Merge branch 'master' of into arbitrary-queries

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Charles 2021-04-02 22:05:44 +01:00
commit bd2d852166
83 changed files with 1487 additions and 1267 deletions

.github/workflows/build.yaml vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
name: Build
on: [push, pull_request, release]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2.3.4
persist-credentials: false
submodules: true
- uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
nix_path: nixpkgs=channel:nixos-unstable
extra_nix_config: |
trusted-public-keys =
substituters =
- uses: cachix/cachix-action@v8
name: rel8
authToken: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN }}'
- run: nix-build -A hsPkgs.rel8.components.library
- run: nix-build -A hsPkgs.rel8.checks.tests

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
-- base
import Control.Exception ( bracket, throwIO )
import Data.Foldable ( traverse_ )
import System.Environment ( lookupEnv, setEnv )
-- base-compat
import System.Environment.Compat ( unsetEnv )
-- bytestring
import Data.ByteString.Char8 ( unpack )
-- doctest
import Test.DocTest ( doctest )
-- hasql
import Hasql.Connection ( acquire, release )
import Hasql.Session ( run, sql )
-- rel8
import Build_doctests ( flags, module_sources, pkgs )
-- tmp-postgres
import Database.Postgres.Temp ( toConnectionString, verboseConfig, with, withConfig )
main :: IO ()
main = do
nixGhcLibdir <- lookupEnv "NIX_GHC_LIBDIR"
either throwIO return =<< with \db -> do
setEnv "TEST_DATABASE_URL" (unpack (toConnectionString db))
bracket (either (error . show) return =<< acquire (toConnectionString db)) release \conn -> do
flip run conn do
sql "create table author ( author_id serial primary key, name text not null, url text )"
sql "create table project ( author_id int not null references author (author_id), name text not null )"
sql "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Ollie', '' )"
sql "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Bryan O''Sullivan', null )"
sql "insert into author ( name, url ) values ( 'Emily Pillmore', '' )"
sql "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 1, 'rel8' )"
sql "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 2, 'aeson' )"
sql "insert into project ( author_id, name ) values ( 2, 'text' )"
doctest (args nixGhcLibdir)
args nixGhcLibdir =
flags ++ pkgs ++ foldMap (\x -> ["-package-db" <> x <> "/package.conf.d"]) nixGhcLibdir ++ module_sources

13 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Welcome!
Welcome to Rel8! Rel8 is a Haskell library for interacting with PostgreSQL databases, built on top of the fantastic Opaleye library.
The main objectives of Rel8 are:
* *Conciseness*: Users using Rel8 should not need to write boiler-plate code. By using expressive types, we can provide sufficient information for the compiler to infer code whenever possible.
* *Inferrable*: Despite using a lot of type level magic, Rel8 aims to have excellent and predictable type inference.
* *Familiar*: writing Rel8 queries should feel like normal Haskell programming.
For more details, check out the [official documentation](

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
module Main where
import Distribution.Extra.Doctest (defaultMainWithDoctests)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithDoctests "doctests"

View File

@ -1 +1,6 @@
packages: .
allow-newer: generic-monoid:base
allow-newer: cryptohash-sha1:base
allow-newer: cryptohash-md5:base
allow-newer: entropy:Cabal

cabal.project.haskell-nix Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
-- Haskell.nix overrides. We don't put these in cabal.project, because Cabal
-- will interpret them as local packages, and try to build them when we cabal
-- build. The only reason we have to specify these is for Haskell.nix to know to
-- override these packages by fetching them rather than using Hackage.
type: git
location: git://
tag: 070d681f97b705f47716e13b646512140524f940
--sha256: 198g99ksglnc7c45sjm2xyay1m6hfj4afkp3sksdss5w5abp543f

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ let
nixpkgsArgs = haskellNix.nixpkgsArgs;
compiler-nix-name = "ghc8103";
compiler-nix-name = "ghc8104";
pkgs = import nixpkgsSrc nixpkgsArgs;
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ in
pkgs.haskell-nix.project {
inherit compiler-nix-name;
cabalProjectLocal = builtins.readFile ./cabal.project.haskell-nix;
src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
name = "rel8";
src = ./.;

docs/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Minimal makefile for Sphinx documentation
# You can set these variables from the command line.
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
BUILDDIR = _build
# Put it first so that "make" without argument is like "make help".
.PHONY: help Makefile
# Catch-all target: route all unknown targets to Sphinx using the new
# "make mode" option. $(O) is meant as a shortcut for $(SPHINXOPTS).
%: Makefile

docs/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import sys
import os
import sphinx_rtd_theme
# Support for :base-ref:, etc.
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
version = "1.0.0"
extensions = ['sphinx.ext.extlinks', 'sphinx.ext.todo']
templates_path = ['_templates']
source_suffix = '.rst'
source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
master_doc = 'index'
project = u'Rel8'
copyright = u'2021 CircuitHub'
release = version
highlight_language = 'haskell'
primary_domain = 'haskell'
exclude_patterns = ['.build', "*.gen.rst"]
# on_rtd is whether we are on, this line of code grabbed from
on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True'
if not on_rtd: # only import and set the theme if we're building docs locally
import sphinx_rtd_theme
html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]

docs/cookbook.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
This cookbook exists to help you easily form Rel8 queries. It's main purpose is
to help those familiar with SQL to translate their queries into Rel8
``SELECT * FROM table``
To select from a table, use ``each``.
Inner joins
To perform an inner join against two queries, use ``where_`` with a join
condition. For example, the following SQL:
.. code-block:: sql
SELECT * FROM table_a JOIN table_b ON table_a.x = table_b.y
can be written as::
myQuery = do
a <- each tableA
b <- each tableB
where_ $ tableAX a ==. tableBY b
Left (outer) joins
A ``LEFT JOIN`` query is performed by using ``optional``.
For example, the query:
.. code-block:: sql
SELECT * FROM table_a LEFT JOIN table_b ON table_a.x = table_b.y
can be written as::
myQuery = do
a <- each tableA
maybeB <- optional do
b <- each tableB
where_ $ tableAX a ==. tableBY b
return (a, maybeB)
Note that ``maybeB`` here will be a ``MaybeTable``, which is the Rel8
``Query``-equivalent of ``Maybe``. This allows you to observe if a left join
has succeeded or failed.
Ordering results
A ``Query`` by default has no ordering - just like in SQL. If you rows back in
a certain order, you can use ``orderBy`` with an ``Order``.
For example, the query:
.. code-block:: sql
can be written as::
myQuery =
orderBy (mconcat [ myTableId >$< asc, myTableX >$< nullsFirst desc ]) $
each myTableSchema
Note that we use ``>$<`` (from ``Data.Functor.Contravariant``) to select table
columns, and we can use `mconcat` to combine orderings.
If all columns of a table have an ordering, you can also use ``ascTable`` and
``descTable``. For example::
myQuery = orderBy ascTable $ each myTableSchema
Aggregations in Rel8 work by using ``aggregate``, which takes a ``Query
(Aggregate a)`` and gives you back a ``Query a``.
The following query:
.. code-block:: sql
SELECT sum(foo), count(distinct bar) FROM table_a
can be written as::
myQuery = aggregate do
a <- each tableA
return $ liftF2 (,) (sum (foo a)) (countDistinct (bar a))
where ``liftF2`` comes from ``Data.Functor.Apply`` from the ``semigroupoids``
Combining aggregations
As ``Aggregate`` is an instance of ``Apply`` (which is very similar to
``Applicative``), individual aggregations can be combined. For example, one way
to take the average rating would be to write the query:
.. code-block:: sql
SELECT sum(rating.score) / count(rating.score) FROM rating
In Rel8, we can write this as::
myQuery = aggregate do
rating <- each ratingSchema
return $ liftF2 (/) (sum (score rating)) (count (score rating))
You can also use ``RebindableSyntax`` and ``ApplicativeDo``::
{-# language ApplicativeDo, RebindableSyntax #-}
import Data.Functor.Apply ((<.>))
myQuery = aggregate do
rating <- each ratingSchema
return do
scoreSum <- sum (score rating)
numberOfRatings <- count (score rating)
return (scoreSum / numberOfRatings)
where (<*>) = (<.>)
For large aggregations, this can often make queries easier to read.
Tree-like queries
Rel8 has a fairly unique feature in that it's able to return not just lists of
rows, but can also return *tree*\s.
To understand what this means, we'll consider a small example query for blog
posts. We want our query to return:
1. The latest 5 blog posts.
2. For each blog post, all tags.
3. For each blog post, the latest 3 comments.
In Rel8, we can write this query as::
latestBlogPosts = do
post <- each postSchema
tags <- aggregate do
tag <- each tagSchema
where_ (tagPostId tag ==. postId post)
return (listAgg (tagName tag))
latestComments <-
many $
limit 3 $
orderBy (commentCreatedAt >$< desc) do
comment <- each commentSchema
where_ (commentPostId comment ==. postId post)
return (post, tags, latestComments)

docs/index.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
Welcome to Rel8!
Welcome to Rel8! Rel8 is a Haskell library for interacting with PostgreSQL
databases, built on top of the fantastic `Opaleye
<>`_ library.
The main objectives of Rel8 are:
* *Conciseness*: Users using Rel8 should not need to write boiler-plate code.
By using expressive types, we can provide sufficient information for the
compiler to infer code whenever possible.
* *Inferrable*: Despite using a lot of type level magic, Rel8 aims to have
excellent and predictable type inference.
* *Familiar*: writing Rel8 queries should feel like normal Haskell programming.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 3
:caption: Contents:
More Resources
* The `Haskell API documentation <>`_
describes how individual functions are types are to be used.
* If you have a question about how to use Rel8, feel free to open a `GitHub
discussion <>`_.
* If you think you've found a bug, confusing behavior, or have a feature
request, please raise an issue at `Rel8's issue tracker

docs/requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
sphinx == 3.1.*

docs/tutorial.rst Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
.. highlight:: haskell
Getting Started
In this section, we'll take a look at using Rel8 to work with a small database
for Haskell packages. We'll take a look at idiomatic usage of Rel8, mapping
tables to Haskell, and then look at writing some simple queries.
Before we get started, we'll be using the following language extensions and
imports throughout this guide::
{-# language -XBlockArguments #-}
{-# language -XDeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# language -XDeriveGeneric #-}
{-# language -XDerivingStrategies #-}
{-# language -XDerivingVia #-}
{-# language -XDuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# language -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# language -XOverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language -XStandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# language -XTypeApplications #-}
{-# language -XTypeFamilies #-}
import Prelude
The Example Schema
Before we start writing any Haskell, let's take a look at the schema we'll work
with. The `author` table has three columns:
| Column Name | Type | Nullable |
| ``author_id`` | ``integer`` | not null |
| ``name`` | ``text`` | not null |
| ``url`` | ``text`` | |
and the `project` table has two:
| Column Name | Type | Nullable |
| ``author_id`` | ``integer`` | not null |
| ``name`` | ``text`` | not null |
A ``project`` always has an ``author``, but not all ``author``\s have projects.
Each ``author`` has a name and (maybe) an associated website, and each project
has a name.
Mapping Schemas to Haskell
Now that we've seen our schema, we can begin writing a mapping in Rel8. The
idiomatic way to map a table is to use a record that is parameterised what Rel8
calls an *interpretation functor*, and to define each field with ``Column``.
For this type to be usable with Rel8 we need it to be an instance of
``Rel8able``, which can be derived with a combination of ``DeriveAnyClass`` and
``DeriveGeneric`` language extensions.
Following these steps for ``author``, we have::
data Author f = Author
{ authorId :: Column f Int64
, name :: Column f Text
, url :: Column f (Maybe Text)
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (Rel8able)
This is a perfectly reasonable definition, but cautious readers might notice a
problem - in particular, with the type of the ``authorId`` field. While
``Int64`` is correct, it's not the best type. If we had other identifier types
in our project, it would be too easy to accidentally mix them up and create
nonsensical joins. As Haskell programmers, we often solve this problem by
creating ``newtype`` wrappers, and we can also use this technique with Rel8::
newtype AuthorId = AuthorId { toInt64 :: Int64 }
deriving newtype (DBEq, DBType, Eq, Show)
Now we can write our final schema mapping. First, the ``author`` table::
data Author f = Author
{ authorId :: Column f AuthorId
, authorName :: Column f Text
, authorUrl :: Column f (Maybe Text)
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (Rel8able)
And similarly, the ``project`` table::
data Project f = Project
{ projectAuthorId :: Column f AuthorId
, projectName :: Column f Text
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving anyclass (Rel8able
To show query results in this documentation, we'll also need ``Show`` instances:
Unfortunately these definitions look a bit scary, but they are essentially just
``deriving (Show)``::
deriving stock instance f ~ Identity => Show (Author f)
deriving stock instance f ~ Identity => Show (Project f)
These data types describe the structural mapping of the tables, but we also
need to specify a ``TableSchema`` for each table. A ``TableSchema`` contains
the name of the table and the name of all columns in the table, which will
ultimately allow us to ``SELECT`` and ``INSERT`` rows for these tables.
To define a ``TableSchema``, we just need to fill construct appropriate
``TableSchema`` values. When it comes to the ``tableColumns`` field, we
construct values of our data types above, and set each field to the name of the
column that it maps to.
First, ``authorSchema`` describes the column names of the ``author`` table when
associated with the ``Author`` type::
authorSchema :: TableSchema (Author Name)
authorSchema = TableSchema
{ tableName = "author"
, tableSchema = Nothing
, tableColumns = Author
{ authorId = "author_id"
, authorName = "name"
, authorUrl = "url"
And likewise for ``project`` and ``Project``::
projectSchema :: TableSchema (Project Name)
projectSchema = TableSchema
{ tableName = "project"
, tableSchema = Nothing
, tableColumns = Project
{ projectAuthorId = "author_id"
, projectName = "name"
.. note::
You might be wondering why this information isn't in the definitions of
``Author`` and ``Project`` above. Rel8 decouples ``TableSchema`` from the data
types themselves, as not all tables you define will necessarily have a schema.
For example, Rel8 allows you to define helper types to simplify the types of
queries - these tables only exist at query time, but there is no corresponding
base table. We'll see more on this idea later!
With these table definitions, we can now start writing some queries!
Writing Queries
Simple Queries
First, we'll take a look at ``SELECT`` statements - usually the bulk of most
database heavy applications.
In Rel8, ``SELECT`` statements are built using the ``Query`` monad. You can
think of this monad like the ordinary ``[]`` (List) monad - but this isn't
required knowledge.
To start, we'll look at one of the simplest queries possible - a basic ``SELECT
* FROM`` statement. To select all rows from a table, we use ``each``, and
supply a ``TableSchema``. So to select all ``project`` rows, we can write::
>>> :t each projectSchema
each projectSchema :: Query (Project Expr)
Notice that ``each`` gives us a ``Query`` that yields ``Project Expr`` rows. To
see what this means, let's have a look at a single field of a ``Project Expr``::
>>> let aProjectExpr = undefined :: Project Expr
>>> :t projectAuthorId aProjectExpr
projectAuthorId aProjectExpr :: Expr AuthorId
Recall we defined ``projectAuthorId`` as ``Column f AuthorId``. Now we have
``f`` is ``Expr``, and ``Column Expr AuthorId`` reduces to ``Expr AuthorId``.
We'll see more about ``Expr`` soon, but you can think of ``Expr a`` as "SQL
expressions of type ``a``\".
To execute this ``Query``, we pass it to ``select``::
>>> :t select c (each projectSchema)
select c (each projectSchema) :: MonadIO m => m [Project Identity]
When we ``select`` things containing ``Expr``s, Rel8 builds a new response
table with the ``Identity`` interpretation. This means you'll get back plain
Haskell values. Studying ``projectAuthorId`` again, we have::
>>> let aProjectIdentity = undefined :: Project Identity
>>> :t projectAuthorId aProjectIdentity
projectAuthorId aProjectIdentity :: AuthorId
Here ``Column Identity AuthorId`` reduces to just ``AuthorId``, with no
wrappping type at all.
Putting this all together, we can run our first query::
>>> select c (each projectSchema) >>= mapM_ print
Project {projectAuthorId = 1, projectName = "rel8"}
Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
We now know that ``each`` is the equivalent of a ``SELECT *`` query, but
sometimes we're only interested in a subset of the columns of a table. To
restrict the returned columns, we can specify a projection by using ``Query``\s
``Functor`` instance::
>>> select c $ projectName <$> each projectSchema
Another common operation in relational databases is to take the ``JOIN`` of
multiple tables. Rel8 doesn't have a specific join operation, but we can
recover the functionality of a join by selecting all rows of two tables, and
then using ``where_`` to filter them.
To see how this works, first let's look at taking the product of two tables.
We can do this by simply calling ``each`` twice, and then returning a tuple of
their results::
>>> :{
mapM_ print =<< select c do
author <- each authorSchema
project <- each projectSchema
return (projectName project, authorName author)
("rel8","Bryan O'Sullivan")
("rel8","Emily Pillmore")
("aeson","Bryan O'Sullivan")
("aeson","Emily Pillmore")
("text","Bryan O'Sullivan")
("text","Emily Pillmore")
This isn't quite right, though, as we have ended up pairing up the wrong
projects and authors. To fix this, we can use ``where_`` to restrict the
returned rows. We could write::
select c $ do
author <- each authorSchema
project <- each projectSchema
where_ $ projectAuthorId project ==. authorId author
return (project, author)
but doing this every time you need a join can obscure the meaning of the
query you're writing. A good practice is to introduce specialised functions
for the particular joins in your database. In our case, this would be::
projectsForAuthor :: Author Expr -> Query (Project Expr)
projectsForAuthor a = each projectSchema >>= filter \p ->
projectAuthorId p ==. authorId a
Our final query is then::
>>> :{
mapM_ print =<< select c do
author <- each authorSchema
project <- projectsForAuthor author
return (projectName project, authorName author)
("aeson","Bryan O'Sullivan")
("text","Bryan O'Sullivan")
Left Joins
Rel8 is also capable of performing ``LEFT JOIN``\s. To perform ``LEFT JOIN``\s,
we follow the same approach as before, but use the ``optional`` query
transformer to allow for the possibility of the join to fail.
In our test database, we can see that there's another author who we haven't
seen yet::
>>> select c $ authorName <$> each authorSchema
["Ollie","Bryan O'Sullivan","Emily Pillmore"]
Emily wasn't returned in our earlier query because - in our database - she
doesn't have any registered projects. We can account for this partiality in our
original query by wrapping the ``projectsForAuthor`` call with ``optional``::
>>> :{
mapM_ print =<< select c do
author <- each authorSchema
mproject <- optional $ projectsForAuthor author
return (authorName author, projectName <$> mproject)
("Ollie",Just "rel8")
("Bryan O'Sullivan",Just "aeson")
("Bryan O'Sullivan",Just "text")
("Emily Pillmore",Nothing)
Aggregations are operations like ``sum`` and ``count`` - operations that reduce
multiple rows to single values. To perform aggregations in Rel8, we can use the
``aggregate`` function, which takes a ``Query`` of aggregated expressions, runs
the aggregation, and returns aggregated rows.
To start, let's look at a simple aggregation that tells us how many projects
>>> error "TODO"
Rel8 is also capable of aggregating multiple rows into a single row by
concatenating all rows as a list. This aggregation allows us to break free of
the row-orientated nature of SQL and write queries that return tree-like
structures. Earlier we saw an example of returning authors with their projects,
but the query didn't do a great job of describing the one-to-many relationship
between authors and their projects.
Let's look again at a query that returns authors and their projects, and
focus on the /type/ of that query::
projectsForAuthor a = each projectSchema >>= filter \p ->
projectAuthorId p ==. authorId a
let authorsAndProjects = do
author <- each authorSchema
project <- projectsForAuthor author
return (author, project)
>>> :t select c authorsAndProjects
select c authorsAndProjects
:: MonadIO m => m [(Author Identity, Project Identity)]
Our query gives us a single list of pairs of authors and projects. However,
with our domain knowledge of the schema, this isn't a great type - what we'd
rather have is a list of pairs of authors and /lists/ of projects. That is,
what we'd like is::
[(Author Identity, [Project Identity])]
This would be a much better type! Rel8 can produce a query with this type by
simply wrapping the call to ``projectsForAuthor`` with either ``some`` or
``many``. Here we'll use ``many``, which allows for the possibility of an
author to have no projects::
>>> :{
mapM_ print =<< select c do
author <- each authorSchema
projectNames <- many $ projectName <$> projectsForAuthor author
return (authorName author, projectNames)
("Bryan O'Sullivan",["aeson","text"])
("Emily Pillmore",[])

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
let rel8 = (import ./.).hsPkgs.rel8;
in {
rel8 = rel8.components.library;
tests = rel8.checks.tests;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
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View File

@ -6,18 +6,12 @@ license: BSD3
license-file: LICENSE
author: Oliver Charles
build-type: Custom
base >= 4 && <5,
cabal-doctest >= 1 && <1.1
build-type: Simple
, base ^>=4.12 || ^>= 4.13 || ^>= 4.14
, base ^>= 4.14 || ^>=4.15
, bytestring
, case-insensitive
, casing
@ -48,6 +42,9 @@ library
-- deprecated
@ -147,6 +144,7 @@ library
@ -198,21 +196,6 @@ test-suite tests
-Wno-missing-import-lists -Wno-prepositive-qualified-module
-Wno-deprecations -Wno-monomorphism-restriction
-Wno-missing-local-signatures -Wno-implicit-prelude
buildable: False
test-suite doctests
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
, base-compat
, bytestring
, doctest
, hasql
, tmp-postgres
main-is: Doctest.hs
default-language: Haskell2010
buildable: False
test-suite random-queries
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let
hsPkgs.shellFor {
withHoogle = true;
tools = { cabal = ""; haskell-language-server = "latest"; };
tools = { cabal = "latest"; };
exactDeps = false;
buildInputs = [ unstable.postgresql_13 ];
buildInputs = [ unstable.postgresql_13 pkgs.pythonPackages.sphinx ];

View File

@ -1,19 +1,7 @@
{-# language DuplicateRecordFields #-}
module Rel8
( -- * Getting Started
-- $setup
-- ** Writing Queries
-- $guideQueries
-- ** Joins
-- $guideJoins
-- ** Aggregation
-- $guideAggregation
-- * Database types
( -- * Database types
-- ** @DBType@
@ -39,7 +27,7 @@ module Rel8
-- * Tables and higher-kinded tables
, Rel8able
, Column
, Column, Field, Necessity( Required, Optional )
, Default, Label
, HMaybe
, HList
@ -200,11 +188,6 @@ module Rel8
, and
, or
, Aggregates
, sequenceAggregate
, distributeAggregate
-- ** Ordering
, orderBy
, Order
@ -264,9 +247,11 @@ import Rel8.Expr.Bool
import Rel8.Expr.Eq
import Rel8.Expr.Function
import Rel8.Expr.Null
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye (unsafeCastExpr)
import Rel8.Expr.Ord
import Rel8.Expr.Order
import Rel8.Expr.Serialize
import Rel8.Kind.Necessity
import Rel8.Order
import Rel8.Query
import Rel8.Query.Aggregate
@ -286,6 +271,7 @@ import Rel8.Query.These
import Rel8.Query.Values
import Rel8.Schema.Column
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Label
import Rel8.Schema.Field (Field)
import Rel8.Schema.Generic
import Rel8.Schema.HTable
import Rel8.Schema.Name
@ -315,8 +301,8 @@ import Rel8.Table.These
import Rel8.Type
import Rel8.Type.Eq
import Rel8.Type.Information
import Rel8.Type.JSONEncoded
import Rel8.Type.JSONBEncoded
import Rel8.Type.JSONEncoded
import Rel8.Type.Monoid
import Rel8.Type.Num
import Rel8.Type.Ord
@ -324,362 +310,5 @@ import Rel8.Type.ReadShow
import Rel8.Type.Semigroup
import Rel8.Type.String
import Rel8.Type.Sum
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye (unsafeCastExpr)
-- $setup
-- In this section, we'll take a look at using Rel8 to work with a small
-- database for Haskell packages. We'll take a look at idiomatic usage of Rel8,
-- mapping tables to Haskell, and then look at writing some simple queries.
-- The documentation in this library uses the following language extensions:
-- >>> :set -XBlockArguments
-- >>> :set -XDeriveAnyClass
-- >>> :set -XDeriveGeneric
-- >>> :set -XDerivingStrategies
-- >>> :set -XDerivingVia
-- >>> :set -XDuplicateRecordFields
-- >>> :set -XGeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
-- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
-- >>> :set -XStandaloneDeriving
-- >>> :set -XTypeApplications
-- >>> :set -XTypeFamilies
-- Before we start writing any Haskell, let's take a look at the schema we'll
-- work with.
-- > author: project:
-- >
-- > Column │ Type │ Nullable Column │ Type │ Nullable
-- > ═══════════╪═════════╪══════════ ═══════════╪═════════╪══════════
-- > author_id │ integer │ not null author_id │ integer │ not null
-- > name │ text │ not null name │ text │ not null
-- > url │ text │
-- Our schema consists of two tables - @author@ and @project@. A @project@
-- always has an @author@, but not all @author@s have projects. Each @author@
-- has a name and (maybe) an associated website, and each project has a name.
-- Now that we've seen our schema, we can begin writing a mapping in Rel8. The
-- idiomatic way to map a table is to use a record that is parameterised what
-- Rel8 calls an /interpretation functor/, and to define each field with
-- 'Column'. For this type to be usable with Rel8 we need it to be an instance
-- of 'HigherKindedTable', which can be derived with a combination of
-- @DeriveAnyClass@ and @DeriveGeneric@.
-- Following these steps for @author@, we have:
-- > data Author f = Author
-- > { authorId :: Column f Int64
-- > , name :: Column f Text
-- > , url :: Column f (Maybe Text)
-- > } deriving (Generic, HigherKindedTable)
-- This is a perfectly reasonable definition, but cautious readers might notice
-- a problem - in particular, with the type of the @authorId@ field. While
-- @Int64@ is correct, it's not the best type. If we had other identifier types
-- in our project, it would be too easy to accidentally mix them up and create
-- nonsensical joins. As Haskell programmers, we often solve this problem by
-- creating @newtype@ wrappers, and we can also use this technique with Rel8:
-- >>> :{
-- newtype AuthorId = AuthorId { toInt64 :: Int64 }
-- deriving newtype (DBEq, DBType, Eq, Show)
-- :}
-- Now we can write our final schema mapping. First, the @author@ table:
-- >>> :{
-- data Author f = Author
-- { authorId :: Column f AuthorId
-- , authorName :: Column f Text
-- , authorUrl :: Column f (Maybe Text)
-- }
-- deriving stock Generic
-- deriving anyclass HigherKindedTable
-- :}
-- And similarly, the @project@ table:
-- >>> :{
-- data Project f = Project
-- { projectAuthorId :: Column f AuthorId
-- , projectName :: Column f Text
-- }
-- deriving stock Generic
-- deriving anyclass HigherKindedTable
-- :}
-- To show query results in this documentation, we'll also need @Show@
-- instances: Unfortunately these definitions look a bit scary, but they are
-- essentially just @deriving (Show)@:
-- >>> deriving stock instance f ~ Identity => Show (Author f)
-- >>> deriving stock instance f ~ Identity => Show (Project f)
-- These data types describe the structural mapping of the tables, but we also
-- need to specify a 'TableSchema' for each table. A @TableSchema@ contains the
-- name of the table and the name of all columns in the table, which will
-- ultimately allow us to @SELECT@ and @INSERT@ rows for these tables.
-- To define a @TableSchema@, we just need to fill construct appropriate
-- @TableSchema@ values. When it comes to the @tableColumns@ field, we
-- construct values of our data types above, and set each field to the name of
-- the column that it maps to:
-- First, @authorSchema@ describes the column names of the @author@ table when
-- associated with the @Author@ type:
-- >>> :{
-- authorSchema :: TableSchema (Author ColumnSchema)
-- authorSchema = TableSchema
-- { tableName = "author"
-- , tableSchema = Nothing
-- , tableColumns = Author
-- { authorId = "author_id"
-- , authorName = "name"
-- , authorUrl = "url"
-- }
-- }
-- :}
-- And likewise for @project@ and @Project@:
-- >>> :{
-- projectSchema :: TableSchema (Project ColumnSchema)
-- projectSchema = TableSchema
-- { tableName = "project"
-- , tableSchema = Nothing
-- , tableColumns = Project
-- { projectAuthorId = "author_id"
-- , projectName = "name"
-- }
-- }
-- :}
-- Aside: you might be wondering why this information isn't in the definitions
-- of @Author@ and @Project@ above. Rel8 decouples @TableSchema@ from the data
-- types themselves, as not all tables you define will necessarily have a
-- schema. For example, Rel8 allows you to define helper types to simplify the
-- types of queries - these tables only exist at query time, but there is no
-- corresponding base table. We'll see more on this idea later!
-- With these table definitions, we can now start writing some queries! To
-- actually run a query, we'll need a database connection. Rel8 uses the
-- @hasql@ library, and for this documentation we'll get the connection string
-- from the @$TEST_DATABASE_URL@ environment variable.
-- >>> connectionString <- System.Environment.getEnv "TEST_DATABASE_URL"
-- >>> Right c <- Hasql.Connection.acquire (Data.ByteString.Char8.pack connectionString)
-- >>> Control.Monad.void $ (Hasql.Session.sql "BEGIN") c
-- $guideQueries
-- First, we'll take a look at @SELECT@ statements - usually the bulk of most
-- database heavy applications.
-- In Rel8, @SELECT@ statements are built using the 'Query' monad. You can
-- think of this monad like the ordinary @[]@ (List) monad - but this isn't
-- required knowledge.
-- To start, we'll look at one of the simplest queries possible - a basic
-- @SELECT * FROM@ statement. To select all rows from a table, we use 'each',
-- and supply a 'TableSchema'. So to select all @project@ rows, we can write:
-- >>> :t each projectSchema
-- each projectSchema :: Query (Project Expr)
-- Notice that @each@ gives us a @Query@ that yields @Project Expr@ rows. To
-- see what this means, let's have a look at a single field of a
-- @Project Expr@:
-- >>> let aProjectExpr = undefined :: Project Expr
-- >>> :t projectAuthorId aProjectExpr
-- projectAuthorId aProjectExpr :: Expr AuthorId
-- Recall we defined @projectAuthorId@ as @Column f AuthorId@. Now we have @f@
-- is @Expr@, and @Column Expr AuthorId@ reduces to @Expr AuthorId@. We'll see
-- more about @Expr@ soon, but you can think of @Expr a@ as "SQL expressions of
-- type @a@".
-- To execute this @Query@, we pass it to 'select':
-- >>> :t select c (each projectSchema)
-- select c (each projectSchema) :: MonadIO m => m [Project Identity]
-- When we @select@ things containing @Expr@s, Rel8 builds a new response table
-- with the @Identity@ interpretation. This means you'll get back plain Haskell
-- values. Studying @projectAuthorId@ again, we have:
-- >>> let aProjectIdentity = undefined :: Project Identity
-- >>> :t projectAuthorId aProjectIdentity
-- projectAuthorId aProjectIdentity :: AuthorId
-- Here @Column Identity AuthorId@ reduces to just @AuthorId@, with no
-- wrappping type at all.
-- Putting this all together, we can run our first query:
-- >>> select c (each projectSchema) >>= mapM_ print
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 1, projectName = "rel8"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
-- Cool!
-- We now know that 'each' is the equivalent of a @SELECT *@ query, but
-- sometimes we're only interested in a subset of the columns of a table. To
-- restrict the returned columns, we can specify a projection by using 'Query's
-- @Functor@ instance:
-- >>> select c $ projectName <$> each projectSchema
-- ["rel8","aeson","text"]
-- $guideJoins
-- Another common operation in relational databases is to take the @JOIN@ of
-- multiple tables. Rel8 doesn't have a specific join operation, but we can
-- recover the functionality of a join by selecting all rows of two tables, and
-- then using 'where_' to filter them.
-- To see how this works, first let's look at taking the product of two tables.
-- We can do this by simply calling 'each' twice, and then returning a tuple of
-- their results.
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- project <- each projectSchema
-- return (projectName project, authorName author)
-- :}
-- ("rel8","Ollie")
-- ("rel8","Bryan O'Sullivan")
-- ("rel8","Emily Pillmore")
-- ("aeson","Ollie")
-- ("aeson","Bryan O'Sullivan")
-- ("aeson","Emily Pillmore")
-- ("text","Ollie")
-- ("text","Bryan O'Sullivan")
-- ("text","Emily Pillmore")
-- This isn't quite right, though, as we have ended up pairing up the wrong
-- projects and authors. To fix this, we can use 'where_' to restrict the
-- returned rows. We could write:
-- > select c $ do
-- > author <- each authorSchema
-- > project <- each projectSchema
-- > where_ $ projectAuthorId project ==. authorId author
-- > return (project, author)
-- but doing this every time you need a join can obscure the meaning of the
-- query you're writing. A good practice is to introduce specialised functions
-- for the particular joins in your database. In our case, this would be:
-- >>> :{
-- projectsForAuthor :: Author Expr -> Query (Project Expr)
-- projectsForAuthor a = each projectSchema >>= filter \p ->
-- projectAuthorId p ==. authorId a
-- :}
-- Our final query is then:
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- project <- projectsForAuthor author
-- return (projectName project, authorName author)
-- :}
-- ("rel8","Ollie")
-- ("aeson","Bryan O'Sullivan")
-- ("text","Bryan O'Sullivan")
-- == @LEFT JOIN@s
-- Rel8 is also capable of performing @LEFT JOIN@s. To perform @LEFT JOIN@s, we
-- follow the same approach as before, but use the 'optional' query transformer
-- to allow for the possibility of the join to fail.
-- In our test database, we can see that there's another author who we haven't
-- seen yet:
-- >>> select c $ authorName <$> each authorSchema
-- ["Ollie","Bryan O'Sullivan","Emily Pillmore"]
-- Emily wasn't returned in our earlier query because - in our database - she
-- doesn't have any registered projects. We can account for this partiality in
-- our original query by wrapping the @projectsForAuthor@ call with 'optional':
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- mproject <- optional $ projectsForAuthor author
-- return (authorName author, projectName <$> mproject)
-- :}
-- ("Ollie",Just "rel8")
-- ("Bryan O'Sullivan",Just "aeson")
-- ("Bryan O'Sullivan",Just "text")
-- ("Emily Pillmore",Nothing)
-- $guideAggregation
-- Aggregations are operations like @sum@ and @count@ - operations that reduce
-- multiple rows to single values. To perform aggregations in Rel8, we can use
-- the 'aggregate' function, which takes a 'Query' of aggregated expressions,
-- runs the aggregation, and returns aggregated rows.
-- To start, let's look at a simple aggregation that tells us how many projects
-- exist:
-- >>> error "TODO"
-- Rel8 is also capable of aggregating multiple rows into a single row by
-- concatenating all rows as a list. This aggregation allows us to break free
-- of the row-orientated nature of SQL and write queries that return tree-like
-- structures. Earlier we saw an example of returning authors with their
-- projects, but the query didn't do a great job of describing the one-to-many
-- relationship between authors and their projects.
-- Let's look again at a query that returns authors and their projects, and
-- focus on the /type/ of that query.
-- >>> :{
-- projectsForAuthor a = each projectSchema >>= filter \p ->
-- projectAuthorId p ==. authorId a
-- :}
-- >>> :{
-- let authorsAndProjects = do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- project <- projectsForAuthor author
-- return (author, project)
-- where
-- :}
-- >>> :t select c authorsAndProjects
-- select c authorsAndProjects
-- :: MonadIO m => m [(Author Identity, Project Identity)]
-- Our query gives us a single list of pairs of authors and projects. However,
-- with our domain knowledge of the schema, this isn't a great type - what we'd
-- rather have is a list of pairs of authors and /lists/ of projects. That is,
-- what we'd like is:
-- > [(Author Identity, [Project Identity])]
-- This would be a much better type! Rel8 can produce a query with this type by
-- simply wrapping the call to @projectsForAuthor@ with either 'some' or
-- 'many'. Here we'll use 'many', which allows for the possibility of an author
-- to have no projects:
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- projectNames <- many $ projectName <$> projectsForAuthor author
-- return (authorName author, projectNames)
-- :}
-- ("Ollie",["rel8"])
-- ("Bryan O'Sullivan",["aeson","text"])
-- ("Emily Pillmore",[])

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
{-# language UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Rel8.Aggregate
( Aggregate(..)
( Aggregate(..), foldInputs, mapInputs
, Aggregator(..), unsafeMakeAggregate
, Aggregates
, Col( Aggregation )
@ -20,12 +20,9 @@ module Rel8.Aggregate
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( empty )
import Data.Foldable ( fold )
import Data.Functor.Const ( Const( Const ), getConst )
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.Monoid ( First( First ), getFirst )
import Prelude
-- opaleye
@ -35,14 +32,9 @@ import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PackMap as Opaleye
-- rel8
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( fromPrimExpr, toPrimExpr )
import Rel8.Opaque ( Opaque )
import Rel8.Schema.Context ( Interpretation(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Label ( Labelable(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Nullify
( Nullifiable, encodeTag, decodeTag, nullifier, unnullifier
, runTag, unnull
import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( hfield, htabulate, htabulateA, hspecs )
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name )
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability ( Sql )
@ -56,7 +48,7 @@ import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, WrappedApplicative(..) )
-- | An @Aggregate a@ describes how to aggregate @Table@s of type @a@. You can
-- unpack an @Aggregate@ back to @a@ by running it with 'aggregate'. As
-- unpack an @Aggregate@ back to @a@ by running it with 'Rel8.aggregate'. As
-- @Aggregate@ is almost an 'Applicative' functor - but there is no 'pure'
-- operation. This means 'Aggregate' is an instance of 'Apply', and you can
-- combine @Aggregate@s using the @<.>@ combinator.
@ -117,30 +109,6 @@ instance Labelable Aggregate where
unlabeler (Aggregation aggregate) = Aggregation aggregate
instance Nullifiable Aggregate where
encodeTag = Aggregation . groupByExpr
groupByExpr = unsafeMakeAggregate toPrimExpr fromPrimExpr Nothing
decodeTag (Aggregation aggregate) = fold $ undoGroupBy aggregate
undoGroupBy = getFirst . foldInputs go
go Nothing = pure . fromPrimExpr
go _ = const $ First empty
nullifier tag SSpec {nullability} (Aggregation aggregate) = Aggregation $
mapInputs (toPrimExpr . runTag nullability tag . fromPrimExpr) $
runTag nullability tag <$> aggregate
unnullifier _ SSpec {nullability} (Aggregation aggregate) =
Aggregation $ unnull nullability <$> aggregate
{-# INLINABLE encodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE decodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE nullifier #-}
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}
-- | @Aggregates a b@ means that the columns in @a@ are all 'Aggregate' 'Expr's
-- for the columns in @b@.
type Aggregates :: Type -> Type -> Constraint

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
{-# language ViewPatterns #-}
module Rel8.Aggregate.Legacy
( Aggregates
, aggregate
, aggregateTabulation
, groupBy
, listAgg
, nonEmptyAgg
-- base
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity( Identity ) )
import Prelude
-- opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Aggregate as Opaleye
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregates, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr ( Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr.Aggregate ( groupByExpr, listAggExpr, nonEmptyAggExpr )
import Rel8.Query ( Query )
import Rel8.Query.Opaleye ( mapOpaleye )
import Rel8.Schema.Dict ( Dict( Dict ) )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( htabulate, hfield )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Vectorize ( hvectorize )
import Rel8.Table ( toColumns, fromColumns )
import Rel8.Table.Eq ( EqTable, eqTable )
import Rel8.Table.List ( ListTable )
import Rel8.Table.NonEmpty ( NonEmptyTable )
import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( aggregator )
import Rel8.Tabulate ( Tabulation )
import qualified Rel8.Tabulate
-- | Apply an aggregation to all rows returned by a 'Query'.
aggregate :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => Query aggregates -> Query exprs
aggregate = mapOpaleye (Opaleye.aggregate aggregator) . fmap (fromColumns . toColumns)
:: (EqTable k, Aggregates aggregates exprs)
=> (t -> aggregates) -> Tabulation k t -> Tabulation k exprs
aggregateTabulation f =
Rel8.Tabulate.aggregateTabulation . fmap (fromColumns . toColumns . f)
-- | Group equal tables together. This works by aggregating each column in the
-- given table with 'groupByExpr'.
groupBy :: forall exprs aggregates. (EqTable exprs, Aggregates aggregates exprs)
=> exprs -> aggregates
groupBy (toColumns -> exprs) = fromColumns $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield (eqTable @exprs) field of
Dict -> case hfield exprs field of
DB expr -> Aggregation $ groupByExpr expr
-- | Aggregate rows into a single row containing an array of all aggregated
-- rows. This can be used to associate multiple rows with a single row, without
-- changing the over cardinality of the query. This allows you to essentially
-- return a tree-like structure from queries.
-- For example, if we have a table of orders and each orders contains multiple
-- items, we could aggregate the table of orders, pairing each order with its
-- items:
-- @
-- ordersWithItems :: Query (Order Expr, ListTable (Item Expr))
-- ordersWithItems = do
-- order <- each orderSchema
-- items <- aggregate $ listAgg <$> itemsFromOrder order
-- return (order, items)
-- @
listAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> ListTable aggregates
listAgg (toColumns -> exprs) = fromColumns $
(\_ (Identity (DB a)) -> Aggregation $ listAggExpr a)
(pure exprs)
-- | Like 'listAgg', but the result is guaranteed to be a non-empty list.
nonEmptyAgg :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => exprs -> NonEmptyTable aggregates
nonEmptyAgg (toColumns -> exprs) = fromColumns $
(\_ (Identity (DB a)) -> Aggregation $ nonEmptyAggExpr a)
(pure exprs)

View File

@ -38,16 +38,12 @@ import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye
import Rel8.Expr.Serialize ( litExpr )
import Rel8.Schema.Context ( Interpretation, Col )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Label ( Labelable, labeler, unlabeler )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Nullify
( Nullifiable, encodeTag, decodeTag, nullifier, unnullifier
, runTag, unnull
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Type ( HType( HType ) )
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability
( Nullability( Nullable, NonNullable )
, Sql, nullabilization
import Rel8.Schema.Spec ( Spec( Spec ), SSpec(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Spec ( Spec( Spec ) )
import Rel8.Table ( Table, Columns, Context, fromColumns, toColumns )
import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
import Rel8.Type ( DBType )
@ -128,15 +124,3 @@ instance Sql DBType a => Recontextualize Identity Expr (Identity a) (Expr a)
instance Labelable Expr where
labeler (DB a) = DB a
unlabeler (DB a) = DB a
instance Nullifiable Expr where
encodeTag = DB
decodeTag (DB a) = a
nullifier tag SSpec {nullability} (DB a) = DB $ runTag nullability tag a
unnullifier _ SSpec {nullability} (DB a) = DB $ unnull nullability a
{-# INLINABLE encodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE decodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE nullifier #-}
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}

View File

@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ sum = unsafeMakeAggregate toPrimExpr (castExpr . fromPrimExpr) $
-- | Take the sum of all expressions that satisfy a predicate.
sumWhere :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBSum a)
=> Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Aggregate (Expr a)
sumWhere condition a = sum (caseExpr [(condition, a)] 0)

View File

@ -32,68 +32,28 @@ true = litExpr True
-- | The SQL @AND@ operator.
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- x <- values [lit True, lit False]
-- y <- values [lit True, lit False]
-- return (x, y, x &&. y)
-- :}
-- (True,True,True)
-- (True,False,False)
-- (False,True,False)
-- (False,False,False)
(&&.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
(&&.) = zipPrimExprsWith (Opaleye.BinExpr Opaleye.OpAnd)
infixr 3 &&.
-- | The SQL @OR@ operator.
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- x <- values [lit True, lit False]
-- y <- values [lit True, lit False]
-- return (x, y, x ||. y)
-- :}
-- (True,True,True)
-- (True,False,True)
-- (False,True,True)
-- (False,False,False)
(||.) :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
(||.) = zipPrimExprsWith (Opaleye.BinExpr Opaleye.OpOr)
infixr 2 ||.
-- | The SQL @NOT@ operator.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ not_ $ lit True
-- [False]
-- >>> select c $ pure $ not_ $ lit False
-- [True]
not_ :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool
not_ = mapPrimExpr (Opaleye.UnExpr Opaleye.OpNot)
-- | Fold @AND@ over a collection of expressions.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ and_ [ lit True ==. lit False, lit False, lit True ]
-- [False]
-- >>> select c $ pure $ and_ []
-- [True]
and_ :: Foldable f => f (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool
and_ = foldl' (&&.) true
-- | Fold @OR@ over a collection of expressions.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ or_ [ lit True ==. lit False, lit False, lit True ]
-- [True]
-- >>> select c $ pure $ or_ []
-- [False]
or_ :: Foldable f => f (Expr Bool) -> Expr Bool
or_ = foldl' (||.) false
@ -118,6 +78,10 @@ caseExpr branches (Expr fallback) =
go (Expr condition, Expr value) = (condition, value)
-- | Convert a @Expr (Maybe Bool)@ to a @Expr Bool@ by treating @Nothing@ as
-- @False@. This can be useful when combined with 'Rel8.where_', which expects
-- a @Bool@, and produces expressions that optimize better than general case
-- analysis.
coalesce :: Expr (Maybe Bool) -> Expr Bool
coalesce (Expr a) = Expr a &&. Expr (Opaleye.FunExpr "COALESCE" [a, untrue])

View File

@ -74,12 +74,6 @@ infix 4 /=.
-- This corresponds to the SQL @=@ operator, though it will always return a
-- 'Bool'.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ lit Nothing ==? lit True
-- False
-- >>> select c $ pure $ lit Nothing ==? lit Nothing
-- False
(==?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
a ==? b = coalesce $ unsafeLiftOpNullable eq a b
infix 4 ==?
@ -89,12 +83,6 @@ infix 4 ==?
-- This corresponds to the SQL @<>@ operator, though it will always return a
-- 'Bool'.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ lit Nothing /=? lit True
-- True
-- >>> select c $ pure $ lit Nothing /=? lit Nothing
-- False
(/=?) :: DBEq a => Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
a /=? b = coalesce $ unsafeLiftOpNullable ne a b
infix 4 /=?
@ -102,12 +90,6 @@ infix 4 /=?
-- | Like the SQL @IN@ operator, but implemented by folding over a list with
-- '==.' and '||.'.
-- >>> select c $ return $ lit (5 :: Int32) `in_` [ lit x | x <- [1..5] ]
-- [True]
-- >>> select c $ return $ lit (42 :: Int32) `in_` [ lit x | x <- [1..5] ]
-- [False]
in_ :: forall a f. (Sql DBEq a, Foldable f)
=> Expr a -> f (Expr a) -> Expr Bool
in_ a (toList -> as) = case nullabilization @a of

View File

@ -47,42 +47,11 @@ instance (arg ~ Expr a, Function args res) => Function arg (args -> res) where
-- | Construct an n-ary function that produces an 'Expr' that when called runs
-- a SQL function.
-- For example, here's how we can wrap PostgreSQL's @factorial@ function:
-- >>> :{
-- factorial :: Expr Int64 -> Expr Data.Scientific.Scientific
-- factorial = function "factorial"
-- :}
-- >>> select c $ pure $ factorial 5
-- [120.0]
-- The same approach works for any number of arguments:
-- >>> :{
-- power :: Expr Float -> Expr Float -> Expr Double
-- power = function "power"
-- :}
-- >>> select c $ pure $ power 9 3
-- [729.0]
function :: Function args result => String -> args -> result
function = applyArgument . Opaleye.FunExpr
-- | Construct a function call for functions with no arguments.
-- For example, we can call the database function @pi()@ by using
-- @nullaryFunction@:
-- >>> :{
-- sqlPi :: Expr Double
-- sqlPi = nullaryFunction "pi"
-- :}
-- >>> select c $ pure $ sqlPi
-- [3.141592653589793]
nullaryFunction :: Sql DBType a => String -> Expr a
nullaryFunction name = castExpr $ Expr (Opaleye.FunExpr name [])

View File

@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ unsafeUnnullify (Expr a) = Expr a
-- | Like 'maybe', but to eliminate @null@.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ null 0 id (nullExpr :: Expr (Maybe Int32))
-- [0]
-- >>> select c $ pure $ null 0 id (lit (Just 42) :: Expr (Maybe Int32))
-- [42]
nullable :: Expr b -> (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr b
nullable b f ma = boolExpr (f (unsafeUnnullify ma)) b (isNull ma)
@ -54,18 +48,12 @@ nullableOf :: DBType a => Maybe (Expr a) -> Expr (Maybe a)
nullableOf = maybe null nullify
-- | Like 'isNothing', but for @null@.
-- >>> select c $ pure $ isNull (nullExpr :: Expr (Maybe Int32))
-- [True]
-- >>> select c $ pure $ isNull (lit (Just 42) :: Expr (Maybe Int32))
-- [False]
-- | Like 'Data.Maybe.isNothing', but for @null@.
isNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
isNull = mapPrimExpr (Opaleye.UnExpr Opaleye.OpIsNull)
-- | Like 'isJust', but for @null@.
-- | Like 'Data.Maybe.isJust', but for @null@.
isNonNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
isNonNull = mapPrimExpr (Opaleye.UnExpr Opaleye.OpIsNotNull)

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@ -19,39 +19,59 @@ import Rel8.Schema.Nullability ( Homonullable, Sql )
import Rel8.Type.Num ( DBFractional, DBIntegral, DBNum )
-- | Cast 'DBIntegral' types to 'DBNum' types. For example, this can be useful
-- if you need to turn an @Expr Int32@ into an @Expr Double@.
fromIntegral :: (Sql DBIntegral a, Sql DBNum b, Homonullable a b)
=> Expr a -> Expr b
fromIntegral (Expr a) = castExpr (Expr a)
-- | Cast 'DBNum' types to 'DBFractional' types. For example, his can be useful
-- to convert @Expr Float@ to @Expr Double@.
realToFrac :: (Sql DBNum a, Sql DBFractional b, Homonullable a b)
=> Expr a -> Expr b
realToFrac (Expr a) = castExpr (Expr a)
-- | Round a 'DBFractional' to a 'DBIntegral' by rounding to the nearest larger
-- integer.
-- Corresponds to the @ceiling()@ function.
ceiling :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b)
=> Expr a -> Expr b
ceiling = function "CEILING"
-- | Perform integral division. Corresponds to the @div()@ function.
div :: Sql DBIntegral a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
div = function "DIV"
-- | Corresponds to the @mod()@ function.
mod :: Sql DBIntegral a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
mod = function "MOD"
-- | Round a 'DFractional' to a 'DBIntegral' by rounding to the nearest smaller
-- integer.
-- Corresponds to the @floor()@ function.
floor :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b)
=> Expr a -> Expr b
floor = function "FLOOR"
-- | Round a 'DBFractional' to a 'DBIntegral' by rounding to the nearest
-- integer.
-- Corresponds to the @round()@ function.
round :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b)
=> Expr a -> Expr b
round = function "ROUND"
-- | Round a 'DBFractional' to a 'DBIntegral' by rounding to the nearest
-- integer towards zero.
truncate :: (Sql DBFractional a, Sql DBIntegral b, Homonullable a b)
=> Expr a -> Expr b
truncate = function "TRUNC"

View File

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ castExpr :: Sql DBType a => Expr a -> Expr a
castExpr = scastExpr typeInformation
-- | Cast an expression to a different type. Corresponds to a @CAST()@ function
-- call.
unsafeCastExpr :: Sql DBType b => Expr a -> Expr b
unsafeCastExpr = sunsafeCastExpr typeInformation

View File

@ -28,9 +28,6 @@ import Rel8.Type.Ord ( DBOrd )
-- | Sort a column in ascending order.
-- >>> select c $ orderBy asc $ values [ lit x | x <- [1..5 :: Int32] ]
-- [1,2,3,4,5]
asc :: DBOrd a => Order (Expr a)
asc = Order $ Opaleye.Order (\expr -> [(orderOp, toPrimExpr expr)])
@ -42,9 +39,6 @@ asc = Order $ Opaleye.Order (\expr -> [(orderOp, toPrimExpr expr)])
-- | Sort a column in descending order.
-- >>> select c $ orderBy desc $ values [ lit x | x <- [1..5 :: Int32] ]
-- [5,4,3,2,1]
desc :: DBOrd a => Order (Expr a)
desc = Order $ Opaleye.Order (\expr -> [(orderOp, toPrimExpr expr)])
@ -57,9 +51,6 @@ desc = Order $ Opaleye.Order (\expr -> [(orderOp, toPrimExpr expr)])
-- | Transform an ordering so that @null@ values appear first. This corresponds
-- to @NULLS FIRST@ in SQL.
-- >>> select c $ orderBy (nullsFirst desc) $ values $ [ nullExpr, nullExpr ] <> [ lit (Just x) | x <- [1..5 :: Int32] ]
-- [Nothing,Nothing,Just 5,Just 4,Just 3,Just 2,Just 1]
nullsFirst :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a))
nullsFirst (Order (Opaleye.Order f)) =
Order $ Opaleye.Order $ fmap (first g) . f . unsafeUnnullify
@ -70,9 +61,6 @@ nullsFirst (Order (Opaleye.Order f)) =
-- | Transform an ordering so that @null@ values appear first. This corresponds
-- to @NULLS LAST@ in SQL.
-- >>> select c $ orderBy (nullsLast desc) $ values $ [ nullExpr, nullExpr ] <> [ lit (Just x) | x <- [1..5 :: Int32] ]
-- [Just 5,Just 4,Just 3,Just 2,Just 1,Nothing,Nothing]
nullsLast :: Order (Expr a) -> Order (Expr (Maybe a))
nullsLast (Order (Opaleye.Order f)) =
Order $ Opaleye.Order $ fmap (first g) . f . unsafeUnnullify

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@ -30,6 +30,10 @@ import Rel8.Type ( DBType, typeInformation )
import Rel8.Type.Information ( TypeInformation(..) )
-- | Produce an expression from a literal.
-- Note that you can usually use 'Rel8.lit', but @litExpr@ can solve problems
-- of inference in polymorphic code.
litExpr :: Sql DBType a => a -> Expr a
litExpr = slitExpr nullabilization typeInformation
@ -44,6 +48,6 @@ slitExpr nullability info@TypeInformation {encode} =
sparseValue :: Nullability a -> TypeInformation (Unnullify a) -> Hasql.Row a
sparseValue nullability TypeInformation {decode, out} = case nullability of
Nullable -> Hasql.column $ Hasql.nullable $ out <$> decode
NonNullable -> Hasql.column $ Hasql.nonNullable $ out <$> decode
sparseValue nullability TypeInformation {decode} = case nullability of
Nullable -> Hasql.column $ Hasql.nullable decode
NonNullable -> Hasql.column $ Hasql.nonNullable decode

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module Rel8.Expr.Text
, initcap, left, length, lengthEncoding, lpad, ltrim, md5
, pgClientEncoding, quoteIdent, quoteLiteral, quoteNullable, regexpReplace
, regexpSplitToArray, repeat, replace, reverse, right, rpad, rtrim
, splitPart, strpos, substr, toAscii, toHex, translate
, splitPart, strpos, substr, translate
@ -50,24 +50,32 @@ infixr 6 ++.
-- | Matches regular expression, case sensitive
-- Corresponds to the @~.@ operator.
(~.) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
(~.) = binaryOperator "~."
infix 2 ~.
-- | Matches regular expression, case insensitive
-- Corresponds to the @~*@ operator.
(~*) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
(~*) = binaryOperator "~*"
infix 2 ~*
-- | Does not match regular expression, case sensitive
-- Corresponds to the @!~@ operator.
(!~) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
(!~) = binaryOperator "!~"
infix 2 !~
-- | Does not match regular expression, case insensitive
-- Corresponds to the @!~*@ operator.
(!~*) :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
(!~*) = binaryOperator "!~*"
infix 2 !~*
@ -78,164 +86,191 @@ infix 2 !~*
-- * Standard SQL functions
-- | Corresponds to the @bit_length@ function.
bitLength :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32
bitLength = function "bit_length"
-- | Corresponds to the @char_length@ function.
charLength :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32
charLength = function "char_length"
-- | Corresponds to the @lower@ function.
lower :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
lower = function "lower"
-- | Corresponds to the @octet_length@ function.
octetLength :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32
octetLength = function "octet_length"
-- | Corresponds to the @upper@ function.
upper :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
upper = function "upper"
-- * PostgreSQL functions
-- | Corresponds to the @ascii@ function.
ascii :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32
ascii = function "ascii"
-- | Corresponds to the @btrim@ function.
btrim :: Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text
btrim a (Just b) = function "btrim" a b
btrim a Nothing = function "btrim" a
-- | Corresponds to the @chr@ function.
chr :: Expr Int32 -> Expr Text
chr = function "chr"
-- | Corresponds to the @convert@ function.
convert :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr ByteString
convert = function "convert"
-- | Corresponds to the @convert_from@ function.
convertFrom :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Text
convertFrom = function "convert_from"
-- | Corresponds to the @convert_to@ function.
convertTo :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr ByteString
convertTo = function "convert_to"
-- | Corresponds to the @decode@ function.
decode :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr ByteString
decode = function "decode"
-- | Corresponds to the @encode@ function.
encode :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Text
encode = function "encode"
-- | Corresponds to the @initcap@ function.
initcap :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
initcap = function "initcap"
-- | Corresponds to the @left@ function.
left :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text
left = function "left"
-- | Corresponds to the @length@ function.
length :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32
length = function "length"
-- | Corresponds to the @length@ function.
lengthEncoding :: Expr ByteString -> Expr Text -> Expr Int32
lengthEncoding = function "length"
-- | Corresponds to the @lpad@ function.
lpad :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text
lpad a b (Just c) = function "lpad" a b c
lpad a b Nothing = function "lpad" a b
-- | Corresponds to the @ltrim@ function.
ltrim :: Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text
ltrim a (Just b) = function "ltrim" a b
ltrim a Nothing = function "ltrim" a
-- | Corresponds to the @md5@ function.
md5 :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
md5 = function "md5"
-- | Corresponds to the @pg_client_encoding()@ expression.
pgClientEncoding :: Expr Text
pgClientEncoding = nullaryFunction "pg_client_encoding"
-- | Corresponds to the @quote_ident@ function.
quoteIdent :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
quoteIdent = function "quote_ident"
-- | Corresponds to the @quote_literal@ function.
quoteLiteral :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
quoteLiteral = function "quote_literal"
-- | Corresponds to the @quote_nullable@ function.
quoteNullable :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
quoteNullable = function "quote_nullable"
-- | Corresponds to the @regexp_replace@ function.
regexpReplace :: ()
=> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text
regexpReplace a b c (Just d) = function "regexp_replace" a b c d
regexpReplace a b c Nothing = function "regexp_replace" a b c
-- | Corresponds to the @regexp_split_to_array@ function.
regexpSplitToArray :: ()
=> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr (Array1D Text)
regexpSplitToArray a b (Just c) = function "regexp_split_to_array" a b c
regexpSplitToArray a b Nothing = function "regexp_split_to_array" a b
-- | Corresponds to the @repeat@ function.
repeat :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text
repeat = function "repeat"
-- | Corresponds to the @replace@ function.
replace :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text
replace = function "replace"
-- | Corresponds to the @reverse@ function.
reverse :: Expr Text -> Expr Text
reverse = function "reverse"
-- | Corresponds to the @right@ function.
right :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text
right = function "right"
-- | Corresponds to the @rpad@ function.
rpad :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text
rpad a b (Just c) = function "rpad" a b c
rpad a b Nothing = function "rpad" a b
-- | Corresponds to the @rtrim@ function.
rtrim :: Expr Text -> Maybe (Expr Text) -> Expr Text
rtrim a (Just b) = function "rtrim" a b
rtrim a Nothing = function "rtrim" a
-- | Corresponds to the @split_part@ function.
splitPart :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Expr Text
splitPart = function "split_part"
-- | Corresponds to the @strpos@ function.
strpos :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Int32
strpos = function "strpos"
-- | Corresponds to the @substr@ function.
substr :: Expr Text -> Expr Int32 -> Maybe (Expr Int32) -> Expr Text
substr a b (Just c) = function "substr" a b c
substr a b Nothing = function "substr" a b
toAscii :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text
toAscii = function "toAscii"
toHex :: Expr Int32 -> Expr Text
toHex = function "toHex"
-- | Corresponds to the @translate@ function.
translate :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Text
translate = function "translate"

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module Rel8.Expr.Time
, diffTime
, subtractTime
-- * Working with @NominalDiffTime@
-- * Working with @CalendarDiffTime@
, scaleInterval
, second, seconds
, minute, minutes
@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( unsafeCastExpr, unsafeLiteral )
-- time
import Data.Time.Calendar ( Day )
import Data.Time.Clock ( NominalDiffTime, UTCTime )
import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( CalendarDiffTime )
-- | Corresponds to @date(now())@.
@ -74,93 +75,93 @@ now = nullaryFunction "now"
-- | Add a time interval to a point in time, yielding a new point in time.
addTime :: Expr NominalDiffTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime
addTime :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime
addTime = flip (binaryOperator "+")
-- | Find the duration between two times.
diffTime :: Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr NominalDiffTime
diffTime :: Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
diffTime = binaryOperator "-"
-- | Subtract a time interval from a point in time, yielding a new point in time.
subtractTime :: Expr NominalDiffTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime
subtractTime :: Expr CalendarDiffTime -> Expr UTCTime -> Expr UTCTime
subtractTime = flip (binaryOperator "-")
scaleInterval :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime -> Expr NominalDiffTime
scaleInterval :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
scaleInterval = binaryOperator "*"
-- | An interval of one second.
second :: Expr NominalDiffTime
second :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
second = singleton "second"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of seconds.
seconds :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
seconds :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
seconds = (`scaleInterval` second)
-- | An interval of one minute.
minute :: Expr NominalDiffTime
minute :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
minute = singleton "minute"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of minutes.
minutes :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
minutes :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
minutes = (`scaleInterval` minute)
-- | An interval of one hour.
hour :: Expr NominalDiffTime
hour :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
hour = singleton "hour"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of hours.
hours :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
hours :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
hours = (`scaleInterval` hour)
-- | An interval of one day.
day :: Expr NominalDiffTime
day :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
day = singleton "day"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of days.
days :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
days :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
days = (`scaleInterval` day)
-- | An interval of one week.
week :: Expr NominalDiffTime
week :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
week = singleton "week"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of weeks.
weeks :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
weeks :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
weeks = (`scaleInterval` week)
-- | An interval of one month.
month :: Expr NominalDiffTime
month :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
month = singleton "month"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of months.
months :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
months :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
months = (`scaleInterval` month)
-- | An interval of one year.
year :: Expr NominalDiffTime
year :: Expr CalendarDiffTime
year = singleton "year"
-- | Create a literal interval from a number of years.
years :: Expr Double -> Expr NominalDiffTime
years :: Expr Double -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
years = (`scaleInterval` year)
singleton :: String -> Expr NominalDiffTime
singleton :: String -> Expr CalendarDiffTime
singleton unit = unsafeLiteral $ "'1 " ++ unit ++ "'"

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@ -19,21 +19,12 @@ import Data.Functor.Contravariant.Divisible ( Decidable, Divisible )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Order as Opaleye
-- | An ordering expression for @a@. Primitive orderings are defined with 'asc'
-- and 'desc', and you can combine @Order@ via its various instances.
-- | An ordering expression for @a@. Primitive orderings are defined with
-- 'Rel8.asc' and 'Rel8.desc', and you can combine @Order@ via its various
-- instances.
-- A common pattern is to use '<>' to combine multiple orderings in sequence,
-- and '>$<' (from 'Contravariant') to select individual columns. For example,
-- to sort a @Query@ on two columns, we could do:
-- >>> import Data.Functor.Contravariant ((>$<))
-- >>> :{
-- select c $ orderBy (mconcat [fst >$< asc, snd >$< desc]) $ do
-- x <- values [ lit x | x <- [1..3 :: Int32 ] ]
-- y <- values [ lit x | x <- [1..3 :: Int32 ] ]
-- return (x, y)
-- :}
-- [(1,3),(1,2),(1,1),(2,3),(2,2),(2,1),(3,3),(3,2),(3,1)]
-- and '>$<' (from 'Contravariant') to select individual columns.
type Order :: Type -> Type
newtype Order a = Order (Opaleye.Order a)
deriving newtype (Contravariant, Divisible, Decidable, Semigroup, Monoid)

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@ -29,5 +29,8 @@ aggregate :: Query (Aggregate exprs) -> Query exprs
aggregate = mapOpaleye (Opaleye.aggregate aggregator)
-- | Count the number of rows returned by a query. Note that this is different
-- from @countStar@, as even if the given query yields no rows, @countRows@
-- will return @0@.
countRows :: Query a -> Query (Expr Int64)
countRows = fmap (maybeTable 0 id) . optional . aggregate . fmap (const countStar)

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@ -25,9 +25,6 @@ import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( distinctspec, unpackspec )
-- | Select all distinct rows from a query, removing duplicates. @distinct q@
-- is equivalent to the SQL statement @SELECT DISTINCT q@.
-- >>> select c $ distinct $ values [ lit True, lit True, lit False ]
-- [False,True]
distinct :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a
distinct = mapOpaleye (Opaleye.distinctExplicit distinctspec)

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@ -22,11 +22,6 @@ import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( table, unpackspec )
-- | Select each row from a table definition. This is equivalent to @FROM
-- table@.
-- >>> mapM_ print =<< select c (each projectSchema)
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 1, projectName = "rel8"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
each :: Selects names exprs => TableSchema names -> Query exprs
each =
fmap fromColumns .

View File

@ -24,18 +24,6 @@ import Rel8.Table.Maybe ( isJustTable )
-- | Checks if a query returns at least one row.
-- >>> :{
-- mapM_ print =<< select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- hasProjects <- exists do
-- project <- each projectSchema
-- where_ $ authorId author ==. projectAuthorId project
-- return (authorName author, hasProjects)
-- :}
-- ("Ollie",True)
-- ("Bryan O'Sullivan",True)
-- ("Emily Pillmore",False)
exists :: Query a -> Query (Expr Bool)
exists = fmap isJustTable . optional . whereExists
-- FIXME: change this when b7aacc07c6392654cae439fc3b997620c3aa7a87 makes it
@ -48,47 +36,33 @@ inQuery a = exists . (>>= filter (a ==:))
-- | Produce the empty query if the given query returns no rows. @whereExists@
-- is equivalent to @WHERE EXISTS@ in SQL.
-- >>> :{
-- select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- whereExists do
-- project <- each projectSchema
-- where_ $ projectAuthorId project ==. authorId author
-- return $ authorName author
-- :}
-- ["Ollie","Bryan O'Sullivan"]
whereExists :: Query a -> Query ()
whereExists = mapOpaleye Opaleye.restrictExists
-- | Produce the empty query if the given query returns rows. @whereNotExists@
-- is equivalent to @WHERE NOT EXISTS@ in SQL.
-- >>> :{
-- select c do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- whereNotExists do
-- project <- each projectSchema
-- where_ $ projectAuthorId project ==. authorId author
-- return $ authorName author
-- :}
-- ["Emily Pillmore"]
whereNotExists :: Query a -> Query ()
whereNotExists = mapOpaleye Opaleye.restrictNotExists
-- | @with@ is similar to 'filter', but allows the predicate to be a full query.
-- @with f a = a <$ whereExists (f a)@, but this form matches 'filter'.
with :: (a -> Query b) -> a -> Query a
with f a = a <$ whereExists (f a)
withBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a
-- | Like @with@, but with a custom membership test.
withBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a
withBy predicate bs = with $ \a -> bs >>= filter (predicate a)
-- | Filter rows where @a -> Query b@ yields no rows.
without :: (a -> Query b) -> a -> Query a
without f a = a <$ whereNotExists (f a)
-- | Like @without@, but with a custom membership test.
withoutBy :: (a -> b -> Expr Bool) -> Query b -> a -> Query a
withoutBy predicate bs = without $ \a -> bs >>= filter (predicate a)

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@ -24,23 +24,12 @@ import Rel8.Query.Opaleye ( fromOpaleye )
-- return @x@ unchanged when @f x@ is @True@. This is similar to
-- 'Control.Monad.guard', but as the predicate is separate from the argument,
-- it is easy to use in a pipeline of 'Query' transformations.
-- >>> select c $ values [ lit x | x <- [ 1..5 :: Int32 ] ] >>= filter (>. 3)
-- [4,5]
filter :: (a -> Expr Bool) -> a -> Query a
filter f a = a <$ where_ (f a)
-- | Drop any rows that don't match a predicate. @where_ expr@ is equivalent
-- to the SQL @WHERE expr@.
-- >>> :{
-- select c $ do
-- x <- values [ lit x | x <- [ 1..5 :: Int32 ] ]
-- where_ $ x >. lit 2
-- return x
-- :}
-- [3,4,5]
where_ :: Expr Bool -> Query ()
where_ condition =
fromOpaleye $ lmap (\_ -> toColumn $ toPrimExpr condition) Opaleye.restrict

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@ -17,17 +17,11 @@ import Rel8.Query.Opaleye ( mapOpaleye )
-- | @limit n@ select at most @n@ rows from a query. @limit n@ is equivalent
-- to the SQL @LIMIT n@.
-- >>> select c $ limit 3 $ values [ lit x | x <- [ 1..5 :: Int32 ] ]
-- [1,2,3]
limit :: Word -> Query a -> Query a
limit = mapOpaleye . Opaleye.limit . fromIntegral
-- | @offset n@ drops the first @n@ rows from a query. @offset n@ is equivalent
-- to the SQL @OFFSET n@.
-- >>> select c $ offset 3 $ values [ lit x | x <- [ 1..5 :: Int32 ] ]
-- [4,5]
offset :: Word -> Query a -> Query a
offset = mapOpaleye . Opaleye.offset . fromIntegral

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@ -25,14 +25,21 @@ import Rel8.Query.Filter ( where_ )
import Rel8.Query.Opaleye ( mapOpaleye )
import Rel8.Table.Maybe ( MaybeTable( MaybeTable ), isJustTable )
import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( unpackspec )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..), fromExpr )
-- | Convert a query that might return zero rows to a query that always returns
-- at least one row.
-- To speak in more concrete terms, 'optional' is most useful to write @LEFT
-- JOIN@s.
optional :: Query a -> Query (MaybeTable a)
optional = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.QueryArr . go
go query (i, left, tag) = (MaybeTable t' a, join, tag')
go query (i, left, tag) =
(MaybeTable (fromExpr t') a, join, tag')
(MaybeTable t a, right, tag') =
(MaybeTable Tag {expr = t} a, right, tag') =
Opaleye.runSimpleQueryArr (pure <$> query) (i, tag)
(t', bindings) = $
Opaleye.runUnpackspec unpackspec (Opaleye.extractAttr "maybe" tag') t
@ -45,34 +52,6 @@ optional = mapOpaleye $ Opaleye.QueryArr . go
-- This operation can be used to "undo" the effect of 'optional', which
-- operationally is like turning a @LEFT JOIN@ back into a full @JOIN@. You
-- can think of this as analogous to 'Data.Maybe.catMaybes'.
-- To see this in action, first consider the following 'optional' query:
-- >>> :{
-- select c $ do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- maybeRel8 <- optional $
-- each projectSchema
-- >>= filter (\p -> projectAuthorId p ==. authorId author)
-- >>= filter (\p -> projectName p ==. "rel8")
-- return (authorName author, projectName <$> maybeRel8)
-- :}
-- [("Ollie",Just "rel8"),("Bryan O'Sullivan",Nothing),("Emily Pillmore",Nothing)]
-- Here @optional@ is acting as a @LEFT JOIN@. We can turn this into a proper
-- join by using @catMaybeTable@ to filter out rows where the join failed:
-- >>> :{
-- select c $ do
-- author <- each authorSchema
-- maybeRel8 <- optional $
-- each projectSchema
-- >>= filter (\p -> projectAuthorId p ==. authorId author)
-- >>= filter (\p -> projectName p ==. "rel8")
-- rel8 <- catMaybeTable maybeRel8
-- return (authorName author, projectName rel8)
-- :}
-- [("Ollie","rel8")]
catMaybeTable :: MaybeTable a -> Query a
catMaybeTable ma@(MaybeTable _ a) = do
where_ $ isJustTable ma
@ -81,19 +60,11 @@ catMaybeTable ma@(MaybeTable _ a) = do
-- | @bindMaybeTable f x@ is similar to the monadic bind (@>>=@) operation. It
-- allows you to "extend" an optional query with another query. If either the
-- input or output are 'noTable', then the result is 'noTable'.
-- input or output are 'Rel8.nothingTable', then the result is
-- 'Rel8.nothingTable'.
-- This is similar to 'traverseMaybeTable', followed by a @join@ on the
-- resulting @MaybeTable@s.
-- >>> select c $ bindMaybeTable (optional . values . pure . not_) =<< optional (values [lit True])
-- [Just False]
-- >>> select c $ bindMaybeTable (\_ -> return (noTable :: MaybeTable (Expr Bool))) =<< optional (values [lit True])
-- [Nothing]
-- >>> select c $ bindMaybeTable (optional . values . pure . not_) =<< return (noTable :: MaybeTable (Expr Bool))
-- [Nothing]
bindMaybeTable :: Monad m
=> (a -> m (MaybeTable b)) -> MaybeTable a -> m (MaybeTable b)
bindMaybeTable query (MaybeTable input a) = do
@ -105,32 +76,12 @@ bindMaybeTable query (MaybeTable input a) = do
-- to step through multiple @LEFT JOINs@.
-- Note that @traverseMaybeTable@ takes a @a -> Query b@ function, which means
-- you also have the ability to "expand" one row into multiple rows.
-- >>> :{
-- duplicate :: Expr Bool -> Query (Expr Bool)
-- duplicate x = unionAll (return x) (return x)
-- :}
-- >>> select c $ traverseMaybeTable duplicate =<< optional (values [lit True])
-- [Just True,Just True]
-- Note that if the @a -> Query b@ function returns no rows, then the resulting
-- query will also have no rows:
-- >>> select c $ traverseMaybeTable (limit 0 . pure) =<< optional (values [lit True])
-- []
-- However, regardless of the given @a -> Query b@ function, if the input is
-- @noTable@, you will always get exactly one @noTable@ back:
-- >>> select c $ traverseMaybeTable duplicate (noTable :: MaybeTable (Expr Bool))
-- [Nothing]
-- >>> select c $ traverseMaybeTable (limit 0 . pure) (noTable :: MaybeTable (Expr Bool))
-- [Nothing]
-- you also have the ability to "expand" one row into multiple rows. If the
-- @a -> Query b@ function returns no rows, then the resulting query will also
-- have no rows. However, regardless of the given @a -> Query b@ function, if
-- the input is @noTable@, you will always get exactly one @noTable@ back.
traverseMaybeTable :: (a -> Query b) -> MaybeTable a -> Query (MaybeTable b)
traverseMaybeTable query ma@(MaybeTable input _) = do
MaybeTable output b <- optional (query =<< catMaybeTable ma)
where_ $ output ==. input
where_ $ expr output ==. expr input
pure $ MaybeTable input b

View File

@ -17,21 +17,6 @@ import Rel8.Query.Filter ( where_ )
-- @null@s.
-- Corresponds to 'Data.Maybe.catMaybes'.
-- >>> select c $ pure (nullExpr :: Expr (Maybe Bool))
-- [Nothing]
-- >>> select c $ catNullable (nullExpr :: Expr (Maybe Bool))
-- []
-- >>> select c $ catNullable (lit (Just True))
-- [True]
-- Notice how in the last example a @Bool@ is returned (rather than @Maybe
-- Bool@):
-- >>> :t catNullable (lit (Just True))
-- catMaybe (lit (Just True)) :: Query (Expr Bool)
catNullable :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Query (Expr a)
catNullable a = do
where_ $ isNonNull a

View File

@ -24,53 +24,35 @@ import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( binaryspec )
-- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type, collapsing
-- duplicates. @union a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x UNION b@.
-- >>> select c $ values [lit True, lit True, lit False] `union` values [lit True]
-- [False,True]
union :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
union = zipOpaleyeWith (Opaleye.unionExplicit binaryspec)
-- | Combine the results of two queries of the same type, retaining duplicates.
-- @unionAll a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x UNION ALL b@.
-- >>> select c $ values [lit True, lit True, lit False] `unionAll` values [lit True]
-- [True,True,False,True]
unionAll :: Table Expr a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
unionAll = zipOpaleyeWith (Opaleye.unionAllExplicit binaryspec)
-- | Find the intersection of two queries, collapsing duplicates. @intersect a
-- b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x INTERSECT b@.
-- >>> select c $ values [lit True, lit True, lit False] `intersect` values [lit True]
-- [True]
intersect :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
intersect = zipOpaleyeWith (Opaleye.intersectExplicit binaryspec)
-- | Find the intersection of two queries, retaining duplicates. @intersectAll
-- a b@ is the same as the SQL statement @x INTERSECT ALL b@.
-- >>> select c $ values [lit True, lit True, lit False] `intersectAll` values [lit True, lit True]
-- [True,True]
intersectAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
intersectAll = zipOpaleyeWith (Opaleye.intersectAllExplicit binaryspec)
-- | Find the difference of two queries, collapsing duplicates @except a b@ is
-- the same as the SQL statement @x INTERSECT b@.
-- >>> select c $ values [lit True, lit False, lit False] `except` values [lit True]
-- [False]
except :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
except = zipOpaleyeWith (Opaleye.exceptExplicit binaryspec)
-- | Find the difference of two queries, retaining duplicates. @exceptAll a b@
-- is the same as the SQL statement @x EXCEPT ALL b@.
-- >>> select c $ values [lit True, lit False, lit False] `exceptAll` values [lit True]
-- [False,False]
exceptAll :: EqTable a => Query a -> Query a -> Query a
exceptAll = zipOpaleyeWith (Opaleye.exceptAllExplicit binaryspec)

View File

@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Rel8.Table ( Table )
import Rel8.Table.Either ( EitherTable( EitherTable ) )
import Rel8.Table.Maybe ( MaybeTable( MaybeTable ), isJustTable )
import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( unpackspec )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..) )
import Rel8.Table.These
( TheseTable( TheseTable )
, hasHereTable, hasThereTable
@ -104,9 +105,10 @@ keepThoseTable t@(TheseTable (MaybeTable _ a) (MaybeTable _ b)) = do
loseThoseTable :: TheseTable a b -> Query (EitherTable a b)
loseThoseTable t@(TheseTable (MaybeTable _ a) (MaybeTable _ b)) = do
where_ $ not_ $ isThoseTable t
pure $ EitherTable tag a b
pure $ EitherTable result a b
tag = boolExpr (litExpr IsLeft) (litExpr IsRight) (isThatTable t)
result = (mempty `asTypeOf` result) {expr = tag}
bindTheseTable :: (Table Expr a, Semigroup a, Monad m)

View File

@ -21,13 +21,7 @@ import Rel8.Table.Opaleye ( valuesspec )
-- | Construct a query that returns the given input list of rows. This is like
-- folding a list of 'return' statements under 'union', but uses the SQL
-- folding a list of 'return' statements under 'Rel8.union', but uses the SQL
-- @VALUES@ expression for efficiency.
-- Typically @values@ will be used with 'lit':
-- >>> mapM_ Data.Text.IO.putStrLn =<< select c (values [ lit "Hello", lit "World!" ])
-- Hello
-- World!
values :: (Table Expr a, Foldable f) => f a -> Query a
values = fromOpaleye . Opaleye.valuesExplicit valuesspec . toList

View File

@ -80,32 +80,6 @@ type family UnwrapDefault a where
-- data types are single columns in queries. This type family has special
-- support when a query is executed, allowing you to use a single data type for
-- both query data and rows decoded to Haskell.
-- To understand why this type family is special, let's consider a simple
-- higher-kinded data type of Haskell packages:
-- >>> :{
-- data Package f = Package
-- { packageName :: Column f Text
-- , packageAuthor :: Column f Text
-- }
-- :}
-- In queries, @f@ will be some type of 'Expr', and @Column Expr a@ reduces to
-- just @Expr a@:
-- >>> :t packageName (undefined :: Package Expr)
-- packageName (undefined :: Package Expr) :: Expr Text
-- When we 'select' queries of this type, @f@ will be instantiated as
-- @Identity@, at which point all wrapping entire disappears:
-- >>> :t packageName (undefined :: Package Identity)
-- packageName (undefined :: Package Identity) :: Text
-- In @rel8@ we try hard to always know what @f@ is, which means holes should
-- mention precise types, rather than the @Column@ type family. You should only
-- need to be aware of the type family when defining your table types.
type Column :: K.Context -> Type -> Type
type Column context a =
Field context (GetLabel a)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
{-# language FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language InstanceSigs #-}
{-# language LambdaCase #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
@ -12,29 +13,35 @@
module Rel8.Schema.Context.Nullify
( Nullifiable( ConstrainTag, encodeTag, decodeTag, nullifier, unnullifier )
, HNullifiable( HConstrainTag, hencodeTag, hdecodeTag, hnullifier, hunnullifier )
, unnull, runTag
, runTag, unnull
-- base
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import GHC.TypeLits ( KnownSymbol )
import Prelude hiding ( null )
-- opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye
-- rel8
import {-# SOURCE #-} Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Aggregate
( Aggregate, Col(..)
, mapInputs
, unsafeMakeAggregate
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr.Bool ( boolExpr )
import Rel8.Expr.Null ( nullify, unsafeUnnullify )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( fromPrimExpr )
import Rel8.Kind.Labels ( KnownLabels )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( fromPrimExpr, toPrimExpr )
import Rel8.Kind.Necessity ( Necessity( Required ) )
import Rel8.Schema.Context ( Interpretation, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Context ( Interpretation )
import qualified Rel8.Schema.Kind as K
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name( Name ), Col(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability
( Nullify
, Nullability( Nullable, NonNullable ), nullabilization
, Nullability( Nullable, NonNullable )
, Sql
import Rel8.Schema.Dict ( Dict( Dict ) )
@ -43,8 +50,7 @@ import Rel8.Schema.Spec.ConstrainDBType
( ConstrainDBType
, dbTypeDict, dbTypeNullability, fromNullabilityDict
import Rel8.Type.Eq ( DBEq )
import Rel8.Type.Monoid ( DBMonoid, memptyExpr )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..), Taggable, fromAggregate, fromExpr, fromName )
type Nullifiable :: K.Context -> Constraint
@ -52,25 +58,80 @@ class Interpretation context => Nullifiable context where
type ConstrainTag context :: Type -> Constraint
type ConstrainTag _context = DefaultConstrainTag
encodeTag :: (Sql (ConstrainTag context) a, Sql DBEq a, KnownLabels labels)
=> Expr a
encodeTag ::
( Sql (ConstrainTag context) a
, KnownSymbol label
, Taggable a
=> Tag label a
-> Col context ('Spec labels 'Required a)
decodeTag :: (Sql (ConstrainTag context) a, Sql DBMonoid a)
decodeTag ::
( Sql (ConstrainTag context) a
, KnownSymbol label
, Taggable a
=> Col context ('Spec labels 'Required a)
-> Expr a
-> Tag label a
nullifier :: ()
=> Expr Bool
-> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity a)
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity a)
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify a))
=> Tag label a
-> (Expr a -> Expr Bool)
-> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity x)
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity x)
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify x))
unnullifier :: ()
=> Expr Bool
-> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity a)
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify a))
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity a)
=> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity x)
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify x))
-> Col context ('Spec labels necessity x)
instance Nullifiable Aggregate where
encodeTag Tag {aggregator, expr} =
Aggregation $ unsafeMakeAggregate toPrimExpr fromPrimExpr aggregator expr
decodeTag (Aggregation aggregate) = fromAggregate aggregate
nullifier Tag {expr} test SSpec {nullability} (Aggregation aggregate) =
Aggregation $
mapInputs (toPrimExpr . runTag nullability condition . fromPrimExpr) $
runTag nullability condition <$> aggregate
condition = test expr
unnullifier SSpec {nullability} (Aggregation aggregate) =
Aggregation $ unnull nullability <$> aggregate
{-# INLINABLE encodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE decodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE nullifier #-}
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}
instance Nullifiable Expr where
encodeTag Tag {expr} = DB expr
decodeTag (DB a) = fromExpr a
nullifier Tag {expr} test SSpec {nullability} (DB a) =
DB $ runTag nullability (test expr) a
unnullifier SSpec {nullability} (DB a) = DB $ unnull nullability a
{-# INLINABLE encodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE decodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE nullifier #-}
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}
instance Nullifiable Name where
encodeTag Tag {name = Name name} = NameCol name
decodeTag (NameCol name) = fromName (Name name)
nullifier _ _ _ (NameCol name) = NameCol name
unnullifier _ (NameCol name) = NameCol name
{-# INLINABLE encodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE decodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE nullifier #-}
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}
runTag :: Nullability a -> Expr Bool -> Expr a -> Expr (Nullify a)
@ -92,25 +153,25 @@ class HNullifiable context where
type HConstrainTag context :: Type -> Constraint
type HConstrainTag _context = DefaultConstrainTag
hencodeTag :: (Sql (HConstrainTag context) a, Sql DBEq a, KnownLabels labels)
=> Expr a
hencodeTag :: (Sql (HConstrainTag context) a, KnownSymbol label, Taggable a)
=> Tag label a
-> context ('Spec labels 'Required a)
hdecodeTag :: (Sql (HConstrainTag context) a, Sql DBMonoid a)
hdecodeTag :: (Sql (HConstrainTag context) a, KnownSymbol label, Taggable a)
=> context ('Spec labels 'Required a)
-> Expr a
-> Tag label a
hnullifier :: ()
=> Expr Bool
-> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity a)
-> context ('Spec labels necessity a)
-> context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify a))
=> Tag label a
-> (Expr a -> Expr Bool)
-> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity x)
-> context ('Spec labels necessity x)
-> context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify x))
hunnullifier :: ()
=> Expr Bool
-> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity a)
-> context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify a))
-> context ('Spec labels necessity a)
=> SSpec ('Spec labels necessity x)
-> context ('Spec labels necessity (Nullify x))
-> context ('Spec labels necessity x)
instance Nullifiable context => HNullifiable (Col context) where
@ -125,21 +186,14 @@ instance HNullifiable (Dict (ConstrainDBType constraint)) where
type HConstrainTag (Dict (ConstrainDBType constraint)) = constraint
hencodeTag _ = Dict
hdecodeTag = mempty
hdecodeTag :: forall a context labels. (Sql (HConstrainTag context) a, Sql DBMonoid a)
=> context ('Spec labels 'Required a)
-> Expr a
hdecodeTag _ = case nullabilization @a of
Nullable -> nullify memptyExpr
NonNullable -> memptyExpr
hnullifier _ SSpec {} dict = case dbTypeDict dict of
hnullifier _ _ SSpec {} dict = case dbTypeDict dict of
Dict -> case dbTypeNullability dict of
Nullable -> Dict
NonNullable -> Dict
hunnullifier _ SSpec {nullability} dict = case dbTypeDict dict of
hunnullifier SSpec {nullability} dict = case dbTypeDict dict of
Dict -> case nullability of
Nullable -> Dict
NonNullable -> case dbTypeNullability dict of

View File

@ -53,3 +53,9 @@ instance Sql DBType a => HTable (HType a) where
, info = typeInformation
, nullability = nullabilization
{-# INLINABLE hfield #-}
{-# INLINABLE htabulate #-}
{-# INLINABLE htraverse #-}
{-# INLINABLE hdicts #-}
{-# INLINABLE hspecs #-}

View File

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import Rel8.Schema.Table ( TableSchema )
import Rel8.Statement.Returning ( Returning )
import Rel8.Table ( Table(..) )
import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..), fromExpr )
import Rel8.Type ( DBType )
@ -134,14 +135,18 @@ instance Labelable Insert where
instance Nullifiable Insert where
encodeTag = RequiredInsert
decodeTag (RequiredInsert a) = a
encodeTag = RequiredInsert . expr
decodeTag (RequiredInsert a) = fromExpr a
nullifier tag SSpec {nullability} = \case
RequiredInsert a -> RequiredInsert $ runTag nullability tag a
OptionalInsert ma -> OptionalInsert $ runTag nullability tag <$> ma
nullifier Tag {expr} test SSpec {nullability} = \case
RequiredInsert a ->
RequiredInsert $ runTag nullability condition a
OptionalInsert ma ->
OptionalInsert $ runTag nullability condition <$> ma
condition = test expr
unnullifier _ SSpec {nullability} = \case
unnullifier SSpec {nullability} = \case
RequiredInsert a -> RequiredInsert $ unnull nullability a
OptionalInsert ma -> OptionalInsert $ unnull nullability <$> ma
@ -151,7 +156,6 @@ instance Nullifiable Insert where
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}
-- | @Inserts a b@ means that the columns in @a@ are compatible for inserting
-- with the table @b@.
type Inserts :: Type -> Type -> Constraint

View File

@ -21,24 +21,18 @@ where
-- base
import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity )
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.String ( IsString )
import Prelude
-- rel8
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Kind.Labels ( KnownLabels, labelsSing, renderLabels )
import Rel8.Opaque ( Opaque )
import Rel8.Schema.Context ( Interpretation, Col )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Label ( Labelable, labeler, unlabeler )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Nullify
( Nullifiable, encodeTag, decodeTag, nullifier, unnullifier
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Type ( HType( HType ) )
import qualified Rel8.Schema.Kind as K
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability ( Sql )
import Rel8.Schema.Spec ( Spec( Spec ) )
import Rel8.Table ( Table, Columns, Context, fromColumns, toColumns )
import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
import Rel8.Type ( DBType )
@ -86,24 +80,6 @@ instance Labelable Name where
unlabeler (NameCol a) = NameCol a
instance Nullifiable Name where
encodeTag _ = nameFromLabel
decodeTag _ = mempty
nullifier _ _ (NameCol name) = NameCol name
unnullifier _ _ (NameCol name) = NameCol name
{-# INLINABLE encodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE decodeTag #-}
{-# INLINABLE nullifier #-}
{-# INLINABLE unnullifier #-}
nameFromLabel :: forall labels necessity a.
KnownLabels labels => Col Name ('Spec labels necessity a)
nameFromLabel = case labelsSing @labels of
labels -> NameCol (NonEmpty.last (renderLabels labels))
-- | @Selects a b@ means that @a@ is a schema (i.e., a 'Table' of 'Name's) for
-- the 'Expr' columns in @b@.
type Selects :: Type -> Type -> Constraint

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# language FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language RankNTypes #-}
{-# language QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language TypeFamilies #-}
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ module Rel8.Schema.Nullability.Internal
, Homonullable
, Nullability( Nullable, NonNullable )
, HasNullability, nullabilization
, Sql, toSql
, Sql, fromSql, mapSql, toSql
@ -56,12 +57,15 @@ type Nullify :: Type -> Type
type Nullify a = Maybe (Unnullify a)
-- | @NotNull a@ means @a@ cannot take @null@ as a value.
type NotNull :: Type -> Constraint
class (HasNullability a, IsMaybe a ~ 'False) => NotNull a
instance (HasNullability a, IsMaybe a ~ 'False) => NotNull a
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} NotNull Opaque
-- | @Homonullable a b@ means that both @a@ and @b@ can be @null@, or neither
-- @a@ or @b@ can be @null@.
type Homonullable :: Type -> Type -> Constraint
class IsMaybe a ~ IsMaybe b => Homonullable a b
instance IsMaybe a ~ IsMaybe b => Homonullable a b
@ -92,6 +96,8 @@ instance IsMaybe a ~ 'False => HasNullability' 'True (Maybe a) where
nullabilization' = Nullable
-- | @HasNullability a@ means that @rel8@ is able to check if the type @a@ is a
-- type that can take @null@ values or not.
type HasNullability :: Type -> Constraint
class HasNullability' (IsMaybe a) a => HasNullability a
instance HasNullability' (IsMaybe a) a => HasNullability a
@ -118,6 +124,19 @@ class
instance (constraint (Unnullify a), HasNullability a) => Sql constraint a
fromSql :: Dict (Sql constraint) a -> (Nullability a, Dict constraint (Unnullify a))
fromSql Dict = (nullabilization, Dict)
{-# INLINABLE fromSql #-}
mapSql :: ()
=> (forall x. Dict constraint x -> Dict constraint' x)
-> Dict (Sql constraint) a -> Dict (Sql constraint') a
mapSql f dict = case fromSql dict of
(nullability, dict') -> toSql nullability (f dict')
toSql :: Nullability a -> Dict constraint (Unnullify a) -> Dict (Sql constraint) a
toSql NonNullable Dict = Dict
toSql Nullable Dict = Dict
{-# INLINABLE toSql #-}

View File

@ -15,20 +15,7 @@ import Prelude
-- the columns within this table.
-- For each selectable table in your database, you should provide a
-- @TableSchema@ in order to interact with the table via Rel8. For a table
-- storing a list of projects (as defined in the introduction):
-- >>> :{
-- projectSchema :: TableSchema (Project ColumnSchema)
-- projectSchema = TableSchema
-- { tableName = "project"
-- , tableSchema = Nothing -- Assumes that the 'project' table is reachable from your connection's search_path
-- , tableColumns = Project
-- { projectAuthorId = "author_id"
-- , projectName = "name"
-- }
-- }
-- :}
-- @TableSchema@ in order to interact with the table via Rel8.
data TableSchema names = TableSchema
{ name :: String
-- ^ The name of the table.

View File

@ -56,24 +56,6 @@ data Delete a where
-- | Run a @DELETE@ statement.
-- >>> mapM_ print =<< select c (each projectSchema)
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 1, projectName = "rel8"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
-- >>> :{
-- delete c Delete
-- { from = projectSchema
-- , deleteWhere = \p -> projectName p ==. lit "rel8"
-- , returning = Projection projectName
-- }
-- :}
-- ["rel8"]
-- >>> mapM_ print =<< select c (each projectSchema)
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
delete :: Connection -> Delete a -> IO a
delete c Delete {from, deleteWhere, returning} =
case returning of

View File

@ -39,16 +39,6 @@ import Data.Text.Encoding ( encodeUtf8 )
-- | Run an @INSERT@ statement
-- >>> :{
-- insert c Insert
-- { into = authorSchema
-- , rows = [ lit Author{ authorName = "Gabriel Gonzales", authorId = AuthorId 4, authorUrl = Just "" } ]
-- , onConflict = Abort
-- , returning = NumberOfRowsAffected
-- }
-- :}
-- 1
insert :: Connection -> Insert a -> IO a
insert c Insert {into, rows, onConflict, returning} =
case (rows, returning) of

View File

@ -61,26 +61,6 @@ data Update a where
-- | Run an @UPDATE@ statement.
-- >>> mapM_ print =<< select c (each projectSchema)
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 1, projectName = "rel8"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
-- >>> :{
-- update c Update
-- { target = projectSchema
-- , set = \p -> p { projectName = "Rel8!" }
-- , updateWhere = \p -> projectName p ==. lit "rel8"
-- , returning = NumberOfRowsAffected
-- }
-- :}
-- 1
-- >>> mapM_ print =<< select c (each projectSchema)
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "aeson"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 2, projectName = "text"}
-- Project {projectAuthorId = 1, projectName = "Rel8!"}
update :: Connection -> Update a -> IO a
update c Update {target, set, updateWhere, returning} =
case returning of

View File

@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Text.Encoding ( encodeUtf8 )
-- | Given a 'TableSchema' and 'Query', @createView@ runs a @CREATE VIEW@
-- statement that will save the given query as a view. This can be useful if
-- you want to share Rel8 queries with other applications.
createView :: Selects names exprs
=> TableSchema names -> Query exprs -> Connection -> IO ()
createView (TableSchema name mschema names) query =

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@ -42,11 +42,13 @@ import Rel8.Type ( DBType )
-- types that have a finite number of columns. Each of these columns contains
-- data under a shared context, and contexts describe how to interpret the
-- metadata about a column to a particular Haskell type. In Rel8, we have
-- contexts for expressions (the 'Expr' context), aggregations (the 'Aggregate'
-- context), insert values (the 'Insert' contex), among others.
-- contexts for expressions (the 'Rel8.Expr' context), aggregations (the
-- 'Rel8.Aggregate' context), insert values (the 'Rel8.Insert' contex), among
-- others.
-- In typical usage of Rel8 you don't need to derive instances of 'Table'
-- yourself, as anything that's an instance of 'Rel8able' is always a 'Table'.
-- yourself, as anything that's an instance of 'Rel8.Rel8able' is always a
-- 'Table'.
type Table :: K.Context -> Type -> Constraint
class (HTable (Columns a), context ~ Context a) => Table context a | a -> context where
-- | The 'HTable' functor that describes the schema of this table.

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@ -9,8 +9,6 @@ module Rel8.Table.Aggregate
( groupBy
, listAgg
, nonEmptyAgg
, sequenceAggregate
, distributeAggregate
@ -19,7 +17,7 @@ import Data.Functor.Identity ( Identity( Identity ) )
import Prelude
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, Aggregates, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr.Aggregate ( groupByExpr, listAggExpr, nonEmptyAggExpr )
import Rel8.Schema.Dict ( Dict( Dict ) )
@ -69,11 +67,3 @@ nonEmptyAgg (toColumns -> exprs) = fromColumns $
(\_ (Identity (DB a)) -> Aggregation $ nonEmptyAggExpr a)
(pure exprs)
sequenceAggregate :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => aggregates -> Aggregate exprs
sequenceAggregate = fromColumns . toColumns
distributeAggregate :: Aggregates aggregates exprs => Aggregate exprs -> aggregates
distributeAggregate = fromColumns . toColumns

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ import Rel8.Table ( Table )
-- | Like 'Alt' in Haskell. This class is purely a Rel8 concept, and allows you
-- to take a choice between two tables. See also 'AlternativeTable'.
-- For example, using '<|>:' on 'MaybeTable' allows you to combine two tables
-- and to return the first one that is a "just" MaybeTable.
-- For example, using '<|>:' on 'Rel8.MaybeTable' allows you to combine two
-- tables and to return the first one that is a "just" MaybeTable.
type AltTable :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class AltTable f where
-- | An associative binary operation on 'Table's.

View File

@ -18,14 +18,22 @@ import Rel8.Schema.HTable ( htabulate, hfield )
import Rel8.Table ( Table, fromColumns, toColumns )
-- | An if-then-else expression on tables.
-- @bool x y p@ returns @x@ if @p@ is @False@, and returns @y@ if @p@ is
-- @True@.
bool :: Table Expr a => a -> a -> Expr Bool -> a
bool (toColumns -> false) (toColumns -> true) condition =
fromColumns $ htabulate $ \field ->
case (hfield false field, hfield true field) of
(DB falseExpr, DB trueExpr) ->
DB (boolExpr falseExpr trueExpr condition)
{-# INLINABLE bool #-}
-- | Produce a table expression from a list of alternatives. Returns the first
-- table where the @Expr Bool@ expression is @True@. If no alternatives are
-- true, the given default is returned.
case_ :: Table Expr a => [(Expr Bool, a)] -> a -> a
case_ (map (fmap toColumns) -> branches) (toColumns -> fallback) =
fromColumns $ htabulate $ \field -> case hfield fallback field of

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ module Rel8.Table.Either
( EitherTable(..)
, eitherTable, leftTable, rightTable
, isLeftTable, isRightTable
, aggregateEitherTable, nameEitherTable
@ -25,7 +26,9 @@ import Data.Kind ( Type )
import Prelude hiding ( undefined )
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, unsafeMakeAggregate )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( fromPrimExpr, toPrimExpr )
import Rel8.Expr.Serialize ( litExpr )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Label ( Labelable, labeler, unlabeler, hlabeler )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Nullify
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Either ( HEitherTable(..), HEitherNullifiable )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Identity ( HIdentity(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Label ( HLabel, hlabel, hunlabel )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Nullify ( hnullify, hunnullify )
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name )
import Rel8.Table ( Table, Columns, Context, fromColumns, toColumns )
import Rel8.Table.Bool ( bool )
import Rel8.Table.Eq ( EqTable, eqTable )
@ -45,21 +49,22 @@ import Rel8.Table.Lifted
import Rel8.Table.Ord ( OrdTable, ordTable )
import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..), fromExpr, fromName )
import Rel8.Table.Undefined ( undefined )
import Rel8.Type.Tag ( EitherTag( IsLeft, IsRight ), isLeft, isRight )
-- semigroupoids
import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>) )
import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>), liftF3 )
import Data.Functor.Bind ( Bind, (>>-) )
type EitherTable :: Type -> Type -> Type
data EitherTable a b = EitherTable
{ tag :: Expr EitherTag
{ tag :: Tag "isRight" EitherTag
, left :: a
, right :: b
deriving stock (Show, Functor)
deriving stock Functor
instance Bifunctor EitherTable where
@ -68,7 +73,7 @@ instance Bifunctor EitherTable where
instance Table Expr a => Apply (EitherTable a) where
EitherTable tag l1 f <.> EitherTable tag' l2 a =
EitherTable (tag <> tag') (bool l1 l2 (isLeft tag)) (f a)
EitherTable (tag <> tag') (bool l1 l2 (isLeft (expr tag))) (f a)
instance Table Expr a => Applicative (EitherTable a) where
@ -79,7 +84,7 @@ instance Table Expr a => Applicative (EitherTable a) where
instance Table Expr a => Bind (EitherTable a) where
EitherTable tag l1 a >>- f = case f a of
EitherTable tag' l2 b ->
EitherTable (tag <> tag') (bool l1 l2 (isRight tag)) b
EitherTable (tag <> tag') (bool l1 l2 (isRight (expr tag))) b
instance Table Expr a => Monad (EitherTable a) where
@ -96,8 +101,8 @@ instance Table2 EitherTable where
toColumns2 f g EitherTable {tag, left, right} = HEitherTable
{ htag
, hleft = hnullify (hnullifier (isLeft tag)) $ f left
, hright = hnullify (hnullifier (isRight tag)) $ g right
, hleft = hnullify (hnullifier tag isLeft) $ f left
, hright = hnullify (hnullifier tag isRight) $ g right
htag = HIdentity (hencodeTag tag)
@ -106,9 +111,9 @@ instance Table2 EitherTable where
{ tag
, left = f $ runIdentity $
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier (isLeft tag) a) hleft
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier a) hleft
, right = g $ runIdentity $
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier (isRight tag) a) hright
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier a) hright
tag = hdecodeTag $ unHIdentity htag
@ -159,21 +164,21 @@ instance (OrdTable a, OrdTable b) => OrdTable (EitherTable a b) where
isLeftTable :: EitherTable a b -> Expr Bool
isLeftTable = isLeft . tag
isLeftTable = isLeft . expr . tag
isRightTable :: EitherTable a b -> Expr Bool
isRightTable = isRight . tag
isRightTable = isRight . expr . tag
eitherTable :: Table Expr c
=> (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> EitherTable a b -> c
eitherTable f g EitherTable {tag, left, right} =
bool (f left) (g right) (isRight tag)
bool (f left) (g right) (isRight (expr tag))
leftTable :: Table Expr b => a -> EitherTable a b
leftTable a = EitherTable (litExpr IsLeft) a undefined
leftTable a = EitherTable (fromExpr (litExpr IsLeft)) a undefined
rightTable :: Table Expr a => b -> EitherTable a b
@ -181,4 +186,20 @@ rightTable = rightTableWith undefined
rightTableWith :: a -> b -> EitherTable a b
rightTableWith = EitherTable (litExpr IsRight)
rightTableWith = EitherTable (fromExpr (litExpr IsRight))
aggregateEitherTable :: ()
=> (a -> Aggregate c)
-> (b -> Aggregate d)
-> EitherTable a b
-> Aggregate (EitherTable c d)
aggregateEitherTable f g EitherTable {tag, left, right} =
liftF3 EitherTable (tag <$ aggregate) (f left) (g right)
Tag {aggregator, expr} = tag
aggregate = unsafeMakeAggregate toPrimExpr fromPrimExpr aggregator expr
nameEitherTable :: Name EitherTag -> a -> b -> EitherTable a b
nameEitherTable = EitherTable . fromName

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@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ import Rel8.Type.Eq ( DBEq )
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability ( Sql )
-- | The class of 'Table's that can be compared for equality. Equality on
-- tables is defined by equality of all columns all columns, so this class
-- means "all columns in a 'Table' have an instance of 'DBEq'".
type EqTable :: Type -> Constraint
class Table Expr a => EqTable a where
eqTable :: Columns a (Dict (ConstrainDBType DBEq))

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@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ import Rel8.Table ( fromColumns, toColumns )
-- | @toInsert@ converts a 'Table' of 'Expr's into a 'Table' that can be used
-- with 'insert'. This will override any columns that have default values to
-- use exactly what is given. If you want to use default values, you can either
-- override the result of @toInsert@, or use 'toInsertDefaults'.
-- with 'Rel8.insert'. This will override any columns that have default values
-- to use exactly what is given. If you want to use default values, you can
-- either override the result of @toInsert@, or use 'toInsertDefaults'.
toInsert :: Inserts exprs inserts => exprs -> inserts
toInsert (toColumns -> exprs) = fromColumns $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield hspecs field of
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ toInsert (toColumns -> exprs) = fromColumns $ htabulate $ \field ->
-- | @toInsertDefaults@ converts a 'Table' of 'Expr's into a 'Table' that can
-- be used with 'insert'. Any columns that have a default value will override
-- whatever is in the input expression.
-- be used with 'Rel8.insert'. Any columns that have a default value will
-- override whatever is in the input expression.
-- One example where this is useful is for any table that has a special @id@
-- column, which has a default value to draw a new value from a sequence. If we

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@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
-- | A @ListTable@ value contains zero or more instances of @a@. You construct
-- @ListTable@s with 'many' or 'listAgg'.
-- @ListTable@s with 'Rel8.many' or 'Rel8.listAgg'.
type ListTable :: Type -> Type
newtype ListTable a = ListTable (HListTable (Columns a) (Col (Context a)))

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ module Rel8.Table.Maybe
, maybeTable, nothingTable, justTable
, isNothingTable, isJustTable
, ($?)
, aggregateMaybeTable
, nameMaybeTable
@ -25,10 +27,11 @@ import Data.Kind ( Type )
import Prelude hiding ( null, repeat, undefined, zipWith )
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, unsafeMakeAggregate )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Expr.Bool ( boolExpr )
import Rel8.Expr.Null ( isNull, isNonNull, null, nullify )
import Rel8.Expr.Serialize ( litExpr )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( fromPrimExpr, toPrimExpr )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Label ( Labelable, labeler, unlabeler, hlabeler )
import Rel8.Schema.Context.Nullify
( Nullifiable, ConstrainTag
@ -39,6 +42,7 @@ import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Identity ( HIdentity(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Label ( HLabel, hlabel, hunlabel )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Maybe ( HMaybeTable(..), HMaybeNullifiable )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Nullify ( hnullify, hunnullify )
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name )
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability
( Nullify
, Nullability( Nullable, NonNullable )
@ -56,12 +60,13 @@ import Rel8.Table.Lifted
import Rel8.Table.Ord ( OrdTable, ordTable )
import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..), fromExpr, fromName )
import Rel8.Table.Undefined ( undefined )
import Rel8.Type ( DBType )
import Rel8.Type.Tag ( MaybeTag( IsJust ) )
import Rel8.Type.Tag ( MaybeTag )
-- semigroupoids
import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>) )
import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>), liftF2 )
import Data.Functor.Bind ( Bind, (>>-) )
@ -75,10 +80,10 @@ import Data.Functor.Bind ( Bind, (>>-) )
-- a "nullTag" - to track whether or not the outer join produced any rows.
type MaybeTable :: Type -> Type
data MaybeTable a = MaybeTable
{ tag :: Expr (Maybe MaybeTag)
{ tag :: Tag "isJust" (Maybe MaybeTag)
, just :: a
deriving stock (Show, Functor)
deriving stock Functor
instance Apply MaybeTable where
@ -86,7 +91,7 @@ instance Apply MaybeTable where
-- | Has the same behavior as the @Applicative@ instance for @Maybe@. See also:
-- 'traverseMaybeTable'.
-- 'Rel8.traverseMaybeTable'.
instance Applicative MaybeTable where
(<*>) = (<.>)
pure = justTable
@ -98,14 +103,16 @@ instance Bind MaybeTable where
-- | Has the same behavior as the @Monad@ instance for @Maybe@. See also:
-- 'bindMaybeTable'.
-- 'Rel8.bindMaybeTable'.
instance Monad MaybeTable where
(>>=) = (>>-)
instance AltTable MaybeTable where
ma@(MaybeTable tag a) <|>: MaybeTable tag' b = MaybeTable
{ tag = boolExpr tag tag' condition
{ tag = (tag <> tag')
{ expr = boolExpr (expr tag) (expr tag') condition
, just = bool a b condition
@ -130,7 +137,7 @@ instance Table1 MaybeTable where
toColumns1 f MaybeTable {tag, just} = HMaybeTable
{ htag
, hjust = hnullify (hnullifier (isNonNull tag)) $ f just
, hjust = hnullify (hnullifier tag isNonNull) $ f just
htag = HIdentity (hencodeTag tag)
@ -138,7 +145,7 @@ instance Table1 MaybeTable where
fromColumns1 f HMaybeTable {htag = HIdentity htag, hjust} = MaybeTable
{ tag
, just = f $ runIdentity $
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier (isNonNull tag) a) hjust
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier a) hjust
tag = hdecodeTag htag
@ -175,38 +182,36 @@ instance OrdTable a => OrdTable (MaybeTable a) where
ordTable = toColumns1 (hlabel hlabeler) (justTable (ordTable @a))
-- | Check if a @MaybeTable@ is absent of any row.. Like 'isNothing'.
-- | Check if a @MaybeTable@ is absent of any row. Like 'Data.Maybe.isNothing'.
isNothingTable :: MaybeTable a -> Expr Bool
isNothingTable (MaybeTable tag _) = isNull tag
isNothingTable (MaybeTable tag _) = isNull (expr tag)
-- | Check if a @MaybeTable@ contains a row. Like 'isJust'.
-- | Check if a @MaybeTable@ contains a row. Like 'Data.Maybe.isJust'.
isJustTable :: MaybeTable a -> Expr Bool
isJustTable (MaybeTable tag _) = isNonNull tag
isJustTable (MaybeTable tag _) = isNonNull (expr tag)
-- | Perform case analysis on a 'MaybeTable'. Like 'maybe'.
maybeTable :: Table Expr b => b -> (a -> b) -> MaybeTable a -> b
maybeTable b f ma@(MaybeTable _ a) = bool (f a) b (isNothingTable ma)
{-# INLINABLE maybeTable #-}
-- | The null table. Like 'Nothing'.
nothingTable :: Table Expr a => MaybeTable a
nothingTable = MaybeTable null undefined
nothingTable = MaybeTable (fromExpr null) undefined
-- | Lift any table into 'MaybeTable'. Like 'Just'. Note you can also use
-- 'pure'.
justTable :: a -> MaybeTable a
justTable = MaybeTable (nullify (litExpr IsJust))
justTable = MaybeTable (fromExpr mempty)
-- | Project a single expression out of a 'MaybeTable'. You can think of this
-- operator like the '$' operator, but it also has the ability to return
-- @null@.
-- >>> select c $ fmap (fst $?) (optional (values [lit (True, False)]))
-- [Just True]
($?) :: forall a b. Sql DBType b
=> (a -> Expr b) -> MaybeTable a -> Expr (Nullify b)
f $? ma@(MaybeTable _ a) = case nullabilization @b of
@ -214,3 +219,14 @@ f $? ma@(MaybeTable _ a) = case nullabilization @b of
NonNullable -> boolExpr (nullify (f a)) null (isNothingTable ma)
infixl 4 $?
aggregateMaybeTable :: ()
=> (a -> Aggregate b) -> MaybeTable a -> Aggregate (MaybeTable b)
aggregateMaybeTable f MaybeTable {tag = tag@Tag {aggregator, expr}, just} =
liftF2 MaybeTable (tag <$ aggregate) (f just)
aggregate = unsafeMakeAggregate toPrimExpr fromPrimExpr aggregator expr
nameMaybeTable :: Name (Maybe MaybeTag) -> a -> MaybeTable a
nameMaybeTable = MaybeTable . fromName

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
-- | A @NonEmptyTable@ value contains one or more instances of @a@. You
-- construct @NonEmptyTable@s with 'some' or 'nonEmptyAgg'.
-- construct @NonEmptyTable@s with 'Rel8.some' or 'nonEmptyAgg'.
type NonEmptyTable :: Type -> Type
newtype NonEmptyTable a =
NonEmptyTable (HNonEmptyTable (Columns a) (Col (Context a)))

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@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ import Data.Profunctor ( dimap, lmap )
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate( Aggregate ) )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr, Col(..) )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye
( scastExpr
, fromPrimExpr, toPrimExpr
( fromPrimExpr, toPrimExpr
, traversePrimExpr
, fromColumn, toColumn
@ -94,14 +93,14 @@ tableFields (toColumns -> names) = dimap toColumns fromColumns $
name -> lmap (`hfield` field) (go specs name)
go :: SSpec spec -> Col Name spec -> Opaleye.TableFields (Col Insert spec) (Col Expr spec)
go SSpec {necessity, info} (NameCol name) = case necessity of
go SSpec {necessity} (NameCol name) = case necessity of
SRequired ->
lmap (\(RequiredInsert a) -> toColumn $ toPrimExpr a) $
DB . scastExpr info . fromPrimExpr . fromColumn <$>
DB . fromPrimExpr . fromColumn <$>
Opaleye.requiredTableField name
SOptional ->
lmap (\(OptionalInsert ma) -> toColumn . toPrimExpr <$> ma) $
DB . scastExpr info . fromPrimExpr . fromColumn <$>
DB . fromPrimExpr . fromColumn <$>
Opaleye.optionalTableField name

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@ -279,6 +279,8 @@ instance (ToExprs a exprs, a ~ FromExprs exprs) => Serializable exprs a
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Sql DBType a => Serializable (Expr a) a
-- | Use @lit@ to turn literal Haskell values into expressions. @lit@ is
-- capable of lifting single @Expr@s to full tables.
lit :: forall exprs a. Serializable exprs a => a -> exprs
lit = fromColumns . litHTable . toIdentity' @exprs

src/Rel8/Table/Tag.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language GADTs #-}
{-# language InstanceSigs #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language TypeApplications #-}
{-# language UndecidableInstances #-}
module Rel8.Table.Tag
( Tag(..), Taggable
, fromAggregate
, fromExpr
, fromName
-- base
import Control.Applicative ( (<|>), empty )
import Data.Kind ( Constraint, Type )
import Data.Foldable ( fold )
import Data.Monoid ( getFirst )
import Data.Proxy ( Proxy( Proxy ) )
import GHC.TypeLits ( KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal )
import Prelude
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate, Aggregator, foldInputs )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Expr.Opaleye ( fromPrimExpr )
import Rel8.Schema.Dict ( Dict( Dict ) )
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name( Name ) )
import Rel8.Schema.Nullability ( Sql, mapSql )
import Rel8.Type.Monoid ( DBMonoid )
import Rel8.Type.Semigroup ( DBSemigroup )
type Tag :: Symbol -> Type -> Type
data Tag label a = Tag
{ expr :: Expr a
, aggregator :: Maybe Aggregator
, name :: Name a
type Taggable :: Type -> Constraint
class Taggable a where
tappend :: KnownSymbol label => Tag label a -> Tag label a -> Tag label a
tempty :: KnownSymbol label => Tag label a
instance Sql DBMonoid a => Taggable a where
tappend :: forall label. KnownSymbol label
=> Tag label a -> Tag label a -> Tag label a
tappend a b = Tag
{ expr = case mapSql dbSemigroupFromDBMonoid (Dict @_ @a) of
Dict -> expr a <> expr b
, aggregator = aggregator a <|> aggregator b
, name = case (name a, symbolVal (Proxy @label)) of
(Name x, y)
| x == y -> name b
| otherwise -> name a
{-# INLINABLE tappend #-}
tempty :: forall label. KnownSymbol label => Tag label a
tempty = Tag
{ expr = mempty
, aggregator = empty
, name = Name (symbolVal (Proxy @label))
{-# INLINABLE tempty #-}
instance (KnownSymbol label, Taggable a) => Semigroup (Tag label a) where
(<>) = tappend
instance (KnownSymbol label, Taggable a) => Monoid (Tag label a) where
mempty = tempty
fromAggregate :: forall a label. (KnownSymbol label, Taggable a)
=> Aggregate (Expr a) -> Tag label a
fromAggregate = fold . getFirst . foldInputs go
go aggregator primExpr = pure $ (tempty @a @label)
{ expr = fromPrimExpr primExpr
, aggregator
fromExpr :: forall label a. (KnownSymbol label, Taggable a)
=> Expr a -> Tag label a
fromExpr expr = (tempty @a @label) {expr}
fromName :: forall a label. Taggable a => Name a -> Tag label a
fromName name = (tempty @a @"") {name}
dbSemigroupFromDBMonoid :: Dict DBMonoid a -> Dict DBSemigroup a
dbSemigroupFromDBMonoid Dict = Dict

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@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
{-# language FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# language MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language StandaloneKindSignatures #-}
{-# language TupleSections #-}
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ module Rel8.Table.These
, isThisTable, isThatTable, isThoseTable
, hasHereTable, hasThereTable
, justHereTable, justThereTable
, aggregateTheseTable, nameTheseTable
@ -28,6 +30,7 @@ import Data.Kind ( Type )
import Prelude hiding ( undefined )
-- rel8
import Rel8.Aggregate ( Aggregate )
import Rel8.Expr ( Expr )
import Rel8.Expr.Bool ( (&&.), not_ )
import Rel8.Expr.Null ( isNonNull )
@ -42,6 +45,7 @@ import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Identity ( HIdentity(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Maybe ( HMaybeNullifiable )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.Nullify ( hnullify, hunnullify )
import Rel8.Schema.HTable.These ( HTheseTable(..) )
import Rel8.Schema.Name ( Name )
import Rel8.Table ( Table, Columns, Context, fromColumns, toColumns )
import Rel8.Table.Eq ( EqTable, eqTable )
import Rel8.Table.Lifted
@ -51,14 +55,16 @@ import Rel8.Table.Maybe
( MaybeTable(..)
, maybeTable, justTable, nothingTable
, isJustTable
, aggregateMaybeTable, nameMaybeTable
import Rel8.Table.Ord ( OrdTable, ordTable )
import Rel8.Table.Recontextualize ( Recontextualize )
import Rel8.Table.Tag ( Tag(..) )
import Rel8.Table.Undefined ( undefined )
import Rel8.Type.Tag ( MaybeTag )
-- semigroupoids
import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>) )
import Data.Functor.Apply ( Apply, (<.>), liftF2 )
import Data.Functor.Bind ( Bind, (>>-) )
@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ data TheseTable a b = TheseTable
{ here :: MaybeTable a
, there :: MaybeTable b
deriving stock (Show, Functor)
deriving stock Functor
instance Bifunctor TheseTable where
@ -116,10 +122,12 @@ instance Table2 TheseTable where
type ConstrainHContext2 TheseTable = HMaybeNullifiable
toColumns2 f g TheseTable {here, there} = HTheseTable
{ hhereTag = HIdentity $ hencodeTag (tag here)
, hhere = hnullify (hnullifier (isNonNull (tag here))) $ f (just here)
, hthereTag = HIdentity $ hencodeTag (tag there)
, hthere = hnullify (hnullifier (isNonNull (tag there))) $ g (just there)
{ hhereTag = HIdentity $ hencodeTag (toHereTag (tag here))
, hhere =
hnullify (hnullifier (tag here) isNonNull) $ f (just here)
, hthereTag = HIdentity $ hencodeTag (toThereTag (tag there))
, hthere =
hnullify (hnullifier (tag there) isNonNull) $ g (just there)
fromColumns2 f g HTheseTable {hhereTag, hhere, hthereTag, hthere} =
@ -132,7 +140,7 @@ instance Table2 TheseTable where
{ tag
, just = f $
runIdentity $
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier (isNonNull tag) a)
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier a)
, there =
@ -143,7 +151,7 @@ instance Table2 TheseTable where
{ tag
, just = g $
runIdentity $
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier (isNonNull tag) a)
hunnullify (\a -> pure . hunnullifier a)
@ -192,6 +200,14 @@ instance (OrdTable a, OrdTable b) => OrdTable (TheseTable a b) where
(thoseTable (ordTable @a) (ordTable @b))
toHereTag :: Tag "isJust" a -> Tag "hasHere" a
toHereTag Tag {..} = Tag {..}
toThereTag :: Tag "isJust" a -> Tag "hasThere" a
toThereTag Tag {..} = Tag {..}
isThisTable :: TheseTable a b -> Expr Bool
isThisTable a = hasHereTable a &&. not_ (hasThereTable a)
@ -239,3 +255,25 @@ theseTable f g h TheseTable {here, there} =
(maybeTable undefined f here)
(\b -> maybeTable (g b) (`h` b) here)
aggregateTheseTable :: ()
=> (a -> Aggregate c)
-> (b -> Aggregate d)
-> TheseTable a b
-> Aggregate (TheseTable c d)
aggregateTheseTable f g TheseTable {here, there} =
liftF2 TheseTable (aggregateMaybeTable f here) (aggregateMaybeTable g there)
nameTheseTable :: ()
=> Name (Maybe MaybeTag)
-> Name (Maybe MaybeTag)
-> a
-> b
-> TheseTable a b
nameTheseTable here there a b =
{ here = nameMaybeTable here a
, there = nameMaybeTable there b

View File

@ -60,6 +60,13 @@ import qualified Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable.Class ( bitraverse1 )
-- | @'Tabulation' k a@ is denotionally a @MultiMap k a@ — a @Map@ where each
-- key @k@ corresponds to potentially multiple @a@ (i.e., @'Query' a@). This
-- @MultiMap@ supports 'lookup' and other operations you would expect it to.
-- \"Identity\" 'Tabulation's are created using 'tabulate'. 'Tabulation's can
-- be composed with 'Query's with 'prebind' or 'postbind' to form new
-- 'Tabulation's.
newtype Tabulation k a = Tabulation (k -> Query (Maybe k, a))
deriving stock Functor
@ -93,6 +100,16 @@ instance EqTable k => Monad (Tabulation k) where
pure (mk', b)
-- | This "undoes" 'fromQuery'.
-- @
-- 'runTabulation' . 'fromQuery' = id
-- 'fromQuery' . 'runTabulation' = id
-- @
-- Note however that it produces nonsense when passed a 'Tabulation' that was
-- made with from 'liftQuery' or 'pure'. In such cases the returned 'Query'
-- will always produce zero rows.
runTabulation :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Query (k, a)
runTabulation (Tabulation f) = do
(mk, a) <- f i
@ -111,14 +128,41 @@ liftQuery :: Query a -> Tabulation k a
liftQuery query = Tabulation $ const $ fmap (Nothing,) query
-- | 'tabulate' creates an \"identity\" @'Tabulation' k a@ that allows @a@ be
-- indexed by one or more of its columns @k@. Some examples:
-- [Tabulation by primary key]:
-- @
-- projectsById :: Project 'Expr' -> 'Tabulation' ('Expr' ProjectId) (Project 'Expr')
-- projectsById = 'tabulate' projectId
-- @
-- Note: the nature of primary keys means that each key will be mapped to a
-- singleton value in this case.
-- [Tabulation by other unique key]:
-- @
-- projectsByName :: Project 'Expr' -> 'Tabulation' ('Expr' Text) (Project 'Expr')
-- projectsByName = 'tabulate' projectName
-- @
-- [Tabulation by foreign key (tabulate a child table by parent key)]:
-- @
-- revisionsByProjectId :: Revision 'Expr' -> 'Tabulation' ('Expr' ProjectId) (Revision 'Expr')
-- revisionsByProjectId = 'tabulate' revisionProjectId
-- @
tabulate :: (a -> k) -> a -> Tabulation k a
tabulate key a = fromQuery $ pure (key a, a)
-- | Like 'tabulate' but takes a monadic 'Query' function instead of a pure
-- one. This means you can filter rows while calculating the key, which is
-- useful in conjunction with 'Rel8.Extra.catNulls'.
tabulateA :: (a -> Query k) -> a -> Tabulation k a
tabulateA key a = fromQuery $ (,a) <$> key a
-- | Analgous to 'Data.Map.Strict.fromList'.
fromQuery :: Query (k, a) -> Tabulation k a
fromQuery = Tabulation . const . fmap (first Just)
@ -133,6 +177,7 @@ ifilter f tabulation = snd <$> do
filter (uncurry f) `postbind` indexed tabulation
-- | Map a 'Query' over the input side of a 'Tabulation'.
prebind :: (a -> Tabulation k b) -> Query a -> Tabulation k b
prebind f as = Tabulation $ \k -> do
a <- as
@ -141,6 +186,7 @@ prebind f as = Tabulation $ \k -> do
infixr 1 `prebind`
-- | Map a 'Query' over the output side of a 'Tabulation'.
postbind :: (a -> Query b) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b
postbind f (Tabulation as) = Tabulation $ \i -> do
(k, a) <- as i
@ -151,6 +197,8 @@ postbind f (Tabulation as) = Tabulation $ \i -> do
infixr 1 `postbind`
-- | Note that because 'Tabulation' is a @MultiMap@, the 'Query' returned by
-- 'lookup' can and often does contain multiple results.
lookup :: EqTable k => k -> Tabulation k a -> Query a
lookup key (Tabulation query) = do
(mk, a) <- query key
@ -158,11 +206,19 @@ lookup key (Tabulation query) = do
pure a
-- | Analagous to
-- [@align@](
-- If 'zip' makes an @INNER JOIN@, then 'align' makes a @FULL OUTER JOIN@.
align :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a, Table Expr b)
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (TheseTable a b)
align = alignWith id
-- | Analagous to
-- [@alignWith@](
-- See 'zipWith' and 'align'.
alignWith :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a, Table Expr b)
=> (TheseTable a b -> c)
-> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c
@ -177,27 +233,73 @@ alignWith f kas kbs = do
pure (k', f tab)
-- | If 'zip' makes an @INNER JOIN@, then 'leftAlign' makes a @LEFT JOIN@.
-- This means it will return at least one row for every row in the left
-- 'Tabulation', even if there is no corresponding row in the right (hence the
-- 'Rel8.MaybeTable').
-- Analagous to
-- [@rpadZip@](
leftAlign :: EqTable k
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (a, MaybeTable b)
leftAlign = leftAlignWith (,)
-- | See 'zipWith' and 'leftAlign'.
-- Analagous to
-- [@rpadZipWith@](
leftAlignWith :: EqTable k
=> (a -> MaybeTable b -> c)
-> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c
leftAlignWith f left right = liftA2 f left (optionalTabulation right)
-- | Analagous to
-- [@zip@](
-- There are multiple correct ways of understanding what this does.
-- You can think of it as @'Data.Map.Strict.intersectionWith'
-- ('Control.Applicative.liftA2' (,))@. That is, @intersect@ the two
-- `Tabulation`s by matching their keys together (with 'Rel8.==:'), and combine
-- their values (remembering that 'Tabulation' is a 'MultiMap' so that the
-- values are keys) by getting their cartesian product.
-- You can think of it as performing a cross product of the underlying 'Query's
-- of the given 'Tabulation's and filtering the results for 'match'ing keys.
-- You can think of it as a natural join in SQL terms.
-- The size of the resulting 'Tabulation' will be \(\sum_{k} min(n_k, m_k) \)
-- in terms of the number of keys, but \(\sum_{k} n_k \times m_k\) in terms of
-- the number of values.
zip :: EqTable k
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (a, b)
zip = zipWith (,)
-- | Analagous to
-- [@zipWith@](
-- See 'zip'.
zipWith :: EqTable k
=> (a -> b -> c) -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c
zipWith = liftA2
-- | 'similarity' returns all the entries in the left 'Tabulation' that have a
-- corresponding entry in the right 'Tabulation'. This corresponds to a
-- semijoin in relational algebra.
-- This differs from @'zipWith' const x y@ when the right 'Tabulation' @y@
-- contains an entry with multiple rows. For 'similarity', the entries in the
-- resulting 'Tabulation' will contain the same number of rows as their
-- respective entries in the left 'Tabulation' @x@. With `zipWith const x y`,
-- each entry would contain the /product/ of the number of rows of their
-- respective entries in @x@ and @y@.
-- See 'Rel8.with'.
similarity :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k a
similarity kas kbs = do
as <- toQuery kas
@ -205,6 +307,11 @@ similarity kas kbs = do
fromQuery $ as >>= withBy (\(k, _) (l, _) -> k ==: l) bs
-- | 'difference' returns all the entries in the left 'Tabulation' that don't
-- exist in the right 'Tabulation'. This corresponds to an antijoin in
-- relational algebra.
-- See 'Rel8.without'.
difference :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k a
difference kas kbs = do
as <- toQuery kas

View File

@ -58,8 +58,12 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as Lazy ( decodeUtf8 )
-- time
import Data.Time.Calendar ( Day )
import Data.Time.Clock ( DiffTime, NominalDiffTime, UTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( LocalTime, TimeOfDay )
import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime
( CalendarDiffTime( CalendarDiffTime )
, LocalTime
, TimeOfDay
import Data.Time.Format ( formatTime, defaultTimeLocale )
-- uuid
@ -75,18 +79,6 @@ import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
-- should only need to derive instances of this class for custom database
-- types, such as types defined in PostgreSQL extensions, or custom domain
-- types.
-- [ Creating @DBType@s using @newtype@ ]
-- Generalized newtype deriving can be used when you want use a @newtype@
-- around a database type for clarity and accuracy in your Haskell code. A
-- common example is to @newtype@ row id types:
-- >>> newtype UserId = UserId { toInt32 :: Int32 } deriving newtype (DBType)
-- You can now write queries using @UserId@ instead of @Int32@, which may help
-- avoid making bad joins. However, when SQL is generated, it will be as if you
-- just used integers (the type distinction does not impact query generation).
type DBType :: Type -> Constraint
class NotNull a => DBType a where
typeInformation :: TypeInformation a
@ -98,7 +90,6 @@ instance DBType Bool where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.BoolLit
, decode = Hasql.bool
, typeName = "bool"
, out = id
@ -108,7 +99,6 @@ instance DBType Char where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.StringLit . pure
, decode = Hasql.char
, typeName = "char"
, out = id
@ -118,7 +108,6 @@ instance DBType Int16 where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.IntegerLit . toInteger
, decode = Hasql.int2
, typeName = "int2"
, out = id
@ -128,7 +117,6 @@ instance DBType Int32 where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.IntegerLit . toInteger
, decode = Hasql.int4
, typeName = "int4"
, out = id
@ -138,7 +126,6 @@ instance DBType Int64 where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.IntegerLit . toInteger
, decode = Hasql.int8
, typeName = "int8"
, out = id
@ -148,7 +135,6 @@ instance DBType Float where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.NumericLit . realToFrac
, decode = Hasql.float4
, typeName = "float4"
, out = id
@ -158,7 +144,6 @@ instance DBType Double where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.NumericLit . realToFrac
, decode = Hasql.float8
, typeName = "float8"
, out = id
@ -168,7 +153,6 @@ instance DBType Scientific where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.NumericLit
, decode = Hasql.numeric
, typeName = "numeric"
, out = id
@ -180,7 +164,6 @@ instance DBType UTCTime where
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "'%FT%T%QZ'"
, decode = Hasql.timestamptz
, typeName = "timestamptz"
, out = id
@ -192,7 +175,6 @@ instance DBType Day where
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "'%F'"
, decode =
, typeName = "date"
, out = id
@ -204,7 +186,6 @@ instance DBType LocalTime where
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "'%FT%T%Q'"
, decode = Hasql.timestamp
, typeName = "timestamp"
, out = id
@ -216,34 +197,26 @@ instance DBType TimeOfDay where
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "'%T%Q'"
, decode = Hasql.time
, typeName = "time"
, out = id
-- | Corresponds to @interval@
instance DBType DiffTime where
instance DBType CalendarDiffTime where
typeInformation = TypeInformation
{ encode =
Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.OtherLit .
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "'%0Es'"
, decode = Hasql.interval
formatTime defaultTimeLocale "'%bmon %0Es'"
, decode = CalendarDiffTime 0 . realToFrac <$> Hasql.interval
, typeName = "interval"
, out = id
instance DBType NominalDiffTime where
typeInformation =
mapTypeInformation @DiffTime realToFrac realToFrac typeInformation
-- | Corresponds to @text@
instance DBType Text where
typeInformation = TypeInformation
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.StringLit . Text.unpack
, decode = Hasql.text
, typeName = "text"
, out = id
@ -273,7 +246,6 @@ instance DBType ByteString where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.ByteStringLit
, decode = Hasql.bytea
, typeName = "bytea"
, out = id
@ -290,7 +262,6 @@ instance DBType UUID where
{ encode = Opaleye.ConstExpr . Opaleye.StringLit . UUID.toString
, decode = Hasql.uuid
, typeName = "uuid"
, out = id
@ -303,7 +274,6 @@ instance DBType Value where
Lazy.unpack . Lazy.decodeUtf8 . Aeson.encode
, decode = Hasql.jsonb
, typeName = "jsonb"
, out = id

View File

@ -40,15 +40,14 @@ listTypeInformation :: ()
-> TypeInformation [a]
listTypeInformation nullability info =
case info of
TypeInformation{ encode, decode, out } -> TypeInformation
TypeInformation{ encode, decode } -> TypeInformation
{ decode = row $ case nullability of
Nullable -> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nullable (out <$> decode))
NonNullable -> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nonNullable (out <$> decode))
Nullable -> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nullable decode)
NonNullable -> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nonNullable decode)
, encode = case nullability of
Nullable -> array info . fmap (maybe null encode)
NonNullable -> array info . fmap encode
, typeName = "record"
, out = id
row = Hasql.composite . Hasql.field . Hasql.nonNullable

View File

@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ import Data.Semialign ( Semialign )
import Data.Zip ( Repeat, Unzip, Zip )
-- | A one dimensional array.
newtype Array1D a = Array1D [a]
deriving stock Traversable
deriving newtype
@ -98,15 +99,14 @@ array1DTypeInformation :: IsArray1D (Unnullify a) ~ 'False
-> TypeInformation (Array1D a)
array1DTypeInformation nullability info =
case info of
TypeInformation{ encode, decode, typeName, out } -> TypeInformation
TypeInformation{ encode, decode, typeName } -> TypeInformation
{ decode = case nullability of
Nullable -> Array1D <$> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nullable (out <$> decode))
NonNullable -> Array1D <$> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nonNullable (out <$> decode))
Nullable -> Array1D <$> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nullable decode)
NonNullable -> Array1D <$> Hasql.listArray (Hasql.nonNullable decode)
, encode = case nullability of
Nullable -> Opaleye.ArrayExpr . fmap (maybe null encode) . getArray1D
NonNullable -> Opaleye.ArrayExpr . fmap encode . getArray1D
, typeName = typeName <> "[]"
, out = id
null = Opaleye.ConstExpr Opaleye.NullLit

View File

@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy ( Text )
-- time
import Data.Time.Calendar ( Day )
import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime, DiffTime, NominalDiffTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( TimeOfDay, LocalTime )
import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( CalendarDiffTime, LocalTime, TimeOfDay )
-- uuid
import Data.UUID ( UUID )
@ -49,36 +49,6 @@ import Data.UUID ( UUID )
-- | Database types that can be compared for equality in queries. If a type is
-- an instance of 'DBEq', it means we can compare expressions for equality
-- using the SQL @=@ operator.
-- [ @DBEq@ with @newtype@s ]
-- Like with 'Rel8.DBType', @DBEq@ plays well with generalized newtype
-- deriving. The example given for @DBType@ added a @UserId@ @newtype@, but
-- without a @DBEq@ instance won't actually be able to use that in joins or
-- where-clauses, because it lacks equality. We can add this by changing our
-- @newtype@ definition to:
-- >>> newtype UserId = UserId { toInt32 :: Int32 } deriving newtype (DBType, DBEq)
-- This will re-use the equality logic for @Int32@, which is to just use the
-- @=@ operator.
-- [ @DBEq@ with @DeriveAnyType@ ]
-- You can also use @DBEq@ with the @DeriveAnyType@ extension to easily add
-- equality to your type, assuming that @=@ is sufficient on @DBType@ encoded
-- values. Extending the example from 'Rel8.ReadShow''s 'Rel8.DBType' instance,
-- we could add equality to @Color@ by writing:
-- >>> :{
-- data Color = Red | Green | Blue | Purple | Gold
-- deriving (Generic, Show, Read, DBEq)
-- deriving DBType via ReadShow Color
-- :}
-- This means @Color@s will be treated as the literal strings @"Red"@,
-- @"Green"@, etc, in the database, and they can be compared for equality by
-- just using @=@.
type DBEq :: Type -> Constraint
class DBType a => DBEq a
@ -95,8 +65,7 @@ instance DBEq UTCTime
instance DBEq Day
instance DBEq LocalTime
instance DBEq TimeOfDay
instance DBEq DiffTime
instance DBEq NominalDiffTime
instance DBEq CalendarDiffTime
instance DBEq Text
instance DBEq Lazy.Text
instance DBEq (CI Text)

View File

@ -28,23 +28,19 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- from database queries. The @typeName@ is the name of the type in the
-- database, which is used to accurately type literals.
type TypeInformation :: Type -> Type
data TypeInformation a where
TypeInformation ::
{ encode :: a -> Opaleye.PrimExpr
-- ^ How to encode a single Haskell value as a SQL expression.
, decode :: Hasql.Value x
-- ^ How to deserialize a single result back to Haskell.
, typeName :: String
-- ^ The name of the SQL type.
, out :: x -> a
-- ^ A final output function - usually this will just be 'id'. This is
-- needed to allow @TypeInformation@s to be coerced.
} -> TypeInformation a
data TypeInformation a = TypeInformation
{ encode :: a -> Opaleye.PrimExpr
-- ^ How to encode a single Haskell value as a SQL expression.
, decode :: Hasql.Value a
-- ^ How to deserialize a single result back to Haskell.
, typeName :: String
-- ^ The name of the SQL type.
-- | Simultaneously map over how a type is both encoded and decoded, while
-- retaining the name of the type. This operation is useful if you want to
-- essentially @newtype@ another 'DBType'.
-- essentially @newtype@ another 'Rel8.DBType'.
-- The mapping is required to be total. If you have a partial mapping, see
-- 'parseTypeInformation'.
@ -60,31 +56,12 @@ mapTypeInformation = parseTypeInformation . fmap pure
-- a given 'TypeInformation'. The parser is applied when deserializing rows
-- returned - the encoder assumes that the input data is already in the
-- appropriate form.
-- One example where this may be useful is with a database that stores data in
-- some legacy encoding:
-- >>> import Data.Text (Text)
-- >>> data Color = Red | Green | Blue
-- >>> :{
-- instance DBType Color where
-- typeInformation = parseTypeInformation parseLegacy toLegacy typeInformation
-- where
-- parseLegacy :: Text -> Either String Color
-- parseLegacy "red" = Right Red
-- parseLegacy "green" = Right Green
-- parseLegacy _ = Left "Unexpected Color"
-- toLegacy Red = "red"
-- toLegacy Green = "green"
-- :}
parseTypeInformation :: ()
=> (a -> Either String b) -> (b -> a)
-> TypeInformation a -> TypeInformation b
parseTypeInformation to from TypeInformation {encode, decode, typeName, out} =
parseTypeInformation to from TypeInformation {encode, decode, typeName} =
{ encode = encode . from
, decode = Hasql.refine (first Text.pack . to) (out <$> decode)
, decode = Hasql.refine (first Text.pack . to) decode
, typeName
, out = id

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Rel8.Type.Information ( TypeInformation(..) )
import Data.Text ( pack )
-- | Like 'JSONEncoded', but works for @jsonb@ columns.
-- | Like 'Rel8.JSONEncoded', but works for @jsonb@ columns.
newtype JSONBEncoded a = JSONBEncoded { fromJSONBEncoded :: a }
@ -28,5 +28,4 @@ instance (FromJSON a, ToJSON a) => DBType (JSONBEncoded a) where
{ encode = encode typeInformation . toJSON . fromJSONBEncoded
, decode = Hasql.refine (first pack . fmap JSONBEncoded . parseEither parseJSON) Hasql.jsonb
, typeName = "jsonb"
, out = id

View File

@ -15,19 +15,6 @@ import Rel8.Type.Information ( parseTypeInformation )
-- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value
-- using a JSON encoding described by @aeson@'s 'ToJSON' and 'FromJSON' type
-- classes.
-- The declaration:
-- >>> import Data.Aeson
-- >>> :{
-- data Pet = Pet { petName :: String, petAge :: Int }
-- deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- deriving PrimitiveType via JSONEncoded Pet
-- :}
-- will allow you to store @Pet@ values in a single SQL column (stored as
-- @json@ values).
newtype JSONEncoded a = JSONEncoded { fromJSONEncoded :: a }

View File

@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy ( Text )
-- time
import Data.Time.Clock ( DiffTime, NominalDiffTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( CalendarDiffTime( CalendarDiffTime ) )
-- | The class of 'DBType's that form a semigroup. This class is purely a Rel8
-- concept, and exists to mirror the 'Monoid' class.
-- | The class of 'Rel8.DBType's that form a semigroup. This class is purely a
-- Rel8 concept, and exists to mirror the 'Monoid' class.
type DBMonoid :: Type -> Constraint
class DBSemigroup a => DBMonoid a where
-- The identity for '<>.'
@ -54,12 +54,8 @@ instance Sql DBType a => DBMonoid [a] where
memptyExpr = sempty nullabilization typeInformation
instance DBMonoid DiffTime where
memptyExpr = litExpr 0
instance DBMonoid NominalDiffTime where
memptyExpr = litExpr 0
instance DBMonoid CalendarDiffTime where
memptyExpr = litExpr (CalendarDiffTime 0 0)
instance DBMonoid Text where

View File

@ -40,6 +40,9 @@ instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (HasNullability a, DBNum (Unnullify a)) =>
Sql DBNum a
-- | The class of database types that can be coerced to from integral
-- expressions. This is a Rel8 concept, and allows us to provide
-- 'fromIntegral'.
type DBIntegral :: Type -> Constraint
class DBNum a => DBIntegral a
instance DBIntegral Int16

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy ( Text )
-- time
import Data.Time.Calendar ( Day )
import Data.Time.Clock ( DiffTime, NominalDiffTime, UTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( TimeOfDay, LocalTime )
import Data.Time.Clock ( UTCTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( CalendarDiffTime, LocalTime, TimeOfDay )
-- uuid
import Data.UUID ( UUID )
@ -60,8 +60,7 @@ instance DBOrd UTCTime
instance DBOrd Day
instance DBOrd LocalTime
instance DBOrd TimeOfDay
instance DBOrd DiffTime
instance DBOrd NominalDiffTime
instance DBOrd CalendarDiffTime
instance DBOrd Text
instance DBOrd Lazy.Text
instance DBOrd (CI Text)
@ -93,8 +92,7 @@ instance DBMax UTCTime
instance DBMax Day
instance DBMax LocalTime
instance DBMax TimeOfDay
instance DBMax DiffTime
instance DBMax NominalDiffTime
instance DBMax CalendarDiffTime
instance DBMax Text
instance DBMax Lazy.Text
instance DBMax (CI Text)
@ -124,8 +122,7 @@ instance DBMin UTCTime
instance DBMin Day
instance DBMin LocalTime
instance DBMin TimeOfDay
instance DBMin DiffTime
instance DBMin NominalDiffTime
instance DBMin CalendarDiffTime
instance DBMin Text
instance DBMin Lazy.Text
instance DBMin (CI Text)

View File

@ -14,17 +14,6 @@ import qualified Data.Text as Text
-- | A deriving-via helper type for column types that store a Haskell value
-- using a Haskell's 'Read' and 'Show' type classes.
-- The declaration:
-- >>> :{
-- data Color = Red | Green | Blue
-- deriving (Read, Show)
-- deriving PrimitiveType via ReadShow Color
-- :}
-- will allow you to store @Color@ values in a single SQL column (stored as
-- @text@).
newtype ReadShow a = ReadShow { fromReadShow :: a }

View File

@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Lazy ( Text )
-- time
import Data.Time.Clock ( DiffTime, NominalDiffTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( CalendarDiffTime )
-- | The class of 'DBType's that form a semigroup. This class is purely a Rel8
-- concept, and exists to mirror the 'Semigroup' class.
-- | The class of 'Rel8.DBType's that form a semigroup. This class is purely a
-- Rel8 concept, and exists to mirror the 'Semigroup' class.
type DBSemigroup :: Type -> Constraint
class DBType a => DBSemigroup a where
-- | An associative operation.
@ -59,11 +59,7 @@ instance Sql DBType a => DBSemigroup (NonEmpty a) where
(<>.) = zipPrimExprsWith (Opaleye.BinExpr (Opaleye.:||))
instance DBSemigroup DiffTime where
(<>.) = zipPrimExprsWith (Opaleye.BinExpr (Opaleye.:+))
instance DBSemigroup NominalDiffTime where
instance DBSemigroup CalendarDiffTime where
(<>.) = zipPrimExprsWith (Opaleye.BinExpr (Opaleye.:+))

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ import Rel8.Type ( DBType )
import Data.Scientific ( Scientific )
-- time
import Data.Time.Clock ( DiffTime, NominalDiffTime )
import Data.Time.LocalTime ( CalendarDiffTime )
-- | The class of database types that support the @sum()@ aggregation function.
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ instance DBSum Int64
instance DBSum Float
instance DBSum Double
instance DBSum Scientific
instance DBSum DiffTime
instance DBSum NominalDiffTime
instance DBSum CalendarDiffTime
instance {-# INCOHERENT #-} (HasNullability a, DBSum (Unnullify a)) =>