Better documentation for bitraverseEitherTable

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Ollie Charles 2021-06-18 16:39:43 +01:00
parent b0183859d0
commit d21213d461

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@ -52,8 +52,22 @@ bindEitherTable query e@(EitherTable input a i) = do
EitherTable (input <> output) (bool a a' (isRightTable e)) b
-- | Extend an 'EitherTable' with queries for both 'leftTable' and
-- 'rightTable'.
-- | @bitraverseEitherTable f g x@ will pass all @leftTable@s through @f@ and
-- all @rightTable@s through @g@. The results are then lifted back into
-- @leftTable@ and @rightTable@, respectively. This is similar to 'bitraverse'
-- for 'Either'.
-- For example,
-- >>> :{
-- select do
-- x <- values (map lit [ Left True, Right (42 :: Int32) ])
-- bitraverseEitherTable (\y -> values [y, not_ y]) (\y -> pure (y * 100)) x
-- :}
-- [ Left True
-- , Left False
-- , Right 4200
-- ]
bitraverseEitherTable :: ()
=> (a -> Query c)
-> (b -> Query d)