Replace ResultType & ExprType with ExprFor and a FD

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Ollie Charles 2021-03-04 10:52:25 +00:00
parent 3e88e09a31
commit d112076151

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@ -332,16 +332,14 @@ newtype ReadShow a = ReadShow { fromReadShow :: a }
{-| Anything that has an instance of 'DBType' is an 'Expr'. This class packages that knowledge up. -}
( ExprType a ~ Expr a
, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a
, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)
( ExprFor (Expr a) a
, ExprFor (Expr (Maybe a)) (Maybe a)
) => AnExpr (a :: Type)
( ExprType a ~ Expr a
, ResultType (Expr a) ~ a
, ExprType (Maybe a) ~ Expr (Maybe a)
( ExprFor (Expr a) a
, ExprFor (Expr (Maybe a)) (Maybe a)
) => AnExpr a
@ -984,7 +982,7 @@ instance DBType a => HigherKindedTable (HIdentity a) where
@sql@, which contains SQL expressions, and the type @haskell@, which contains
the Haskell decoding of rows containing @sql@ SQL expressions.
class (Table Expr expr, expr ~ ExprType haskell, haskell ~ ResultType expr) => Serializable expr haskell where
class (ExprFor expr haskell, Table Expr expr) => Serializable expr haskell | expr -> haskell where
lit :: haskell -> expr
-- TODO Don't use Applicative f, instead supply a htraverse function. We _don't_ want access to 'pure'
@ -993,26 +991,14 @@ class (Table Expr expr, expr ~ ExprType haskell, haskell ~ ResultType expr) => S
-> RowParser (f haskell)
-- | Compute the corresponding expression type for a Haskell response type.
type family ExprType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ExprType (a, b) = (ExprType a, ExprType b)
ExprType (t Identity) = t Expr
ExprType (Maybe (t Identity)) = MaybeTable (t Expr)
ExprType (Maybe (a, b)) = MaybeTable (ExprType (a, b))
ExprType (Maybe a) = Expr (Maybe a)
ExprType [a] = ListTable (ExprType a)
ExprType (NonEmpty a) = NonEmptyTable (ExprType a)
ExprType a = Expr a
-- | Compute the corresponding expression type for a SQL response type.
type family ResultType (a :: Type) :: Type where
ResultType (a, b) = (ResultType a, ResultType b)
ResultType (t Expr) = t Identity
ResultType (Expr a) = a
ResultType (MaybeTable a) = Maybe (ResultType a)
ResultType (ListTable a) = [ResultType a]
ResultType (NonEmptyTable a) = NonEmpty (ResultType a)
class Table Expr expr => ExprFor expr haskell
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (DBType b, a ~ Expr b) => ExprFor a b
instance DBType a => ExprFor (Expr (Maybe a)) (Maybe a)
instance (ExprFor a b, Table Expr a) => ExprFor (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b)
instance (a ~ ListTable x, Table Expr (ListTable x), ExprFor x b) => ExprFor a [b]
instance (a ~ NonEmptyTable x, Table Expr (NonEmptyTable x), ExprFor x b) => ExprFor a (NonEmpty b)
instance (a ~ (a1, a2), ExprFor a1 b1, ExprFor a2 b2) => ExprFor a (b1, b2)
instance (HigherKindedTable t, a ~ t Expr, identity ~ Identity) => ExprFor a (t identity)
-- | Any higher-kinded records can be @SELECT@ed, as long as we know how to
@ -1044,7 +1030,7 @@ instance (Serializable a1 b1, Serializable a2 b2) => Serializable (a1, a2) (b1,
lit (a, b) = (lit a, lit b)
instance (ExprType (Maybe b) ~ MaybeTable a, Serializable a b) => Serializable (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b) where
instance Serializable a b => Serializable (MaybeTable a) (Maybe b) where
rowParser inject = do
tags <- fieldWith $ inject $ decode typeInformation
rows <- rowParser @a \fieldParser x y -> Compose <$> inject (fallback fieldParser) x y
@ -1417,7 +1403,7 @@ queryRunner
:: forall row haskell
. Serializable row haskell
=> Opaleye.FromFields row haskell
queryRunner = Opaleye.QueryRunner (void unpackspec) (const (runIdentity <$> rowParser (\f x y -> pure <$> f x y))) (const 1)
queryRunner = Opaleye.QueryRunner (void unpackspec) (const (runIdentity <$> rowParser @row (\f x y -> pure <$> f x y))) (const 1)
unpackspec :: Table Expr row => Opaleye.Unpackspec row row
@ -2010,7 +1996,7 @@ instance
pgArrayToZipList (PGArray a) = ZipList a
lit (map lit -> xs) = ListTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
lit (map (lit @a) -> xs) = ListTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield dbtypes field of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeInner $ listOf $
map (\x -> toColumn (hfield (toColumns x) field)) xs
@ -2070,7 +2056,7 @@ instance
PGArray [] -> returnError Incompatible x "Serializable.NonEmptyTable.rowParser: empty list"
_ -> pure list
lit (fmap lit -> xs) = NonEmptyTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
lit (fmap (lit @a) -> xs) = NonEmptyTable $ htabulate $ \field ->
case hfield dbtypes field of
MkC Dict -> MkC $ ComposeInner $ nonEmptyOf $
fmap (\x -> toColumn (hfield (toColumns x) field)) xs