2017-01-20 22:36:35 +00:00

1249 lines
40 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}
module Rel8
( -- $intro
-- * Defining Tables
, HasDefault(..)
, Nullable(..)
, BaseTable(..)
-- * Tables
, Table(..)
, leftJoin, inlineLeftJoin
, MaybeTable(..)
, Col(..)
-- * Expressions
, Expr(..), coerceExpr, dbShow
-- ** Equality
, DBEq, (==.), (?=.), in_, ilike
-- ** Ordering
, DBOrd, (>.), (>=.), (<.), (<=.)
-- ** Numeric Operators
, DBNum(..)
-- ** Boolean-valued expressions
, (&&.), (||.), not
-- ** Literals
, DBType(..), lit, dbNow
, TypeInfo(..), showableDbType, compositeDBType
-- ** Null
, toNullable , (?), isNull, nullable
-- * Aggregation
, AggregateTable(..), aggregate
, count, groupBy, DBSum(..), countStar, DBMin(..), DBMax(..), avg
, boolAnd, boolOr, stringAgg, arrayAgg, countDistinct
, countRows, Aggregate
-- * Querying Tables
, O.Query, O.QueryArr
, select
, QueryResult
, label
-- ** Filtering
, where_
, filterQuery
, distinct
, Predicate
-- ** Offset and limit
, O.limit
, O.offset
-- ** Ordering
, asc, desc, orderNulls, orderBy, OrderNulls(..)
-- * Modifying tables
, insert, insert1Returning, insertReturning
, update, updateReturning
, delete
, Default(..), Insert
-- * Re-exported symbols
, Connection, Stream, Of, Generic
-- * Unsafe routines
, unsafeCoerceExpr
, unsafeCastExpr
, dbFunction
, nullaryFunction
, dbBinOp
-- * Low-level details
, GenericBaseTable
) where
import Control.Applicative (Const(..), liftA2)
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Category ((.), id)
import Control.Monad (replicateM_)
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON, Value)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LazyByteString
import Data.Coerce (Coercible)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Functor.Contravariant (Contravariant(..))
import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import Data.Profunctor (dimap, lmap)
import Data.Profunctor.Product ((***!))
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..), proxy)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyText
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (toLazyText)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Scientific (scientificBuilder)
import Data.Time (UTCTime, Day, LocalTime, TimeOfDay)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.UUID (UUID)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple (Connection)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField (FromField)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromRow (RowParser, field)
import GHC.Generics
(Generic, Rep, K1(..), M1(..), (:*:)(..), from, to)
import GHC.TypeLits (Symbol, symbolVal, KnownSymbol)
import Generics.OneLiner
(ADTRecord, Constraints, For(..), createA, gtraverse, nullaryOp,
gfoldMap, AnyType)
import qualified Opaleye.Aggregate as O
import qualified Opaleye.Column as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Aggregate as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Column as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Distinct as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Join as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Order as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PackMap as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.PrimQuery as PrimQuery
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.QueryArr as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.RunQuery as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Table as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.TableMaker as O
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Unpackspec as O
import qualified Opaleye.Join as O
import Opaleye.Label (label)
import qualified Opaleye.Manipulation as O
import qualified Opaleye.Operators as O
import qualified Opaleye.Order as O
import qualified Opaleye.PGTypes as O
import qualified Opaleye.RunQuery as O
import qualified Opaleye.Table as O hiding (required)
import Prelude hiding (not, (.), id)
import Streaming (Of, Stream)
import Streaming.Prelude (each)
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S
infix 4 ==. , ?=. , <. , <=. , >. , >=.
infixr 2 ||., &&.
infixl 7 *.
-- | Indicate whether or not a column has a default value.
data HasDefault
= HasDefault
| NoDefault
-- | Indicate whether or not a column can take default values.
data Nullable
= Nullable
| NotNullable
-- | Database-side PostgreSQL expressions of a given type.
newtype Expr (t :: *) = Expr O.PrimExpr
-- | Safely coerce between 'Expr's. This uses GHC's 'Coercible' type class,
-- where instances are only available if the underlying representations of the
-- data types are equal. This routine is useful to cast out a newtype wrapper
-- and work with the underlying data.
-- If the @newtype@ wrapper has a custom 'DBType' (one not derived with
-- @GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving@) this function may be unsafe and could lead to
-- runtime exceptions.
coerceExpr :: Coercible a b => Expr a -> Expr b
coerceExpr (Expr a) = Expr a
dbShow :: DBType a => Expr a -> Expr Text
dbShow = unsafeCastExpr "text"
-- | Map a schema definition into a set of expressions that would select those
-- columns.
class InferBaseTableAttrExpr schema expr where
baseTableAttrExpr :: schema a -> expr a
instance (InferBaseTableAttrExpr schema expr) =>
InferBaseTableAttrExpr (M1 i c schema) (M1 i c expr) where
baseTableAttrExpr (M1 s) = M1 (baseTableAttrExpr s)
instance ( InferBaseTableAttrExpr fSchema fExpr
, InferBaseTableAttrExpr gSchema gExpr
) =>
InferBaseTableAttrExpr (fSchema :*: gSchema) (fExpr :*: gExpr) where
baseTableAttrExpr (l :*: r) = baseTableAttrExpr l :*: baseTableAttrExpr r
instance InferBaseTableAttrExpr (K1 i (Tagged name String)) (K1 i (Expr a)) where
baseTableAttrExpr (K1 (Tagged name)) = K1 (Expr (O.BaseTableAttrExpr name))
class Writer schema expr where
columnWriter :: schema a -> O.Writer (expr a) ()
instance (Writer schema expr) =>
Writer (M1 i c schema) (M1 i c expr) where
columnWriter (M1 s) = lmap (\(M1 a) -> a) (columnWriter s)
instance (Writer fSchema fExpr, Writer gSchema gExpr) =>
Writer (fSchema :*: gSchema) (fExpr :*: gExpr) where
columnWriter (l :*: r) =
dimap (\(l' :*: r') -> (l', r')) fst (columnWriter l ***! columnWriter r)
instance Writer (K1 i (Tagged name String)) (K1 i (Expr a)) where
columnWriter (K1 (Tagged name)) =
(\(K1 expr) -> exprToColumn expr)
(const ())
(O.required name)
instance Writer (K1 i (Tagged name String)) (K1 i (Default (Expr a))) where
columnWriter (K1 (Tagged name)) =
(\(K1 def) ->
case def of
InsertDefault -> O.Column O.DefaultInsertExpr
OverrideDefault expr -> exprToColumn expr)
(const ())
(O.required name)
-- | Witness the schema definition for table columns.
class WitnessSchema a where
schema :: a
instance KnownSymbol name =>
WitnessSchema (Tagged name String) where
schema = Tagged (symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy name))
data Schema a
class MapPrimExpr s where
mapPrimExpr :: Applicative f => (O.PrimExpr -> f O.PrimExpr) -> s -> f s
instance MapPrimExpr (Expr column) where
mapPrimExpr f (Expr a) = fmap Expr (f a)
-- TODO Unsure if we want to assume this type of table
class (ADTRecord (table Expr),ADTRecord (table Schema),Constraints (table Schema) WitnessSchema,InferBaseTableAttrExpr (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Expr)),Writer (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Insert)),Generic (table Insert)) => GenericBaseTable table
instance (ADTRecord (table Expr),ADTRecord (table Schema),Constraints (table Schema) WitnessSchema,InferBaseTableAttrExpr (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Expr)),Writer (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Insert)),Generic (table Insert)) => GenericBaseTable table
-- | 'BaseTable' @name record@ specifies that there is a table named @name@, and
-- the record type @record@ specifies the columns of that table.
class (KnownSymbol name, Table (table Expr) (table QueryResult)) =>
BaseTable (name :: Symbol) (table :: (* -> *) -> *) | table -> name where
-- | Query all rows in a table
queryTable :: O.Query (table Expr)
queryTable =
(O.ColumnMaker (O.PackMap traversePrimExprs))
tableDefinition :: O.Table (table Insert) (table Expr)
tableDefinition :: ( ADTRecord (table Expr)
, ADTRecord (table Schema)
, Constraints (table Schema) WitnessSchema
, InferBaseTableAttrExpr (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Expr))
, Writer (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Insert))
, Generic (table Insert)
=> O.Table (table Insert) (table Expr)
tableDefinition =
(symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy name))
(case lmap from (columnWriter (from tableSchema)) of
O.Writer f -> O.Writer f)
(O.View (to (baseTableAttrExpr (from tableSchema)))))
tableSchema :: table Schema
tableSchema = nullaryOp (For :: For WitnessSchema) schema
-- TODO Would really like to reconcile this with tableDefinition
tableDefinitionUpdate :: O.Table (table Expr) (table Expr)
tableDefinitionUpdate :: ( ADTRecord (table Expr)
, ADTRecord (table Schema)
, Constraints (table Schema) WitnessSchema
, InferBaseTableAttrExpr (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Expr))
, Writer (Rep (table Schema)) (Rep (table Expr))
=> O.Table (table Expr) (table Expr)
tableDefinitionUpdate =
(symbolVal (Proxy :: Proxy name))
(case lmap from (columnWriter (from tableSchema)) of
O.Writer f -> O.Writer f)
(O.View (to (baseTableAttrExpr (from tableSchema)))))
tableSchema :: table Schema
tableSchema = nullaryOp (For :: For WitnessSchema) schema
-- | 'Table' @expr haskell@ specifies that the @expr@ contains one or more
-- 'Expr' columns, and when this table is queried using 'select' it returns
-- the type @haskell@.
-- 'Table's are not necessarily concrete tables within a database. For example,
-- the join of two 'Table's (as witness by tuple construction) is itself a
-- 'Table'.
class Table expr haskell | expr -> haskell, haskell -> expr where
rowParser :: RowParser haskell
columnCount :: Tagged haskell Int
traversePrimExprs :: Applicative f => (O.PrimExpr -> f O.PrimExpr) -> expr -> f expr
default columnCount :: ADTRecord haskell => Tagged haskell Int
columnCount =
(getSum . getConst . head . getCompose $
(createA (For :: For AnyType) (Compose [Const (Sum 1)])
:: Compose [] (Const (Sum Int)) haskell))
default rowParser :: ( ADTRecord haskell
, Constraints haskell FromField
, Constraints haskell DBType
) =>
RowParser haskell
rowParser = head (getCompose (createA (For :: For FromField) (Compose [field])))
default traversePrimExprs :: ( Constraints expr MapPrimExpr
, ADTRecord expr
, Applicative f
=> (O.PrimExpr -> f O.PrimExpr) -> expr -> f expr
traversePrimExprs f = gtraverse (For :: For MapPrimExpr) (mapPrimExpr f)
unpackColumns :: Table expr haskell => O.Unpackspec expr expr
unpackColumns = O.Unpackspec (O.PackMap traversePrimExprs)
instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
( ADTRecord (table Expr)
, ADTRecord (table QueryResult)
, Constraints (table Expr) MapPrimExpr
, Constraints (table QueryResult) FromField
, Constraints (table QueryResult) DBType
) => Table (table Expr) (table QueryResult)
{-| All metadata about a column in a table.
'C' is used to specify information about individual columns in base
tables. While it is defined as a record, you construct 'Column's at the
type level where record syntax is unfortunately not available.
=== __Example__
data Employee f =
Employee { employeeName :: C f ('Column "employee_name" 'NoDefault 'NotNullable 'PGText) }
type family C (f :: * -> *) (columnName :: Symbol) (hasDefault :: HasDefault) (columnType :: t) :: * where
C Expr _name _def t = Expr t
C QueryResult _name _def t = t
C Schema name _def _t = Tagged name String
C Insert name 'HasDefault t = Default (Expr t)
C Insert name 'NoDefault t = Expr t
C Aggregate name _ t = Aggregate t
data Default a
= OverrideDefault a
| InsertDefault
-- | Interpret a 'Table' as Haskell values.
data QueryResult column
-- | Given a database query, execute this query and return a 'Stream' of
-- results.
:: (MonadIO m, Table rows results)
=> Connection -> O.Query rows -> Stream (Of results) m ()
select connection query = do
results <-
liftIO $
each results
queryRunner :: Table a b => O.QueryRunner a b
queryRunner =
O.QueryRunner (void unpackColumns)
(const rowParser)
(\_columns -> True) -- TODO Will we support 0-column queries?
-- TODO Template Haskell to generate these
-- TODO HList / Cons-list for n-ary
instance (Table a a', Table b b') =>
Table (a, b) (a', b') where
columnCount = Tagged
$ proxy columnCount (Proxy @a')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @b')
traversePrimExprs f (a, b) =
(,) <$> traversePrimExprs f a
<*> traversePrimExprs f b
rowParser =
(,) <$> rowParser
<*> rowParser
instance (Table a a', Table b b', Table c c') =>
Table (a, b, c) (a', b', c') where
columnCount = Tagged
$ proxy columnCount (Proxy @a')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @b')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @c')
traversePrimExprs f (a, b, c) =
(,,) <$> traversePrimExprs f a
<*> traversePrimExprs f b
<*> traversePrimExprs f c
rowParser =
(,,) <$> rowParser
<*> rowParser
<*> rowParser
instance (Table a a', Table b b', Table c c', Table d d') =>
Table (a, b, c, d) (a', b', c', d') where
columnCount = Tagged
$ proxy columnCount (Proxy @a')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @b')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @c')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @d')
traversePrimExprs f (a, b, c, d) =
(,,,) <$> traversePrimExprs f a
<*> traversePrimExprs f b
<*> traversePrimExprs f c
<*> traversePrimExprs f d
rowParser =
(,,,) <$> rowParser
<*> rowParser
<*> rowParser
<*> rowParser
instance (Table a a', Table b b', Table c c', Table d d', Table e e') =>
Table (a, b, c, d, e) (a', b', c', d', e') where
columnCount = Tagged
$ proxy columnCount (Proxy @a')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @b')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @c')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @d')
+ proxy columnCount (Proxy @e')
traversePrimExprs f (a, b, c, d, e) =
(,,,,) <$> traversePrimExprs f a
<*> traversePrimExprs f b
<*> traversePrimExprs f c
<*> traversePrimExprs f d
<*> traversePrimExprs f e
rowParser =
(,,,,) <$> rowParser
<*> rowParser
<*> rowParser
<*> rowParser
<*> rowParser
-- | Indicates that a given 'Table' might be @null@. This is the result of a
-- @LEFT JOIN@ between tables.
data MaybeTable row = MaybeTable (Expr Bool) row
deriving (Functor)
instance (Table expr haskell) =>
Table (MaybeTable expr) (Maybe haskell) where
columnCount = Tagged
$ 1 + proxy columnCount (Proxy @haskell)
traversePrimExprs f (MaybeTable (Expr tag) row) =
MaybeTable <$> (Expr <$> f tag) <*> traversePrimExprs f row
rowParser = do
isNull' <- field
if fromMaybe True isNull'
then Nothing <$ replicateM_ (proxy columnCount (Proxy @haskell)) (field :: RowParser (Maybe ()))
else fmap Just rowParser
-- | Project an expression out of a 'MaybeTable', preserving the fact that this
-- column might be @null@.
(?) :: ToNullable b maybeB => MaybeTable a -> (a -> Expr b) -> Expr maybeB
MaybeTable _ row ? f = toNullable (f row)
-- | Take the @LEFT JOIN@ of two tables.
:: (Table lExpr lHaskell, Table rExpr rHaskell, Predicate bool)
=> (lExpr -> rExpr -> Expr bool) -- ^ The condition to join upon.
-> O.Query lExpr -- ^ The left table
-> O.Query rExpr -- ^ The right table
-> O.Query (lExpr,MaybeTable rExpr)
leftJoin condition l r =
(unpackColumns ***! unpackColumns)
(O.NullMaker (\(tag, t) -> MaybeTable tag t))
(liftA2 (,) (pure (lit False)) r)
(\(a, (_, b)) -> exprToColumn (toNullableBool (condition a b)))
-- TODO Suspicious! See TODO
:: forall a haskell bool.
(Table a haskell, Predicate bool)
=> O.Query a -> O.QueryArr (a -> Expr bool) (MaybeTable a)
inlineLeftJoin q =
O.QueryArr $ \(p, left, t) ->
let O.QueryArr rightQueryF = liftA2 (,) (pure (lit False)) q
(right, pqR, t') = rightQueryF ((), PrimQuery.Unit, t)
((tag, renamed), ljPEsB) =
(O.runUnpackspec unpackColumns (O.extractLeftJoinFields 2 t') right)
in ( MaybeTable tag renamed
, PrimQuery.Join
(case toNullableBool (p renamed) of
Expr a -> a)
[] -- TODO !
, t')
data TypeInfo a = TypeInfo
{ formatLit :: a -> O.PrimExpr
, dbTypeName :: String
instance Contravariant TypeInfo where
contramap f info = info { formatLit = formatLit info . f }
-- | The class of Haskell values that can be mapped to database types.
-- The @name@ argument specifies the name of the type in the database
-- schema.
-- By default, if @a@ has a 'Show' instance, we define 'dbTypeInfo' to use
-- 'showableDbType'.
class FromField a => DBType a where
dbTypeInfo :: TypeInfo a
default dbTypeInfo :: Show a => TypeInfo a
dbTypeInfo = showableDbType
:: forall a b.
O.IsSqlType b
=> (a -> O.Column b) -> TypeInfo a
typeInfoFromOpaleye f =
TypeInfo {formatLit = O.unColumn . f, dbTypeName = O.showPGType (Proxy @b)}
-- | Construct 'TypeInfo' for values that are stored in the database with
-- 'show'. It is assumed that the underlying field type is @text@ (though
-- you can change this by pattern matching on the resulting 'TypeInfo').
showableDbType :: (Show a) => TypeInfo a
showableDbType = contramap show dbTypeInfo
-- | Show a type as a composite type. This is only valid for records, and
-- all fields in the record must be an instance of 'DBType'.
:: (ADTRecord t, Constraints t DBType)
=> String -- ^ The database schema name of the composite type
-> TypeInfo t
compositeDBType n =
{ formatLit =
catPrimExprs . gfoldMap (For :: For DBType) (pure . formatLit dbTypeInfo)
, dbTypeName = n
catPrimExprs :: [O.PrimExpr] -> O.PrimExpr
catPrimExprs = O.FunExpr ""
-- | Lift a Haskell value into a literal database expression.
lit :: DBType a => a -> Expr a
lit = Expr . formatLit dbTypeInfo
instance DBType Bool where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgBool
instance DBType Char where
dbTypeInfo = (typeInfoFromOpaleye (O.pgString . pure)) {dbTypeName = "char"}
instance DBType Int16 where
dbTypeInfo =
(typeInfoFromOpaleye (O.pgInt4 . fromIntegral)) {dbTypeName = "int2"}
instance DBType Int32 where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye (O.pgInt4 . fromIntegral)
instance DBType Int64 where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgInt8
instance DBType Double where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgDouble
instance DBType Float where
dbTypeInfo =
(typeInfoFromOpaleye (O.pgDouble . realToFrac)) {dbTypeName = "real"}
instance DBType a =>
DBType (Maybe a) where
dbTypeInfo =
{ formatLit = maybe (O.ConstExpr O.NullLit) (formatLit dbTypeInfo)
, dbTypeName = dbTypeName (dbTypeInfo @a)
instance DBType Text where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgStrictText
instance DBType String where
dbTypeInfo = contramap pack dbTypeInfo
instance DBType ByteString where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgStrictByteString
instance DBType UTCTime where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgUTCTime
instance DBType LazyText.Text where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgLazyText
instance DBType LazyByteString.ByteString where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgLazyByteString
instance DBType UUID where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgUUID
instance DBType Day where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgDay
instance DBType TimeOfDay where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgTimeOfDay
instance DBType LocalTime where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgLocalTime
instance DBType Scientific where
dbTypeInfo =
{ formatLit = formatLit dbTypeInfo . toLazyText . scientificBuilder
, dbTypeName = "numeric"
instance DBType Value where
dbTypeInfo = typeInfoFromOpaleye O.pgValueJSON
instance (DBType a, Typeable a) =>
DBType (Vector a) where
dbTypeInfo =
{ formatLit =
\xs ->
(O.Column (O.ArrayExpr (map (formatLit elemInfo) (toList xs)))))
, dbTypeName = typeName
typeName = dbTypeName elemInfo ++ "[]"
elemInfo = dbTypeInfo @a
columnToExpr :: O.Column a -> Expr b
columnToExpr (O.Column a) = Expr a
{- | A one column 'Table' of type @a@. This type is required for queries that
return only one column (for reasons of preserving type inference). It can
also be used to build "anonymous" tables, by joining multiple tables with
=== Example: Querying a single column
data TestTable f = TestTable { col :: Col f "col" 'NoDefault Int}
oneCol :: Stream (Of (Col Int))
oneCol = select connection $ testColumn <$> queryTable
=== Example: Building tables out of single columns
data T1 f = TestTable { col1 :: Col f "col" 'NoDefault Int}
data T2 f = TestTable { col2 :: Col f "col" 'NoDefault Bool}
q :: Stream (Of (Col Int, Col Bool))
q = select connection $ proc () -> do
t1 <- queryTable -< ()
t2 <- queryTable -< ()
returnA -< (col1 t1, col2 t2)
newtype Col a = Col { unCol :: a }
deriving (Show, ToJSON, FromJSON, Read, Eq, Ord)
instance (DBType a) =>
Table (Expr a) (Col a) where
columnCount = Tagged 1
traversePrimExprs f (Expr a) = Expr <$> f a
rowParser = fmap Col field
-- | Lift an 'Expr' to be nullable. Like the 'Just' constructor.
-- If an Expr is already nullable, then this acts like the identity function.
-- This is useful as it allows projecting an already-nullable column from a left
-- join.
class ToNullable a maybeA | a -> maybeA where
toNullable :: Expr a -> Expr maybeA
instance ToNullableHelper a maybeA (IsMaybe a) => ToNullable a maybeA where
toNullable = toNullableHelper (Proxy :: Proxy (IsMaybe a))
class ToNullableHelper a maybeA join | join a -> maybeA where
toNullableHelper :: proxy join -> Expr a -> Expr maybeA
instance ToNullableHelper a (Maybe a) 'False where
toNullableHelper _ = unsafeCoerceExpr @(Maybe a)
instance ToNullableHelper (Maybe a) (Maybe a) 'True where
toNullableHelper _ = id
class Predicate a where
toNullableBool :: Expr a -> Expr (Maybe Bool)
instance Predicate Bool where
toNullableBool = toNullable
instance Predicate (Maybe Bool) where
toNullableBool = id
type family IsMaybe (a :: *) :: Bool where
IsMaybe (Maybe a) = 'True
IsMaybe _ = 'False
-- | The class of types that can be compared for equality within the database.
class DBType a => DBEq a where
(==.) :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
Expr a ==. Expr b = Expr (O.BinExpr (O.:==) a b)
(?=.) :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr (Maybe Bool)
a ?=. b = toNullable (unsafeCoerceExpr @a a ==. unsafeCoerceExpr @a b)
instance DBEq Bool where
instance DBEq Char where
instance DBEq Double where
instance DBEq Float where
instance DBEq Int16 where
instance DBEq Int32 where
instance DBEq Int64 where
instance DBEq Text where
instance DBEq UTCTime where
class Booleanish a where
not :: a -> a
(&&.) :: a -> a -> a
(||.) :: a -> a -> a
instance Booleanish (Expr Bool) where
not (Expr a) = Expr (O.UnExpr O.OpNot a)
Expr a &&. Expr b = Expr (O.BinExpr O.OpAnd a b)
Expr a ||. Expr b = Expr (O.BinExpr O.OpOr a b)
instance Booleanish (Expr (Maybe Bool)) where
not = unsafeCoerceExpr . not . unsafeCoerceExpr @Bool
a &&. b = unsafeCoerceExpr (unsafeCoerceExpr @Bool a &&. unsafeCoerceExpr @Bool b)
a ||. b = unsafeCoerceExpr (unsafeCoerceExpr @Bool a ||. unsafeCoerceExpr @Bool b)
-- | (Unsafely) coerce the phantom type given to 'Expr'. This operation is
-- not witnessed by the database at all, so use with care! For example,
-- @unsafeCoerceExpr :: Expr Int -> Expr Text@ /will/ end up with an exception
-- when you finally try and run a query!
unsafeCoerceExpr :: forall b a. Expr a -> Expr b
unsafeCoerceExpr (Expr a) = Expr a
-- | Use a cast operation in the database layer to convert between Expr types.
-- This is unsafe as it is possible to introduce casts that cannot be performed
-- by PostgreSQL. For example,
-- @unsafeCastExpr "timestamptz" :: Expr Bool -> Expr UTCTime@ makes no sense.
unsafeCastExpr :: forall b a. String -> Expr a -> Expr b
unsafeCastExpr t = columnToExpr . O.unsafeCast t . exprToColumn
-- | Used to tag 'Expr's that are the result of aggregation
data Aggregate a = Aggregate (Maybe O.AggrOp) O.PrimExpr O.AggrDistinct
count :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
count (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrCount) a O.AggrAll
countDistinct :: Expr a -> Aggregate Int64
countDistinct (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrCount) a O.AggrDistinct
groupBy :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
groupBy (Expr a) = Aggregate Nothing a O.AggrAll
countStar :: Aggregate Int64
countStar = count (lit @Int64 0)
class DBAvg a res | a -> res where
avg :: Expr a -> Aggregate res
avg (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrAvg) a O.AggrAll
instance DBAvg Int64 Scientific
instance DBAvg Double Double
instance DBAvg Int32 Scientific
instance DBAvg Scientific Scientific
instance DBAvg Int16 Scientific
-- | The class of data types that can be aggregated under the @sum@ operation.
class DBSum a res | a -> res where
sum :: Expr a -> Aggregate b
sum (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrSum) a O.AggrAll
instance DBSum Int64 Scientific
instance DBSum Double Double
instance DBSum Int32 Int64
instance DBSum Scientific Scientific
instance DBSum Float Float
instance DBSum Int16 Int64
class DBType a => DBMax a where
max :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
max (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrMax) a O.AggrAll
instance DBMax Int64
instance DBMax Char
instance DBMax Double
instance DBMax Int32
instance DBMax Scientific
instance DBMax Float
instance DBMax Int16
instance DBMax Text
instance DBMax LocalTime
instance DBMax UTCTime
instance DBMax a => DBMax (Maybe a)
class DBType a => DBMin a where
min :: Expr a -> Aggregate a
min (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrMin) a O.AggrAll
instance DBMin Int64
instance DBMin Char
instance DBMin Double
instance DBMin Int32
instance DBMin Scientific
instance DBMin Float
instance DBMin Int16
instance DBMin Text
instance DBMin LocalTime
instance DBMin UTCTime
instance DBMin a => DBMin (Maybe a)
boolOr :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
boolOr (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrBoolOr) a O.AggrAll
boolAnd :: Expr Bool -> Aggregate Bool
boolAnd (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrBoolAnd) a O.AggrAll
arrayAgg :: Expr a -> Aggregate [a]
arrayAgg (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just O.AggrArr) a O.AggrAll
stringAgg :: Expr String -> Expr String -> Aggregate String
stringAgg (Expr combiner) (Expr a) = Aggregate (Just (O.AggrStringAggr combiner)) a O.AggrAll
countRows :: O.Query a -> O.Query (Expr Int64)
countRows = fmap columnToExpr . O.countRows
class AggregateTable columns result | columns -> result, result -> columns where
aggregator :: O.Aggregator columns result
instance AggregateTable (Aggregate a) (Expr a) where
aggregator =
(\f (Aggregate op ex dis) -> fmap Expr (f (fmap (,[],dis) op, ex))))
instance (AggregateTable a1 b1, AggregateTable a2 b2) =>
AggregateTable (a1, a2) (b1, b2) where
aggregator = aggregator ***! aggregator
:: AggregateTable table result
=> O.Query table -> O.Query result
aggregate = O.aggregate aggregator
distinct :: Table table haskell => O.Query table -> O.Query table
distinct =
(O.Aggregator (O.PackMap (\f -> traversePrimExprs (\e -> f (Nothing,e))))))
data Insert a
:: (BaseTable tableName table, MonadIO m)
=> Connection -> [table Insert] -> m Int64
insert conn rows =
liftIO (O.runInsertMany conn tableDefinition rows)
:: (BaseTable tableName table, MonadIO m)
=> Connection -> [table Insert] -> Stream (Of (table QueryResult)) m ()
insertReturning conn rows =
do results <-
liftIO (O.runInsertManyReturningExplicit queryRunner conn tableDefinition rows id)
each results
:: (BaseTable tableName table,MonadIO m)
=> Connection -> table Insert -> m (table QueryResult)
insert1Returning c = fmap fromJust . S.head_ . insertReturning c . pure
:: (BaseTable tableName table, Predicate bool, MonadIO m)
=> Connection
-> (table Expr -> Expr bool)
-> (table Expr -> table Expr)
-> m Int64
update conn f up =
liftIO $
(exprToColumn . toNullableBool . f)
:: (BaseTable tableName table, Predicate bool, MonadIO m)
=> Connection
-> (table Expr -> Expr bool)
-> (table Expr -> table Expr)
-> Stream (Of (table QueryResult)) m ()
updateReturning conn f up = do
r <-
liftIO $
(exprToColumn . toNullableBool . f)
each r
-- | Given a 'BaseTable' and a predicate, @DELETE@ all rows that match.
:: (BaseTable name table, Predicate bool)
=> Connection
-> (table Expr -> Expr bool)
-> IO Int64
delete conn f =
O.runDelete conn tableDefinition (exprToColumn . toNullableBool . f)
where_ :: Predicate bool => O.QueryArr (Expr bool) ()
where_ = lmap (exprToColumn . toNullableBool) O.restrict
filterQuery :: Predicate bool => (a -> Expr bool) -> O.Query a -> O.Query a
filterQuery f q = proc _ -> do
row <- q -< ()
where_ -< f row
id -< row
isNull :: Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr Bool
isNull = columnToExpr . O.isNull . exprToColumn
in_ :: DBEq a => Expr a -> [Expr a] -> Expr Bool
in_ x = foldl' (\b y -> x ==. y ||. b) (lit False)
ilike :: Expr Text -> Expr Text -> Expr Bool
a `ilike` b =
columnToExpr (O.binOp (O.OpOther "ILIKE") (exprToColumn a) (exprToColumn b))
class Function arg res where
-- | Build a function of multiple arguments.
mkFunctionGo :: ([O.PrimExpr] -> O.PrimExpr) -> arg -> res
instance (DBType a, arg ~ Expr a) =>
Function arg (Expr res) where
mkFunctionGo mkExpr (Expr a) = Expr (mkExpr [a])
instance (DBType a, arg ~ Expr a, Function args res) =>
Function arg (args -> res) where
mkFunctionGo f (Expr a) = mkFunctionGo (f . (a :))
dbFunction :: Function args result => String -> args -> result
dbFunction = mkFunctionGo . O.FunExpr
nullaryFunction :: DBType a => String -> Expr a
nullaryFunction name = Expr (O.FunExpr name [])
-- | Eliminate 'PGNull' from the type of an 'Expr'. Like 'maybe' for Haskell
-- values.
:: Expr b -> (Expr a -> Expr b) -> Expr (Maybe a) -> Expr b
nullable a f b =
(exprToColumn a)
(exprToColumn . f . columnToExpr)
(exprToColumn b))
dbBinOp :: String -> Expr a -> Expr b -> Expr c
dbBinOp op a b =
columnToExpr (O.binOp (O.OpOther op) (exprToColumn a) (exprToColumn b))
dbNow :: Expr UTCTime
dbNow = nullaryFunction "now"
class DBEq a => DBOrd a where
-- | The PostgreSQL @<@ operator.
(<.) :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
a <. b = not (a >=. b)
-- | The PostgreSQL @<=@ operator.
(<=.) :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
a <=. b = not (a >. b)
-- | The PostgreSQL @>@ operator.
(>.) :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
a >. b = not (a <=. b)
-- | The PostgreSQL @>@ operator.
(>=.) :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr Bool
a >=. b = not (a <. b)
instance DBOrd Bool where
instance DBOrd Char where
instance DBOrd Double where
instance DBOrd Float where
instance DBOrd Int16 where
instance DBOrd Int32 where
instance DBOrd Int64 where
instance DBOrd Text where
instance DBOrd UTCTime where
newtype PGOrdering a =
PGOrdering (a -> [(O.OrderOp, O.PrimExpr)])
deriving (Monoid)
asc :: DBOrd b => (a -> Expr b) -> PGOrdering a
asc f =
(\x ->
case f x of
Expr a -> [(O.OrderOp O.OpAsc O.NullsFirst,a)])
desc :: DBOrd b => (a -> Expr b) -> PGOrdering a
desc f =
(\x ->
case f x of
Expr a -> [(O.OrderOp O.OpDesc O.NullsFirst,a)])
data OrderNulls
= NullsFirst
| NullsLast
deriving (Enum,Ord,Eq,Read,Show,Bounded)
:: DBOrd b
=> ((a -> Expr b) -> PGOrdering a)
-> OrderNulls
-> (a -> Expr (Maybe b))
-> PGOrdering a
orderNulls direction nulls f =
case direction (unsafeCoerceExpr . f) of
PGOrdering g ->
(\a ->
(first (\(O.OrderOp orderO _) -> O.OrderOp orderO nullsDir))
(g a))
nullsDir =
case nulls of
NullsFirst -> O.NullsFirst
NullsLast -> O.NullsLast
:: PGOrdering a -> O.Query a -> O.Query a
orderBy (PGOrdering f) = O.orderBy (O.Order f)
class DBType a => DBNum a where
(*.) :: Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
a *. b = columnToExpr (O.binOp (O.:*) (exprToColumn a) (exprToColumn b))
instance DBNum Double where
instance DBNum Float where
instance DBNum Int16 where
instance DBNum Int32 where
instance DBNum Int64 where
exprToColumn :: Expr a -> O.Column b
exprToColumn (Expr a) = O.Column a
{- $intro
Welcome to @rel8@!
@rel8@ is a library that builds open the fantastic @opaleye@ to query
databases. The main objectives of @rel8@ are:
* /Conciseness/: Users using @rel8@ should not need to write boiler-plate
code. By using expressive types, we can provide sufficient information
for the compiler to infer code whenever possible.
* /Inferrable/: Despite using a lot of type level magic, it should never
be a requirement that the user must provide a type signature to allow a
program to compile.
With that said, let's dive in and see an example of a program using @rel8@.
=== Required language extensions and imports
Arrows, DataKinds, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleInstances,
MultiParamTypeClasses #- }
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Rel8
To use @rel8@, you will need a few language extensions:
* @Arrows@ is necessary to use @proc@ notation. As with @opaleye@, @rel8@
uses arrows to guarantee queries are valid.
* @DataKinds@ is used to promote values to the type level when defining
table/column metadata.
* @DeriveGeneric@ is used to automatically derive functions from schema
The others are used to provide the type system extensions needed by @rel8@.
=== Defining base tables
In order to query a database of existing tables, we need to let @rel8@ know
about these tables, and the schema for each table. This is done by defining
a Haskell /record/ for each table in the database. These records should have
a type of the form @C f name hasDefault t@. Let's see how that looks with some
example tables:
data Part f =
Part { partId :: 'C' f \"PID\" ''HasDefault' Int
, partName :: 'C' f \"PName\" ''NoDefault' Text
, partColor :: 'C' f \"Color\" ''NoDefault' Int
, partWeight :: 'C' f \"Weight\" ''NoDefault' Double
, partCity :: 'C' f \"City\" ''NoDefault' Text
} deriving (Generic)
instance 'BaseTable' "part" Part
The @Part@ table has 5 columns, each defined with the @C f ('Column ...)@
pattern. For each column, we are specifying:
1. The column name
2. Whether or not this column has a default value when inserting new rows.
In this case @partId@ does, as this is an auto-incremented primary key
managed by the database.
3. Whether or not the column can take @null@ values.
4. The type of the column.
After defining the table, we finally need to make an instance of 'BaseTable'
so @rel8@ can query this table. By using @deriving (Generic)@, we simply need
to write @instance BaseTable "part" Part@. The string @"part"@ here is the
name of the table in the database (which could differ from the name of the
type @Part@).
=== Querying tables
With tables defined, we are now ready to write some queries. All base
-- Query a single Expr (Maybe a) gives a conflicting fundep error
-- litTable :: Table expr haskell => haskell -> expr