Everything type checks, everything loops

This commit is contained in:
Ollie Charles 2021-02-28 14:42:48 +00:00
parent f56151c043
commit c0d3cef499
2 changed files with 112 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# language AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# language BlockArguments #-}
{-# language ConstraintKinds #-}
@ -50,7 +51,7 @@ import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField ( FromField, FieldParser, fromField,
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow ( RowParser, fieldWith )
import Data.Functor.Compose ( Compose(..) )
import GHC.Generics
( Generic(Rep, to), K1(K1), M1(M1), type (:*:)(..), unM1, unK1 )
( Generic(Rep, to, from), K1(K1), M1(M1), type (:*:)(..), unM1, unK1 )
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as Opaleye
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as Opaleye
import Opaleye.PGTypes
@ -126,110 +127,134 @@ data MyType f = MyType { fieldA :: Column f T }
class HigherKindedTable (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type) where
type HField t = (field :: Type -> Type) | field -> t
type HField t = GenericHField t
type HConstrainTable t (c :: Type -> Constraint) :: Constraint
type HConstrainTable t c = HConstrainTable (Columns (WithShape (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t SPINE) ()))) c
hfield :: t f -> HField t x -> C f x
htabulate :: forall f. (forall x. HField t x -> C f x) -> t f
htraverse :: forall f g m. Applicative m => (forall x. C f x -> m (C g x)) -> t f -> m (t g)
hdicts :: forall c. HConstrainTable t c => t (Dict c)
-- default hfield :: forall f x. (Table f (Rep (t f) ()), Columns (Rep (t f) ()) ~ Columns (Rep (t SPINE) ()), Generic (t f), HField t ~ GenericHField t) => t f -> HField t x -> C f x
-- hfield x (GenericHField i) =
-- hfield (toColumns (from @_ @() x)) i
-- -- ghfield @(Rep (t f)) @t @f @(Rep (t SPINE)) (from x) i
type HField t = GenericHField t
type HConstrainTable t c = HConstrainTable (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t SPINE) ()))) c
-- default htabulate
-- :: forall f. (forall x. HField t x -> C f x) -> t f
-- htabulate _ = undefined
-- -- ghtabulate @(Rep (t f)) @t @f @(Rep (t SPINE)) (from x) f
default hfield
:: forall f x
. ( Generic (t f)
, HField t ~ GenericHField t
, Columns (WithShape f (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ())) ~ Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
, HField (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))) ~ HField (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t SPINE) ())))
, HigherKindedTable (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ())))
, Table f (WithShape f (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
=> t f -> HField t x -> C f x
hfield x (GenericHField i) =
hfield (toColumns (WithShape @f @(Rep (t SPINE)) (from @_ @() x))) i
-- default htraverse
-- :: forall m f g. (forall x. C f x -> m (C g x)) -> t f -> m (t g)
-- htraverse f = undefined -- ghtraverse @(Rep (t f)) @t @f @(Rep (t SPINE)) f
default htabulate
:: forall f
. ( Generic (t f)
, HField t ~ GenericHField t
, Columns (WithShape f (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ())) ~ Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
, HField (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))) ~ HField (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t SPINE) ())))
, HigherKindedTable (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ())))
, Table f (WithShape f (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
=> (forall a. HField t a -> C f a) -> t f
htabulate f =
to @_ @() $ forgetShape @f @(Rep (t SPINE)) $ fromColumns $ htabulate (f . GenericHField)
default htraverse
:: forall f g m
. ( Applicative m
, Generic (t f)
, Generic (t g)
, Columns (WithShape f (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ())) ~ Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
, HigherKindedTable (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ())))
, Table f (WithShape f (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
, Table g (WithShape g (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t g) ()))
, Columns (WithShape g (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t g) ())) ~ Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t f) ()))
=> (forall a. C f a -> m (C g a)) -> t f -> m (t g)
htraverse f x =
fmap (to @_ @() . forgetShape @g @(Rep (t SPINE)) . fromColumns)
$ htraverse f
$ toColumns
$ WithShape @f @(Rep (t SPINE))
$ from @_ @() x
default hdicts
:: forall c
. ( Generic (t (Dict c))
, Table (Dict c) (WithShape (Rep (t (SHAPE (Dict c)))) (Rep (t (Dict c)) ()))
, HConstrainTable (Columns (WithShape (Rep (t (SHAPE (Dict c)))) (Rep (t (Dict c)) ()))) c
, Table (Dict c) (WithShape (Dict c) (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t (Dict c)) ()))
, HConstrainTable (Columns (WithShape (Dict c) (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t (Dict c)) ()))) c
=> t (Dict c)
hdicts =
to $
forgetShape @(Rep (t (SHAPE (Dict c)))) @(Rep (t (Dict c)) ()) $
to @_ @() $
forgetShape @(Dict c) @(Rep (t SPINE)) $
fromColumns $
hdicts @(Columns (WithShape (Rep (t (SHAPE (Dict c)))) (Rep (t (Dict c)) ()))) @c
hdicts @(Columns (WithShape (Dict c) (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t (Dict c)) ()))) @c
data Dict c a where
Dict :: c a => Dict c a
data SPINE a
data GenericHField t a where
GenericHField :: HField (Columns (Rep (t SPINE) ())) a -> GenericHField t a
GenericHField :: HField (Columns (WithShape SPINE (Rep (t SPINE)) (Rep (t SPINE) ()))) a -> GenericHField t a
newtype WithShape (shape :: Type -> Type) a = WithShape { forgetShape :: a }
newtype WithShape (context :: Type -> Type) (shape :: Type -> Type) a = WithShape { forgetShape :: a }
instance Table context (WithShape f (g a)) => Table context (WithShape (M1 i c f) (M1 i c g a)) where
type Columns (WithShape (M1 i c f) (M1 i c g a)) = Columns (WithShape f (g a))
toColumns = toColumns . WithShape @f . unM1 . forgetShape
fromColumns = WithShape . M1 . forgetShape @f . fromColumns
instance (context ~ context', Table context (WithShape context f (g a))) => Table context (WithShape context' (M1 i c f) (M1 i c g a)) where
type Columns (WithShape context' (M1 i c f) (M1 i c g a)) = Columns (WithShape context' f (g a))
toColumns = toColumns . WithShape @context @f . unM1 . forgetShape
fromColumns = WithShape . M1 . forgetShape @context @f . fromColumns
instance (Table context (WithShape shapeL (l a)), Table context (WithShape shapeR (r a))) => Table context (WithShape (shapeL :*: shapeR) ((:*:) l r a)) where
type Columns (WithShape (shapeL :*: shapeR) ((:*:) l r a)) =
instance (context ~ context', Table context (WithShape context shapeL (l a)), Table context (WithShape context shapeR (r a))) => Table context (WithShape context' (shapeL :*: shapeR) ((:*:) l r a)) where
type Columns (WithShape context' (shapeL :*: shapeR) ((:*:) l r a)) =
(Columns (WithShape shapeL (l a)))
(Columns (WithShape shapeR (r a)))
(Columns (WithShape context' shapeL (l a)))
(Columns (WithShape context' shapeR (r a)))
toColumns (WithShape (x :*: y)) = HPair (toColumns (WithShape @shapeL x)) (toColumns (WithShape @shapeR y))
fromColumns (HPair x y) = WithShape $ forgetShape @shapeL (fromColumns x) :*: forgetShape @shapeR (fromColumns y)
toColumns (WithShape (x :*: y)) = HPair (toColumns (WithShape @context @shapeL x)) (toColumns (WithShape @context @shapeR y))
fromColumns (HPair x y) = WithShape $ forgetShape @context @shapeL (fromColumns x) :*: forgetShape @context @shapeR (fromColumns y)
instance K1Helper (IsColumnApplication shape) context shape b => Table context (WithShape (K1 i shape) (K1 i b x)) where
type Columns (WithShape (K1 i shape) (K1 i b x)) = K1Columns shape
instance (context ~ context', K1Helper (IsColumnApplication shape) context shape b) => Table context (WithShape context' (K1 i shape) (K1 i b x)) where
type Columns (WithShape context' (K1 i shape) (K1 i b x)) = K1Columns (IsColumnApplication shape) shape b
toColumns = toColumnsHelper @(IsColumnApplication shape) @context @shape @b . unK1 . forgetShape
fromColumns = WithShape . K1 . fromColumnsHelper @(IsColumnApplication shape) @context @shape @b
type family IsColumnApplication (a :: Type) :: Bool where
IsColumnApplication (SPINE a) = 'True
IsColumnApplication (SHAPE f a) = 'True
IsColumnApplication _ = 'False
IsColumnApplication (SPINE a) = 'True
IsColumnApplication _ = 'False
type family K1Columns (a :: Type) :: (Type -> Type) -> Type where
K1Columns (f (SHAPE _)) = f
K1Columns (f SPINE) = f
K1Columns (SHAPE f a) = HIdentity a
K1Columns (SPINE a) = HIdentity a
class (isColumnApplication ~ IsColumnApplication shape, HigherKindedTable (K1Columns isColumnApplication shape a)) => K1Helper (isColumnApplication :: Bool) (context :: Type -> Type) (shape :: Type) (a :: Type) where
type K1Columns isColumnApplication shape a :: (Type -> Type) -> Type
toColumnsHelper :: a -> K1Columns isColumnApplication shape a context
fromColumnsHelper :: K1Columns isColumnApplication shape a context -> a
class (isColumnApplication ~ IsColumnApplication shape, HigherKindedTable (K1Columns shape)) => K1Helper (isColumnApplication :: Bool) (context :: Type -> Type) (shape :: Type) (a :: Type) | isColumnApplication shape -> context where
toColumnsHelper :: a -> K1Columns shape context
fromColumnsHelper :: K1Columns shape context -> a
instance (Table context a, IsColumnApplication shape ~ 'False) => K1Helper 'False context shape a where
type K1Columns 'False shape a = Columns a
toColumnsHelper = toColumns
fromColumnsHelper = fromColumns
instance (HigherKindedTable f, context ~ g, h ~ f g) => K1Helper 'False context (f (SHAPE g)) h where
toColumnsHelper = id
fromColumnsHelper = id
instance (f ~ context, g ~ Column context a) => K1Helper 'True context (SHAPE f a) g where
instance (f ~ context, g ~ Column context a) => K1Helper 'True context (SPINE a) g where
type K1Columns 'True (SPINE a) g = HIdentity a
toColumnsHelper = HIdentity
fromColumnsHelper = unHIdentity
data SPINE a
data SHAPE (f :: Type -> Type) a
{-| Types that represent SQL tables.
You generally should not need to derive instances of this class manually, as
@ -255,9 +280,24 @@ data HPair x y (f :: Type -> Type) = HPair { hfst :: x f, hsnd :: y f }
deriving (Generic)
-- deriving instance (HigherKindedTable x, HigherKindedTable y) => HigherKindedTable (HPair x y)
data HPairField x y a where
HPairFst :: HField x a -> HPairField x y a
HPairSnd :: HField y a -> HPairField x y a
instance (HigherKindedTable x, HigherKindedTable y) => HigherKindedTable (HPair x y) where
type HConstrainTable (HPair x y) c = (HConstrainTable x c, HConstrainTable y c)
type HField (HPair x y) = HPairField x y
hfield (HPair l r) = \case
HPairFst i -> hfield l i
HPairSnd i -> hfield r i
htabulate f = HPair (htabulate (f . HPairFst)) (htabulate (f . HPairSnd))
hdicts = HPair hdicts hdicts
htraverse f (HPair x y) = HPair <$> htraverse f x <*> htraverse f y
instance (Table f a, Table f b) => Table f (a, b) where
@ -269,10 +309,21 @@ instance (Table f a, Table f b) => Table f (a, b) where
newtype HIdentity a f = HIdentity { unHIdentity :: Column f a }
data HIdentityField x y where
HIdentityField :: HIdentityField x x
instance HigherKindedTable (HIdentity a) where
type HConstrainTable (HIdentity a) c = (c a)
type HField (HIdentity a) = HIdentityField a
hfield (HIdentity a) HIdentityField = MkC a
htabulate f = HIdentity $ toColumn $ f HIdentityField
hdicts = HIdentity Dict
htraverse :: forall f g m. Applicative m => (forall x. C f x -> m (C g x)) -> HIdentity a f -> m (HIdentity a g)
htraverse f (HIdentity a) = HIdentity . toColumn @g <$> f (MkC a :: C f a)
-- | @Serializable@ witnesses the one-to-one correspondence between the type @sql@,
-- which contains SQL expressions, and the type @haskell@, which contains the

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@ -643,3 +643,7 @@ testDelete = databasePropertyTest "Can DELETE TestTable" \transaction -> do
Rel8.each testTableSchema
sort (deleted <> selected) === sort rows
data HKNestedPair f = HKNestedPair { pairOne :: (TestTable f, TestTable f) }
deriving (Generic, Rel8.HigherKindedTable)