Fix tests

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Ollie Charles 2021-03-04 11:59:56 +00:00
parent 8a58e45cb1
commit 9515a2aebc
2 changed files with 15 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ module Rel8
-- * IO
, Serializable(..)
, ExprFor
-- * Running statements
-- ** @SELECT@

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@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple ( Connection, connectPostgreSQL, close, withTr
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.SqlQQ ( sql )
import qualified Database.Postgres.Temp as TmpPostgres
import GHC.Generics ( Generic )
import Hedgehog ( property, (===), forAll, cover, diff, evalM, PropertyT, TestT, test, Gen, annotate )
import Hedgehog ( property, (===), forAll, cover, diff, evalM, PropertyT, TestT, test, Gen )
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen
import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range
import qualified Rel8
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.Hedgehog ( testProperty )
import Control.Monad (void)
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
main :: IO ()
@ -85,9 +86,7 @@ tests =
, testUpdate getTestDatabase
, testDelete getTestDatabase
, testSelectNestedPairs getTestDatabase
, testSelectUnaggregatedArray getTestDatabase
, testSelectArray getTestDatabase
, testAggregateArrayLit getTestDatabase
@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ databasePropertyTest testName f getTestDatabase =
data TestTable f = TestTable
{ testTableColumn1 :: Rel8.Column f String
{ testTableColumn1 :: Rel8.Column f Text
, testTableColumn2 :: Rel8.Column f Bool
deriving stock Generic
@ -370,7 +369,6 @@ testDBType getTestDatabase = testGroup "DBType instances"
, dbTypeTest "Lazy Text" $ Data.Text.Lazy.fromStrict <$> Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "LocalTime" genLocalTime
, dbTypeTest "Scientific" $ (/10) . fromIntegral @Int @Scientific <$> Gen.integral (Range.linear (-100) 100)
, dbTypeTest "String" $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "Text" $ Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbTypeTest "TimeOfDay" genTimeOfDay
, dbTypeTest "UTCTime" $ UTCTime <$> genDay <*> genDiffTime
@ -379,7 +377,7 @@ testDBType getTestDatabase = testGroup "DBType instances"
dbTypeTest :: (Eq a, Rel8.DBType a, Show a) => TestName -> Gen a -> TestTree
dbTypeTest :: (Eq a, Rel8.ExprFor (Rel8.Expr a) a, Show a) => TestName -> Gen a -> TestTree
dbTypeTest name generator = testGroup name
[ databasePropertyTest name (t (==) generator) getTestDatabase
, databasePropertyTest ("Maybe " <> name) (t (==) (Gen.maybe generator)) getTestDatabase
@ -396,12 +394,12 @@ testDBType getTestDatabase = testGroup "DBType instances"
maybeEq _ Nothing Just{} = False
maybeEq f (Just x) (Just y) = f x y
t :: (Rel8.DBType a, Show a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Gen a -> ((Connection -> TestT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO b) -> PropertyT IO b
t :: forall a b. (Show a, Rel8.ExprFor (Rel8.Expr a) a) => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Gen a -> ((Connection -> TestT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO b) -> PropertyT IO b
t eq generator transaction = do
x <- forAll generator
transaction \connection -> do
[res] <- connection $ pure $ Rel8.lit x
[res] <- connection $ pure (Rel8.lit x :: Rel8.Expr a)
diff res eq x
genDay :: Gen Day
@ -436,22 +434,21 @@ testDBEq getTestDatabase = testGroup "DBEq instances"
, dbEqTest "Int32" $ Gen.integral @_ @Int32 Range.linearBounded
, dbEqTest "Int64" $ Gen.integral @_ @Int64 Range.linearBounded
, dbEqTest "Text" $ Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
, dbEqTest "String" $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode
dbEqTest :: (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.DBEq a) => TestName -> Gen a -> TestTree
dbEqTest :: (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.ExprFor (Rel8.Expr a) a, Rel8.DBEq a) => TestName -> Gen a -> TestTree
dbEqTest name generator = testGroup name
[ databasePropertyTest name (t generator) getTestDatabase
, databasePropertyTest ("Maybe " <> name) (t (Gen.maybe generator)) getTestDatabase
t :: (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.DBEq a) => Gen a -> ((Connection -> TestT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO ()
t :: forall a. (Eq a, Show a, Rel8.DBEq a, Rel8.ExprFor (Rel8.Expr a) a) => Gen a -> ((Connection -> TestT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO ()) -> PropertyT IO ()
t generator transaction = do
(x, y) <- forAll (liftA2 (,) generator generator)
transaction \connection -> do
[res] <- connection $ pure $ Rel8.lit x Rel8.==. Rel8.lit y
[res] <- connection $ pure $ Rel8.lit @(Rel8.Expr a) x Rel8.==. Rel8.lit y
res === (x == y)
cover 1 "Equal" $ x == y
@ -478,7 +475,7 @@ testFromString = databasePropertyTest "FromString" \transaction -> do
transaction \connection -> do
[result] <- connection $ pure $ fromString str
result === str
result === pack str
testCatMaybeTable :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
@ -567,7 +564,7 @@ testMaybeTableApplicative = databasePropertyTest "MaybeTable (<*>)" \transaction
genRows :: PropertyT IO [TestTable Identity]
genRows = forAll do
Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $ liftA2 TestTable (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode) (pure True)
Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) $ liftA2 TestTable (Gen.text (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.unicode) (pure True)
:: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m)
@ -579,7 +576,7 @@ rollingBack connection m =
genTestTable :: Gen (TestTable Identity)
genTestTable = do
testTableColumn1 <- Gen.list (Range.linear 0 5) Gen.alphaNum
testTableColumn1 <- Gen.text (Range.linear 0 5) Gen.alphaNum
testTableColumn2 <- Gen.bool
return TestTable{..}
@ -675,35 +672,12 @@ testSelectNestedPairs = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT nested pairs" \transact
sort selected === sort rows
testSelectUnaggregatedArray :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectUnaggregatedArray = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT Arrays (without aggregation)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.bool
transaction \connection -> do
selected <- connection do
Rel8.arrayAgg <$> Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
sort selected === sort (pure <$> rows)
testSelectArray :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testSelectArray = databasePropertyTest "Can SELECT Arrays (with aggregation)" \transaction -> do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.bool
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 1 10) Gen.bool
transaction \connection -> do
selected <- connection $ Rel8.aggregate do
Rel8.arrayAgg <$> Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
selected === [foldMap pure rows]
testAggregateArrayLit :: IO TmpPostgres.DB -> TestTree
testAggregateArrayLit = databasePropertyTest "Can use aggregate with a literal array" \transaction -> evalM do
rows <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 10) Gen.bool
annotate $ Rel8.showQuery $ Rel8.aggregate $ pure (Rel8.lit (foldMap pure rows) :: Rel8.Array (Rel8.Expr Bool))
transaction \connection -> do
selected <- connection $ Rel8.aggregate $ pure (Rel8.lit (foldMap pure rows) :: Rel8.Array (Rel8.Expr Bool))
Rel8.listAgg <$> Rel8.values (map Rel8.lit rows)
selected === [foldMap pure rows]