This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-03-02 16:51:33 +00:00
parent 8b29542434
commit 84afca03ea

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@ -41,9 +41,18 @@ module Rel8
, mapDatabaseType
, parseDatabaseType
-- * Database types with equality
-- ** Database types with equality
, DBEq(..)
-- * Tables and higher-kinded tables
, Table(..)
, HigherKindedTable
-- ** Table schemas
, Column
, TableSchema(..)
, ColumnSchema
-- * Expressions
, Expr
, unsafeCoerceExpr
@ -68,43 +77,50 @@ module Rel8
, Function
, function
, nullaryFunction
-- * Tables and higher-kinded tables
, Table(..)
, HigherKindedTable
-- * Table schemas
, Column
, TableSchema(..)
, ColumnSchema
-- * Queries
, Query
, showQuery
-- ** Selecting rows
, each
, values
-- ** Filtering
, filter
, where_
, distinct
-- ** @LIMIT@/@OFFSET@
, limit
, offset
-- ** Combining 'Query's
, union
, distinct
, exists
-- ** Optional 'Query's
, optional
, MaybeTable
, maybeTable
, noTable
, catMaybeTable
, showQuery
-- ** Aggregation
, aggregate
, AggregateTable(..)
-- ** Array aggregation
, Array
, arrayAgg
-- * IO
, Serializable
, lit
, Serializable(..)
-- * Running statements
-- ** @SELECT@
, select
-- ** @INSERT@
, Insert(..)
, OnConflict(..)
@ -120,21 +136,30 @@ module Rel8
-- * @.. RETURNING@
, Returning(..)
) where
-- aeson
import Data.Aeson ( FromJSON, ToJSON, Value, parseJSON, toJSON )
import Data.Aeson.Types ( parseEither )
-- base
import Prelude hiding ( filter )
import Control.Applicative ( liftA2, ZipList(..) )
import Control.Applicative ( ZipList(..), liftA2 )
import qualified Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Data.Foldable ( Foldable( toList, foldl' ) )
import Data.Foldable ( fold )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(..) )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity( runIdentity ) )
import Data.Int ( Int32, Int64 )
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.Monoid ( Sum( Sum ), getSum )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy( Proxy ) )
import Data.String ( IsString(..) )
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import GHC.Generics ( (:*:)(..), Generic, K1(..), M1(..), Rep, from, to )
import Numeric.Natural ( Natural )
import Prelude hiding ( filter )
import Text.Read ( readEither )
-- bytestring
@ -144,9 +169,34 @@ import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy
-- case-insensitive
import Data.CaseInsensitive ( CI )
-- containers
import Data.Sequence ( Seq, fromList )
-- opaleye
import qualified Opaleye ( Delete(..), Insert(..), OnConflict(..), Update(..), runDelete_, runInsert_, runUpdate_, valuesExplicit )
import qualified Opaleye.Aggregate as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Binary as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Distinct as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Aggregate as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Binary as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Distinct as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye ()
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Optimize as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PackMap as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PrimQuery as Opaleye hiding ( BinOp, aggregate, limit )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Print as Opaleye ( formatAndShowSQL )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.QueryArr as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Table as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Tag as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Values as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Lateral as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Operators as Opaleye hiding ( restrict )
import qualified Opaleye.Order as Opaleye
import Opaleye.PGTypes
( IsSqlType(..)
, pgBool
@ -169,17 +219,26 @@ import Opaleye.PGTypes
, pgValueJSON
, pgZonedTime
import qualified Opaleye.Table as Opaleye
-- postgresql-simple
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( Connection )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField
( FieldParser
, FromField
, ResultError( Incompatible )
, fromField
, optionalField
, returnError, pgArrayFieldParser
, pgArrayFieldParser
, returnError
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, fieldWith )
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow as Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types ( PGArray( PGArray ) )
-- rel8
import qualified Rel8.Optimize
-- scientific
import Data.Scientific ( Scientific )
@ -193,45 +252,6 @@ import Data.Time ( Day, LocalTime, TimeOfDay, UTCTime, ZonedTime )
-- uuid
import Data.UUID ( UUID )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(..) )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity(runIdentity) )
import Data.Kind ( Type, Constraint )
import Control.Monad ( void )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class ( MonadIO(..) )
import Data.Foldable ( Foldable(toList, foldl') )
import Data.Int ( Int32, Int64 )
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( Connection )
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow as Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import Numeric.Natural ( Natural )
import qualified Opaleye ( runInsert_, Insert(..), OnConflict(..), runDelete_, Delete(..), runUpdate_, Update(..), valuesExplicit )
import qualified Opaleye.Aggregate as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Binary as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Distinct as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Aggregate as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Binary as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Distinct as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye ()
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Manipulation as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Optimize as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PackMap as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PrimQuery as Opaleye hiding ( BinOp, aggregate, limit )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Print as Opaleye ( formatAndShowSQL )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.QueryArr as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Table as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Tag as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Values as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Lateral as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Operators as Opaleye hiding ( restrict )
import qualified Opaleye.Order as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Table as Opaleye
import qualified Rel8.Optimize
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(Sum), getSum)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types (PGArray(PGArray))
import Data.Sequence (Seq, fromList)
{-| Haskell types that can be represented as expressions in a database. There
@ -294,6 +314,8 @@ newtype ReadShow a = ReadShow { fromReadShow :: a }
{-| Anything that has an instance of 'DBType' is an 'Expr'. This class packages that knowledge up. -}
class (ExprType a ~ Expr a, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)) => AnExpr (a :: Type)
instance (ExprType a ~ Expr a, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)) => AnExpr a
@ -423,6 +445,8 @@ catMaybe e = catMaybeTable $ MaybeTable nullTag (unsafeCoerceExpr e)
-- | The SQL @AND@ operator.
infixr 3 &&.
(&&.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
Expr a &&. Expr b = Expr $ Opaleye.BinExpr Opaleye.OpAnd a b
@ -437,6 +461,8 @@ and_ = foldl' (&&.) (lit True)
-- | The SQL @OR@ operator.
infixr 2 ||.
(||.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
Expr a ||. Expr b = Expr $ Opaleye.BinExpr Opaleye.OpOr a b
@ -741,7 +767,7 @@ newtype C f x = MkC { toColumn :: Column f x }
-- | Lift functions that map between 'Column's to functions that map between
-- 'C's.
mapC :: (Column f x -> Column g y) -> C f x -> C g y
mapC f (MkC x) = MkC $ f x
mapC f (MkC x) = MkC $ f x
-- | Effectfully map from one column to another.
@ -922,8 +948,8 @@ class (Table Expr expr, expr ~ ExprType haskell, haskell ~ ResultType expr) => S
lit :: haskell -> expr
-- TODO Don't use Applicative f, instead supply a htraverse function. We _don't_ want access to 'pure'
rowParser :: forall f. Applicative f
=> (forall x. Typeable x => FieldParser x -> FieldParser (f x))
rowParser :: forall f. Applicative f
=> (forall x. Typeable x => FieldParser x -> FieldParser (f x))
-> RowParser (f haskell)
@ -971,14 +997,14 @@ instance (DBType a, a ~ b) => Serializable (Expr a) b where
instance (Serializable a1 b1, Serializable a2 b2) => Serializable (a1, a2) (b1, b2) where
rowParser inject = liftA2 (,) <$> rowParser @a1 inject <*> rowParser @a2 inject
rowParser inject = liftA2 (,) <$> rowParser @a1 inject <*> rowParser @a2 inject
lit (a, b) = (lit a, lit b)
instance (ExprType (Maybe b) ~ MaybeTable a, Serializable a b) => Serializable (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b) where
rowParser inject = do
tags <- fieldWith $ inject $ decode typeInformation
tags <- fieldWith $ inject $ decode typeInformation
rows <- rowParser @a \fieldParser x y -> Compose <$> inject (fallback fieldParser) x y
return $ liftA2 f tags (getCompose rows)
@ -990,7 +1016,7 @@ instance (ExprType (Maybe b) ~ MaybeTable a, Serializable a b) => Serializable (
fallback :: forall x. FieldParser x -> FieldParser (Maybe x)
fallback fieldParser x (Just y) = Just <$> fieldParser x (Just y)
fallback fieldParser x Nothing = Control.Applicative.optional (fieldParser x Nothing)
lit = \case
Nothing -> noTable
Just x -> pure $ lit x
@ -1348,7 +1374,7 @@ queryRunner = Opaleye.QueryRunner (void unpackspec) (const (runIdentity <$> rowP
unpackspec :: Table Expr row => Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
unpackspec =
Opaleye.Unpackspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
Opaleye.Unpackspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
fmap fromColumns . htraverse (traverseC (traversePrimExpr f)) . toColumns
@ -1395,7 +1421,7 @@ insert connection Insert{ into, rows, onConflict, returning } =
:: forall value schema
. ( Table Expr value
. ( Table Expr value
, Table ColumnSchema schema
, Columns value ~ Columns schema
@ -1407,14 +1433,14 @@ writer into_ =
. ( Functor list, Applicative f )
=> ( ( list Opaleye.PrimExpr, String ) -> f () )
-> list value
-> f ()
go f xs =
-> f ()
go f xs =
void $
htraverse @(Columns schema) @(Compose f Expr) @Expr sequenceC $
htabulate @(Columns schema) @(Compose f Expr) \i ->
case hfield (toColumns (tableColumns into_)) i of
MkC ColumnSchema{ columnName } ->
MkC $
MkC $
column columnName <$
f ( toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip hfield i . toColumns <$> xs
, columnName
@ -1501,7 +1527,7 @@ delete c Delete{ from = deleteFrom, deleteWhere, returning } =
:: forall schema r row
. ( Table Expr row
. ( Table Expr row
, Table ColumnSchema schema
, Columns schema ~ Columns row
@ -1689,10 +1715,10 @@ values = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.valuesExplicit valuesspec . toList
valuesspec = Opaleye.ValuesspecSafe packmap unpackspec
packmap :: Opaleye.PackMap Opaleye.PrimExpr Opaleye.PrimExpr () expr
packmap = Opaleye.PackMap \f () ->
packmap = Opaleye.PackMap \f () ->
fmap fromColumns $
htraverse (traverseC (traversePrimExpr f)) $
htabulate @(Columns expr) @Expr \i ->
htabulate @(Columns expr) @Expr \i ->
case hfield (hdicts @(Columns expr) @DBType) i of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ fromPrimExpr $ nullExpr i
@ -1735,8 +1761,6 @@ If you want to programatically create @ColumnSchema@'s, you can use
import Data.String (fromString)
commonPrefix :: String
commonPrefix = "prefix_"
@ -1785,7 +1809,7 @@ aggregate = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.laterally (Opaleye.aggregate aggregator) . toO
showQuery :: Table Expr a => Query a -> String
showQuery = fold . selectQuery
showQuery = fold . selectQuery
class Table Expr a => AggregateTable a where
@ -1800,7 +1824,7 @@ instance Table f a => Table f (Sum a) where
class DBType a => DBSum a where
sumAggregator :: Opaleye.Aggregator (Expr a) (Expr a)
sumAggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f (Expr primExpr) ->
sumAggregator = Opaleye.Aggregator $ Opaleye.PackMap \f (Expr primExpr) ->
Expr <$> f (Just (Opaleye.AggrSum, [], Opaleye.AggrAll), primExpr)
@ -1817,13 +1841,17 @@ instance (Table Expr a, HConstrainTable (Columns a) DBSum) => AggregateTable (Su
mkColumn i = case (hfield (hdicts @(Columns (Sum a)) @DBSum) i, hfield (toColumns a) i) of
(MkC Dict, MkC expr) ->
case sumAggregator of
Opaleye.Aggregator (Opaleye.PackMap g) ->
Opaleye.Aggregator (Opaleye.PackMap g) ->
MkC $ g f expr
newtype Array a = Array a
arrayAgg :: a -> Array a
arrayAgg = Array
instance Table f a => Table f (Array a) where
type Columns (Array a) = Columns a
toColumns (Array a) = toColumns a
@ -1831,7 +1859,7 @@ instance Table f a => Table f (Array a) where
instance Serializable a b => Serializable (Array a) (Seq b) where
rowParser inject = fmap (fromList . getZipList) . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
rowParser inject = fmap (fromList . getZipList) . getCompose <$> rowParser @a \fieldParser x y ->
Compose . fmap pgArrayToZipList <$> inject (pgArrayFieldParser fieldParser) x y
@ -1857,4 +1885,4 @@ instance Table Expr a => AggregateTable (Array a) where
mkColumn i = case hfield (toColumns a) i of
MkC (Expr primExpr) ->
MkC $ Expr <$> f (Just (Opaleye.AggrArr, [], Opaleye.AggrAll), primExpr)