345,6 +351,7 @@ instance
, GHKD (Rep a) ~ GHKD (Rep a')
, Generic a, Generic a'
, GHKDC (Rep a), GHKDC (Rep a')
, Construct Identity a, Construct Identity a'
) =>
(Reify context)
@ -769,50 +776,57 @@ stoColumnsThese = \case
(\(AHThese a) -> a)
sfromColumnsLift :: (HTable (GHKD (Rep a)), Generic a, GHKDC (Rep a))
sfromColumnsLift :: forall a context. (HTable (GHKD (Rep a)), Generic a, GHKDC (Rep a), Construct Identity a)
=> SContext context
-> GHKD (Rep a) (Col (Reify context))
-> ALift context a
sfromColumnsLift = \case
SAggregate -> ALift . hunreify
SExpr -> ALift . hunreify
SInsert -> ALift . hunreify
SName -> ALift . hunreify
SAggregate -> ALift . HKD . fromGHKD (Compose . unAggregation) . hunreify
SExpr -> ALift . HKD . fromGHKD unDB . hunreify
SInsert -> ALift . HKD . fromGHKD (\(RequiredInsert expr) -> expr) . hunreify
SName -> ALift . HKD . fromGHKD (Const . unNameCol) . hunreify
SReify context -> ALift . sfromColumnsLift context . hunreify
SIdentity -> ALift . to . fromGHKD . hunreify
SIdentity -> ALift . runIdentity . construct . HKD . fromGHKD (pure . unResult) . hunreify
stoColumnsLift :: (HTable (GHKD (Rep a)), GHKDC (Rep a), Generic a)
stoColumnsLift :: (HTable (GHKD (Rep a)), GHKDC (Rep a), Generic a, Construct Identity a)
=> SContext context
-> ALift context a
-> GHKD (Rep a) (Col (Reify context))
stoColumnsLift = \case
SAggregate -> \(ALift x) -> hreify x
SExpr -> \(ALift x) -> hreify x
SName -> \(ALift x) -> hreify x
SInsert -> \(ALift x) -> hreify x
SIdentity -> \(ALift x) -> hreify $ toGHKD $ from x
SAggregate -> hreify . toGHKD (Aggregation . getCompose) . runHKD . runALift
SExpr -> hreify . toGHKD DB . runHKD . runALift
SName -> hreify . toGHKD (NameCol . getConst) . runHKD . runALift
SInsert -> hreify . toGHKD RequiredInsert . runHKD . runALift
SIdentity -> hreify . toGHKD (Result . runIdentity) . runHKD . deconstruct . runALift
SReify context -> \(ALift x) -> hreify $ stoColumnsLift context x
class GHKDC rep where
fromGHKD :: GHKD rep (Col Identity) -> rep x
toGHKD :: rep x -> GHKD rep (Col Identity)
fromGHKD :: ()
=> (forall name a. Col context ('Spec name 'Required a) -> context' a)
-> GHKD rep (Col context)
-> GHKD_ context' rep x
toGHKD :: ()
=> (forall name a. context' a -> Col context ('Spec name 'Required a))
-> GHKD_ context' rep x
-> GHKD rep (Col context)
instance (GHKD (M1 i c f) ~ GHKD f, GHKDC f) => GHKDC (M1 i c f) where
fromGHKD = M1 . fromGHKD @f
toGHKD (M1 x) = toGHKD x
fromGHKD f = M1 . fromGHKD @f f
toGHKD f (M1 x) = toGHKD f x
instance {-# overlaps #-} GHKDC (M1 S ('MetaSel ('Just name) x y z) (K1 i a)) where
fromGHKD (HIdentity (Result x)) = M1 $ K1 x
toGHKD (M1 (K1 x)) = HIdentity (Result x)
fromGHKD f (HIdentity x) = M1 $ K1 $ f x
toGHKD f (M1 (K1 x)) = HIdentity (f x)
instance (GHKDC f, GHKDC g) => GHKDC (f :*: g) where
fromGHKD (HPair x y) = fromGHKD x :*: fromGHKD y
toGHKD (x :*: y) = HPair (toGHKD x) (toGHKD y)
fromGHKD f (HPair x y) = fromGHKD f x :*: fromGHKD f y
toGHKD f (x :*: y) = HPair (toGHKD f x) (toGHKD f y)
hreify :: HTable t => t (Col context) -> t (Col (Reify context))

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
module Rel8.Schema.Name
( Name(..)
, Col( NameCol )
, Col( NameCol, unNameCol )
, Selects
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ instance Sql DBType a => Recontextualize Name Name (Name a) (Name a)
instance Interpretation Name where
newtype Col Name _spec = NameCol String
newtype Col Name _spec = NameCol { unNameCol :: String }
instance Labelable Name where