
This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-03-04 13:03:53 +00:00
parent a02ba0fcfc
commit 972061f6f1

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@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ module Rel8
, noTable
, catMaybeTable
-- * Aggregates
-- ** Aggregation
, Aggregate
, aggregate
, listAgg
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ module Rel8
, groupBy
, DBMax (max)
-- * Compound aggregates
-- *** List aggregation
, ListTable, many
, NonEmptyTable, some
@ -147,11 +147,11 @@ module Rel8
, Delete(..)
, delete
-- * @UPDATE@
-- ** @UPDATE@
, update
, Update(..)
-- * @.. RETURNING@
-- ** @.. RETURNING@
, Returning(..)
) where
@ -449,10 +449,24 @@ liftNull :: Expr a -> Expr ( Maybe a )
liftNull = retype
{- | Lift an operation on non-@null@ values to an operation on possibly @null@
@mapNull@ requires that the supplied function "preserves nulls", as no actual
case analysis is done (instead the @Expr (Maybe a)@ is simply retyped and
assumed to not be @null@). In most cases, this is true, but this contract can
be violated with custom functions.
mapNull :: (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b)
mapNull f = retype . f . retype
{- | Lift a binary operation on non-@null@ expressions to an equivalent binary
operator on possibly @null@ expressions.
Similar to @mapNull@, it is assumed that this binary operator will return
@null@ if either of its operands are @null@.
liftOpNull :: (Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe b) -> Expr (Maybe c)
liftOpNull f a b = retype (f (retype a) (retype b))
@ -994,14 +1008,26 @@ class (ExprFor expr haskell, Table Expr expr) => Serializable expr haskell | exp
-> RowParser (f haskell)
{-| @ExprFor expr haskell@ witnesses that @expr@ is the "expression
representation" of the Haskell type @haskell@. You can think of this as the
type obtained if you were to quote @haskell@ constants into a query.
This type class exists to provide "backwards" type inference for
'Serializable'. While the functional dependency on 'Serializable' shows that
for any @expr@ there is exactly one @haskell@ type that is returned when the
expression is @select@ed, this type class is less restrictive, allowing for
their to be multiple expression types. Usually this is not the case, but for
@Maybe a@, we may allow expressions to be either @MaybeTable a'@ (where
@ExprFor a' a@), or just @Expr (Maybe a)@ (if @a@ is a single column).
class Table Expr expr => ExprFor expr haskell
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (DBType b, a ~ Expr b) => ExprFor a b
instance DBType a => ExprFor (Expr (Maybe a)) (Maybe a)
instance (ExprFor a b, Table Expr a) => ExprFor (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b)
instance (a ~ ListTable x, Table Expr (ListTable x), ExprFor x b) => ExprFor a [b]
instance (a ~ NonEmptyTable x, Table Expr (NonEmptyTable x), ExprFor x b) => ExprFor a (NonEmpty b)
instance (a ~ (a1, a2), ExprFor a1 b1, ExprFor a2 b2) => ExprFor a (b1, b2)
instance (HigherKindedTable t, a ~ t Expr, identity ~ Identity) => ExprFor a (t identity)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (DBType b, a ~ Expr b) => ExprFor a b
instance DBType a => ExprFor (Expr (Maybe a)) (Maybe a)
instance (ExprFor a b, Table Expr a) => ExprFor (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b)
instance (a ~ ListTable x, Table Expr (ListTable x), ExprFor x b) => ExprFor a [b]
instance (a ~ NonEmptyTable x, Table Expr (NonEmptyTable x), ExprFor x b) => ExprFor a (NonEmpty b)
instance (a ~ (a1, a2), ExprFor a1 b1, ExprFor a2 b2) => ExprFor a (b1, b2)
instance (HigherKindedTable t, a ~ t Expr, identity ~ Identity) => ExprFor a (t identity)
-- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to
@ -1917,7 +1943,12 @@ nonEmptyAgg = fmap NonEmptyTable . traverseTable (traverseC (fmap ComposeInner .
go (Expr a) = Aggregate $ Expr $ Opaleye.AggrExpr Opaleye.AggrAll Opaleye.AggrArr a []
-- | The class of 'DBType's that support the @max@ aggregation function.
-- If you have a custom type that you know supports @max@, you can use
-- @DeriveAnyClass@ to derive a default implementation that calls @max@.
class DBMax a where
-- | Produce an aggregation for @Expr a@ using the @max@ function.
max :: Expr a -> Aggregate (Expr a)
max (Expr a) = Aggregate $ Expr $ Opaleye.AggrExpr Opaleye.AggrAll Opaleye.AggrMax a []
@ -1934,6 +1965,7 @@ instance DBMax a => DBMax (Maybe a) where
max expr = retype <$> max (retype @a expr)
-- | Apply an aggregation to all rows returned by a 'Query'.
aggregate :: forall a. Table Expr a => Query (Aggregate a) -> Query a
aggregate = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.aggregate aggregator
@ -2003,6 +2035,8 @@ traverseAggrExpr f = \case
pure other
-- | A @ListTable@ value contains zero or more instances of @a@. You construct
-- @ListTable@s with 'many' or 'listAgg'.
newtype ListTable a = ListTable (Columns a (ComposeInner Expr []))
@ -2046,10 +2080,18 @@ instance Table Expr a => Monoid (ListTable a) where
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeInner $ monolit []
-- | Aggregate a 'Query' into a 'ListTable'. If the supplied query returns 0
-- rows, this function will produce a 'Query' that returns one row containing
-- the empty @ListTable@. If the supplied @Query@ does return rows, @many@ will
-- return exactly one row, with a @ListTable@ collecting all returned rows.
-- @many@ is analogous to 'Control.Applicative.many' from @Control.Applicative@.
many :: Table Expr exprs => Query exprs -> Query (ListTable exprs)
many = fmap (maybeTable mempty id) . optional . aggregate . fmap listAgg
-- | A @NonEmptyTable@ value contains one or more instances of @a@. You construct
-- @NonEmptyTable@s with 'some' or 'nonEmptyAgg'.
newtype NonEmptyTable a = NonEmptyTable (Columns a (ComposeInner Expr NonEmpty))
@ -2092,6 +2134,13 @@ instance Table Expr a => Semigroup (NonEmptyTable a) where
NonEmptyTable (hzipWith (zipComposeInnerWith (zipCWith (binaryOperator "||"))) a b)
-- | Aggregate a 'Query' into a 'NonEmptyTable'. If the supplied query returns
-- 0 rows, this function will produce a 'Query' that is empty - that is, will
-- produce zero @NonEmptyTable@s. If the supplied @Query@ does return rows,
-- @some@ will return exactly one row, with a @NonEmptyTable@ collecting all
-- returned rows.
-- @some@ is analogous to 'Control.Applicative.some' from @Control.Applicative@.
some :: Table Expr exprs => Query exprs -> Query (NonEmptyTable exprs)
some = aggregate . fmap nonEmptyAgg