Yet another version

This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-02-27 19:06:31 +00:00 committed by Oliver Charles
parent 5849a02c95
commit a7da74578b
8 changed files with 477 additions and 341 deletions

Another.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language DerivingVia #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language InstanceSigs #-}
{-# language KindSignatures #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
{-# options -Wno-implicit-prelude -Wno-missing-export-lists -Wno-missing-import-lists #-}
module Another where
import Prelude hiding (null)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Kind (Constraint, Type)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField (FieldParser)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow (RowParser, fieldWith, field)
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery as O
import qualified Opaleye as O
import Data.Profunctor.Product.Default (Default)
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy( Proxy ) )
type family Column (f :: Type -> Type) (a :: Type) :: Type where
Column Identity a = a
Column f a = f a
newtype C f a = C { toColumn :: Column f a }
data Witness (c :: Type -> Constraint) (a :: Type) where
Witness :: c a => Witness c a
class DBType (a :: Type) where
typeInformation :: TypeInformation a
data TypeInformation a = TypeInformation
{ encode :: a -> O.PrimExpr
, decode :: FieldParser a
mapTypeInformation :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a) -> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b
mapTypeInformation f g TypeInformation{ encode, decode } = TypeInformation
{ encode = encode . g
, decode = \x y -> f <$> decode x y
newtype OpaleyeDBType sql a = OpaleyeDBType a
instance (O.DefaultFromField sql a, Default O.ToFields a (O.Column sql)) => DBType (OpaleyeDBType sql a) where
typeInformation = TypeInformation
{ encode = \(OpaleyeDBType x) ->
case O.toFields @a @(O.Column sql) x of
O.Column primExpr -> primExpr
, decode = \x y ->
case O.defaultFromField @sql @a of
O.QueryRunnerColumn _ fieldParser -> OpaleyeDBType <$> fieldParser x y
deriving via OpaleyeDBType O.SqlBool Bool instance DBType Bool
deriving via OpaleyeDBType O.SqlInt4 Int instance DBType Int
instance DBType () where
typeInformation = TypeInformation
{ encode = \_ -> O.ConstExpr O.NullLit
, decode = \_ _ -> return ()
instance DBType a => DBType (Maybe a) where
typeInformation = TypeInformation
{ encode = maybe null (encode typeInformation)
, decode = \x y ->
case y of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just _ -> decode typeInformation x y
class AllFields t DBType => HigherKindedTable (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where
type HField t = (i :: Type -> Type) | i -> t
type AllFields t (c :: Type -> Constraint) :: Constraint
hindex :: t f -> HField t a -> C f a
htabulate :: (forall x. HField t x -> C f x) -> t f
htraverse :: Applicative m => (forall x. C f x -> m (C g x)) -> t f -> m (t g)
hdicts :: forall (c :: Type -> Constraint). AllFields t c => t (Witness c)
class HigherKindedTable (Schema t) => Table (t :: Type) where
type Schema t :: ((Type -> Type) -> Type)
type Context t :: Type -> Type
fromColumns :: Schema t (Context t) -> t
toColumns :: t -> Schema t (Context t)
instance HigherKindedTable f => Table (f g) where
type Schema (f g) = f
type Context (f g) = g
toColumns = id
fromColumns = id
newtype Expr a = Expr { toPrimExpr :: O.PrimExpr }
unsafeCoerceExpr :: Expr a -> Expr b
unsafeCoerceExpr (Expr a) = Expr a
data MaybeTable t = MaybeTable (Expr (Maybe ())) t
class SerializationMethod expr haskell => Serializable expr haskell | expr -> haskell, haskell -> expr where
instance SerializationMethod expr haskell => Serializable expr haskell
type family ResultType (expr :: Type) :: Type where
ResultType (MaybeTable t) = Maybe (ResultType t)
ResultType (t Expr) = t Identity
ResultType (a, b) = (ResultType a, ResultType b)
ResultType (Expr a) = a
type family ExprType (haskell :: Type) :: Type where
ExprType (Maybe (t Identity)) = MaybeTable (t Expr)
ExprType (Maybe a) = Expr (Maybe a)
ExprType (t Identity) = t Expr
ExprType (a, b) = (ExprType a, ExprType b)
ExprType a = Expr a
class (haskell ~ ResultType expr, expr ~ ExprType haskell) => SerializationMethod (expr :: Type) (haskell :: Type) where
rowParser :: RowParser haskell
lit :: haskell -> expr
instance (DBType a, a ~ b, ExprType b ~ Expr a) => SerializationMethod (Expr (a :: Type)) (b :: Type) where
rowParser = fieldWith (decode (typeInformation @a))
lit = Expr . encode (typeInformation @a)
instance (HigherKindedTable s, s ~ t) => SerializationMethod (s Expr) (t Identity) where
rowParser = htraverse f $ htabulate @s \i -> g (hindex hdicts i)
f :: C RowParser x -> RowParser (C Identity x)
f (C x) = C <$> x
g :: forall a. C (Witness DBType) a -> C RowParser a
g (C Witness) = C $ fieldWith $ decode $ typeInformation @a
lit t = htabulate \i -> f (hindex hdicts i) (hindex t i)
f :: forall x. C (Witness DBType) x -> C Identity x -> C Expr x
f (C Witness) (C a) = C $ Expr $ encode (typeInformation @x) a
instance (SerializationMethod a1 b1, SerializationMethod a2 b2, a1 ~ ExprType b1, a2 ~ ExprType b2, b1 ~ ResultType a1, b2 ~ ResultType a2) => SerializationMethod (a1, a2) (b1, b2) where
rowParser = liftA2 (,) rowParser rowParser
lit (a, b) = (lit a, lit b)
instance (Serializable s t, Table s, Context s ~ Expr, MaybeTable s ~ ExprType (Maybe t), ResultType s ~ t) => SerializationMethod (MaybeTable s) (Maybe t) where
rowParser = do
nullTag <- field
case nullTag of
Just () -> Just <$> rowParser
Nothing -> Nothing <$ htraverse @(Schema s) (\x -> x <$ fieldWith (\_ _ -> pure ())) (htabulate @_ @Proxy \_ -> C Proxy)
lit Nothing = MaybeTable nullUnit $ fromColumns $ htabulate \_ -> C $ unsafeCoerceExpr nullUnit
nullUnit :: Expr (Maybe ())
nullUnit = lit Nothing
lit (Just a) = MaybeTable (lit (Just ())) (lit a)
null :: O.PrimExpr
null = O.ConstExpr O.NullLit
data One f = One { oneA :: Column f Int }
data OneField :: Type -> Type where
OneA :: OneField Int
instance HigherKindedTable One where
type HField One = OneField
type AllFields One c = (c Int)
hindex One{ oneA } = \case
OneA -> C oneA
htabulate f = One { oneA = toColumn $ f OneA }
hdicts = One Witness
htraverse :: forall m f g. Applicative m => (forall x. C f x -> m (C g x)) -> One f -> m (One g)
htraverse f One{ oneA } = fmap (\(C oneA') -> One oneA') $ f (C oneA :: C f Int)
-- TODO Get this to infer!
-- thing :: _
-- thing = lit (Just $ (One 42))
thing :: MaybeTable (One Expr)
thing = lit (Just $ (One 42 :: One Identity))
-- thing2 :: MaybeTable (One Expr)
-- thing2 = lit (Just _)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
let let
hsPkgs = import ./default.nix {}; hsPkgs = import ./default.nix;
in in
hsPkgs.shellFor { hsPkgs.shellFor {
withHoogle = true; withHoogle = true;

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ module Rel8
-- ** Expressions -- ** Expressions
, Expr , Expr
, Context
, coerceExpr , coerceExpr
, unsafeCoerceExpr , unsafeCoerceExpr
@ -86,11 +85,7 @@ module Rel8
, update , update
, Update(..) , Update(..)
-- * Common Table Subtypes -- * TOOD
, IsTableIn
, Selects
, ExprType , ExprType
-- * Next Steps -- * Next Steps
@ -107,7 +102,6 @@ import Rel8.DBEq
import Rel8.EqTable import Rel8.EqTable
import Rel8.Expr import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.Query import Rel8.Query
import Rel8.SimpleConstraints
import Rel8.TableSchema import Rel8.TableSchema
{- $nextSteps {- $nextSteps

View File

@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Data.UUID ( UUID ) import Data.UUID ( UUID )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField ( FromField, FieldParser, fromField, optionalField, returnError, ResultError( Incompatible ) ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField ( FromField, FieldParser, fromField, optionalField, returnError, ResultError( Incompatible ) )
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, fieldWith ) import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, fieldWith )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(..) )
import GHC.Generics hiding ( C ) import GHC.Generics hiding ( C )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as Opaleye import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye
@ -102,19 +103,21 @@ data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T }
@ @
-} -}
class HigherKindedTable ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) where class HigherKindedTable (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where
-- | Like 'Field', but for higher-kinded tables. -- | Like 'Field', but for higher-kinded tables.
type HField t = ( field :: Type -> Type ) | field -> t type HField t = (field :: Type -> Type) | field -> t
type HField t = type HField t = GenericField t
GenericField t
-- | Like 'Constraintable', but for higher-kinded tables. -- | Like 'Constraintable', but for higher-kinded tables.
type HConstrainTable t ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint type HConstrainTable t (f :: Type -> Type) (c :: Type -> Constraint) :: Constraint
type HConstrainTable t f c = type HConstrainTable t f c = GHConstrainTable (Rep (t f)) (Rep (t SPINE)) c
GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) c
hfield :: t f -> HField t x -> C f x
htabulate :: ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> C f x ) -> t f
htraverse :: Applicative m => (forall x. C f x -> m (C g x)) -> t f -> m (t g)
hdicts :: forall f c. HConstrainTable t f c => t (Dict c)
-- | Like 'field', but for higher-kinded tables. -- | Like 'field', but for higher-kinded tables.
hfield :: t f -> HField t x -> C f x
default hfield default hfield
:: forall f x :: forall f x
. ( Generic ( t f ) . ( Generic ( t f )
@ -126,50 +129,49 @@ class HigherKindedTable ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) where
ghfield @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) ( from x ) i ghfield @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) ( from x ) i
-- | Like 'tabulateMCP', but for higher-kinded tables. -- | Like 'tabulateMCP', but for higher-kinded tables.
:: ( Applicative m, HConstrainTable t f c )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m ( t f )
default htabulate -- default htabulate
:: forall f m c proxy -- :: forall f
. ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) c, Generic ( t f ) -- . ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) ( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) c, Generic ( t f )
, GHigherKindedTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) t f ( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) -- , GHigherKindedTable ( Rep ( t f ) ) t f ( Rep ( t SPINE ) )
, HField t ~ GenericField t -- , HField t ~ GenericField t
) -- )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m ( t f ) -- => ( forall x. c x => HField t x -> C f x ) -> t f
htabulate proxy f = -- htabulate proxy f =
fmap to ( ghtabulate @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) proxy ( f . GenericField ) ) -- fmap to ( ghtabulate @( Rep ( t f ) ) @t @f @( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) proxy ( f . GenericField ) )
data Dict c a where
Dict :: c a => Dict c a
data TableHField t ( f :: Type -> Type ) x where data TableHField t ( f :: Type -> Type ) x where
F :: HField t x -> TableHField t f x F :: HField t x -> TableHField t f x
-- | Any 'HigherKindedTable' is also a 'Table'. -- | Any 'HigherKindedTable' is also a 'Table'.
instance HigherKindedTable t => Table (t f) where instance (HigherKindedTable t, f ~ g) => Table f (t g) where
type Structure (t f) = t type Columns (t g) = t
type Context (t f) = f toColumns = id
toStructure = id fromColumns = id
fromStructure = id
data GenericField t a where data GenericField t a where
GenericField :: GHField t ( Rep ( t SPINE ) ) a -> GenericField t a GenericField :: GHField t (Rep (t SPINE)) a -> GenericField t a
class GHigherKindedTable ( rep :: Type -> Type ) ( t :: ( Type -> Type ) -> Type ) ( f :: Type -> Type ) ( repIdentity :: Type -> Type ) where class GHigherKindedTable (rep :: Type -> Type) (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) (repIdentity :: Type -> Type) where
data GHField t repIdentity :: Type -> Type data GHField t repIdentity :: Type -> Type
type GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint type GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity ( c :: Type -> Constraint ) :: Constraint
ghfield :: rep a -> GHField t repIdentity x -> C f x ghfield :: rep a -> GHField t repIdentity x -> C f x
ghtabulate -- ghtabulate
:: ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity c ) -- :: ( Applicative m, GHConstrainTable rep repIdentity c )
=> proxy c -- => proxy c
-> ( forall x. c x => GHField t repIdentity x -> m ( C f x ) ) -- -> ( forall x. c x => GHField t repIdentity x -> m ( C f x ) )
-> m ( rep a ) -- -> m ( rep a )
instance GHigherKindedTable x t f x' => GHigherKindedTable ( M1 i c x ) t f ( M1 i' c' x' ) where instance GHigherKindedTable x t f x' => GHigherKindedTable ( M1 i c x ) t f ( M1 i' c' x' ) where
@ -182,8 +184,8 @@ instance GHigherKindedTable x t f x' => GHigherKindedTable ( M1 i c x ) t f ( M1
ghfield ( M1 a ) ( M1Field i ) = ghfield ( M1 a ) ( M1Field i ) =
ghfield a i ghfield a i
ghtabulate proxy f = -- ghtabulate proxy f =
M1 <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . M1Field ) -- M1 <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . M1Field )
instance ( GHigherKindedTable x t f x', GHigherKindedTable y t f y' ) => GHigherKindedTable ( x :*: y ) t f ( x' :*: y' ) where instance ( GHigherKindedTable x t f x', GHigherKindedTable y t f y' ) => GHigherKindedTable ( x :*: y ) t f ( x' :*: y' ) where
@ -198,9 +200,9 @@ instance ( GHigherKindedTable x t f x', GHigherKindedTable y t f y' ) => GHigher
FieldL i -> ghfield x i FieldL i -> ghfield x i
FieldR i -> ghfield y i FieldR i -> ghfield y i
ghtabulate proxy f = -- ghtabulate proxy f =
(:*:) <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . FieldL ) -- (:*:) <$> ghtabulate @x @t @f @x' proxy ( f . FieldL )
<*> ghtabulate @y @t @f @y' proxy ( f . FieldR ) -- <*> ghtabulate @y @t @f @y' proxy ( f . FieldR )
type family IsColumnApplication ( a :: Type ) :: Bool where type family IsColumnApplication ( a :: Type ) :: Bool where
@ -219,8 +221,8 @@ instance DispatchK1 ( IsColumnApplication c' ) f c c' => GHigherKindedTable ( K1
ghfield ( K1 a ) ( K1Field i ) = ghfield ( K1 a ) ( K1Field i ) =
k1field @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' a i k1field @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' a i
ghtabulate proxy f = -- ghtabulate proxy f =
K1 <$> k1tabulate @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' proxy ( f . K1Field ) -- K1 <$> k1tabulate @( IsColumnApplication c' ) @f @c @c' proxy ( f . K1Field )
class DispatchK1 ( isSPINE :: Bool ) f a a' where class DispatchK1 ( isSPINE :: Bool ) f a a' where
@ -230,9 +232,9 @@ class DispatchK1 ( isSPINE :: Bool ) f a a' where
k1field :: a -> K1Field isSPINE a' x -> C f x k1field :: a -> K1Field isSPINE a' x -> C f x
k1tabulate -- k1tabulate
:: ( ConstrainK1 isSPINE a a' c, Applicative m ) -- :: ( ConstrainK1 isSPINE a a' c, Applicative m )
=> proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => K1Field isSPINE a' x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m a -- => proxy c -> ( forall x. c x => K1Field isSPINE a' x -> m ( C f x ) ) -> m a
instance (a ~ Column f b) => DispatchK1 'True f a ( SPINE b ) where instance (a ~ Column f b) => DispatchK1 'True f a ( SPINE b ) where
@ -245,8 +247,8 @@ instance (a ~ Column f b) => DispatchK1 'True f a ( SPINE b ) where
k1field a K1True = k1field a K1True =
MkC a MkC a
k1tabulate _ f = -- k1tabulate _ f =
toColumn <$> f @b K1True -- toColumn <$> f @b K1True
data SPINE a data SPINE a
@ -259,25 +261,11 @@ writing higher-kinded data types is usually more convenient. See also:
'HigherKindedTable'. 'HigherKindedTable'.
-} -}
class HigherKindedTable (Structure t) => Table (t :: Type) where class HigherKindedTable (Columns t) => Table (context :: Type -> Type) (t :: Type) | t -> context where
type Structure t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type type Columns t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
type Context t :: Type -> Type
toStructure :: t -> Structure t (Context t) toColumns :: t -> Columns t context
fromStructure :: Structure t (Context t) -> t fromColumns :: Columns t context -> t
-- | Effectfully map a table from one context to another.
:: forall c t t' m
. (Applicative m, Table t, Table t', HConstrainTable (Structure t') (Context t') c, Structure t ~ Structure t')
=> (forall x. c x => HField (Structure t) x -> C (Context t) x -> m (C (Context t') x))
-> t
-> m t'
traverseTableWithIndexC f t =
fmap fromStructure $
htabulate (Proxy @c) \index -> f index (hfield (toStructure t) index)
data HPair x y (f :: Type -> Type) = HPair { hfst :: x f, hsnd :: y f } data HPair x y (f :: Type -> Type) = HPair { hfst :: x f, hsnd :: y f }
@ -287,107 +275,38 @@ data HPair x y (f :: Type -> Type) = HPair { hfst :: x f, hsnd :: y f }
deriving instance (HigherKindedTable x, HigherKindedTable y) => HigherKindedTable (HPair x y) deriving instance (HigherKindedTable x, HigherKindedTable y) => HigherKindedTable (HPair x y)
instance (Table a, Table b, Context a ~ Context b) => Table (a, b) where instance (Table f a, Table f b) => Table f (a, b) where
type Structure (a, b) = HPair (Structure a) (Structure b) type Columns (a, b) = HPair (Columns a) (Columns b)
type Context (a, b) = Context a toColumns (a, b) = HPair (toColumns a) (toColumns b)
toStructure (a, b) = HPair (toStructure a) (toStructure b) fromColumns (HPair x y) = (fromColumns x, fromColumns y)
fromStructure (HPair x y) = (fromStructure x, fromStructure y)
-- | Map a 'Table' from one type to another. The table types must be compatible, instance (Table f a, Columns a ~ Columns a') => DispatchK1 'False f a a' where
-- see 'Compatible' for what that means.
:: forall t' t
. (Table t, Table t', Structure t ~ Structure t', HConstrainTable (Structure t) (Context t') Unconstrained)
=> (forall x. C (Context t) x -> C (Context t') x) -> t -> t'
mapTable f = runIdentity . traverseTable (Identity . f)
-- | Map a 'Table' from one type to another, where all columns in the table are
-- subject to a constraint.
:: forall c t' t
. (Table t, Table t', Structure t ~ Structure t', HConstrainTable (Structure t) (Context t') c)
=> (forall x. c x => C (Context t) x -> C (Context t') x)
-> t -> t'
mapTableC f =
runIdentity . traverseTableC @c ( Identity . f )
-- | Effectfully traverse all fields in a 'Table', potentially producing another
-- @Table@.
:: forall t' t m
. (Applicative m, Table t, Table t', Structure t ~ Structure t', HConstrainTable (Structure t) (Context t') Unconstrained)
=> (forall x. C (Context t) x -> m (C (Context t') x))
-> t
-> m t'
traverseTable f =
traverseTableWithIndexC @Unconstrained (const f)
-- | Effectfully traverse all fields in a 'Table', provided that all fields
-- satisfy a given constraint. For example, if all fields in a table have an
-- instance for 'Read', we can apply 'readMaybe' to all fields in the table,
-- failing if any read fails:
-- >>> traverseTableC @Read ( traverseC readMaybe ) MyTable{ fieldA = "True" }
-- Just MyTable{ fieldA = True }
:: forall c m t t'
. (Table t, Table t', Applicative m, Structure t ~ Structure t', HConstrainTable (Structure t) (Context t') c)
=> (forall x. c x => C (Context t) x -> m (C (Context t') x))
-> t
-> m t'
traverseTableC f =
traverseTableWithIndexC @c (const f)
:: forall t m
. ( Applicative m
, Table t
, HConstrainTable (Structure t) (Context t) Unconstrained
=> ( forall x. C ( Context t ) x -> C ( Context t ) x -> m ( C ( Context t ) x ) )
-> t -> t -> m t
zipTablesWithM f t t' =
fmap fromStructure $
htabulate (Proxy @Unconstrained) \index ->
f (hfield (toStructure t) index) (hfield (toStructure t') index)
instance (Context a ~ f, Table a, Structure a ~ Structure a') => DispatchK1 'False f a a' where
data K1Field 'False a' x where data K1Field 'False a' x where
K1False :: HField (Structure a') x -> K1Field 'False a' x K1False :: HField (Columns a') x -> K1Field 'False a' x
type ConstrainK1 'False a a' c = -- type ConstrainK1 'False a a' c =
HConstrainTable (Structure a) (Context a) c -- HConstrainTable (Columns a) (Context a) c
k1field a (K1False i) = k1field a (K1False i) =
hfield (toStructure a) i hfield (toColumns a) i
k1tabulate proxy f = -- -- k1tabulate proxy f =
fromStructure <$> htabulate proxy (f . K1False) -- -- fromColumns <$> htabulate proxy (f . K1False)
newtype HIdentity a f = HIdentity { unHIdentity :: Column f a } newtype HIdentity a f = HIdentity { unHIdentity :: Column f a }
deriving ( Generic, HigherKindedTable ) deriving ( Generic, HigherKindedTable )
-- | Any 'Identity' can be seen as a 'Table' with only one column.
instance Table (Identity a) where
type Context (Identity a) = Identity
type Structure (Identity a) = HIdentity a
toStructure = HIdentity . runIdentity
fromStructure = Identity . unHIdentity
-- | @Serializable@ witnesses the one-to-one correspondence between the type @sql@, -- | @Serializable@ witnesses the one-to-one correspondence between the type @sql@,
-- which contains SQL expressions, and the type @haskell@, which contains the -- which contains SQL expressions, and the type @haskell@, which contains the
-- Haskell decoding of rows containing @sql@ SQL expressions. -- Haskell decoding of rows containing @sql@ SQL expressions.
class (ExprTable sql, SerializableChoice sql haskell) => Serializable sql haskell | sql -> haskell, haskell -> sql where class SerializationMethod sql haskell => Serializable sql haskell | sql -> haskell, haskell -> sql where
instance (ExprTable a, SerializableChoice a b) => Serializable a b where lit2 :: haskell -> sql
instance SerializationMethod a b => Serializable a b where
lit2 = lit
type family ExprType (a :: Type) :: Type where type family ExprType (a :: Type) :: Type where
@ -405,58 +324,63 @@ type family ResultType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ResultType (MaybeTable a) = Maybe (ResultType a) ResultType (MaybeTable a) = Maybe (ResultType a)
class (ExprTable a, a ~ ExprType b, b ~ ResultType a) => SerializableChoice (a :: Type) (b :: Type) where class (Table Expr expr, expr ~ ExprType haskell, haskell ~ ResultType expr) => SerializationMethod (expr :: Type) (haskell :: Type) where
rowParser :: a -> RowParser b rowParser :: RowParser haskell
lit :: b -> a lit :: haskell -> expr
-- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to -- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to
-- decode all of the records constituent part's. -- decode all of the records constituent part's.
instance (expr ~ Expr, identity ~ Identity, ExprTable (t expr), Table (t identity), HConstrainTable t Identity DBType) => SerializableChoice ( t expr ) ( t identity ) where instance (s ~ t, expr ~ Expr, identity ~ Identity, HigherKindedTable t, HConstrainTable t Identity DBType) => SerializationMethod (s expr) (t identity) where
rowParser = -- rowParser _ = htraverse f $ htabulate @t \i -> g (hfield hdicts i)
traverseTableC @DBType ( traverseCC @DBType \_ -> fieldWith ( decode typeInformation ) ) -- where
-- f :: C RowParser x -> RowParser (C Identity x)
-- f (MkC x) = MkC <$> x
lit = -- g :: forall a. C (Dict DBType) a -> C RowParser a
runIdentity . mapContext (Proxy @Lit) (Proxy @DBType) (Identity . mapCC @DBType lit) -- g (MkC Dict) = MkC $ fieldWith $ decode $ typeInformation @a
lit t =
fromColumns $ htabulate \i ->
case (hfield (hdicts @t @Identity @DBType) i, hfield t i) of
(MkC Dict, MkC x) -> MkC $ lit2 x -- mapCC @DBType lit x
instance DBType a => SerializableChoice (Expr a) a where instance (DBType a, a ~ b) => SerializationMethod (Expr a) b where
rowParser _ = fieldWith (decode typeInformation) rowParser = fieldWith (decode typeInformation)
lit = Expr . Opaleye.CastExpr typeName . encode lit = Expr . Opaleye.CastExpr typeName . encode
where where
DatabaseType{ encode, typeName } = typeInformation DatabaseType{ encode, typeName } = typeInformation
instance (Serializable a1 b1, Serializable a2 b2) => SerializableChoice (a1, a2) (b1, b2) where instance (Serializable a1 b1, Serializable a2 b2) => SerializationMethod (a1, a2) (b1, b2) where
rowParser (a, b) = rowParser = liftA2 (,) rowParser rowParser
liftA2 (,) (rowParser a) (rowParser b)
lit (a, b) = (lit a, lit b) lit (a, b) = (lit a, lit b)
instance -- instance
( Context a ~ Expr -- ( Context a ~ Expr
, Table a -- , Table a
, HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr Unconstrained -- , HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr Unconstrained
, HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr DBType -- , HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr DBType
, Serializable a b -- , Serializable a b
, ExprType (Maybe b) ~ MaybeTable a -- , ExprType (Maybe b) ~ MaybeTable a
) => SerializableChoice (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b) where -- ) => SerializationMethod (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b) where
rowParser ( MaybeTable _ t ) = do -- rowParser ( MaybeTable _ t ) = do
rowExists <- fieldWith ( decode typeInformation ) -- rowExists <- fieldWith ( decode typeInformation )
case rowExists of -- case rowExists of
Just True -> -- Just True ->
Just <$> rowParser t -- Just <$> rowParser t
_ -> -- _ ->
Nothing <$ traverseTableC @DBType @RowParser @_ @a nullField t -- Nothing <$ traverseTableC @DBType @RowParser @_ @a nullField t
lit = \case -- lit = \case
Nothing -> noTable -- Nothing -> noTable
Just x -> pure (lit x) -- Just x -> pure (lit x)
nullField :: forall x f. C f x -> RowParser ( C f x ) nullField :: forall x f. C f x -> RowParser ( C f x )
@ -464,8 +388,7 @@ nullField x = x <$ fieldWith (\_ _ -> pure ())
-- | Typed SQL expressions -- | Typed SQL expressions
newtype Expr ( a :: Type ) = newtype Expr (a :: Type) = Expr { toPrimExpr :: Opaleye.PrimExpr }
Expr { toPrimExpr :: Opaleye.PrimExpr }
type role Expr representational type role Expr representational
@ -476,8 +399,8 @@ instance ( IsString a, DBType a ) => IsString ( Expr a ) where
lit . fromString lit . fromString
class (HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr Unconstrained, Table a, Context a ~ Expr, HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr DBType) => ExprTable a -- class (HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr Unconstrained, Table a, Context a ~ Expr, HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr DBType) => Table Expr a
instance (HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr Unconstrained, Table a, Context a ~ Expr, HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr DBType) => ExprTable a -- instance (HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr Unconstrained, Table a, Context a ~ Expr, HConstrainTable (Structure a) Expr DBType) => Table Expr a
{-| @MaybeTable t@ is the table @t@, but as the result of an outer join. If the {-| @MaybeTable t@ is the table @t@, but as the result of an outer join. If the
@ -518,51 +441,51 @@ instance Monad MaybeTable where
null_ (lit False) (\x' -> null_ (lit False) (\y' -> x' ||. y') y) x null_ (lit False) (\x' -> null_ (lit False) (\y' -> x' ||. y') y) x
data HMaybeTable g f = -- data HMaybeTable g f =
HMaybeTable -- HMaybeTable
{ hnullTag :: Column f (Maybe Bool) -- { hnullTag :: Column f (Maybe Bool)
, hcontents :: g f -- , hcontents :: g f
} -- }
deriving -- deriving
(Generic) -- (Generic)
deriving instance (forall f. Table (g f)) => HigherKindedTable (HMaybeTable g) -- deriving instance (forall f. Table (g f)) => HigherKindedTable (HMaybeTable g)
instance (ExprTable a, HigherKindedTable (Structure a)) => Table (MaybeTable a) where -- instance (Table Expr a, HigherKindedTable (Structure a)) => Table (MaybeTable a) where
type Structure (MaybeTable a) = HMaybeTable (Structure a) -- type Structure (MaybeTable a) = HMaybeTable (Structure a)
type Context (MaybeTable a) = Expr -- type Context (MaybeTable a) = Expr
toStructure (MaybeTable x y) = HMaybeTable x (toStructure y) -- toStructure (MaybeTable x y) = HMaybeTable x (toStructure y)
fromStructure (HMaybeTable x y) = MaybeTable x (fromStructure y) -- fromColumns (HMaybeTable x y) = MaybeTable x (fromColumns y)
maybeTable maybeTable
:: ExprTable b :: Table Expr b
=> b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable a -> b => b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable a -> b
maybeTable def f MaybeTable{ nullTag, table } = maybeTable def f MaybeTable{ nullTag, table } =
ifThenElse_ (null_ (lit False) id nullTag) (f table) def ifThenElse_ (null_ (lit False) id nullTag) (f table) def
noTable :: forall a. ExprTable a => MaybeTable a noTable :: forall a. Table Expr a => MaybeTable a
noTable = MaybeTable tag t noTable = undefined
where -- noTable = MaybeTable tag t
tag :: Expr (Maybe Bool) -- where
tag = lit (Nothing :: Maybe Bool) -- tag :: Expr (Maybe Bool)
-- tag = lit (Nothing :: Maybe Bool)
t :: a -- t :: a
t = fromStructure $ runIdentity $ htabulate (Proxy @DBType) f -- t = fromColumns $ runIdentity $ htabulate (Proxy @DBType) f
where -- where
f :: forall x i. DBType x => i x -> Identity (C Expr x) -- f :: forall x i. DBType x => i x -> Identity (C Expr x)
f _ = pure $ MkC $ unsafeCoerceExpr (lit (Nothing :: Maybe x) :: Expr (Maybe x)) -- f _ = pure $ MkC $ unsafeCoerceExpr (lit (Nothing :: Maybe x) :: Expr (Maybe x))
instance Table (Expr a) where instance expr ~ Expr => Table expr (Expr a) where
type Context (Expr a) = Expr type Columns (Expr a) = HIdentity a
type Structure (Expr a) = HIdentity a toColumns = HIdentity
toStructure = HIdentity fromColumns = unHIdentity
fromStructure = unHIdentity
{-| Haskell types that can be represented as expressiosn in a database. There {-| Haskell types that can be represented as expressiosn in a database. There
@ -588,7 +511,7 @@ just used integers (the type distinction does not impact query generation).
-} -}
class (ExprType a ~ Expr a, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)) => DBType ( a :: Type ) where class (ExprType a ~ Expr a, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a), Serializable (Expr a) a) => DBType (a :: Type) where
typeInformation :: DatabaseType a a typeInformation :: DatabaseType a a
@ -746,71 +669,67 @@ infixr 2 ||.
Expr ( Opaleye.BinExpr Opaleye.OpOr a b ) Expr ( Opaleye.BinExpr Opaleye.OpOr a b )
ifThenElse_ :: ExprTable a => Expr Bool -> a -> a -> a ifThenElse_ :: Table Expr a => Expr Bool -> a -> a -> a
ifThenElse_ bool whenTrue whenFalse = ifThenElse_ bool whenTrue whenFalse =
case_ [ ( bool, whenTrue ) ] whenFalse case_ [ ( bool, whenTrue ) ] whenFalse
case_ :: forall a. ExprTable a => [ ( Expr Bool, a ) ] -> a -> a case_ :: forall a. Table Expr a => [ ( Expr Bool, a ) ] -> a -> a
case_ alts def = case_ alts def =
fromStructure $ runIdentity $ htabulate @(Structure a) (Proxy @Unconstrained) \x -> fromColumns $ htabulate @(Columns a) \x -> MkC $ fromPrimExpr $
pure $ MkC $ fromPrimExpr $
Opaleye.CaseExpr Opaleye.CaseExpr
[ ( toPrimExpr bool, toPrimExpr $ toColumn $ hfield (toStructure alt) x ) | ( bool, alt ) <- alts ] [ ( toPrimExpr bool, toPrimExpr $ toColumn $ hfield (toColumns alt) x ) | ( bool, alt ) <- alts ]
( toPrimExpr $ toColumn $ hfield (toStructure def) x ) ( toPrimExpr $ toColumn $ hfield (toColumns def) x )
unsafeCoerceExpr :: Expr a -> Expr b unsafeCoerceExpr :: Expr a -> Expr b
unsafeCoerceExpr ( Expr x ) = Expr x unsafeCoerceExpr (Expr x) = Expr x
retype :: Expr a -> Expr b retype :: Expr a -> Expr b
retype = retype = fromPrimExpr . toPrimExpr
fromPrimExpr . toPrimExpr
isNull :: Expr ( Maybe a ) -> Expr Bool isNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
isNull = isNull = fromPrimExpr . Opaleye.UnExpr Opaleye.OpIsNull . toPrimExpr
fromPrimExpr . Opaleye.UnExpr Opaleye.OpIsNull . toPrimExpr
fromPrimExpr :: Opaleye.PrimExpr -> Expr a fromPrimExpr :: Opaleye.PrimExpr -> Expr a
fromPrimExpr = fromPrimExpr = Expr
type family Apply (g :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type where -- type family Apply (g :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) (f :: Type -> Type) :: Type -> Type where
Apply Lit Identity = Expr -- Apply Lit Identity = Expr
Apply g f = g f -- Apply g f = g f
data Lit (f :: Type -> Type) a -- data Lit (f :: Type -> Type) a
class -- class
( Table a -- ( Table a
, Table b -- , Table b
, MapContext g a ~ b -- , MapContext g a ~ b
, Structure a ~ Structure b -- , Structure a ~ Structure b
, Apply g (Context a) ~ Context b -- , Apply g (Context a) ~ Context b
) => -- ) =>
Recontextualise g a b -- Recontextualise g a b
where -- where
type MapContext (g :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) a :: Type -- type MapContext (g :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) a :: Type
mapContext :: (Applicative m, HConstrainTable (Structure a) (Context b) c) -- mapContext :: (Applicative m, HConstrainTable (Structure a) (Context b) c)
=> proxy g -- => proxy g
-> proxy' c -- -> proxy' c
-> (forall x. c x => C (Context a) x -> m (C (Context b) x)) -- -> (forall x. c x => C (Context a) x -> m (C (Context b) x))
-> a -- -> a
-> m b -- -> m b
instance (HigherKindedTable t, f' ~ Apply g f) => Recontextualise g (t f) (t f') where -- instance (HigherKindedTable t, f' ~ Apply g f) => Recontextualise g (t f) (t f') where
type MapContext g (t f) = t (Apply g f) -- type MapContext g (t f) = t (Apply g f)
mapContext _ c f as = htabulate c (\field -> f (hfield as field)) -- mapContext _ c f as = htabulate c (\field -> f (hfield as field))
-- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value -- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value
@ -834,3 +753,21 @@ instance (Read a, Show a, Typeable a) => DBType (ReadShow a) where
typeInformation = typeInformation =
parseDatabaseType (fmap ReadShow . readEither) $ parseDatabaseType (fmap ReadShow . readEither) $
lmap (show . fromReadShow) typeInformation lmap (show . fromReadShow) typeInformation
:: (Columns s ~ Columns t, Table f s, Table g t)
=> (forall x. C f x -> C g x) -> s -> t
mapTable f = fromColumns . runIdentity . htraverse (pure . f) . toColumns
:: (Columns x ~ Columns y, Columns y ~ Columns z, Table f x, Table g y, Table h z)
=> (forall x. C f x -> C g y -> m (C h z)) -> x -> y -> m z
zipTablesWithM f x y = undefined
:: (Columns x ~ Columns y, Table f x, Table g y)
=> (forall x. C f x -> m (C g y)) -> x -> m y
traverseTable f = undefined

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# language BlockArguments #-} {-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-} {-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-} {-# language TypeApplications #-}
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ import Rel8.Core
-- | The class of database tables (containing one or more columns) that can be -- | The class of database tables (containing one or more columns) that can be
-- compared for equality as a whole. -- compared for equality as a whole.
class ExprTable a => EqTable a where class Table Expr a => EqTable a where
-- | Compare two tables or expressions for equality. -- | Compare two tables or expressions for equality.
-- --
-- This operator is overloaded (much like Haskell's 'Eq' type class) to allow -- This operator is overloaded (much like Haskell's 'Eq' type class) to allow
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ class ExprTable a => EqTable a where
-- --
-- >>> :t ( exprA, exprA ) ==. ( exprA, exprA ) -- >>> :t ( exprA, exprA ) ==. ( exprA, exprA )
-- Expr m Bool -- Expr m Bool
(==.) :: a -> a -> Context a Bool (==.) :: a -> a -> Expr Bool
-- | Any @Expr@s can be compared for equality as long as the underlying -- | Any @Expr@s can be compared for equality as long as the underlying

View File

@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ module Rel8.Expr
, (&&.) , (&&.)
, (||.) , (||.)
, Expr , Expr
, ExprTable
, Function , Function
, and_ , and_
, or_ , or_

View File

@ -130,15 +130,13 @@ queryRunner
. Serializable row haskell . Serializable row haskell
=> Opaleye.FromFields row haskell => Opaleye.FromFields row haskell
queryRunner = queryRunner =
Opaleye.QueryRunner ( void unpackspec ) rowParser ( const 1 ) Opaleye.QueryRunner ( void unpackspec ) (const rowParser) ( const 1 )
unpackspec unpackspec :: Table Expr row => Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
:: (ExprTable row)
=> Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
unpackspec = unpackspec =
Opaleye.Unpackspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f -> Opaleye.Unpackspec $ Opaleye.PackMap \f ->
traverseTable (traverseC (traversePrimExpr f)) fmap fromColumns . htraverse (traverseC (traversePrimExpr f)) . toColumns
-- | Run an @INSERT@ statement -- | Run an @INSERT@ statement
@ -154,10 +152,9 @@ insert connection Insert{ into, rows, onConflict, returning } =
toOpaleyeInsert toOpaleyeInsert
:: forall schema result value :: forall schema result value
. ( ExprTable value . ( Table Expr value
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema , Table ColumnSchema schema
, Structure value ~ Structure schema , Columns value ~ Columns schema
, Table schema
) )
=> TableSchema schema => TableSchema schema
-> [ value ] -> [ value ]
@ -185,9 +182,8 @@ insert connection Insert{ into, rows, onConflict, returning } =
writer writer
:: forall value schema :: forall value schema
. ( Context value ~ Expr . ( Table Expr value
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema , Table ColumnSchema schema
, Selects schema value
) )
=> TableSchema schema -> Opaleye.Writer value schema => TableSchema schema -> Opaleye.Writer value schema
writer into_ = writer into_ =
@ -197,23 +193,23 @@ writer into_ =
. ( Functor list, Applicative f ) . ( Functor list, Applicative f )
=> ( ( list Opaleye.PrimExpr, String ) -> f () ) => ( ( list Opaleye.PrimExpr, String ) -> f () )
-> list value -> list value
-> f () -> f ()
go f xs = go f xs = undefined
void -- void
( traverseTableWithIndexC -- ( traverseTableWithIndexC
@Unconstrained -- @Unconstrained
@schema -- @schema
@value -- @value
( \i -> -- ( \i ->
traverseC \ColumnSchema{ columnName } -> do -- traverseC \ColumnSchema{ columnName } -> do
f ( toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip hfield i . toStructure <$> xs -- f ( toPrimExpr . toColumn . flip hfield i . toStructure <$> xs
, columnName -- , columnName
) -- )
return ( column columnName ) -- return ( column columnName )
) -- )
( tableColumns into_ ) -- ( tableColumns into_ )
) -- )
in in
Opaleye.Writer ( Opaleye.PackMap go ) Opaleye.Writer ( Opaleye.PackMap go )
@ -239,7 +235,7 @@ ddlTable schema writer_ =
-- | The constituent parts of a SQL @INSERT@ statement. -- | The constituent parts of a SQL @INSERT@ statement.
data Insert :: * -> * where data Insert :: * -> * where
Insert Insert
:: Selects schema value :: (Columns value ~ Columns schema, Table Expr value, Table ColumnSchema schema)
=> { into :: TableSchema schema => { into :: TableSchema schema
-- ^ Which table to insert into. -- ^ Which table to insert into.
, rows :: [ value ] , rows :: [ value ]
@ -265,9 +261,10 @@ data Returning schema a where
-- >>> :t insert Insert{ returning = Projection fooId } -- >>> :t insert Insert{ returning = Projection fooId }
-- IO [ FooId ] -- IO [ FooId ]
Projection Projection
:: ( Selects schema row :: ( Table Expr projection
, Table projection , Table ColumnSchema schema
, Context row ~ Context projection , Table Expr row
, Columns schema ~ Columns row
, Serializable projection a , Serializable projection a
) )
=> ( row -> projection ) => ( row -> projection )
@ -279,7 +276,7 @@ data OnConflict
| DoNothing | DoNothing
selectQuery :: forall a . ExprTable a => Query a -> Maybe String selectQuery :: forall a . Table Expr a => Query a -> Maybe String
selectQuery ( Query opaleye ) = selectQuery ( Query opaleye ) =
showSqlForPostgresExplicit showSqlForPostgresExplicit
@ -303,10 +300,9 @@ delete c Delete{ from, deleteWhere, returning } =
go go
:: forall schema r row :: forall schema r row
. ( Context schema ~ ColumnSchema . ( Table Expr row
, ExprTable row , Table ColumnSchema schema
, Structure schema ~ Structure row , Columns schema ~ Columns row
, Table schema
) )
=> TableSchema schema => TableSchema schema
-> ( row -> Expr Bool ) -> ( row -> Expr Bool )
@ -326,7 +322,7 @@ delete c Delete{ from, deleteWhere, returning } =
data Delete from return where data Delete from return where
Delete Delete
:: Selects from row :: ( Columns from ~ Columns row, Table Expr row, Table ColumnSchema from )
=> { from :: TableSchema from => { from :: TableSchema from
, deleteWhere :: row -> Expr Bool , deleteWhere :: row -> Expr Bool
, returning :: Returning from return , returning :: Returning from return
@ -342,10 +338,9 @@ update connection Update{ target, set, updateWhere, returning } =
go go
:: forall returning target row :: forall returning target row
. ( Context target ~ ColumnSchema . ( Table Expr row
, ExprTable row , Columns target ~ Columns row
, Structure target ~ Structure row , Table ColumnSchema target
, Table target
) )
=> TableSchema target => TableSchema target
-> ( row -> row ) -> ( row -> row )
@ -373,7 +368,7 @@ update connection Update{ target, set, updateWhere, returning } =
data Update target returning where data Update target returning where
Update Update
:: Selects target row :: ( Columns target ~ Columns row, Table Expr row, Table ColumnSchema target )
=> { target :: TableSchema target => { target :: TableSchema target
, set :: row -> row , set :: row -> row
, updateWhere :: row -> Expr Bool , updateWhere :: row -> Expr Bool
@ -393,13 +388,13 @@ exists query =
-- | Select each row from a table definition. -- | Select each row from a table definition.
-- --
-- This is equivalent to @FROM table@. -- This is equivalent to @FROM table@.
each :: Selects schema row => TableSchema schema -> Query row each :: (Columns schema ~ Columns row, Table Expr row, Table ColumnSchema schema) => TableSchema schema -> Query row
each = each_forAll each = each_forAll
each_forAll each_forAll
:: forall schema row :: forall schema row
. Selects schema row . ( Columns schema ~ Columns row, Table Expr row, Table ColumnSchema schema )
=> TableSchema schema -> Query row => TableSchema schema -> Query row
each_forAll schema = each_forAll schema =
liftOpaleye liftOpaleye
@ -453,13 +448,13 @@ optional =
-- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type. -- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type.
-- --
-- @union a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x UNION b@. -- @union a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x UNION b@.
union :: ExprTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a union :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
union = union_forAll union = union_forAll
union_forAll union_forAll
:: forall a :: forall a
. ExprTable a . Table Expr a
=> Query a -> Query a -> Query a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
union_forAll l r = union_forAll l r =
liftOpaleye liftOpaleye
@ -483,11 +478,11 @@ union_forAll l r =
-- | Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates. -- | Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates.
-- --
-- @distinct q@ is equivalent to the SQL statement @SELECT DISTINCT q@ -- @distinct q@ is equivalent to the SQL statement @SELECT DISTINCT q@
distinct :: ExprTable a => Query a -> Query a distinct :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a
distinct = distinct_forAll distinct = distinct_forAll
distinct_forAll :: forall a. ExprTable a => Query a -> Query a distinct_forAll :: forall a. Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a
distinct_forAll query = distinct_forAll query =
liftOpaleye ( Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec ( toOpaleye query ) ) liftOpaleye ( Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec ( toOpaleye query ) )
@ -543,20 +538,20 @@ catMaybe e =
catMaybeTable $ MaybeTable (ifThenElse_ (isNull e) (lit Nothing) (lit (Just False))) (unsafeCoerceExpr e) catMaybeTable $ MaybeTable (ifThenElse_ (isNull e) (lit Nothing) (lit (Just False))) (unsafeCoerceExpr e)
values :: forall expr f. (ExprTable expr, Foldable f) => f expr -> Query expr values :: forall expr f. (Table Expr expr, Foldable f) => f expr -> Query expr
values = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.valuesExplicit valuesspec . toList values = liftOpaleye . Opaleye.valuesExplicit valuesspec . toList
where where
valuesspec = Opaleye.ValuesspecSafe packmap unpackspec valuesspec = Opaleye.ValuesspecSafe packmap unpackspec
where where
packmap :: Opaleye.PackMap Opaleye.PrimExpr Opaleye.PrimExpr () expr packmap :: Opaleye.PackMap Opaleye.PrimExpr Opaleye.PrimExpr () expr
packmap = Opaleye.PackMap \f () -> packmap = Opaleye.PackMap \f () -> undefined
fmap fromStructure $ -- fmap fromColumns $
htabulate (Proxy @DBType) \i -> MkC . fromPrimExpr <$> f (nullExpr i) -- htabulate (Proxy @DBType) \i -> MkC . fromPrimExpr <$> f (nullExpr i)
where -- where
nullExpr :: forall a w. DBType a => HField w a -> Opaleye.PrimExpr -- nullExpr :: forall a w. DBType a => HField w a -> Opaleye.PrimExpr
nullExpr _ = Opaleye.CastExpr typeName (Opaleye.ConstExpr Opaleye.NullLit) -- nullExpr _ = Opaleye.CastExpr typeName (Opaleye.ConstExpr Opaleye.NullLit)
where -- where
DatabaseType{ typeName } = typeInformation @a -- DatabaseType{ typeName } = typeInformation @a
filter :: (a -> Expr Bool) -> a -> Query a filter :: (a -> Expr Bool) -> a -> Query a

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@ -10,35 +10,34 @@
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-} {-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-} {-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Rel8.SimpleConstraints ( Selects, IsTableIn ) where module Rel8.SimpleConstraints where -- ( Selects, IsTableIn ) where
import Rel8.ColumnSchema import Rel8.ColumnSchema
import Rel8.Expr import Rel8.Expr
import Rel8.Core import Rel8.Core
-- | @Selects m schema row@ says that in the monad @m@, the schema definition -- -- | @Selects m schema row@ says that in the monad @m@, the schema definition
-- @schema@ can be @SELECT@ed into the Haskell type @row@. -- -- @schema@ can be @SELECT@ed into the Haskell type @row@.
class -- class
( ExprTable row -- ( Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema -- , Table schema
, Table schema -- , Structure row ~ Structure schema
, Structure row ~ Structure schema -- ) => Selects schema row
) => Selects schema row
instance -- instance
{-# overlapping #-} -- {-# overlapping #-}
( ExprTable row -- ( ExprTable row
, Context schema ~ ColumnSchema -- , Context schema ~ ColumnSchema
, Table schema -- , Table schema
, Structure row ~ Structure schema -- , Structure row ~ Structure schema
) => Selects schema row -- ) => Selects schema row
-- | Makes sure that a given table (@a@) contains expressions compatible with -- -- | Makes sure that a given table (@a@) contains expressions compatible with
-- the monad @m@. This type class is essentially a scoping check. -- -- the monad @m@. This type class is essentially a scoping check.
class -- class
( Table a -- ( Table a
, Context a ~ Expr -- , Context a ~ Expr
) => a `IsTableIn` m -- ) => a `IsTableIn` m